Wednesday, March 18, 2020
REVIEW: SUPERGIRL - SEASON 5.15: "Reality Bytes"
Lots of things going on around our Girl of Steel. After dispatching of a woman who was seeking revenge against Andrea Rojas and her Obsidian Platinum VR Lenses, she still has to contend with whatever it is that Lex and Lena are planning, the hassle of Andrea--either protecting her or dealing with her as Kara Danvers, the looming threat of Leviathan....and dating. Lex is still getting cozy with Jemma, as he hopes to learn the secrets of Leviathan, so he can control them---as well as everything else. Jemmia sees Lex as an annoyance, but useful. But has no regrets about throwing him out with the trash when they're done. Andrea just discovered her Shadow powers, so who knows what THAT will mean, and Alex is looking to fit in after her stint in the DEO. Brainy is now feeling like working with Lex is a bad idea, and Kara looks to get closer to William...while they're still trying to unravel the truth as to Lex's plans. And Lena---still isn't budging on her quest. But it will have bad ripple effect for her in the last few episodes of the season. So...without further ado, let's fly into National City, and see what's what.
Our focus this week centers on our Dreamgirl, Nia Nall. But before we get to the nitty gritty of this week's installment, we also have another story going on involving the Obsidian Tech VR Glasses. A young man is observing a winter display, as he watches kids chase a real live snowman, and observes life around him. But apparently, it's a bit too emotionally painful for him, so he looks to get out of the simulation by pressing on the escape option. doesn't work. Kelly Olsen then has to use a shot to get him out. He's not happy, and when Kelly asks why he didn't use the failsafe, he said he tried, but it didn't work. She says she will ensure that the failsafe is working, and the glitch WILL be repaired, and apologizes to the man - Richard Bates. Then, an elderly nurse walks in, and says that she will give the man his exit interview. It's Margo from Leviathan. This happens two months prior to today.
We jump to present day, where Dreamer and Supergirl have teamed up to save the day against a Dominator who got loose, but Dreamer pretty much did the heavy lifting. Dreamer reminds Supergirl of her date as Kara Danvers, and tells her to go, she's got this all wrapped up. Supergirl flies off, and Agent Dox shows up, and both Brainy and Dreamer greet each other, but it's an awkward moment to say the least.
Kara, on the other hand, is worried about her date with William, and is asking Alex for advice. While Alex is giving her an idea at what to wear, she says she's been working on the new weapon that J'Onn gave her, and tries showing off to Kara. It works briefly, but for some reason, it doesn't work all the time. She still has some practice, apparently. They also talk about Nia, and how proud Kara is of her, as she's gotten better in her role as Dreamer. It's nice that she has someone who can handle National City while she can take a break and go out on a date. They overhear a news story about Lex bringing the Obsidian lenses to Qurac. They turn it off, because they don't wanna hear about Lex, even though he is STILL a problem they have to deal with. Kara is off to her date.
We see Nia at home with her roommate Yvette, who's looking forward to her upcoming date with a man she made contact with through a dating site. They haven't met in person, but Yvette is hopeful. Nia plans on just lounging at home, but Yvette will have none of it. She drags Nia to this club where Yvette was going to meet this dream date of hers.
William and Kara are at a bar, where they're about to shoot a game of pool. Kara knows she has to be careful (because of her powers), and kind of plays coy with William about not having played pool before...or, at least, not very well. He teases her a little, and she goes for the opening shot---and proceeds to drain every ball. She laughs, and chalks it up to beginners luck, and he laughs. The date is going well.
