Monday, February 17, 2020
REVIEW: SUPERGIRL - SEASON 5.12: "Back From the Future Part 2"
After a brief hiatus, we welcome back the Maid of Might, as we pick up from where we left off with the last installment: Winn has come back from the future to save his good name from the evils of his doppleganger--a Toyman hellbent on destroying everything for the love and memory of his father. Meanwhile, Lex continues to manipulate Lena, Brainy, and everyone else he can to get info on Leviathan, and get an upper hand. And---what's the deal with William and Kara? Are their sparks flying? Plus: J'Onn has given us the Tower---and the Super Friends are born!
We catch up with our Super Friends, as they're having a nice time out at a local watering hole, where Winn has stuck around to hang out and catch up. They ask him about his Legion code name, and reveals it to be the less-than-flattering "Computer Boy". He discusses some of the OTHER Legionnaires such as Lightning Lad, Cosimc Boy, etc. They make fun of him, and William all of the sudden drops by. He and Kara chat, and it's obvious that there's some sparks flying between the two. They then engage in some karoke, dropping down some Toto for effect. While everyone is enjoying the duo singing, Alex and J'Onn talk to each other about how she set up a covert system to spy on Lex to see what he's up to. She's concerned about what he's got going on, and Brainy says he's offering to help keep tabs on him.
He then is back at the DEO, talking to Lex, and letting him know what Alex is up to, and Lex is well aware. He wants Brainy to keep him up to date on what she's doing. Lex then asks for an update on any activity going on, and Brainy reports that all is quiet. He speaks too soon, because drones come up from behind him, and begin to attack. This is the work of the Toyman, who has downloaded himself into the system, and taken control off the weapons using technological chips in them. Brainy calls Alex at the bar, and her and J'Onn take off, and Winn also decides to tag along--to help out. He helps Kara make some excuse to leave for William, so that she can become Supergirl, but not befoe William actually asks Kara out. She makes some excuse about her and Alex having a sick grandmother, and he buys it. So, she's off.
They get to the DEO, and they manage to destroy the drones. But in the end, they hear a pop song playing all around them. Winn recognizes it as one that he used to hear when he was younger....something his dad played him. They now realize that the Toyman hasn't gone away, and quickly ascertain that he has downloaded himself into the system. Brainy discovers the Artificial Intelligence in the system. It's based on a program that his Dad had used to download himself into this digital space. With Toyman in control, Winn fears that he can take control of EVERYTHING, and seep into the internet, and dominate cyberspace. They look back at the last battle with him, and they see that he had the Obsidian Lenses, and that he downloaded himself using them into a laptop that they had put into storage. He is now playing havoc with the DEO's system. Toyman then appears on various screens, wanting to have all the firewalls removed, or he'll destroy everyone. Brainy acts fast, and manages to push Toyman deep into the system into a firewall on their server, but he's not sure how long it can last. Alex asks if she has Supergirl melt the core, it will stop him, but Brainy says that's a bad idea. The core is connected to everything in the complex...Supergirl melts the core, and everything would blow up.
There's an old fashioned phone that rings, and Alex picks it up, and it's Lex on the other line wondering what's going on. Alex tells him that Toyman downloaded himself into the system. She says that they need to rid the complex of weapons with any technological parts in them. Then, have Supergirl destroy them. Lex reminds her that some of those weapons are armed with Kryptonite, and that would be and extremely bad idea. Alex insists they have measures to protect Supergirl from Kryptonite, and Lex reminds them that maybe they had that on another Earth, but not here. He says they need to take care of the problem, and that the safety of humanity is first. He wants HER to handle the dismantling of the weapons. Alex then needs Winn, and they're going to go into the core and stop Toyman. Brainy offers to do that, but she wants him where he's at in case Toyman plots something else. Supergirl offers to go with Winn, while Alex handles the dismantling of the weapons. They take off, and Brainy calls Lex. He calls Lex out, and says that he KNEW Toyman would pull this off. Lex doesn't deny it, but has a job for Brainy: he wants the Toyman's codes, so that he can go after Leviathan. They are the biggest threat, but Brainy must do it discreetly.
Catching up with Andrea Rojas, she seems to be enjoying a meal of shrimp, until she realizes the taste is bad, and she's having a reaction. Turns out, she's using the Obsidian Lens, and Kelly Olsen is with her, but there seems to be a problem with the complete VR aspect of them. The lenes still need work, so Kelly gets on that as Andrea leaves. She ends up running into Lena, and Lena inquires as to what's new, and Andrea updates her on the new version of the lenses, but says there's a problem with the biolink algorithm. Lena would like to sneak a peek, but Andrea says she can't right now. Lena offers her help, says she has a neural interface that will eliminate the problems she's having. Lena is still working her manipulation in wanting to get to some of Andrea's technology, but Andrea says that the last time they worked together, it ruined their friendship, so she declines any help. Lena leaves.
Winn, Alex, and Supergirl are working down to the core to stop Toyman before he gets REAL deadly. Winn knows he needs to go, because he knows the codes to be able to stop Toyman. Alex is concerned, what with all the eyes on them, and this technology that can be used against them. As they take off, Winn talks to Brainy...who figurered out that Lex knew what Toyman was up to. He explains to Winn that he has to work with Lex to save everyone. Winn puts his faith in Brainy.
Lena and Lex discuss her issues with trying to get the use of the Q-Waves. She needs a distribution device, and Andrea's lenses are the perfect outlet. Lex offers his assitance, but she's still unsure. But Lena wants this to so-called "help" mankind, and agrees to let her brother help her.
