Tuesday, November 26, 2019
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTING - SEASON 3, EP. 7: "The Book Of Resistance - Chapter Two: Henderson's Opus"
Lines are being drawn, and the battle for Freeland is well at hand. We have the ASA putting on a full court press in capturing all the metas in town, while Henderson and the Resistance do what they can to save them, and get them out of town. Anissa's hurt, Jennifer's trying to figure out Brendan's past, Lynn continues to push on in finding a stabilizer for the metas in the Pit, and Black Lightning is caught in the middle of all of it.
We open up this installment with Grace having trouble keeping her powers stable, as her emotional state is high, what with worrying about Anissa and the oncoming threat of the ASA. Anissa finds her, and uses her program (which much like Gideon for the Legends and Flash), to help ease Grace's mind, and get her shapeshifting powers under control. It works, but Anissa knows she has to get Grace out of town before the ASA finds her. And her powers have not returned yet after her fight with Painkiller.
Jennifer is looking at her laptop, reminiscing about Khalil with his pictures when she gets a mysterious text. She seems a bit annoyed as she takes off.
We next head to Gambi's bunker, where he's finished comparing the poison compound from Khalil and Painkiller. He finds out they're the same, which he finds impossible since Khalil is supposedly dead. He ends up hiding this info for a bit as Lynn comes in. He says he's got an idea where the Pit is, since Lynn has no idea, considering they keep her blindfolded during her trip in and out of the ASA compound. He says he needs to access their mainframe, and gives her a piece of tech to gain access.
Henderson, Anissa, and the rest of the Resistance are congregating in at Reverend Holt's church, talking about the ASA upping their tactics to find the metas as quickly as possible. The Reverend says they can't come into a church armed, but Henderson says they will do what they want. They begin to formulate a plan to get the rest of the metas out of town.
Jennifer meets up with Major Gray, who is filling in as acting Director of the ASA as Odell heals from his wounds. She feels that Jennifer is their best asset, so therefore, she doesn't want Jennifer using her powers. Jennifer shrugs it off, and says that if they want her to do that, she wants the entire dossier on Dr. Jace, so she knows what's happening. Major Gray reluctantly agrees.
Henderson and the Resistance are parked away from a blockade of the ASA, where they have planted a bomb to distract the guard, so they can escape through. However, Black Lightning spots the bomb, and disables it, messing up the Resistance's plan. Next day, Henderson pays a visit to Jefferson, and they get into it about Henderson's tactics about getting the metas to safety--using a bomb. Henderson says he had it under control. They continue to bicker about what side Jefferson is on. Jefferson brings up the fact that he was an ASA lab rat for months, and Henderson lets him know about how the ASA has taken over his department, and how he's trying to do the right thing. He pretty much questions Jefferson and his allegiance, and walks out.
Reverend Holt and Blackbird talk about how to get the kids to safety, and find a way out of the perimeter. They also discuss where Black Lightning stands in all of this.
Lynn is working in her lab, testing one of the metas with another doctor--a male. He isn't shy about hitting on her, but she rebuffs him, looking to keep it professional. Major Gray walks in, and asks for an update. Once Lynn tells her, Gray orders her to push up the progress on these metas. Lynn refuses unless she can have full access to the facility. Gray relents a little---she'll gie Lynn access, but ONLY to the Green Light kids. Gray remarks that she doesn't like Lynn...she's pushy. Lynn then goes to work in helping Gambi get access.
Jennifer and Branden are at school, and she wants to discuss what happened at his place the other night. He's not into talking, but then a Markovian Alarm goes off like an earthquake drill, and Jennifer takes him to another room to try and talk to him, He refuses to chat until she says that she has got information about Dr. Jace. He's suddenly curious.
The ASA guards---led by Major Gray---are going house to house to rouse out the metas in the area. Not taking any particular concern to the safety and well being of those who live there. Soon, there's a shootout between the ASA and the Resistance. Black Lightning shows up, and quells the entire fight. Major Gray is ticked off, and says he needs to back down, but Black Lightning says he don't follow ANYONES orders. And she takes off with her wounded soldiers, threatening Black Lightning in the process.
Gambi in disguise as he enters the ASA compound with Lynn. She tells him where the mainrame is, an he only has 14 minutes to get in, while she goes about her business. Once he gets into the mainframe, he discovers just where Khalil is.
Lynn and Gambi find Khalil, as he is in stasis mode. Gambi says they need to destroy him before he's used to kill anyone else. Lynn, however, accesses his memory chip, and finds out that his old memories are in there. She tries to go about changing his programming. She ends up waking him up, much against Gambi's wishes, and he recounts all his missions up to this point. She puts him back in stasis, and goes about reprogramming him. Gambi says that is worth it. She's adamant in telling him that she's not going to lose one more child, and tells Gambi to leave---making sure he knows to NOT tell Jennifer about finding Khalil.