Nia and Yvette are at the club, waiting for Mr. Dreamboat, when Nia gets a vision in her head about bloody hands. It forces her out of her little trance, and she heads to the bathroom. Yvette gets a text from her date, saying to meet her outside the club. A white gentlemen shows up and engages in a quick convo with her before she says she's meeting her date outside, and goes to meet him, only to have the gentlemen follow her. It turns out, he set her up by being "Mr. Wonderful", and says that she lied about herself on the website. While in the bathroom, Nia gets yet another vision about Yvette, and she races outside to find that Yvette had been beaten by this man. He did leave a note for Dreamer, however. The note saying that Dreamer is a terrible role model, and they don't need a trans superhero. She needs to go away, or he'll keep attacking people like her until she does. This upsets Nia deeply, as she holds her friend. Later at home, Yvette gives them a description of her assilant, and the officer assures her he will do all he can to find this guy. He promises to check back in with her later. Yvette is too upset,and heads into her room. Kara arrives, and checks in with Nia. She is so sorry and apologizes to Nia for not being there for them. Nia says that Yvette isn't just physically hurt, she's heartbroken. She thought the person online really liked her. But this guy hates trans people, and she is going to find him, and bury him. Kara tries to understand Nia's pain, but Nia isn't up for a Supergirl like lecture. This kind of thing happens in her community a lot more than they know. Nia feels it is HER duty to protect her community. She isn't going to hide and run away. She won't let it happen. Kara tries one more chance to reason with her. Asks her to let her handle it. Nia throwns down the ultimatum: She's got a few hours with which to find him and bring him to justice. Otherwise, she's doing it HER way.
Alex is still having issues trying to harness the weapon J'Onn have her properly. J'Onn tells her that it takes a little time for the weapon to bond to her bio-matrix. She needs to be patient. She has to allow it to become a part of her. He knows she's still adjusting to life outside the DEO, but she needs to focus on a clear path. She has one: she wants to stop Lex, and get the DEO away from him, and take it back. An alarm goes off in the Tower, and they have a guest: Al the alien bartender. He's looking for his brother Trevor, who seems to have disappeared. Seems that lately, Trevor has spent a lot of time online, and got an invite to a VR party in what they call "Virtual Las Vegas". He went with some buddies, but that was well over a week ago. He hasn't come back, and now Al is concerned. J'Onn says that he wants to look around their place to spot any clues, and Alex says that she'll talk to Kelly at Obsidian ,and see what's going on with this Virtual Las Vegas thing.
Brainy is at work, looking at clips of Dreamer's battle against the Dominator, when he gets a call from Kara. Kara explalins to him what's going on with Nia, and asks for his help in tracking down the man who attacked Yvette.
Alex and Kelly talk about what she'll face as Alex enters into VR to find Trevor in this "Virtual Las Vegas". Kelly gives her special lenses, and everything she feels, smells, and tastes will feel real. Kelly will keep tabs on her from the real world, but once Alex enters, there are no rules. Alex goes in, and she gets into the Vegas option, and is on her search for Trevor. She is looking for a place called the Escape Palace. Meanwhile, J'Onn is at Al's checking out the place, and asking Al about Trevor and his friends. Al says that Trevor has been spending a lot of time retreating into VR. J'Onn has found a couple of names connected with Trevor's trip, and asks Al for a momento of sorts that he can psychically link with, and help find him for Alex. Speaking of Alex, she asks around about the Escape Palace, and it shows a creepy house on a hill outside the window. She goes in, and she manages to find two men---presumably Trevor's friends---in water tanks that are filling up, and they're drowning. They can't activate their failsafes. Apparently, someone hacked the system and got around them. If Alex doesn't break them free, they could suffer brain damage. So, Alex uses her Martian weapon to help break them out. She inquires where Trevor is, and they said that he went through a door behind Alex with a man named Richard. He's new to the group, but apparently, they played on these men's fears, and they were left behind. He didn't allow them to escape. Kelly informs J'Onn of the proceedings. He is in Opal City checking up on a lead, and he runs across a Mrs. Bates.
Nia calls the police detective, and is getting an update on the case. He says that he's put the face out there, and they're still searching, but it's going to take time. Nia thanks him and hangs up. She apologizes to Kara, and says that she gave her time, but her time is up. Now, she's going to handle it on her own. She starts setting up a dating profile on the same site that Yvette was on.
J'Onn talks to Mrs. Bates, and she says she doesn't know Trevor, or Richard, but he knows she's lying. She says that Richard (who happens to be the same man we met at the beginning of the show), is her husband, and he's an electrical engineer. They haven't exactly had the greatest marriage. He does his thing, and she gets away through VR. J'Onn stresses that he needs to find them both, otherwise, they will suffer permanent brain damage.
