Wednesday, March 11, 2020
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTNING - SEASON 3.16: "The Book of War: Chapter Three - Liberation"
Here we are---the Season Finale of Season Three of Black Lightning! It has been one HELL of a ride this season, and has kept us on our toes. We have gotten the Pierce Family picked apart, watch them squabble, but rise together when it mattered most. We saw the return of Lady Eve, the threat of the ASA and the Markovians---and the biggest villain to date: Gravedigger. We've picked up some new allies along the way, and CRISIS reshaped the world for Jefferson, as he is now a part of a MUCH bigger world.
But...the final battle for Freeland is at hand, as Black Lightning faces his toughest test yet: his Great Uncle - Gravedigger!
We pick up where we left off, with Gravedigger and Black Lightning duking it out, while Jen is out for the count. Both men trading blows, and Gravedigger gets the upper hand for a bit. He taunts Black Lightning, and then notices his concern for Lightning, and realizes that he is the girl's father. They continue to battle, and while this is going down, Jamillah Olsen is reporting from near the site of the battle, giving the lowdown as the battle rages on. However, as she's giving the update, she is shot from behind, and her camera falls, as the Markovian army bursts into the scene, and they make off with Lightning. Black Lightning and Gravedigger continue to battle, and Black Lightning calls out Gravedigger, saying that they're related, and gives him the lowdown on the family history. Gravedigger says that's too bad, he'll be missed, and turns Black Lightning's powers on himself, and he starts to burn out. But Black Lightning fights back yet again, and holds him off. He recharges and takes off, noticing that Lightning has been captured. Gravedigger then starts prepping his men for war.
At the Pit, Gambi is in contact with Sgt. Grayle and Erica, letting them know that Gravedigger and the Markovians are on their way, and they must save the kids. They start getting the kids to safety. Meanwhile, Odell is with Col. Williams and Major Grey, who updates him on the Markovian attack, and how close they are to storming the place. They ask for a plan of action, and Odell says they're packing up, and getting out of Freeland. He orders Col. Williams to go through every database with any classified information, and destroy it. He orders Major Grey to find the briefcase, and either obtain it or destroy it. Bascially, leave no trace whatsoever.
Gambi takes down a "closed for business" sign, and Black Lightning contacts him. He informs him that the Markovians have taken Jennifer, and Gambi is immediately on it, looking to track her location. While he's finding Jen, he orders TC to find Odell, and TC is on it.
Lightning is in a containment cell, unable to use her powers. Gravedigger introduces himself as Sykes. He explains that he means no harm to the metas, and that he is there on behalf of the Markovian Government to set up a metahuman state within its borders...a safe haven for them, if you will. Jen isn't buying into his idealism or his plans, and says that all he's doing is taking the metahumans by force, and not giving them free will. He shoots back that she knows NOTHING about the US, because of her youth. They get into a political debate which includes questioning the validity of Obama and JFK. But Jen holds her ground. He storms off, and Lightning takes a breath. She held her own, but still is uneasy, and feels like she messed up.
While all this is going down, Painkiller is on a quest to complete his mission---kill the Pierce family. He runs across some unfortunate Markovian soldiers, whom he quickly dispatches, and grabs this powerful rifle from them, perfect for what he has planned.
Major Grey and Lady Eve have a meet. Major Grey says that she needs the location of the briefcase, and Eve will tell her, but wants no betrayals. Grey says that Lady Eve will be relocated to Gotham City, and take her seat on the Shadow Board. Lady Eve is taken aback by this and then she realizes that they plan on nuking Freeland. The fix is in, and both Lady Eve and Grey shoot at each other, and both take a hit. Eve manages to escape, and Grey says she'll never make it out alive. Eve then makes a call to her gal Destiny, and informs her to call Lala---telling her to inform him that if the Markovians succeed...there will be no Freeland left.
Tobias is with one of the nurses--a "Nurse Judas" as he calls him. He wants to know WHERE the Markovian Metas are. He's already killed his father, and his mother will be next if he doesn't spill his guts.
