Sunday, November 18, 2018
SUPERGIRL - Season 4.6
REVIEW: SUPERGIRL - SEASON 4, EP. 6: "Call To Action"
Not even a celebrated holiday like Thanksgiving can be free of the woes of the world. Especially in National City, where the tensions between humans who're urged on by the hate speech of Agent Liberty, and the aliens who are trying to live a peaceful existence on Earth, are rising and reaching a boiling point. In a time and place that honors a holiday devoted to giving Thanks for what we have, and for bringing different peoples together---regardless of culture---there are those who feel paranoid and threatened by the presence of strangers who will act upon their anger and fear with violence. Thus is the backdrop of the Maid of Might's current dilemma.
With a simple alien couple taking a peaceful stroll, discussing the upcoming holiday, and acknowledging each other, one particular couple gets assaulted from a man in a golden mask---much like our villain, Agent Liberty. He is stopped by Supergirl, however, and even Manchester Black lends a hand to save the couple from a beating. Both give a nod to each other, and Supergirl then questions where the man they caught got his mask. Just as they're about to get info, leaflets fall from the sky. With Agent Liberty's mask on it, and the usual hate speech. When asked who Agent Liberty is by Kara, the man replies "We all are."
Lena is in her lab, when Miss Tessmacher arrives. Apparently, Lena's been trying to work on a cure for cancer, but has thus far struck out. The heart she has isn't responding to whatever treatment or experiments she's conducted on it. Miss Tessmacher tries to reassure her that they'll find a way, and have another sample to work with. Lena burns the one she has, and prepares to start over. This is something new---and apparently something Lena's been keeping under wraps for some time---and the idea she has for it later on is a bit shocking....maybe. She IS a Luthor, you know...
We see Lena yet again, as she meets up with James, and they discuss the Liberty issue. She says he's booked on a show---a "Crossfire" kind of show, where he'll be slated to present one stance, and whatever his opponent will have on the alien issue. James says he's meeting up with the Children of Liberty to get an interview, tell a more comprehensive story. Lena isn't thrilled about it, but James says it doesn't matter what she thinks. She pulls her "Boss" card, and says that he's supposed to be on tv, so figure it out. Tensions have begun to rise between the two---trouble in paradise, perhaps?
At the DEO, Kara and Alex are ripped by Col. Haley about going out and taking on anyone involved with the Children of Liberty. As much as they protest, she puts her foot down, and says that it's NOT the DEO's concern. Both are upset that the Col. has shut them down on this issue. Frankly, considering the kind of powers she has, and the fact her cousin doesn't really operate under US military or governmental rule, I keep wondering WHY Kara keeps doing it....feeling like a lapdog to a government oversight committee (because, let's face it, that's who Haley is), that likes to flex its muscle in order to show everyone just WHO is exactly in charge. They talk to Brainy who, after some misunderstanding (man does NOT know literal from figurative), to keep their investigation on the down low.
Lockwood heads home, yammering on the phone to someone (not sure, but COULD be him putting more plans in place to escalate the conflict). He's met by his family, when we see him on TV, giving his rap about how humans need to stand up for themselves and whatnot. His family feels he's famous now.
James and Lena's issue only escalates when he informs her that it's a blind meet with the Children of Liberty, hoping to get a one-on-one with the head guy, and Lena isn't thrilled that he's going into this unprepared. They squabble more about it.
J'Onn goes to see Manchester Black, and invites him to Thanksgiving dinner at Kara's. Black's not really in the celebratory kind of mood, but J'Onn gives him Kara's address anyway. J'Onn leaves, and Black heads to the bathroom, where we see the man he captured from the other night. And with a pair of pliers, he plans on getting matter what.
James---facing his dilemma of the talk show vs. meeting with the Children of Liberty, lucks out when Kara offers to take his place. She feels Nia can help her, but, as seems to be the case, lately, Nia is asleep at her desk. When asked why she's asleep so much, she says she's got narcolepsy, and they offer her help in finding medical treatment, but she refuses. Ooooh, if they only knew the Dreamer's true power....