One of Brainy's agents comes up to him with information about hate groups towards the transgender community. She hesitates as he's looking at Nia's personal file on the dating site. He excuses the woman.
Back in VR, Alex has a little trouble trying to get through the door. While she's making an effort, Kelly explains to her that Richard seemed to think that Trevor was having a virtural affair with his wife. Kelly says that she needs to discuss with Andrea about improper use of the VR. Alex uses her weapon again to fashion a key, and get in. However, the scene changes a bit, and Alex and Kelly get cut off. Alex is on her own.
William and Kara are back at CatCo, working on an article discussing the attacks on the transgendered community, when she gets a call from Brainy. Who informs her that Nia is taking initiative to find this guy by drawing him out, by using herself as bait. He sends her the picture Nia put online. Kara has to take off.
Alex finds Trevor...who seems to not be able to stop blowing up, and reassembling, and blowing up again. Richard is coming, and he finds Alex. He wants her gone, but she refuses to leave. He then attacks her. Alex fights back, and beats him. He wakes up in real life, and has no intention of letting her win, and as he's about to go back in, J'Onn shows up. He tries to go after J'Onn, but J'Onn easily puts him down. J'Onn manages to give Alex the address to where Trevor is located, and she's on her way. Especially once she coaches Trevor how to control the VR.
The hateful attacker shows up, looking to meet Nia, but she shows up as Dreamer instead. He says she isn't supposed to be there, but she says that's too bad. He goes to stab her, but she beats him down, and then uses her powers to subdue him around the neck. He says that she's not a role model for superheroes, and that she's disguting. He feels heroes are supposed to be virtuous and honest. Because trans people lie about who they really are, she isn't. She's disgusted with him, because his fragile little ego is shattered, but she's going to make it to where he never harms anyone again. Supergirl arrives in time, and tries to talk Dreamer down. She apologizes for not seeing this threat much sooner...but now that it's out in the open, they will be more vigilant, the world will know this man's hate. Supergirl says that she understands, but if Dreamer takes this man's life---he wins. This community NEEDS her as their hero. Don't give into hate. Dreamer relents, but not before she says that he's going to jail. And if he gets out, and tries anything again---she's going to give him a nightmare he'll never wake up from.
Later on, Kara sees Nia on the balcony of CatCo, and Nia cries...saying that she almost killed a man tonight. Kara consoles her, and Nia says that she had a dream, but couldn't make it out. Couldn't interpet it, until it was too late. She couldn't save Yvette. Kara says that sometimes being the hero sucks. But NOT giving into hate, not killing--THAT is what separates them. Kara apologizes for not seeing Nia's pain, and they hug.
Alex and Kelly are having a drink, when they discuss what went on inthe VR world. They argree that ANY VR flirting is considered cheating, and that while Kelly believes in what she's doing, she flagged the glitch two months ago, and it SHOULD'VE been fixed. Then, Trevor shows up to thank Alex in person, and that he's grateful. She invites him for a drink.
Yvette is looking to delete all her social media. She's done trying to put herself out there, when she's got such an uphill mountain to climb. Not just being transgender, but being a black transgender. She really liked this guy. Nia says that if she does that,then they win. That's what they want---to make them hide and disappear. That's not gonna happen. If anything, they need to shine brighter. She calls Yevette a beautiful woman. Yvette hugs her friend. Meanwhile, Brainy meets up with the detective on Yvette's assault case, and gives him info on the hate group Yvette's attacker was a part of. They were also responsible for other crimes, and maight help with some of his cold cases. He's thankful, but asks why, and Brainy says that the DEO takes their sister superheroes seriously.
Later on, Alex is ready to train with J'Onn again, but still, can't get the weapon to work. She said it worked in VR, but he says that's VR---she still needs to allow the weapon to bond with her. The phone rings, and it's her mother. The news seems shocking. She then shows up at Kara's door, and says that they found Jeremiah's body---he's dead.
