Monday, October 21, 2019
REVIEW: SUPERGIRL - SEASON 5, EP. 3: "Blurred Lines"
This week's edition of The Maid of Might deals with a fascinating subject: where to draw lines in the sand, and boundaries when it comes to family and friends. You have to ask yourself at times in life---just what are you willing to do for them? How far are you willing to go, and--what exactly--are your boundaries for them....if any? We've all had our moral dilemmas with what we're willing to do for a friend...or family. Team Supergirl is facing exactly that with this installment. The results have an interesting effect.
We see the Danvers sisters having out with the Olsen siblings, as we open up this week's show. They're chatting, having a good time, and Kelly makes nice with a total stranger. In the wake of what's happened to them recently, Alex feels that Kelly needs to dial it back in the "being friendly" department. James assures her that Kelly hand hold her own. As the group splits, Alex and Kara have a talk about Kara's lunch date with Lena---hoping to put the pieces back together and mend their friendship.
We have our villain-of-the-week, as a woman with a spider-tattoo hooks up with a guy she met in a bar--a man named Miles Garrett, who had been seen with William Dey earlier, and having a heated conversation. Miles heads off with the girl, who's spider tattoo animates, enters Garrett's heart, and kills him.
J'Onn is going through a lot of personal struggles as of late, having realized that he had a brother he had no prior knowledge about until last week, and WHY said brother wants to see him dead. This week, he enlists Nia's help in using her dream powers to enter his mind again, see what more he can find out. What he DOES discover is unfortunate. That his brother Malefic little, and as they were playing a game of hide-and-seek, his little brother couldn't properly use his martian powers. He was mocked for it, so he used his other powers to inflict pain on everyone else. Their father decided that the best place for him was with the monks. Malefic felt abandoned. J'Onn realizes, so he believes, that his father mind-wiped him to forget Malefic existed. To Martian lore---this is considered an inexcusable sin...especially for a religious man such as M'yrann. J'Onn is distraught.
Lena and Kara have their lunch date---whereas Kara went WELL out of her way for Lena to make good. Lena, who has been frustrated with her Q-Wave research and hit a snag, even with Hope's help, needs Lex's journals that are locked away. Hope, occupying Eve's body, informs her that Eve's mind is still a part of her, and that she knew where Lex's journals are. Lena, using her "friendship" with Kara, manipulates her into sneaking into the Fort and obtaining said journals, using the excuse that it would help her "rid herself of the nightmares of Lex". Kara talks to both Alex AND James about it, and they have two differing opinions: Alex says she shouldn't even entertain the idea, even for a friend. To do this would be committing a crime. James, on the other hand, says that if you can help a friend, jump in and do it. Kara is torn.
Nia, while helping J'Onn...has her own issues. Her relationship with Brainy isn't going quite as well as expected. While Brainy IS feeling that he is doing right by her, he's become smothering and rather annoying. When she's faced with a crisis regarding telling someone the truth, especially a friend..knowing that truth will shatter them, she asks Brainy, who says she is obligated to tell them the truth...even if it hurts. She eventually confronts J'Onn with the news that it wasn't his father that mindwiped the existence of Malefic---who, in that time, had joined up with the White Martians to wipe out the Green Martians, but it was J'Onn himself. J'Onn is torn to shreds emotionally at this discovery. Feeling like he was doing something for his father, but, in turn, committed the ultimate crime in Martian society.
Kara's work life isn't any better. Andrea Rojas is still in her mode of sensationalist journalism. When the story about Miles Garrett turns up, as he is a noted geneticist, Kara says that she had done an interview with him last year, and would offer to do the story. Andrea shuts it down because "a scientists' death isn't sparkly enough", and when Dey shuts her down about the idea, she uses her x-ray vision to find out that his heart rate is erratic, and that he's lying. James and her confer on the investigation, and discover that Garrett had a spider tattoo on his heart, which immediately gets his body to the DEO, where Alex and Brainy examine him. They come across the alien spider race, and discover that it's new host was a woman named Caroline O'Connor. They go to find her, and get attacked for their troubles. Kara gets ensnared in her web, while James, as Guardian, comes in to help. He gets attacked as well, and Caroline bails. James is hurt in the altercation, but they get him back to the DEO and save him just in time.
Kelly is met by an old friend, who is experiencing some mental troubles, and looks to her for help. Kelly, far too trusting as she is, helps the man using Obsidian Tech to ease his pain, only to find out that it's Malefic in disguise once again, and begins to manipulate her. Just then, J'Onn arrives to make the save, and Malefic bolts yet again. Kelly is safe, but shaken up a little.
Supergirl and Caroline tangle yet again with the team, and the result ends they way it should---with the spider alien extracted from Caroline, and the threat ended. They head back to the DEO, and, with J'Onn's story about Malefic disguising himself to Kelly, makes Alex feel uncomfortable. So, with no argument, James and Kelly take off from National City to protect themselves from Malefic's reach. Kelly learns a valuable lesson here---don't be too trusting to strangers...or even friends you've not seen in awhile. Everything is NOT always as it seems.
Nia eventually confronts Brainy about him being overbearing. Brainy explains to her that that is how he is. She tries to explain to him to ease back, but Brainy sees it as the relationship not working. He takes off, and Nia is left alone.
We see William Dey again, this time talking to a man on a park bench...about Garrett's death. The man leaves a wad of cash for William, and telling him "good luck" as he leaves. Just what IS Dey's deal, anyway? Is he working for some secret agency? What was his connection to Garrett, and why is he so fascinated with Supergirl? He's got a lot to answer for.
Kara and Lena meet...with Kara giving her the goods---Lex's journals. Kara did break into the Fort, and made off with them, believing this will mend the fences between her and Lena. Oooh, Kara, what you have done opening Pandora's Box.
This was a really good episode. It really gave us a great impression of what happens when you are willing to blur the lines between good and bad, trusting and not trusting, in regards to friends and family. How the lines blur when it comes to our loved ones. Kara crossed that line, and will pay for it dearly down the is J'Onn paying for it NOW. Kelly saw what happened when she THOUGHT she was helping a friend, only to be fooled by Malefic yet again---because she's too trusting. William Dey is crossing some boundaries of his own, but not sure what those are as yet. Lena...well...she's betraying the very trust Kara put in her about her secret ID as Supergirl for the simple concept of revenge...and to manipulate people into being...from HER perspective...BETTER people. She's crossing not only a moral boundary, but an ETHICAL well as CRIMINAL.
Nia and Brainy? Well...they never really SET boundaries. Their relationship is so new, that they never settled into what was acceptable and what wasn't. For their relationship to continue, they need to learn to communicate better.
The only one with any common sense at the moment is Alex...who is doing the usual fantastic job of holding the fort down, and keeping a level head.
The villain of the week was nothing spectacular, so that was a minus for me in this episode.
One thing that someone who did a recap of the show brought up that also caught my attention....If Hope is occupying the body of Eve Tessmacher---WHY has she NOT become aware of Eve's association with Leviathan? Why hasn't that information made it to Lena? And I also wonder if William Dey is ALSO a part of that.
More questions to be answered.
Thanks yet again for the follow, the subscriptions, and any comments you may leave. I really do hope to hear from you guys. Wanna know what YOU think?
That's it for this week, so until next time...Up, Up, and Away!
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