Friday, November 22, 2019
REVIEW: THE FLASH - SEASON 6, EP. 6: "License To Elongate"
There comes a time in a show, where we just have a good ol' romp, and a few laughs. With the weight of CRISIS before Team Flash...we take a little break from the doom and gloom, and follow Ralph Dibny, as he follows the trail of the elusive Sue Dearbon. Joining him is our intrepid hero, a first for him. While they're off on the case, Cecile tries to get Chester back into the swing of things, with some of Killer Frost's help. And Nash Wells incorporates the aid of someone unexpected....
This week's story opens up with the team down in the tunnels where Nash was, explaining to them that he is someone who investigates multiversal myths. And he feels the Monitor is out for more than just scaring Team Flash. He feels he needs to expose him as a false god, thus saving Barry from ever disappearing. So, Barry, of course, tries to break through the wall, but can't. Turns out, the wall is made of Eternium (which we still have no idea what that substance is). The only way he can locate the area he needs to crack the wall is with a certain artifact, and he knows where to get it.
While the team is with Nash in the tunnel, Chester finally wakes up from his mini coma---his atoms and body finally reset. He comes out of his pod, only to realize that no one is there. So...he takes it upon himself to get a grand tour. As he checks the lab out, he logs onto the computer and types up his name---only to see an obituary. His little time of fun just hit a somber note. At that moment, Killer Frost had just returned for monitor duty. She is soooooo thrilled.
At the CCPD, Barry and Joe talk about Ralph, and the new Elongated Man emblem they're going to present him at a press conference tomorrow. But it's a surprise, so they're covering his need to be at the station as a "deposition". Ralph arrives, and they hide the emblem. They discuss the deposition, and Joe hands Ralph a file on a lead he got in the Sue Dearbon case, which will lead him to Midway City. Ralph is stoked, and he's out the door, ready to check it out, when Barry tries to stall him, and talk about the deposition tomorrow. Ralph says Barry can handle it, but Barry insists on going with Ralph...wanting to help him with his case. He even agrees to follow Ralph's lead.
The boys arrive at this posh gala event at a museum, which was the last known location of Sue. Barry says that they can go in there, zip around, and check it out. But Ralph tells him they're going in as civilians instead. It's an undercover mission. They enter the gala decked out in tuxedos, and Ralph introduces himself to a woman named January. He sweet talks her about being a very rich businessman along with Barry. She notices they crashed the gala, but Ralph manages to get her ticket in order to enter the event.
Back in Central City, Nash is inside the offices of The Central City Gazette, snooping around and looking for something when Allegra walks in on him, and catches him. She starts asking questions about how Wells is alive, and he tells her that he's not THAT Harrison Wells, but another one named Nash. He's looking for a UV meter, and his gadget on his arm discovers the UV energy is from Allegra herself. He says he needs her help, and if she DOES help him...he'll give her the scoop of the centruy---the multiverse, the crisis, the Monitor. All of it. She's intrigued.
Chester and Cecile talk, and she asks him how he's doing, to which he says he's doing great...except that he never got to ask Natalie, the barista he had the hots for that he talked about in his last video, out. Cecile tells him that she has empath powers, and can help him land the girl. He's excited to give the plan a try.
Ralph and Barry are introduced to a man named Remington Meister, who sits at a mah jong table with them, and begins to play. They play their part, until he inquires why they are there, and Barry screws up, and mentions Sue. That sends Meister into concealment mode as far as info, and surmises that Barry and Ralph aren't on the guest list. He humors them and has someone check the guest list, for which she's not on it. He asks them to leave, as he departs, telling someone to keep tabs on the which she takes a pic of them from her phone---we see that it's Ultraviolet...out of Iron Heights.
Barry, feeling the whole mission is a bust, urges Ralph to return to Central City---mostly wanting him back for the press conference--but Ralph just won't let up. He points out to Barry that Meister, and several other attendees to this gala, are all criminals. Some gang lords, a member of the Bratva, and other seedy underworld types. Ralph needs to dig further. Barry says he can zip around and check the premises, but Ralph wants to keep it low key.
Cecile and Frost have helped set up Chester to get him to ask Natalie out, as she delivers coffee to him. They talk into his ear the things to say, based on what Cecile is feeling, but she's getting things wrong, and the plan goes south. Chester ends up spilling coffee all over Natalie, and she takes off. Frost points to the Book of Ralph Vol. 2 for trying to help out Chester.
Allegra follows Nash into the tunnel, and she continues to grill him about the Multiverse, the Monitor, and more. He reveals his plan, in hopes of saving Barry Allen...who is the Flash (way to go, you dope!). That grabs Allegra's attention. But Nash now needs Allegra to uphold her end. Use her metahuman UV powers to locate the precise place in the wall where he can open it up to confront the Monitor. However, she becomes extremely apprehensive and walks off...saying she can't do it. She refuses to use her powers to hurt people.
Ralph goes back into the gala to work his magic, and get into Meister's office to snoop around. Meanwhile, Barry takes it upon himself to race around the building in order to locate Sue. He comes up empty. However, he is blasted with an electrical shock and disabled. At the same time, Ralph has stumbled upon Meister's plan---a missle weapon called Ring of Fire, and his plans to auction it off to the criminals in attendance. Just before he manages to get the info off the laptop, he's taken out by Meister himself. At that moment, Ultraviolet comes in and finishes Flash off.