Back at the DEO, Alex and Brainy aren't getting very far on the clues from the Flyer that Agent Liberty sent out. Trying to keep it on the down low, once Haley arrives to check up on them, Brainy uses the hokey excuse of looking up her pie recipie to find out why it's so good. She leaves, they get back to work.
While James meets up with one of the Liberty agents, a man named Tom, he's asking about why Tom joined, and Tom responds to how he's just protecting his family, and when Tom uses "roaches" to describe the aliens, James takes offense to that. Seems to me, Tom doesn't have much in the education department in regards to slurs being used against minorities.
we see Lena and Tess again, working on heart #2 in this creepy little experiment of theirs, and it seems they're still no further in succeeding in their tests. When Lena decides to burn it, it appears that the heart absorbs the heat and fire, making it superhuman? Alien? Either way, it's got Lena and Tess mystified.
Kara goes head to head with Lockwood on this talk show, and she gives a very impassioned speech about equality...especially in the backdrop of the holiday. Lockwood sees this as an opening to discredit aliens, and he made sure he used James as Guardian to help further is side in the debate. Kara is left speechless.
Getting back to Manchester Black, we see that he's not done torturing the lad from Liberty about where he can find the head boss. Wonders what's so great about the mask...noting the infrared lenses. Once the poor boy spills the beans, Black decides he's had enough use for him. You can guess what happens next.
Thanksgiving at Kara's is less than exciting, though they try to honor the holiday with a nice feast. Brainy is surprised to see Nia there, and there's some flirtation going on with her and him. Kara and Alex's Mom is there, and she inquires about Nia's nacrolepsy. Nia does what she can to deflect, and the subject changes. Manchester decides to join the festivities. The topic of the day doesn't seem to be put to rest just for the holiday, as Kara worries about how such an agenda can be battled, and how can alien people be protected. It's then that Lena suggests that what if humans had powers? It would ease the tension. James talks about WHO would get these powers. Everyone except criminals, Lena suggested. James and the rest inform her that this would be an extremely bad idea. Brainy just happened to talk about the clues he uncovered regarding the flyer, and they also find out that the masks' infrared lenses can help see the markings the group has made on the homes of the aliens---and put it all together to find out that the Children of Liberty plan to march into these homes at sunset to start killing aliens. All formulate a plan to go after these people before they go and do something extremely stupid---like committing violence against another living being, and putting their own lives in danger, and mostly...committing murder for a cause that's doing what it was designed to do---create paranoia, dissention among the public, and chaos. Brainy, Alex, and Kara go to see what they can do to find the homes and get rid of the markings before the riot group can show up. James also sees what he can do by talking to Tom before it's too late. Lena doesn't agree with this, but James insists it's what has to be done. It's at that point that Lena confesses to working the DA to get Jame's case dropped by giving them information about Mannheim. James doesn't like the direction Lena is going, and it seems their breakup is imminent.
Kara is flying around the city, trying to erase as many markers as she can, but even she knows she won't get everybody. Brainy is doing his part on the ground, as well as Alex, but Brainy is met with members of the group, hell bent on destroying a business, and he manages to defeat them. Another section of the group manages to invade a home, beat on a man, while his daughter watches in fear. She then uses HER powers to summer her pet dragon, and make it LARGER, thus becoming a full fire-breathing dragon. It goes around looking to destroy anyone in its path, and, with the help of Supergirl, manages to subdue the creature, just in time for it to return to normal size. James finds Tom, and urges him to stop before this gets out of hand. Tom is hell bent on doing whatever it takes to "protect his family". James is forced to take him down, and let him know there's another way. Manchester Black, however...feels there's only ONE way to take care of the problem...with a loaded gun.
After the day is saved, we see Haley once again chastising Kara and Alex, and says she won't be afraid to drop the hammer on them if they disobey again. But because of the night's incident, the relents and realizes that the Children of Liberty are a threat worth looking into. In a private moment, she comes down hard on Alex, but Alex answers right back that she goes with her gut, and that if that isn't enough for Haley, she can take the job and shove it. She then salutes Haley and walks off.
