Tuesday, February 25, 2020
REVIEW: SUPERGIRL - SEASON 5.13: "It's a Super Life!"
Welcome back, fans of the Girl of Steel! As we witnessed in our last installment, Winn was still in town, as the Super Friends faced off against the Toyman, who had now occupied cyberspace, Winn also got closure with his past in regards to his criminal father, Kara and William almost got closer, and Alex quit the DEO, because she couldn't handle playing nice with Lex anymore. And Lex helped Lena get in good with Andrea, for use of her technology, and Jemma also made sure the deal went down, just so they could have the Luthors right where they wanted him.
But Kara and Alex weren't expecting the appearance of an impish being named Myxzptlk to show up at Kara's door....
As we left off with Kara and Alex at Kara's apartment, we got a knock on the door, and it's our old pal Myxzptlk, who's come a callin' to Kara yet again. It's been a long while since we've seen the annoying imp (as he's now played delightfully by Thomas Lennon), but he is here to not drive Kara nuts, or to win her over with his impish charm, but rather to help her. He's come from the 5th dimension, and he says he has much to make up for, so he's trying to be a good guy, and help out those he's wronged before, so he's not there to try and win Kara's heart again. He can't use his powers for anything else EXCEPT to help people, so Alex wonders how it is he can help Kara. He offers Kara a chance for a do-over: A chance to change things in her life---specifically her relationship with Lena. The rules are is that SHE would get to choose the narrative as to where she can stop/start a certain point in time as to when she wants to reveal her ID to Lena. However, Myxy explains, that once she has made her final choice, once he puts it in motion, he can't change it back. It's set in stone. And to make the deal sweeter, he gives her a tape recorder of him saying his name backwards, so that if she chooses NOT to take his deal, she can play it, and banish him BACK to the 5th dimension. She promptly plays the tape, his name is said backwards, and he disappears.
J'Onn shows up and the three discuss whether or not Kara SHOULD do this, knowing everything that Lena has done. Kara says that if she did this, she would be changing history to save history, not just their friendship--as Alex had commented about. They KNOW Lena and Lex are up to SOMETHING, but Kara comments that if push comes to shove, she doesn't think she can fight Lena. She decides she's gonna give it a try, and calls Myxy back, and he reappears. However, he states, that this journey has to be Kara's alone, and Alex and J'Onn can't be there, so he zaps them away, and we see them all excited about a paintball game SOMEWHERE. With that said, Kara and Myxy settle in to see where Kara can fix her damaged relationship with Lena.
At first, they need to find out just WHERE did Kara go wrong in not telling Lena she's Supergirl. Myxy scrolls through various events of Kara's situations with Lena, including saving Lena and the plane they were on from crashing, as Lena was piloting the plane, It's just after that point, where she has Myxy stop, and she enters herself at that point in time, and reveals her ID to Lena...just as Mercy Graves was about to attack. Lena is in shock, and Supergirl excuses herself, takes care of Mercy, and comes back, but Lena is gone.
We have Myxy fast forward to Lena in Metropolis, talking to Sam, and her drops the bomb on Sam about Kara being Supergirl. She now feels she doesn't know who the real Kara is, and that she was all worried when she made the Kryptonite, but Sam stops her, and tells her that Lena did what she had to in order to save Sam, and split her from Reign. She's a hero in her eyes. Kara watching the events on her computer, sees the events unfold, where she realizes that it's the same night that Kryptonite conatminated the skies. She remembers that she was infected, and she was falling to her death, but J'Onn saved her, and got her back to the DEO. She remembers that Lena saved her that night---but here, history changed...and Kara ended up dying. We see Alex being the only one at her grave, saying how she now feels lost with our Kara around. Kara obvioiusly didn't want that to happen, so she decides to go back further, to find another avenue to get through to Lena.
Kara remembers the time she had asked Lena about the Kryptonite, and whether or not she still had any of it around. She felt she was confrontational with Lena, and decides to try a different approach. Myxy sends her back to that moment, and--again--she confesses her ID to Lena, but again, the plan fails, as Lena chews her out about lying and not trusting her. Myxy then deicdes that HER choices are terrible, and that HE will show her another point in time. She points out a time where her and Mon-El were about to take on the World Killers. It's here that she tries to get Mon-El's advice, and he simply tells her that you worry about those who love you most who let you down, and leave you vulernable. His family he recalls as such people, and how they also wanted to take advantage of the Luthor family for their own gains. He goes on to say that it's okay to mess up. But she deserves the same compassion that she gives others. Reign then attacks, and the battle is engaged, and Sam's mother is caught in the battle. Lena takes down Reign, and saves her mother. Lena also uses her weapon to try and save Sam, and she feels she has succeeded. She turns, but Reign was feigning compassion, zaps Lena with her heat vision, and she's dead. Mon-El attacks Reign, but also suffers the consequences. Reign ends up killing everyone, and THIS secenario is a bust, so Kara asks Myxy gets her out of there.
They try yet again, only going back to when Lena had first gotten into National City, and she flat out told Kara that she wasn't looking for friendship. Kara feels that maybe THERE is a good chance to clear the air, and tell her who she is. She reveals her ID to Lena, who wonders why. Kara says that her cousin and Lena's brother got it wrong. She believes in Lena, and that she knows she's a good person. So, she feels that they can do some real good together. Lena feels happy to be trust with such a secret, and then we see a montage of several newspaper pages from the Daily Planet about Supergirl and Lena's working relationship nets some positive gains. Then, at the trial of Lillian Luthor, where the lawyer asks Lena WHO Supergirl really is, she pleads the Fifth, and Lillian still gets convicted. The people rally around the Duo, who are making the world a better place, so they believe. This includes Thomas Coville, the man who formed the Cult of Rao. We then later see Lena approached by Ben Lockwood, wanting to know WHO Supergirl really is. He talks about his family dying, and felt that it was party Lena and Supergirl's fault. She blows him off, and goes to leave, but he ends up kidnapping her, and has Coville as well. He feels that Supergirl should NOT be idolized and worshipped. He ends up capturing a tv feed, and says that Supergirl has one hour to reveal her identity to the world, or Coville and Lena will die. Supergirl does, and she ends up saving Lena and Coville. However, in the process of exposing her ID to the world, her friends and family are all killed off in the process...so, once again, she suffers the consequences of her actions.
