Wednesday, March 4, 2020
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTNING - SEASON 3.15: "The Book of War - Chapter Two: Freedom Ain't Free"
Tensions mount, as Gravedigger and the Markovians are making their way to Freeland to wage war against America, the ASA, and the Pierce Family. Can the Pierce Family and their team take on a man that is now deemed unstoppable with Lynn's formula? And where does the ASA fit in? The Pierce Family and their team is in for a HUGE battle, with enemies all around. And, will Lady Eve continue to pull on Lala's strings? Let's check into Freeland, and find out....
Gravedigger is recording a video, recounting his life from his time the American government experimented on him, making him the first, true metahuman. He recounts his job in the military as digging graves for those that had fallen in battle. Once he got his powers, he made sure they got a proper burial. Even when he faced his enemies, he always made sure they had a proper burial, hence why he kept the name Gravedigger. He says that what he is going to do to Freeland, feeling that his cause is just, and that burying those who will oppose him in Freeland is right, that he is doing it FOR Freeland. That by destroying the town, it's the honorable thing to do in light of what's happened there.
Dr. Jace and Lynn are in the lab, going over the serum Lynn left behind (for which Jace had to make sure she got THAT jab in), and seeing the effects it will have on Gravedigger. Lynn recounts taking the serum herself, and it lasted about 2 hours, and even less on Tobias. They get even MORE grim news when they see the results of the tests: Gravedigger, with his injections, can mainpulate ANY superpower, and have near unlimited abilities and time. Meaning, he can keep injecting himself, and he won't overload, making him the ultimate meta.
Jefferson and Gambi are going over the upcoming invasion from Gravedigger and the Markovians, and they know WHAT the ultimate objective is: to grab Jace and Lynn, as well as every single metahuman IN Freeland, and take them back to Markovia, as well as having Lynn and Jace cure the metas that are already sick there. Of course, the Government wants no part of it, but if they have to interfere, they're willing to nuke the town, and accept the innocent casualties. Of course, they'll also cover it up.
Khalil is definitely headed out of town, when he's stopped by a truck of Markovian soldiers who were following him. He instantly goes into attack mode, and holds his own, but the numbers game gets to him. Within his mind, however, we see the "door" unlock on the "firewall" on Painkiller, and he takes over, fighting off the soldiers, and killing them. Painkiller then tells Khalil that the only reason he didn't get killed is because HE took over. And he WILL regain control, AND finish the job he was set out to do: kill the Pierce Family.
Jeff is with the team in the Sanctum, going over the plan, and letting them know that they will have NO help from the Government, so they're the only means of defense to protect Freeland, and any metas from Markovian capture. He puts himself, Anissa, and Grace on the front line, and says Jen, Brandon, TC, and Erica will bring up the rear. Jen isn't down with that, because she knows she's the most powerful of the bunch. Brandon can care less, because HIS goal is to kill Jace for murdering his mother. Jeff tries to tell him what the Markovians want, and it's THEIR job to protect the innocent, and Brandon takes off, saying he wants nothing to do with it, and washes his hands of the whole deal. Meanwhile, Gravedigger is showing his soliders his true power, and saying that he WILL free all the metas in Freeland, and--in turn---destroy the town, but he will be doing it for a righteous cause...and it will show that HE was on the right side of history.
Jeff and Gambi are looking for ways to expose the Markovian weakness with their plan of attack. Gambi surmises that IF they don't win, Jen can at least get the others to safety. Gambi DOES have his doubts, and Jen is pissed off that she's riding the bench. Jeff wants to trust that this will work, but even Gambi sees his doubts, and agrees with Jen that she SHOIULD be on the front line when the battle happens. Gambi believes that Jeff DOESN'T believe he can beat Gravedigger.
We pay a visit to Lala, who's been looking for a doctor. Black Lightning and Thunder show up, trying to convince Lala that they need his gang in order to fight the REAL threat coming to Freeland. He talks tough, but Thunder isn't buying it. Devante than whips out the hardware to try and spook them, but Thunder, again, isn't impressed. Black Lightning tries to express to Lala the severity of what's about to happen, and that, if he doesn't help, there won't be a town left. Lala says he's leaving all that up to the suits, but he wants NO part of it. Black Lightning and Thunder leave empty handed.
At this time, we see Brandon finally getting to Jace, by bypassing security, and he makes it VERY clear, that he wants to know EVERYTHING about what happened to his parents.
Odell and Lady Eve are having a clandestine meeting, and she KNOWS Odell is back in town for something, otherwise, he'd have left. He dismisses her ideas, and wants to know WHY they're meeting. She says she wants her seat back on the Shadow Board. Plus, she wants to get her other businesses back in operation. In return, she'll provide Odell with the location of what he wants the most: the briefcase. We then turn to Lynn at the lab, who has been running more tests to see if they can counter anything to battle Gravedigger, and she comes across something startling.