Brendan and Jen are getting high, when she's curious about how their powers work when they mix together. All he wants is the info she has on Jace. She's still curious, and wants to try again, but he says to forget it, and orders her out, feeling she played him, and has nothing on Jace.
Jefferson shows up at Anissa's, and she explains the Resistance's plan, and begs him to help her get the new metas...and Grace...to safety. She says she needs Black Lightning. We see Jefferson show up at the secret location where the Reverend and the metas are, and the Reverend still doesn't trust Black Lightning, as he tells the metas to get going. Anissa and Gambi are running the mission from his bunker, when Major Gray and the ASA get the jump on them. As the ASA is about to fire on the metas, Black Lightning stops them, and takes down the troops, allowing the meta kids to escape. However, Grace---who's in her younger girl form---takes off from the rest of the group. She winds up in an abandoned house, with an ASA troop hot on her trail. It doesn't end well for him, as Grace has become her tiger mode, and attacks him, killing him. Black Lightning shows up, and finds Grace---who had a tracker placed in the necklace Grace gave her when they met Black Lightning in the tunnel, and Anissa told her that she could trust him. Black Lightning finds her, and she's happy he's there, also letting him know that she knows he's Anissa's father. She promises not to tell anyone. They go to get her to safety. Back in the bunker, Anissa, in tears, says goodbye to her love. Gambi tries to console her.
Jennifer is at home looking outside her window, when she gets a notice on her laptop---the entire dossier on Dr. Jace.
The episode ends with Painkiller manhandling yet another sparring partner, and crippling him, as he receives new orders: kill Black Lightning.
Well, we get a little more movement in this episode...mostly from where exactly everyone stands.
The ASA still sees Jennifer as their best asset---and don't want her using her powers until they deem it necessary to do so,. They have snowed her enough they believe with all the info about the Markovian attacks, that they feel she is one of their best weapons. However, she's got her own thing going on in trying to find out just what Brendan's deal is with his powers. So, with that, she uses Major Gray to get all the info on Dr. Jace to see how Brendan got his powers. We shall see what happens when she finally DOES get into contact with Khalil---because we KNOW that's coming. And will she have to protect Brendan? Jennifer is caught a little bit in the middle at the moment, and not knowing the full picture. Once she does---look out!
We get to know more about Major Gray...and that she is Odell's right hand gal, and is now the acting Director until he heals. So, he didn't die at the hands of the Markovians last week, as we might've been led to believe (I didn't think he played his whole hand yet, so I felt it was too early to bump him off). She's about as pushy as he is, and tries to come off with the whole scary act in her business suit (she's an imposing sight---and not a good one. Not a fan). She also is not fond of Lynn and HER pushiness...but she also knows Lynn's Green Light addiction, and that will come in handy later down the road. But she certainly outranks Colonel Williams...whom we haven't seen in awhile.
Lynn is getting more bold, but more obsessed in her own mission...and is blocking everyone out. She's getting further along, but has practically alienated everyone in the process. Gambi needed her help this week, but the two disagreed on how to handle the now very much alive, but new and improved Khalil. Gambi feels he's dangerous and needs to be unplugged, while she still feels the old Khalil is in there. She's insistent on saving him at all costs. As much as she swears Gambi to secrecy about knowing he's alive...it WILL get back to Jennifer before too long---and things are REALLY going to go from bad to worse for Lynn...providing Odell and Major Gray play their hand and get Lynn under control.
Jefferson is caught between a rock and a hard place. He wants to help the meta kids escape, but also wants to protect his family from the ASA, hence being a lab rat all those months. But knowing his daughter's girlfriend is in danger, and the other kids---plus his own beatdown at the hands of the ASA, and the pressure is on for him to pick a side. When he stops the bomb Henderson had at the ready to distract the ASA at the checkpoint, Jefferson wasn't happy about that either. He chastised Henderson about his choice of tactic, and they can't get on the same page. Henderson leaves it at the fact that they'll both have to approach taking down the ASA in their own way. It was nice that he agreed to help Anissa, and have some form of peace offering with his daughter. Grace feeling protected by him finally, by kknowing his secret ID (Boy those animal powers come in handy, don't they?). Jefferson, by the end of this episode, looks like he finally chose a side. He has now become a target by the ASA. So, business is about to pick up.
Overall, another decent episode. Not too much action, but was good in moving the plot along. We see that Major Grace is just as ruthless as Odell is, and as fractured as the Pierce Family is...they do have some bonding moments. Things are heating up, and we haven't even gotten to Black Lightning's involvement in CRISIS yet.
That'll do for this week. Subscribe, comment, and spread the rumor about me being here.
Until next time...the power is OUT!
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