Lockwood gets another call from the tv network to inform him that he's got his own show. Now he has an even LARGER platform in order to spread the hate propaganda. We also see Manchester Black, going back to our tied up boy, Petrocilli, and torture him some more about finding Agent Liberty.
Tom and James meet again, and James wants to met the head guy. Tom has a few of his friends show up, put a bag over James' head, and off they go. I believe that Lockwood's plans for James are underway.
Lena and Tessmacher are once again back at the lab working on this Hauron-El heart, and seeing that it's resistant to fire, she feels it's time for human subjects. Ooooooh boy---the Luthor influence hard at work...
This episode was good in the fact that we see just what propaganda can do when it's used to manipulate those into believing the worst in others, and thus making a public paranoid enough to want to take violent action against another. Agent Liberty's plans are running like a well oiled machine...despite Supergirl coming in and derailing his plans. Now, he'll have James in his grasp, and the possible brainwashing can begin. Kara's debate with Lockwood went a point. But she's not a master of public speaking and manipulation like Lockwood is. And with him having his own's only going to escalate into a full blown war.
Credit Lockwood for taking advantage of whatever Mercy Graves got her hands on technologically. To create masks with infrared lenses that spot the markings made on the houses was genius. Using dogs to sniff them out is even more subtle. Average citizens caught up in the hype using their animals to track aliens and set up their homes for attack. Lockwood is organized, I will give him that.
Haley I feel is till a two bit politician type soldier who, while she may care for America, isn't afraid to wear her prejudice on her sleeve, and seems to get off on lording her authority over Alex AND Kara. What upsets me most is how passive Kara just relents to it. I know she's just trying to show she's actually one of the GOOD GUYS, she shouldn't be adherent to the DEO...even IF Alex is in command. Clark, while working WITH local law enforcement and governments, doesn't ALLOW himself to be RULED or ORDERED around by them. If Superman sees a disaster or a problem he KNOWS he can help with...he'll help. Kal doesn't deal with lines on a map. Clark Kent may reside in America, and it's primarily where Superman hangs his cape, but he feels he's there for THE WORLD. I don't see WHY Kara doesn't grasp this yet. I wonder if it will take until the end of this season where Kara feels she needs to be more a global guardian (which I'm sure she IS---to an extent), but not be hindered by the DEO and Haley's draconian rule.
James and Lena's romance is pretty much on the rocks. James, while he FEELS he's doing the right thing in reporting, is seriously putting himself at risk, and it WILL get him into trouble. But the fact that Lena lied to him, and her stance on just giving everyone "powers" in order to resolve the whole alien/human conflict is narrow sighted at best, despite her intentions. He motives MAY be noble, but the MEANS in which she plans to support said motives are in the shady area. Guess that Luthor gene runs deep enough ,where morals are negotiable.
Manchester Black...well, I DID say the week prior, that he's going to take the darker path to seek justice for his lady. Even if it means leaving broken bones and dead bodies along the way in the process. For's pure revenge, no and's, if's, or but's. The ends justify the means, and he'll get justice any way he can...even if he has to kill a TON of people,and it brings him into direct conflict with both J'Onn AND Kara.
I guess the little girl really did know how to train her dragon (if you don't get THAT joke, you're hopeless!). And the dragon gets a credit for doing what he was supposed to do...protect his owner. Didn't take long for him to take a shine to Kara cute.
Have you all picked up on the fact that Nia's powers come from her "sleeping"? Good, another thing I don't have to explain. I do love the flirty banter she has with Brainy...and how clueless he is to it. He may catch on eventually...when he learns how to balance those emotions of his. He can't be walking around like Star Trek's Data and Spock forever.
Alrighty kids, that does it for me, but I WOULD appreciate you subscribing, leaving a comment, and passing the word of my existence around. I'm grateful. And by the way, if you think my review is cool, and you're looking for even MORE of an opinion on our favorite CW shows, please check out my friend Jocelyn's You Tube channel. She does amazing watch and review's there. Her channel can be found at Jocelyn RP'll be glad you did! She's got all sorts of cool stuff on there!
Until next week....Up, Up, and Away!
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