Grace and Anissa are at home, and Grace says that she's been feeling different the last couple of months. She says that a couple of months ago, she wasn't able to lift a table, and she lifts the table up, which surprises Anissa. Anissa theorizes that her shapeshifting takes a lot out of her, and now her body is buildling up strength to be able to handle it. Grace is evolving.
Jeff is sitting at home alone with a drink, when Lynn walks in. She says that she ran some tests, and the results were incredibly shocking: the DNA sample that she got from Gravedigger matches Jefferson's. It turns out, he's RELATED to Gravedigger. Jeff recalls that he heard about a Great Uncle who had served in World War II, but no one ever heard what happened to him, they just assumed he died. And he NEVER returned. Lynn tells him that Gravedigger is his Great Uncle.
Anissa and Grace are having a tender moment, and Anissa realizes that she's completely happy and content with Grace, and that she truly loves her. She says she can be happy with Grace forever. Grace realizes what Anissa is getting at. And we believe the answer was "yes". Back at the Sanctum, TC and Erica are chatting, and she talks about how she's new out of the pod, and that she still has so much to learn. TC says that he's never kissed a girl. She teases him, but he's serious. She gives him a quick one, but says don't get used to it. Jen then shows up, and needs TC to track down Gravedigger...Jen is going to do something VERY dumb and dangerous. She then gets a text from Anissa, saying that she's planning a family dinner, and they all need to be there.
In Khalil's head again, and he's arguing with Painkiller about how he survived the attack by the soldiers. Painkiller goads him that ALL he accomplished in school and sports, as well as surviving all the painful surgeries and implants were because of HIM. HE was the rage that Khalil turned to in order to survive. Khalil denys it, says he isn't anything. They begin to have a battle in his head, and unfortunately for Khalil, HIS side of his mind is now trapped in the "firewall" , and Painkiller is free yet again.
Just before they head to Anissa's for the family dinner, Lynn talks to Jefferson, and says that while she KNOWS he has a code to live by, and with all the power Gravedigger has, she wants him to know that she wants him to protect the family...even if it means taking Gravedigger's life. Everyone eventually congregates at Anissa's where they announce they're getting married...that night. Jeff and Lynn are caught dumbstruck and shocked, while Jen and the others are happy.
Lala's still on his search for the good Dr. Blair, and has one of Lady Eve's girls with him, and holding her at gunpoint. Eve doesn't like being without her twins. Threatening to shoot the girl, Lala wants to know WHERE the last man who saw Tobias was.
Lynn has a private chat with Anissa, thinking that the reason she's marrying Grace is because of the upcoming battle. She barely knows Grace, but Anissa assures her that she's marrying Grace out of love, and--war or not--she would do it anyway. Lynn then gives her congrats and her blessing. Gambi has been keeping tabs on Gravedigger's arrival, but Jeff wants him to just mellow out, and enjoy the evening. After all...HE is performing the ceremony. Grace talks to Jen about not really having a sister OR a family of her own, and Jen tells her she's got one now. Jeff then comes over to hug Grace, thus welcoming her into the family. Jen and TC have been secretly calling each other all night, as he's giving her updates on how to find Gravedigger.
Brandon is playing video games, while Jace is tied up, calling him a brat, and trying to goad him. Brandon, however, just wants her to watch how she talks to him, and to start spilling her guts.
Gravedigger is watching video footage of the Outsiders, and looking at their abilities. Just as he's landed in Freeland, TC informs Jen, who then tells him to cover for her, while she takes off to go face him. Grace and Anissa are dressed up in white suits, about ready to be married, when Gambi informs them that Gravedigger has arrived. The ceremony is cut off, and the team goes to assemble. However, Jeff and Lynn notice that Jen is gone. Jeff already has a good idea as to where she went.
Lala has finally found his prey, and Devante has put quite a beating on him. Lala wants to know WHERE Tobias is, and Blair doesn't have an answer. He IS telling the truth, but--knowing Lala--he's not buying it. So, he had Devante finish him off.
Lightning is keeping contact with TC, and says she's about to do dangerous stuff, and for him to inform her family that she loves them, should she fail. She spots Gravedigger, and turns off her comlink. She flies higher up, and begins to power up. She then lands with a huge energy blast, taking out Gravedigger's men, but he is still standing defiantly. He says that he's trying to liberate the metas from Freeland, and Lightning isn't buying into his act for one second. He says she has no idea where he's coming from, and she says she does. Only way he's getting those metas is through her. So, she blasts him, and he falls back, only to rise up, and take the next blast, and move towards her. He then knocks her right into the as her powers blast back upon her....she's out for the count and falling. Gambi and Black Lightning see the streak in the sky, and Gambi finds out it's Jen. He then catches her as she's falling, and lays her gently on the ground. She is totally out, and Black Lightning isn't getting a pulse. Gambi tells him he's gotta jump her heart, and Black Lightning does. She's weak, but okay. Gravedigger then shows up, mocks Lightning, and then Black Lightning turns to Gravedigger....powers up big time...and the two rush each other and attack. We end the episode there.
