Thursday, January 23, 2020
REVIEW: ARROW - SEASON 8, EP. 9: "Green Arrow & The Canaries"
Here it is, everybody! The penultimate chapter in the story of Green Arrow. The Emerald Archer has had many a story to tell on his journey through these 8 years. We are now close to the end, and we now take a peek at the next story of Oliver Queen's story - as his daughter Mia now takes up the bow and quiver to fulfill her father's legacy. With the help of Laurel Lance and Dinah Drake, we now head to 2040 to see the rebirth, of sorts, to Mia's story.
It's 2040 as we begin this brand new tale with Laurel speeding through the city on her bike. She arrives at a place called Club V, where she is looking for a young lady named Bianca Bertinelli. Bianca is a party girl, having a good time, when Laurel approaches her, and tells her she is in danger. Bianca brushes her off, and then moves deeper onto the dance floor and into the crowd. Laurel tries to work her way through, but two men approach Bianca, and grab her. They make off with her, and Laurel is too late to save her.
We then find ourselves at the Queen Estate, where Mia has just woken up, and goes to check the news of the day. There's talk about Mayor Ramirez running for a 3rd term, and him deeming Star City the safest place in the country. There's also a story about Victor and Mary Bertinelli donating a substantial seven figure sum to the Vigilante Musem. Mia's bedmate has awoken, and she is startled by him. It's JJ, and the two are obviously in love. There's some candoodling between the two, as they discuss her graduation from college, and needing to write her speech for said ceremony. He then proposes to her, and--after a brief pause--she accepts
Laurel has found her way to a bar in town, and she walks in, listening to the woman at the piano sing. She's got a great voice. It turns out, the singer is Dinah Drake. Dinah is shocked to see Laurel. She finishes her song and they head upstairs to talk. Apparently, Dinah owns the bar, as well as being the police captain of the Star City PD. She takes up residence above the bar. They discuss what happened after Ollie's funeral in 2020, and Dinah remarks that she just woke up there, and had no idea how. She also found out that she's been wiped from existence. There's no trace of Dinah Drake to be found. So, she's been living with anonymity. Laurel tells her she came there, because there's a problem. She informs her of Bianca Bertinelli's kidnapping. Bianca is the adopted daughter of Helena Bertinelli. Helena has disappeared with no trace. Dinah knows that back then, the Bertinellis were one of the biggest crime families. Laurel shows Dinah a news feed from 2041, where Star City is in chaos, and it's because Bianca was murdered. The city goes to hell. Dinah agrees to help, but Laurel knows they need one more person.
Mia arrives in style for her post-graduation soiree', where she's met by a press corps, who ask her what she's gonna do, and whether or not Oliver would be proud of her. She says her father sacrificed a lot for her to graduate collge, something he didn't do, but she feels he would be proud of her, and she goes inside.
She's enjoying herself, as she's spending time with JJ, when William shows up with Zoe. She's happy to see him, and he's happy to be the Groom of Honor at her wedding. He talks to her about having a job at Smoak Tech now that she's out in the world, and she says she's not really the tech type for that kind of job. Through the crowd, Mia spots Connor, who just happned to get out of rehab (apparent violent attacks), and he's just there to wish Mia well, and JJ is trying to keep the peace. A young man named Trevor is also at the party, and is then approached by Dinah and Laurel, dressed for the occaision. They interrogate him about Bianca's disappearance, and he balks at the accusations he had anything to do with it. He walks off, when Mia approaches Dinah and Laurel. She says she doesn't know EITHER of them, and she's calling security to dispatch of them. Laurel then takes the initiative, and uses a ring that glows, and touches Mia with it. All of the sudden, all the events Mia went through from her previous life before Crsis flow back into her. It's enough to overwhelm her and she passes out.
She eventually awakes, and looks at Dinah and Laurel, still a little freaked out. Laurel explains to Dinah that Cisco Ramon had managed to recreate J'Onn J'Onzz's powers in order to tap into people's minds that were aware of Crisis, and restore their memories. Mia ends up believing them.