TC has been trying to locate Jen, and they find her at the Markovian Compound. Brandon shows up, and asks what's going on. Once he knows Jen has been kidnapped, he's on board for the rescue operation. TC then collapes from strain, because his attempt to find Odell has failed, because he's put in countermeasures to his powers. He needs to rest. Black Lightning shows up, and he and Brandon take off, but not before Brandon checks his phone, and sees someone enter on the security camera where he left Dr. Jace. Col. Williams enters the premesis and finds Jace. She thinks he's there to save her, but she is sorely mistaken. Williams says that his orders are to erase every classified file the ASA has....and that means her. Williams puts two slugs into Jace at point blank range. He takes off, as Jace dies.
Inspector Henderson is with the Resistance, helping to get metas moved to safety, when the Markovian army shows up. A gunfight breaks out, and the Resistance is pinned down, but they get assistance from the least likely of places---Lala and his gang. They both give a nod to each other, knowing that--like it or not---they're in this together...for now.
Lightning is in her cell, when she feels a tremor. She gets up to see what's wrong, and her dad is there to rescue her. He puts his hands up on the cell with hers, and charges her powers. Brandon shows up, and says that they're needed at the Pit, and to follow them. They fly off, and he hops on a motorcycle.
Col. Williams has found Lynn in a lab, trying to create a countermeasure to Gravedigger. She tries to reason with Williams about needing to finish this serum to take out Gravedigger's powers. He informs her of his orders from Odell...destroy all classified files---which includes Lynn. He already informs her that he killed Jace, and as he is ready to kill her, she again pleas with him, recognizing him as a meta, for which he takes offense to and denies it. He goes to shoot her, and she strikes him hard, having enhanced herself temporarily, and he flies against the wall...seemingly killed in the process.
Gravedigger, at this juncture, is wading through fallen bodies, making his way to the Pit.
Jeff meets up with Lynn, and notices that Williams has been dispatched. She tells him that she found a solution to dampen Gravedigger's other powers, and they can take him down. At this time, Painkiller has found his quarry...and has his sights set on Jen. He tells Khalil that he's going to off her first, and Khalil won't let him. We get inside his head, and his battle with his darker half begins anew. Sword fighting with each other until the swords break. Painkiller goads him, but Khalil is unrelenting. He continues to fight Painkiller, and actually bests him. We then see the actual Khalil regain himself, and pull back on the weapon...putting it away.
Henderson is locating Gravedigger, and the Resistance stands at the ready. Gambi informs him to NOT engage, however. They begin firing on him, but it does nothing to him...he swats them away. Grayle and Erica then go out to stop him, but, they too, fall to him. In the Pit, Thunder and Grace manage to get the metas to safety, and lock them into an impenetrable shelter. Gravedigger makes his way to them, and as they're ready to fight, he takes control of Grace, and "forces" her to fight Thunder. Grace attacks, and Thunder now has to defend herself, while Gravedigger walks on by.
Markovian soldiers have Black Lightning and Lightning in their sights, but Henderson sees his and gets a jump on them. However, he ends up getting mortally wounded from a weapon shot from a soldier. Black Lightning races to his side, and says he can't move him, he's got a hole in his chest. Black Lightning apologizes to him for failing him, and Henderson, weakened and dying, says he didn't. Black Lightning says he's the best friend he always had. He thanks Henderson for saving this life. Jennifer cries as she watches Inspector Henderson die, with his last words being to Jeff---don't let down Freeland.
Grace and Thunder continue to fight, with Thunder trying to subdue her. Grace's powers continue to evolve, and gets one last attack in, but Thunder uses her powers to push Grace up to the ceiling to knock her out. Grace is down, and Thunder can't get her to wake up. She frantically calls out to Gambi, but he tells her to stay on mission. She kisses Grace, and marches on. At the Sanctum, TC has recovered, and knows how to get around Odell's little firewall. Black Lightning and Lynn work out a plan to take down Gravedigger. He will distract Sykes, while she shoots him with the nullifying agent.