Myxy then whisks her away to what looks like a every dystopian future. They don't like the result of this, and Kara wants Myxy to zap them out of there, but there's a problem: Myxy's powers don't work there. For some reason, he can't tap into the magic of the 5th Dimension. In this dark reality, there are Luthor guards in heavy armor, and they attack Supergirl and Myxy. She fires back with her heat vision, but it has no effect. She ends up being rescued by Dreamer, and she gets them into hiding at The Tower. It turns out that Lena has gotten ahold of 5th Dimension magic, and thus, nullified Myxy's powers. He is also lablelled an outlaw, along with Supergirl. They recount that Lena had taken over National City after she had killed off Lex. Reign and Brainy are her enforcers. They have to find a way to get ahold of 5th Dimension magic for Myxy to change things. Reign and Brainy then arrive, and attack the team. They do what they can to fight back. Reign is taken out by J'Onn, and Brainy is held back by Dream. Supergirl goes onto face Lena. Lena then wonders WHERE Kara had been when her helicopter was attacked, when she was then captured and experimented on, and eventually attacks Kara with Kryptonite, and beats her down. As Kara lay dying, Myxy eventually finds a hat that Lena had kept with her, where it was filled with magic from the 5th Dimension. He manages to save the day, and they wind up back into Kara's apartment.
Myxy asks if she wants to try again, but Kara has had enough. She says that no matter what she chooses, there's always some dire consequences to be paid. She realizes that she is just going to have to live with the decision she's made. But she finally feels free of the guilt, and expresses her gratefulness to Myxy, and tells him that he has helped her. He reminds her that magic can't be forced...it has to be found. She thanks him once again, and he's off. But after he leaves, he HAS left Kara a little gift: a tape that reveals the plan that Lex is working with Lena. Supergirl then flies out to meet with Lena, who feels this is just another ploy by Kara to try and win her back over to her side, and get Lena's forgiveness. This time, however, Kara has no such desire. She promptly puts it to Lena like this: Kara can't change the past, and she gets it. But she's tired of feeling guilty for the decision she made. If Lena wants to forgive her, she'll be there waiting with open arms. But she's refusing to accept guilt for Lena's bad decisions. Lena asks her what she wants. Kara says that IF she continues down this road, she's going to have to suffer the consequences of her actions. If she continues working with Lex, Kara explains, that whatever they have planned, she will be there to stop it....just like she would any other villain. She then flies off, leaving Lena to ponder what's transpired.
Kara, Alex, and J'Onn are at her apartment, where Myxy left a buffet of stuff food wise behind, as a gift to Kara for allowing him to help her. They have all decided that, no matter what Lena and Lex does, they vow to stick together, as they have done since the beginning...despite all the mistakes Kara has made.
With Supergirl celebrating her 100th episode, it felt like they needed to do something special, and a little out of the ordinary to honor the occaision. This was a sort-of "This Is Your Life, Kara Zor-El" kind of deal, with our delightful little Imp as the emcee. And I have to say...right off the bat...that Thomas Lennon is a MUCH better choice to play Mr. Myxzpltk. He's got comic timing, quick wit, and he just FITS the part. He and Melissa Benoist worked well off each other this episode, and provided SOME lighthearted moments.
However, this episode was squarely focused on Kara and Lena's friendship fallout, and the consequences of what would happen if and when---at varying stages of their history---that Kara had revealed her secret ID to her. As it turns out---and I feel that she could've EASILY gone to THE source for information and gotten advice about altering the past---Barry Allen, in regards to the consequences of such an endeavor, Myxy fills in nicely to lead Kara on this path, and show her that---no matter WHAT she did---telling Lena her secret ID wasn't going to make things BETTER. It just made the situation WORSE in varying degrees. However, it DID allow Kara to FINALLY come to grips with the fact that, while guilty about HIDING her dual life from Lena, that she doesn't HAVE to feel remorse over the way LENA has handled it. So, I have finally felt RELIEVED that Kara has now drawn in that line in the sand, and threw it back in Lena's face. If Lena wants to act like a bitch about Kara lying to her, it's on HER as to whether or not she gets over it. But Kara's not going to be on the hook for it anymore. And if Lena continues to work side by side with her brother, and do something heinous, no matter HOW altruistic SHE feels about it, she knows Kara will treat her as a criminal, and bring her down. HOPEFULLY, they will move on from the "Kara the guilty party" crap, and allow her to grow BEYOND her relationship with Lena. Plus, I hope this means that she will continue to team up to expose Lex. But WE know Lex (and, to a smaller degree, Lillian), are using Lena for their own nefarious means, and will feed her to the fishes if it means they get caught. So, Lena has made her bed, and now must lie in it. And MIND YOU--we're not even bringing Leviathan into this as yet.
While this episode did have it's cute moments with Myxy, overall, it was just a bit of a rehash of Kara and Lena's story, but with some final resolution on the matter. It's been long overdue.
That's it for this week, and I hope you guys like what you read. Please subscribe to the blog, spread the rumor about it everywhere, and please leave COMMENTS! I WANNA hear from ya! It's what it's all about, kids!
Until next time...Up, Up, and Away!
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