Yes, indeed, kids! Once more, Black Lightning is proving to be a VERY solid show. This was yet ANOTHER good installment, that had a nice, steady pace, and it didn't seem to drag with a lot of exposition. Just enough to give us some info, and just enough to move the plot along.
We got some excellent backstory on Gravedigger from HIS perspective, and his reasoning as to WHY he's attacking Freeland. He honestly believes his cause is honorable and altruistic. That's the good sign of a good villain---when he actively JUSTIFIES the evil that he will do. He truly believes in his mission: to BETTER the meta's situation, and to help those back home in Markovia. Plus, he still wants Lynn and Jace back, but he's a calculating villain...studying his opponents. To find out that he's Jefferson's Great Uncle came as something of a shock to all of us, but I KNEW he had to beconnected somehow..either to Jefferson OR Brandon. Well, Jefferson was the pick. Now, we will see how the dynamic between the two will be in this battle. Will this nugget of truth get revealed? And what will Gravedigger DO with that information? How will he twist it to his advantage? One can only know. But we ARE set up for an epic battle next week, as the Outsiders are no doubt going to have to pull together to STOP Gravedigger.
Lynn has shown me some improvement the last couple of weeks. She seems to have her head on straight again, and the discovery she made about Gravedigger and Jefferson was HUGE. But, she's also back to being the good mother, a loving woman to Jefferson, and giving her blessing to Anissa and Grace. What's been big for her, was giving Jeff permission to do the ultimate act SHOULD it come to pass---kill. If it's to protect the family, Lynn can live with Jefferson doing the unthinkable. Jeff's response to that was that of being flabbergasted. I don't believe he heard his ears. But, he also knows that if it comes to that...he will have to decide if he can actually KILL his Great Uncle.
Jen...oh, honey...I LOVE ya, girl...but SERIOUSLY: GET OVER YOURSELF! So, your family kept Khalil being alive, but now a murder machine, away from you. They didn't think you could handle it. Okay, fine, grill them on THAT one. But for you to bitch about NOT being on the front lines---that's petty. You NEED to trust your father's decisions when it comes to this kind of fight. While you're too hot headed, and so self assured about how badass you are, you're not seeing the BIGGER PICTURE your dad had in mind. Now look, you got your ass handed to you by Gravedigger---all because you just HAD to jump the gun, and prove that YOU could handle it---apparently, YOU haven't studied up on your enemies much. Seems you still have MUCH to learn about the superhero business, darlin'.
Even our secondary characters got SOME piece of the pie tonight: Brandon has turned out to be a sniveling kid with a mad on for Jace, and just wants to kill her off after he gets what he wants from her. I have a feeling Jace is going to use that to her advantage to get out of the scenario she's in. Also, he's useless to the team if he isn't there. He can honestly care less about others, because he's got his warped sense of justice and revenge to deal with. Khalil's battle for his mind and soul are going to continue, but I have a BAAAAD feeling: Painkiller MIGHT hook up with Gravedigger, JUST so he can kill the Pierce family. But...however...what would happen if (and when), he finds out that Gravedigger himself is part of the Pierce Family? I think we can get Round 2 for THAT battle. We also see Lala torturing poor Dr. Blair in the hopes that he can find Tobias...just so he can kill him off for good, and get rid of him.
Finally, the little clandestine meeting between Lady Eve and Ordell. We now know that Ordell is a part of this Shadow Board that Lady Eve belonged to once as well. She wants a seat back ON the board, plus all her businesses. Ordell will see what he can do, and in return...she coughed up the location of the briefcase---Gambi. While SHE said she was done with the Tailor---doesn't mean ORDELL is. That's a whole other kind of mess we don't need. But I AM curious as to whom ELSE is on this "Shadow Board". I wonder if it will be some villains from other CW shows. That would be cool.
Now...I just have ONE final thing to add: This is my wish - that IF Gravedigger proves to be too powerful, and some metas start choosing sides, and we get a full on WAR of factions, will the Outsiders alone be enough? I think this would be a GREAT time to insert a cameo from The Big Guns. Yeah, that's bitchin' would be, for the season finale to have the war at it's climax, and we get Jefferson calling in the Justice League for an assist? That would solidify the League, give them their FIRST true villain as a team, and watch them interact and kick ass. I can dream, can't I?
Alrighty---we're done here for this week. Check back in, subscribe, give all your buds the skinny on this little page, and leave some comments, huh?
Until next time...the Power is OUT!
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