They head back to Dinah's, where Laurel starts filling in the gaps about what's going on. Apparently, since Oliver's death, Star City has remained crime free for 20 years. Dinah tells her that things aren't as they seem, and that there is a problem. Laurel comments to Mia that she used to be the Green Arrow, but Mia says she isn't sure she can do anything like that anymore. Laurel throws a glass straight at her, which Mia catches instinctively. Laurel then informs Mia about Bianca's disappearance. Let's her know that Bianca was adopted by the Bertinellis, and how the family used to be one of the big crime families. Mia is apprehensive about Laurel's story, so she decides she's going to go ask about it herself.
Mia sits down with Bianca's family, and she inquires as to whether or not they have heard from her, since she hasn't posted on social media in awhile. Her brother (or cousin, unsure about that one), said that mabye she's vacationing on Corto Maltese. Her family tries to assure Mia that everything is fine, is just like Bianca to go off somewhere. While Mia is inquiring about Bianca, Laurel and Dinah are busy planting electronic bugs in the house, so they can get more info. They managed to complete their mission, and they take off, Mia saying that if they hear from Bianca to let her know, playing the role. Mia decides to go pay a visit to Bianca's friends.
Laurel and Dinah are at Dinah's monitoring anything coming from the Bertinelli house, as Dinah explains why she has kept a low profile at this time. Dinah feels happy with her life right now, but Laurel thinks she's gun shy about getting back into the world. They get a hit on the computer about Bianca. They tell Mia, and Laurel has Mia's Green Arrow suit ready to go, but Mia refuses to wear it. The older women suit up, and they all head out on bikes to stop a van in transit, presumably holding Bianca. They stop the truck by shutting down the vehicle itself. Guards get out, and start fighting Both Canaries, who promptly use their Canary Cries to stop the armed guards. Mia ends up taking out the last guard, and opens the back of the truck, only to discover large vials of green liquid. Bianca's brother (and/or cousin), comes out, giving himself up. It's at that sudden moment that a huge greneade type device is thrown near Mia, and everyone scatters. The bomb goes off, and they're left wondering who their attacker is. Through the smoke and flames, Mia sees someone in a Deathstroke mask.
At Dinah's again, and Mia is upset that she was left unprotected while out in the field, and Laurel assured Mia that she had it, and Mia took care of it. They also question whether or not it was JJ in the Deathstroke mask. Mia doesn't want to believe it, but Laurel presses her about it. Laurel tells her to prove it.
They head to a work function for JJ, and the three scheme to get into his office and get some information off his computer. Laurel tries to do it at first, but she's not as subtle, and is met with resistance by the guard. Mia then decides to handle it, and gets through, and gets into his office. Dinah asks if Mia is okay, and Mia responds that, despite all her memories, she doesn't want it to be him. All this time, Laurel continues to dig into Mia about her lovelife, dating her dad and so on, while Dinah tries to keep the peace. Mia tries to acces JJ's computer when she finds out it's encrypted, and she can't get in. Security then responds to the break in, and Dinah tells Mia to get out of there, but it's too late. JJ and his security catches her. She then talks about Bianca's disappearance, and accuses JJ of being behind it. He denies it, and shows her what's on his computer---plans for their honeymoon. Mia is embarrassed, and JJ is quite upset with her, and takes off, but not before he shows her a video message he got from Bianca, saying that she's okay and on vacation.
Dinah and Laurel are looking at the message, and thinking it's fake, and need to get it analyzed. Mia has had enough, though, and Laurel once again gets on Mia about her life, and what Oliver sacrificed, and Mia throws it right back into her face. She says her life has been good, and she didn't want any of this superhero stuff, because it just makes you miserable. With that, Mia storms off.
It doesn't get better for Mia, because after she gets home, she tries desperately to plead with JJ about her mistake, and apologizing for it, but he's not really having it. He says over the last couple of days, she's been distant, and for the most part, directionless. Her brother offered her a job, and she didn't want to take it. She seems to shirk any kind of commitment, and feels they need a break.
Dinah manages to crack the message, and discover that, indeed, it's a fake. They manage to take down the false face of the message, and see that Bianca is in trouble. Laurel wonders how Dinah got to be so good at the technological stuff like Felicity, and Dinah says that she's a cop...she has secrets too. She then wonders about Laurel's life, and why she's pressing Mia so hard. She knows Laurel had a really hard time reconciling her life. Dinah DOES know that the Canaries are needed, and Laurel agrees---but she says they also need the Green Arrow.
