Tuesday, April 30, 2019
THE FLASH - Season 5.19
THE FLASH - SEASON 5, EP. 19: "Snow Pack"
We're back with the Fastest Man Alive, and things seem to go from bad to worse for our boy Barry. So many beteayals, and this latest one, his own daughter Nora, who confessed to working with his most hated foe, Eobard Thawne, has him hurt, angry, and frustrated enough to take Nora back home, warning her to never return. But Nora has other ideas. After getting a glimpse into HER life last week, we see how determined she is to save her dad and live up to his legacy. Plus...we have a future Grace running around as the new Cicada, and now has possession of her younger self.
We begin as Barry and Iris argue in the Pipeline about what he did with Nora. Iris is visibly ticked off with him for taking her back home, and not allowing her to say goodbye. Barry defends his decision, and Iris has heard enough...she storms off. This marriage looks rocky.
In 2049, Nora and Eobard talk about the events, and how she can't travel back in time, because Barry will sense her in the Speed Force. Eobard tells her about how he created his own Speed Force...using negative energy. Nora is interested in learning.
Back in 2019, Barry informs the team of his decision about Nora. They're NOT pleased at all. They also feel that Sherloque has done enough. Feels are bitter all around.
Barry and Joe are at the hospital, where they discover Grace has been kidnapped. And Cicada is off the radar, and can't find her.
We see Carla Tannhausen working in her lab when the Icicle appears, looking for a machine she created, and makes off with it.
Barry and Joe appear on the scene after the theft investigating what happened. Caitlin is there also, and immediately gets into it with her mom about her dad. Turns out, the Icicle made off with something called a Cryogenic Atomizer.
Cecile, Ralph, and Iris are back in the lab, and Iris just isn't into it. She is thinking about Nora, what Barry did, and is thinking that her and Barry need time apart. Cecile tries to console her. Iris gets the idea to use Eobard's time capsule to go to the future, and make amends with her daughter. She talks to Gideon ti confirm it can be done, and Ralph stumbles into the secret room, and agrees to help her.
In 2049, we see Eobard trying to train Nora in tapping into the Negative Speed Force. However, she fails in her attempt. Back in the present, Ralph helps send Iris off.
Caitlin and Carla continue to argue about family while trying to figure out what the Icicle wants with the Atomizer. He then attacks the lab, and manages to incapacitate Barry and Killer Frost. He kidnaps them. At STAR Labs, Sherloque is about to bid farewell, but an alert sounds, and Barry is in touble. Joe can't revive him. Sherloque breaches to the lab just in time to help Joe revive Barry.
Caitlin and Carla wake up prisoners of Thomas Snow. They bicker some more about how things fell apart in their family. The Icicle comes in and gets Carla's blood sample, as well as Caitlin's. They figure out that the Icicle plans to use the Atomizer to turn Carla into one of them. His own "Snow Pack".
Iris...with Ralph in tow, invade the prison to find Eobard. Ralph disguises himself as the guard while Iris sneaks in to see Eobard, and hopefully find Nora. It's there that Nora has learned to build up her rage so she can travel back in time, and Iris tries to reason with her, and let her know that her dad was wrong. However, it was to no avail, as Nora built up enough rage and speeds off. Iris warns Eobard to stay away from her. Eobard says with a look of concern in his eye that he needs to find Nora quickly. And when they save her...they need to do it as a family unit, or all will be lost.
While still trapped, Caitlin and Carla reach an understanding. It's then that the Icicle takes Carla away to begin her transformation. Meanwhile, Barry, Joe, and Sherloque get a lead on where Caitlin and Carla are being held.
Somehow, when the Icicle froze Caitlin's hands, it deactivated the cuffs, and Killer Frost was free! She gives chase to the Icicle as she has Flash save Carla. With Joe and Sheroque's help, Flash vibrates and phases through the container and saves her. While that is happening, both Frost and Icicle battle, but he manages to stab her. He leaps for the kill, but Thomas resurfaces, and saves Caitlin. Thomas is back.
As the Snow family reunites, Cicada shows up. Her and Frost battle, but she beats Frost. Just as Cicada is about to deal the death blow, Thomas sacrifices himself to save his daughter. He dies a hero.
Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin's test reveals that there is no trace of any meta gene in her system. Their relationship is on the mend. As they leave, Caitlin tosses the sample into a hazardous waste container. Inside, we see thr sample turn white. Looks like Carla is infected after all.
Sherloque is about ready to leave, but Ralph urges him to stay. He's a part of the family now.
Barry and Iris talk about her trip to the future, and what she knows what Nora did. They both apologized for making decisions without consulting each other. Iris commented that when she talked to Eobard, it's as if he genuinely cares about her. Both agreed they need to find her fast.
Nora reappears in 2019...in a blur of purple, white, and red lightning, and eyes glowing red. Full anger mode.
We finally see the still comatose young Grace being watched over by her older self....saying "soon", as she looks over at the Atomizer.
Another powerful episode with a heavy dose of emotional exposition. Family again a theme that ties it all together.
Barry and Iris have had serious issues at times with communication, and getting on the same page. With both not telling the other their intentions on dealing with Nora, it caused a brief rift, and that rift now has a consequence: a very pissed off and emotionally torn daughter. This will come back to haunt them if they don't get to Nora quick. They're still in a young marriage, but even then...gotta work better at it. And it's your KID...one who had been sheltered from all the evil you faced...at some point...gotta cut her SOME slack.
Caitlin and Carla. Mother and daughter who'd been at odds all these years because of a simple misunderstanding....throw in a duo personality father...makes it hard to have quality family time. But it was LONG overdue for Caitlin's story to be told. Good to see the fence mended...though it DID cost Caitlin her father's life...but he gains redemption in the process. Now...with Carla's powers lying underneath, we get an interesting new wrinkle to Caitlin's story.
Thanks to Ralph, Sherloque feels he has a home now, despite blowing the lid on Nora's secret.
Eobard...on borrowed time, either has put this grand plan into place to tear the Allen family apart...or he truly does care for Nora after getting to know her. We shall see in the last few episodes where he stands.
What does Grace have in store with the Atomizer? This has to be her endgame, as she will use it to probably kill all metahumans. Again, we have 3 more episodes to find out.
That does it for this round of our DC heroes. Check back in next week as we begin to see everything into the final homestretch. As always, subscribe and pass the good word along, and leave a comment.
Until next time...keep on running!
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