In a scene somewhat reminiscent of Goldfinger, Meister has Flash and Ralph bound, and reveals his plan to auction off the weapon, but not before demonstrating it by destroying Central City. He also has a laser that will cut through both men should they decide to try and escape. Flash wondered how Ultraviolet got out of prison, and Meister reminds him that she has friends in low places. He goes off to his auction...and to destroy Central City, leaving Ralph and Flash to their fate.
Allegra returns to Nash in the tunnels (she got lost), and she reveals that she won't use her powers because she's afraid she'll become just like her cousin Ellegra. Nash tells her that SHE is in charge of her own fate...not her powers nor anyone else. She then decides to help him, and manages to help him locate the place in the wall in which to open. She feels weakened.
Chester and Cecile have a heart to heart about their failure to land him a date. Cecile says she's been experiencing her own anxiety because she quit being the DA, and they immediately hired her replacement. IF she fails as a metahuman defense attorney, she can't go back. She feels she doesn't know who she is anymore.
As Flash and Ralph are set to die, Flash reveals that the deposition was a fake, and that it was really a press conference to introduce the city to the Elongated Man. Ralph is touched. He has Flash remove a cufflink from his shirt, and Flash throws it towards the laser, disabling it. However, it isn't disabled, and starts firing randomly. Flash sees a pattern in the firing sequence, and uses it to their advantage to break free. Ralph destroys the laser, and then they go after Meister---but not as Elongated Man and Flash...but as Barry Allen and Ralph Dibny. Taking a more finesse route, they battle Meister and Ultraviolet, taking their share of a beating before they manage to subdue the two criminals using their wits and skills. Mesiter had activated the missle firing sequence before Ralph and Barry arrived, and Barry, acting drunk, had caused enough of a distraction for Ralph to make his move. In the end, Ultraviolet and Meister are defeated, and Ralph stops the firing sequence.
Back home in Central City, Barry feels bad that they didn't find Sue, but Ralph's not giving up at all...he's still going to find her. But he readies himself for the press conference.
Chester goes to see Cecile once again, and this time, she has business cards. She's taking her first step in her new career. Chester says that while things with Natalie failed, he still feels good about his life. And Cecile says that he could fit in real well at STAR Labs, which is exciting for him.
Allegra is back at the office resting, as Nash offers her liquid to help her out. He thanks her for her help, and looks upon her as she rests.
At the press conference, Flash introduces the city to it's newest hero--the Elongated Man. Ralph happily accepts his emblem, and promises to defend Central City with his life. But he also wants to thank another man---Barry Allen. Barry (having quick changed), is surprised, and not sure what's going on. Joe talks about how Barry Allen a CSI...has solved many cases for the citizens of the city and never given up. So, Ralph and Joe award Barry the Medal of Honor. He is truly touched.
Ralph updates Iris on his activities, and shows her the picture he took, showing her Ultraviolet. Iris thanks him, and she off on the case for her paper. Just as Ralph takes in everything, he hears a sound behind him. He turns around to see Bloodwork---who attacks him. The episode ends with them in a brawl.
This was such a FUN episode! It's nice to get a break from the intense drama that these shows put on most of the time. Last week was Cisco centric, and kind of a sad tale. This week...we got to enter the world of Ralph Dibny...and boy was it a blast! Now, admittedly, it did come off as very cheesy James Bond-ish (Roger Moore Era...more lighthearted), and had those elements, including ripping off the infamous scene in Goldfinger, but otherwise, it gave us a story of just what heroes can do when they DON'T use their powers. It showed us that Barry Allen is just as effective as a hero as The Flash. Barry finally understands his worth as himself, not just his alter ego. And Joe and Ralph wanted Barry himself recognized for his efforts to make Central City a better place. Barry needed that that HIS legacy...not just that of The remembered. And we got to see these two team up on a case that didn't involve supervillains with powers...just crazy criminal masterminds. I was bummed that we did NOT get a glimpse of Sue, but I did find it funny that the Bond-esque woman named January enjoyed Ralph and Barry as they worked her, then eventually watched the whole final battle from her seat. Ultraviolet returned, and I figure we'll see more of her, since she's directly connected to Allegra,
Speaking of Allegra---glad to see her back, and seeing a little more development as a character from her. She is curious, inquisitive, and fearful of her powers. She doesn't want to be her cousin, so her reluctance to use them is understandable. But having Nash to bounce that off of, and him giving her good advice, she finally understands that she is in charge of her life...not her powers. But NOW she is going to have A LOT of questions for Iris to answer---and it's going to be VERY interesting how Iris explains away Nash, the Multiverse, and the ONE secret big mouth Nash just HAD to let out: Flash's secret ID as Barry Allen. I soooo wanted to pop him in the mouth for that one. Yeesh!
Chester is going to make quite an interesting member of the team---yes, you know he'll be a part of it. What will be REALLY interesting is his intensity around the others---especially Cisco. THAT should produce some great comedic moments. But we also got to see Cecile's own fears and anxieties about her career change, and how it effected her powers. But thanks to helping Chester out---it helped HER out as well. Now we will see a much nore confident Cecile Horton from her on in,
Anybody else love the fact that Killer Frost was reading from The Book of Ralph Vol. 2 when she was helping Cecile with Chester? I think we should see an actual publication of that!
Overall, a much needed break from the melodrama unfolding, though we got right back to the serious stuff when Bloodwork showed up to attack Ralph, setting up another hard driven episode.
That's all for this week. Be sure to subscribe, let the good folks now I'm out here, and leave a comment!
Until next time...keep on running!
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