Gravedigger has made it to the Pit, and Brandon and Lightning are there to meet him. They combine their powers to hold him at bay, and Lighting contacts her dad, letting him know that Gravedigger is there, but not sure how long they can hold him off. Gravedigger fights back, and manages to disable Lighting and Brandon. They're out of the count.
Odell orders the system to go into self destruct mode. He tells the system to give it a 10 minute fuse, then light the place up. The system accepts the oders, and Odell leaves, as the building goes into self destruct.
Black Lightning and Gravedigger engage in Round 2. As they battle, Lynn shows up as Brandon and Lightning recover. She needs to get the antibooster to Gravedigger immediately. Gravedigger gets Black Lightning down yet again, but this time, Lynn finds the mark and hits him with the antibooster. He tries to "push" Lynn to take it out, but his powers are fading. Jefferson says that Sykes put up a good fight, but stay down. TC then informs Gambi that they building has been set to self destruct. Gambi relays that info to Jefferson, and Lynn tells him they have to go. He doesn't want to leave Gravedigger behind, because he's family, but Lynn says there's no time. They have 60 seconds, and they have to get going. Black Lightning grabs her, and they fly off. As they leave the Pit, it explodes. However, the metas inside the bunker are safe from the explosion. Everyone makes it out.
As Odell prepares to take off to Gotham City, Khalil is in the back seat, letting him know that he didn't forget about him. Introduces himself as Khalil, and is going to kill him for what he did. Black Lightning reaches him, and tries his best to reason with him. Khalil ends up pulling the trigger anyway. As he gets out of the back seat, he says he only hit him i nthe spleen...he can do without it. But if he wants Odell to face trial, he better get him to a hospital quickly. Khalil then leaves.
Major Grey and what ASA troops are left, storm Gambi's shop, after they blow the front of the building up. Once inside, Gambi manages to do a little cat and mouse as Grey says she wants the briefcase. He gets a couple of shots off, as he heads down into the Sanctum. Grey and her men follow, and come across TC, who is ready to defend himself. However, he gets shot and falls. Gambi says he thanks her for bringing the last people to know the Pierce family secret. Gambi shoots Grey and the other soldiers. He gets TC, who had a bulletproof vest on, and they make their escape.
In the aftermath of the battle, we see Grace in bed, and Lynn telling Anissa that there is nothing she can do---Grace is in a coma. It's possible her evolving powers have something to do with it. Lynn says that she needs to be in a place where she can get some real help.
Tobias is still in Markovia, watching the Congressional hearings going on in Washington regarding the Markovians and the ASA. He comments that Black Lightning is getting his moment in the sun, but perhaps it's time to return home to take back what is his.
The Congressional hearings are taking place in Gotham City (where's Vesper Fairchild when you need her to report---this is her damn JOB!), and Lynn testifies about the meta's and their need for help. The committee approves of Lynn's idea for a boarding school for them, to help acclimate them back into society. We see, however, that before her testimony, she's gone back on the Glimmer. Black Lightning gives his testimony with Thunder and Lightning about how the United States used the ASA as an extention to not only infect the citizens of Freeland, but to experiment on them to creat metahumans. When pressed for evidence, he produces the briefcase, which has all the information they need. The head of the Congressional committee states that Odell is in custody awaiting trial, and that the ASA has been disbanded. They thank Black Lightning for his contribution, and is allowed to leave privately. Meanwhile, we see a white man intently looking upon the hearings. As HE leaves the building, we see him shapeshift into Gravedigger, who managed to survive the explosion. We see the Pierce Family walk out tall, their mission accomplished, and the family unit back together as the season ends.
Wow....I was shocked to find out that THIS was the season finale. I had no idea this show was only scheduled for a 16 episode slate. It WOULD explain, however, why the finale felt kind of rushed. While it did have a climax, I was a bit disappointed that there could've been...I dunno...MORE. While it was a GOOD show...I felt it could've been BETTER.