Mrs. Bates checks up on her husband, and Margo is there, saying that he is in good hands. Mrs. Bates leaves, and Margo pushes Richard to a room where there are A LOT of other VR bodies.
This episode took on a couple of serious subject matters: Hiding in a virtual fantasy, and prejudice. It was a good episode that kind of taught us a couple of things tonight.
First of all: Virtual Reality. I can see the benefits of it---but there's so many types of it. Aside from losing yourself into a virtual world, where you can play a character, or live out a fantasy, there's also the virtual reality of cyberspace itself. This played out a bit with Yvette's dating site. See, it's one thing to create an online profile to scare up a date, and find love. But how honest ARE people ON these sites? You always want to make yourself up to the best representation of yourself---even if you embellish. What got Yvette attacked was that the attacker felt she lied on her profile...which she did. But that wasn't all. And we'll get to that in a bit. The other is an entire fantasy get away from the life we normally lead. It's been one of the many underlying storylines this season: Andrea's company releasing VR lenses to take you out into another world---now, another world with a deeper sense of realism. A better place that allows you to explore your fantasies. But at what cost? When does the virtual world BECOME your reality? The lines are blurring daily. Sometimes, virtual life seems better than the scariness and harshness of the real world. Much as it's fun to get becomes more of an addiction when you live in this virtual space, and spend less time in your actual reality. And there are no rules in Trevor, Richard, and Mrs. Bates found out the hard way. Richard used his genius to hack into the VR, and change his target's exit codes, therefore, they're trapped inside that world. It nearly had dangerous consequences. It certainly did with Richard. Now, Leviathan is using that to their advantage. One that Kelly will find out the hard way, when the reality hits HER in the face.
The BIG story tonight was one of prejudice. The transgender community is one that is rife with targets of hate, prejudice, and violence. Sadly, the men and women of this community are victimized daily---just by wanting to be who they want to be. It's unfortunate that there are those in the world who wish to do harm to people who endure enough criticism for wanting to be the people they wish to be...even if it means changing to something else. For Nia Nall (and, for that matter, actress Nicole Maines herself), have to deal with this daily, and it came to roost at Dreamer's doorstep. For all the heroic deeds she's performed, and goodwill among the community she's built, there is this ONE man...who took advantage of HER best friend and roommate---beat her, and threatened Dreamer that she either disappeared. He believes that the transgender community lies about who they really are. It's a rhetoric that has been of debate for many--but sadly, cruelty and violence follow. Nia's friend being attacked is just one aspect. Many have been murdered simply because of who they are. So, it's a difficult subject to tackle, and one that's going to put people on opposite sides. But I thought those involved portrayed their characters well, and I credit the actress who portrayed Yvette for her work, as well as Nicole. This is gutwrenching when you tell a story that is very near and dear to your heart---but have to live through the anger and hate that comes your way. I know it couldn't have been easy for the both of them, but I tip my cap to them for doing some mighty damn fine work in showing us what we don't normally get to see---but should. It was also nice to see Brainy contribute. No matter the awkwardness between Brainy and Nia---she still loves him, and we KNOW it's killing him to NOT be with her. Those other two Brainiacs aside, he should just be with her. Becuase I feel those other two are playing him...maybe it's just ME.
The other little tidbit was Alex. Her still battling with impatience in wanting to be a bigger contibutor to the team, by trying to get to learn this weapon fast. She still feels lost, enough though she went into the VR, and saved the day. She's still too hard on herself. Hopefully, she'll come around. The bombshell Eliza dropped tonight over the phone was interesting. Jeremiah is dead. Now the mystery begins...who killed him? Was it Lex? Or was it Leviathan? That mystery can't be left hanging. But we're now getting into the home stretch of this season, so I expect all storylines to pick up the pace.
That's it for this week, and I hope you all enjoyed the blog. We're continuing to evolve, and look for more changes down the road. Until then, please subscribe, pass the good word, and leave a comment, and lemme know what YOU all think!
Until next time...Up, Up, and Away!
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