Laurel goes to see Mia at home, and Mia is looking up at a picture of her father. Laurel tells her about her own bad choices, and making the wrong decisions in life, and struggling to find her own identity. Mia says she looks up at that picture of her dad, and knowing what he did, she feels she can never live up to his legacy. Laurel says that she woke Mia up to give her a purpose, a reason in be the Green Arrow.
Mia joins Laurel back at Dinah's, and with the technological help, Mia manages to find out where Bianca is located. They suit up. The team then is atop a botanical garden building and they break in, and grab Bianca, rescuing her. Just as they're about to bail, they are met by Bianca's kidnapper---her ex Trevor. He's holding the Deathstroke mask. He dispatches his army of guards against them, and the battle commences. Since the building has metahuman power dampners, neither Dinah nor Laurel can use their sonic cry. But that doesn't mean they're not capable of dealing with the guards, as they take them down, while getting Bianca to safety. They get to the roof, where they plants up there are treated, and are flammable. Trevor breaks a gas line, ensuring that if he sets it off, the whole roof will go, and they will all go with him. They try to reason with him, but Mia notices a symbol on Trevor's wrist. He says that his boss, she can't let them live. With that, he sets the roof ablaze, and the women all use their grappling hook lines to scale down to the street at the roof explodes. Everyone's okay, and Bianca is curious as to who the thell these women are.
Bianca is now safe with her family, and Laurel feels that she's going to stick around to ensure the events of 2041 never happen. Dinah feels like she'll do the hero thing part time, and maybe use her pad as a base of operations. Mia comes in and says that Trevor was pushed into his dirty dealings by someone. Laurel apologizes to her, and Mia is okay. She says that she has found her purpose, and the Green Arrow is here to stay. She said putting back on the suit felt good.
She eventually reconnects with JJ, and assures him that she's just been trying to figure out her life, and what to do with it. She loves him and wants to be with him. He seems okay with that, and they kiss, seemingly reconciled.
Dinah and Laurel still chat, and Dinah wants to figure out just WHY she was erased from existence. She also feels that maybe they should start up their plan about the Canaries again, which intrigues Laurel. Laurel also informs Dinah as to WHY she came back...showing Dinah about a newspaper article about the city falling apart, and the Green Arrow is to blame, with Mia's picture in the article. The article reads "The Woman Who Failed Star City". Laurel is here to prevent that story from happening.
Mia and William are at the statue honoring their father. They talk about the press wondering who the new Green Arrow is, and discussing their father. William pulls out the rock that he kept from their dad when he was younger. Mia teases him about it until she sees the markings on it. The Mark of Four...which she instantly recognizes was on Trevor's wrist. However, at that moment, but her and William are hit with tranq darts, and as Mia begins to fade out, she sees a group of dark clad individuals make off with William. She calls out, but passes out in front of her father's statue.
JJ arrives at home, looking for Mia, but she's not there. He is then jumped by a group of dark clad individuals himself, one of which has the ring Cisco made, and tells him to remember. He's tapped with it, and instantly, his memories as the leader of the Deathstrokes floods back into his head. He then gets up, his demeanor changed, and recognizes his past as we end the episode.
We have a bit to unpack here, but I do have to say, it was a pretty good backdoor pilot for the spinoff series, which WILL be called Green Arrow & The Canaires. It was a pretty good set up, I felt, to get us going when the series actually begins, which I'm sure won't be until the fall of next year...that is, unless, they plan on doing a "soft" short 1st season to see how it goes over with audiences. That being said, let's break down some things from this next to last episode of Arrow:
We KNEW we were going to get a different Mia when this episode began. We now know that she goes by the name Mia Queen, having taken her father's last name, and she's a wealthy socialite...much like her ather was back in the day. But THIS version of Mia is not into the superhero thing. Star City has been a peaceful place,and there has been no need for her to suit up. She's a recent college grad, but seems to have little to no direction in life, other than just being a socialite. We get the ironic twist that her and Diggle's son JJ are actually dating, and now engaged--though after the events of this episode, I doubt that lasts. But after Laurel zaps her with the ring, Mia's memories come back, and she spends the episode reconciling with them, as well as still struggling to find her own identity as well as wanting to live up to her father's legacy. So, I understood Laurel egging her on the whole episode---it was to wake Mia up, and embreace the person she truly is...the Green Arrow.