I had hoped for SOME kind of Justice League guest appearance to help out with would've given him the essence of being a MUCH bigger threat that he turned out to be. Black Lightning calling on some super friend help would've been cool. But---this was Jefferson's fight, and he needed to be the hero---he IS the star of the show. Maybe I'm wanting too much tie-in to the rest of the Arrowverse. Then there's the issue of Grace---she's in a coma, and needs SPECIAL help. This is where Jefferson could've talked to Barry Allen...had Grace moved to STAR Labs in Central City, where Caitlin and a now returned Cisco can monitor her. It's something they CAN explore, and would allow Lynn and Anissa to make guest appearances, and vice versa with Caitlin and Cisco. Or at least phone communication. SOMETHING. You have these characters connected...I'm hoping to use them more.
I KNEW Gravedigger wasn't going to die---too powerful a supervillain to kill off. My question is: was he satisfied with the outcome of the hearings, or will he just go underground for now until it's time to resurface? Another thing that caught my attention, was his plan for the metahumans. Did anyone get a Magneto feel from that? Remember Asteroid M from the X-Men comics? Magneto was trying to do right by his kind---so he felt---and Gravedigger has that same agenda. It's something to explore in the future.
Glad that Sgt. Grayle and Erica survived....they'll continue to make up the future Outsiders for Jefferson. Plus, TC survived as well. But the Sanctum seems lost. Whether or not Gambi repairs the shop, or relocates the Sanctum is another matter.
Little disappointed that Major Grey and Col. Williams met such lackluster ends. Though I am not sure that Grey is dead, but Col. Williams sure looked like it after Lynn struck him. And...I am sure he was caught in the explosion. Odell surviving makes for him to return...because you KNOW he won't last in jail long---the Shadow Board will bail him out somehow. And I have no doubt that THEY will be the next threat for Black Lightning and the team next season. Lady Eve's invovlement will also be key. I am also disappointed that Dr. Jace met such a quick and dirty end. Rather lauckluster...and I am not sure Brandon got ANYTHING out of her in regards to his family or his past.
Tobias will be that threat you have to keep an eye on, because he's looking to climb the ladder yet again, and take control of Freeland once more. And Lala can't WAIT for him to expect a turf war to erupt next season.
RIP Inspector Henderson---you will be honored by Freeland. And congrats on Damon Upton for a fantastic job as Freeland's lead cop. He departs the show as a dying hero.
This season saw EVERYONE grow and mature in ways we couldn't imagine. We got introduced to new threats, and it tied up A LOT of loose ends. The biggest growth came from Jennifer---from being a puppet to an outspoken powerhouse who felt like SHE was our moral compass all season. China Anne McClain was PHENOMENAL this sesaon, and I credit her for Jennifer's growth and process. Anissa had to step up, and grow into a leader in her own right. As Blackbird AND Thunder, she managed to help the metas, the Perdi, AND help lead the Resistance. She showed she can stand her ground...even against her own father. And we rooted for her and Grace, and are hoping that Grace will recover. We like these two together. Jefferson himself had to adapt and grow...always the leader, and TRYING to be a moral compass for all, but having to deal with two daughters who are strong willed and opinionated in their own right, and the rise and fall of Lynn several times. She herself had to adapt. She wanted to destroy the system of the ASA from the inside. However, it cost her dearly, as she became an drug addict. Her journey is far from over, but hoping that she will finally embrace what this family is: superheroes. Gambi, as always, the voice of reason, and finally had his chance to come out of the shadows.
As for Khalil---well, it was nice that they tied up his story. However, it leaves it open as to whether or not he comes back. I feel he will be gone on a journey of self discovery, and peace of mind. But he got his payback--of sorts--to Odell for turning him into a monster and having him kill his own mother. Something that will weigh on his conscious for the rest of his life.
Overall, this season was just FANTASTIC. It was in high gear the whole time, had a great pace, and provided PLENTY of stories for us...both major and minor. Every major player had a chance to shine, and they did an amazing job. This series NEVER disappointed from the outset really (though I WAS hoping for more in the finale, but it was STILL a good show). I look forward to what next season brings.
Okay kids..that does it for Black Lightning this season. Hope you enjoyed the reviews, and we'll be back next season. Until then, subscribe to the blog, tell your friends, and leave your comments below---I wanna hear from you!
Until next season...the Power is OUT!
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