Monday, April 29, 2019
DC'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW: Season 4, Ep. 12: "The Eggplant, The Witch, and the Wardrobe"
After missing out on blogging about our wild time travelling bunch, we're back to drop in on our ragtag band of heroes, and see what trouble they've managed to land themselves in. And -- as usual -- it's a lot! Death, demons, and relationship woes surround our team as we dive into this week's installment.
Picking up from last couple of episodes, we start off with the team...Nate especially...reeling from the loss of Hank Heywood, who was killed by the demon Neron, who found out Hank reneged on a deal to supply him with magical creatures for an army. Neron has been occupying John's flame Dez as a host. He's been looking for a new one for his girlfriend Tabitha, and decided Ava was a good option, so he took her, and stowed her away. They need help tracking her, and Ray suggests Norah Dhark. Constantie's against the idea, but Sara is desperate, so she's on board with the idea.
With Norah's help, they manage to find out that Ava is squirreled away in some off the beaten path inn. They manage to track her down and get her, but she's not in good shape. Almost as if she's in a trance or coma.
Ray heads back to the Bureau, where they're picking up the pieces in the wake of the magical creatures being loose, and Hank's death. Ray informs Nate that Neron and Hank had a deal about the creatures, but Hank balked at the deal, and instead, had set up a place about dragons. Nate and Ray head to this site to check it out.
While Ava is physically found, her mind and soul are lost, and Sara wants to save her. John is not thrilled about the idea, but Sara insists. John then helps her enter Ava's "purgatory ".
John assembles the team for a pow wow, and Gary says he'll volunteer to stay behind with Sara and Ava to keep watch, while the rest of the team head off to take down Neron.
Nate and Ray arrive at this construction site, where they talk to the foreman about Hank and Neron's deal. The foreman tells Nate that Hank was working on a theme park. Nate realizes that it's based on his artwork as a kid. Feeling distraught, Nate tells the foreman to tear it down.
Back at the ship, Mona is bugging Zari about Zari's crush on Nate. Zari's been trying to ask him out, but is having trouble. Mick offers help as well with his own prose, but Zari rejects the idea. Charlie tells her to just tell him.
Sara arrives in Ava's purgatory, which is reminiscent of a Ikea store. Ava has a plant and is in the checkout line when Sara stops her. She tells Ava that if she checks out, she'll die. They look for an escape out, and run into Gary who is dressed like a clerk. He informs them that the "store" is about to close, and Tabitha, the "manager" will NOT like having anyone being around "after hours ". It spurs the couple on to find a way out before Tabitha takes possession of Ava.
At the inn, Neron arrives to get Ava, but it's Charlie morphed into Ava, and she and John manage to capture the demon. Back on the ship, the team weighs their options, and Norah and John argue about how to handle him, and her losing control, all the while Neron is trying to get into their heads...especially Norah's. They take a break, but continue to plan.
Back in Ava's purgatory, she and Sara argue about their relationship. Ava begins to share her fears while trying to build a door. After a failed attempt, they manage to work together and get it done. The door opens and they head through into the next step of her purgatory.
Nate and Ray chat about Hank, and Nate's relationship with him. They find out that Neron has been captured, and Nate is all fired up about him killing his Dad. Neron then reveals his plan with Hank...about Hank using the Bureau to gain control of all these magical creatures so he could control the Earth. But Hank backed out of the deal, so Neron killed him. He also talks about his plans for Tabitha to take over Ava's body. He also continues to psychically toy and manipulate Norah.
Sara and Ava are at Stage 2 of her purgatory, where they are in a home setting, and--again--both women deal with their fears about their future together. They manage to work through yet another issue between them, and Sara walks through yet another door.
Neron again tries to manipulate Norah, and she finally caves, and heads into his spell woven "cell" to confront him.
In Ava's purgatory, the time is ticking, as the "store" is closing, and Sara is in an aisle where there are several different Ava dolls, and Gary says she needs to choose one before Tabitha closes up shop.
Norah blocks everyone out of the room as her and Neron chat. He tries to persuade her to his side, even going so far as to tempting her by reviving Damian Dhark.
Sara rushes through the asile, but says NONE of them are Ava. She eventually finds the real Ava, and they make their escape from her purgatory.
While Neron thinks he's got Norah to his sode, she turns the tables, and John and her separate Dez from Neron. As Neron is trapped, and looking at Norah as a host, Ray sees what's going on, and heads the rescue. However, his distraction causes Neron to get free, and Norah uses her power to destroy him. Norah is out of it.
In the wake of the mess, Zari had sent the text to Nate to ask him out, but regrets it. She goes to ask him about it, but he says he hadn't read it. When he implies what it's about, she comments that it's nothing. Nate then heads back out to the park site, and says to the foreman to build it. It's one way for him to honor and remember his dad.
John and Dez have a heartbreaking parting of the ways. Back on the ship, Ray watches over Norah...everyone knowing how he feels about her, as she lies comatose. After he leaves, John sits vigil by her bedside, promising that he left her once, but promises to not do it again.
The episode ends as Ray leaves the Bureau...whistling as he goes. Just as Dez did earlier while possessed by Neron.
This episode came off almost like a rom-com...without a lot of side-splitting jokes that we've come to have with this show. It tries to pull at your heartstrings a little, but still doesn't go overboard.
Sara and Ava's relationship has been a huge part of the story this season, as they have tried to navigate a romance while being apart, but also dealing with two very headstrong personalities that have had VERY different ideas on what they expected out this relationship. Ava craves security and something long term, while Sara has always flown by the seat of her pants. Ava is orderly and precise, while Sara wings it. This episode forced them to deal with both their insecurities, and what they both wanted from this relationship. I still feel they have to work out the kinks, and some issues to navigate, but it seems that we'll see Sara to get Ava lighten ip and let loose a little more, and Ava gives Sara something she's never had: an honest relationship.
John seems to be on his path to redemption after rescuing Dez from hell, and saving him from Neron. While some relationships are beginning to bloom...some end bitterly. Dez's desire to never want to see John again is a harsh reminder that the work heroes to comes at a cost. But for John...he owns it. Plus, in the wake of Norah's sacrifice, he's now got a chance to save HER as well.
Speaking of Norah, there is no doubt that her and Ray are getting closer, no doubt Ray is in love with her. But now with Ray possessed by Neron...THAT problem still lingers. Neron may have his shot at her yet.
Nate and Zari...something new coming out of all this. This was the cute part of the episode, and I thought it was sweet at seeing Zari like a high school girl trying to talk to her crush. Mona, Charlie, and Mick add nice comic relief this episode.
And finally....Nate. Throughout this whole season, we've witnessed the up and down relationship between father and son. In the end...with Nate finding out about Hank's quasi "Jurrasic Park" based on Nate's drawings as a truly shows just how much Hank truly loved his son. It was very touching.
So...what we've learned this week is that relationships require work, communication, and understanding. We got a little of ALL of that.
Feels good to blog, but feels BETTER to touch base with all of YOU who've continued to stick by me...I appreciate it. Hey...if you all can...spread the good word and leave a comment!
Until next time...
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