It was great to see William, and him being the head of a billion dollar tech company is also not changed. The only difference is that he and Mia are very close, and very happy to be a part of each other's lives. They have a tight bond, which we saw grow pre-Crisis. Now, I surmized that at the end of this episode, prior to his abduction, he knew his sister put on the suit and was back in action. His abduction by this myserty villain will be interesting as we kick off Mia's story in full swing. I do believe, however, that he will be right there fillling in Felcity's shoes once the team gets more assembled once the series starts.
JJ and Connor: This was intriguing. JJ being the peacemaker, and lovable fiance and overall good guy, while Connor had just gotten out of rehab. It's a switch of sorts, seeing as how Connor is the troublemaker it seems. I wonder how long it will be before Laurel has to zap him, and get him caught up before he's back in action. I can't see Connor as a villain, it won't work. However, as we have seen...SOMEBODY with the same ring Laurel had, definitely woke up JJ....and that's gonna spell trouble down the road for Mia. Someone wanted him woke, and I have NO idea who it might be. But there IS a wild card to think about: Bianca's ex Trevor said that his boss was a SHE. Now...I HAVE to ask this: We've seen William, Zoe, Connor, JJ, and Mia----where's JJ and Connor's SISTER? As we saw at the end of CRISIS, John and Lyla got their daughter Sara back. Now---I had assumed that SHE replaced JJ---but apparently that's NOT the case. So, I'm wondering---where IS dear little sister? Could SHE be behind this? I wonder...
Laurel coming with not only tech Cisco created to get everyone's mind right, but also with news of the future she got from Sarah Lance...about Mia being called out for failing Star City. It's just like the newspaper article about the Flash disappearing in Crisis...something that had been at the very heart of that show, NOW we have one for the heart of this new show, only now with Mia as the main story. It's an interesting set up as to how they got Laurel into this, and she's the catalyst for everything that happens this episode. It's also nice to know that she is still Earth 2 Laurel---not good with feelings, and carries a chip on her shoulder. But, in pressing hard on Mia, she also seems to have softened up on Ollie, considering she wasn't exactly his biggest fan. But nonetheless, she made a promise to him and Felicity, and she has kept it. It's also great to see the bonding that her and Dinah did a few episodes (and 20 years ago), still there. They have a great dynamic. Dinah is the den mother of sorts, Mia the hero out front, and Laurel is the smartass with an edge.
Speaking of seems Crisis corrected ONE thing: No more scar on her neck ,and she has her Canary Cry back. I'll say this about Julia Harkavy---great singing voice. It's a new spin on Dinah, and I like it. However---what I'm confused about is WHY has Dinah Drake been wiped from existence for the most part? No trace of her found anywhere. Dinah's operating with a clean slate and a new lease on life in a way. But I'm curious as to why there is no trace of her. She clearly exists, and she was at Ollie's funeral with Laurel and everyone else. She didn't need a memory reboot, so it comes as a surpise that she's off the map, so to speak. I'm looking forward to having the gaps in HER story filled out.
We got mention of Rene as mayor, and we got a Zoe appearance, though we DON'T know if SHE will be zapped by Laurel at some point. We know Dinah trained Zoe to be a Canary, so I'm wondering if it's only a matter of time. So, in all of the CRISIS fallout that happens 20 years later, we had a J'Onn J'Onzz reference as Supergirl's friend, and Cisco Ramon, who developed this ring that Laurel and the mystery person used on Mia and JJ, respectively. Not sure William got it, though.
Biance Bertinelli---the damsel of distress of this episode. She is the adopted daughter of Helena Bertinelli--whom we all know as The Huntress, who had been something of a thorn in Ollie's side early on in the series' run. She's been pretty absent since (I guess it has to do PARTLY with the fact that the DCEU is using Huntress for the Birds of Prey movie, and thus--off limits to the TV series now), is raised by her grandparents I suppose. But we also know that the Bertinellis were a major crime family in Star City. Seems they're in good standing in this reality, what with donating big bucks to the Vigilante Musem...which I'm VERY curious to see in this show. Who's in it?
We certainly got some questions we will need to have answered when the series begins. But we are set up with a story, and it will be fun to go from there.
As it stands---we have one final episode of our Emerald Archer...and we're done.
That's it for this next to final installment of our Arrow reviews. Thanks for checking it out. Be sure to subscribe, pass the good word, and comment below!
Until our final episode....keep your sights on the bullseye!
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