Working towards the core, Winn fesses up to Supergirl that the whole digital space was his idea, and it's his fault they're in this situation. He talks about how is dad figured out what he was doing, and stole it from him prior to being icarcerated. Supergirl is supportive, but he also notices that she had some interaction with William. She feels she can't date, because of how she lied to Lena, and how she doesn't want to lie to William, but does. Because of her secret ID, she feels she can't be with him. Winn urges her to give it a shot. The tracker Winn is using to find the core gets a hit.
The Command Center has been cleared of all weapons with tech, and Alex tells them to disable everything else with tech in it--she's not taking any chances. However, Toyman has another surprise, and has some new weapons begin to attack them. Down in the core, Winn discovers that his dad had downloaded himself into the system. Winslow explains how he downloaded himself into the digital space, and had a dream. But he discovered that the OTHER Winn had downloaded himself in with and underlying code. He tells Winn that he's in the backup system. He offers to help, but Winn refuses to believe him. He's determined to erase themn both. Winslow says that he can't do it without him.
Brainy sees flying monkeys from the Toyman coming right at them. Supergirl tries to assure Winn that maybe he CAN help, but Winn tells her not to trust him.
Lex takes in a lunch meeting with Jemma Cooper, and offers his services with the lenses. Lex says they have the technological means to help them improve the lenses, and how beneficial it would be if they worked together. She is a tad apprehensive at first, but Lex says he'd like to be a friend for a long long time. He manages to charm her on the deal, once he explains that Andrea refused to take an offer from Lena. And she's allowing her personal feeling to get in the way of business. Jemma says she'll handle it.
As the rest of the DEO agents have finished up removing all the tech from everything, Alex goes to check on her drive that she set up...the one where she was keeping tabs on Lex...and discovers it's been tampered with. She ends up catching Brainy copying the drive onto another server. She berates him for it, and he says he had to do it. He stole her spyware and overwrote her commands. He said that Lex knows what she's doing, and she says she knew the risks. He said he couldn't take that risk. He did what he did to protect her.
Jemma strolls into Andrea's office and scolds her for not agreeing to Lena's terms for assistance. Andrea says that she didn't want to ruin her friendship with Lena, but Jemma says that she didn't take Andrea under her wing because of emotion. She says that Andrea was willing to do all it took to build up her father's business. She says that Luthorcorp can help them. Andrea feels she is right, and ends up giving Lena a call, saying that she changed her mind.
Winn finds the Toyman's server, but can't seem to end him with the code. He's got to go INTO the digital space to enter the kill code. Supergirl wonders about the risks, but Winn says he'll be okay. At this time, Lexosuits are attacking the agents, and Supergirl is needed to help stop them. Toyman is using them to try and escape the facility, and get out into the rest of the world. Winn makes it into the digital space, where he sees his father. His father tells him that being there has changed his thoughts on everything, but Winn isn't buying it. Toyman says he did this all for HIM, but Winslow states that Toyman is a psychopath.
Back in the real world, Supergirl is helping battle the Lexosuits, but she gets drilled by a Kryptonite blast, and has to fall back. Brainy discovers that loudnoises and misdirection is the key to defeating them. Using the light symbols on his suit, he shines them brightly to create a distraction, and goes through them, to cause confusion amongst them. They then turn their attention onto him.
Winn is battling Toyman in the digitial world, but Toyman is getting the upper hand. Winslow tells his son to let in the digital space, he can do anything. Winn recovers, but still having a problem trying to stop Toyman. Winslow says that he can help. Winn doesn't want to trust him. Winslow understands, but he sees something better in his son, and he's proud of him. Toyman comes at Winn, but he manages to hit a button on the cell his dad is in, and it opens up, with Winsolw charging Toyman, and holding him off long enough to put in the kill code. Winslow tells him to do it, and Winn finishes the job...both his dad and Toyman deleted. Supergirl goes to Winn to make sure he's okay. He said she was right...that his Dad loved him, and helped him out. They hug, with Supergirl saying that sometimes, people can surprise you.
Lex comes back to Lena, and Lena talks about how she got Andrea working with her, and Lex says all he did was have a talk with Jemma Cooper, and tell them that it would be a mutual benefit for them to work together. At the same time, Jemma is telling Margo that the have the Luthors right where they want them, and to alert Leviathan. Margo says that she will be pleased.
All the tech and Lexosuits have been rounded up, and J'Onn is going to dispose of them. He'll just send them into the sun. He then offers Alex some Martian spyware technology that Lex won't be able to find out about, but she passes. She says that she can't stay there and play nice-nice with Lex, knowing he's up to something nefarious. So, she's resigning the DEO. But she says to give the Martian tech to Brainy...she trusts he'll know what to do with it. She can't stand knowing that Lex is EVERYWHERE. J'Onn offers her a place at the Tower with him. Brainy says that for the reason she's quitting, is the reason he's staying. He will be the eyes and ears they need. As for Winn...he's managed to put his past behind him with this father. And as he prepares to go home, he decides he's changing his Legion codename to Toyman. Kara asks if that's a good idea, but he says it's time to make the name stand for something good. And he gives Kara some advice: give it time with Lena...the friendship will mend. As for William..take it by day, and see where it goes.
Kara does go to see William, who presents her a puzzle box for her "grandmother". And Kara decides that she can't be with him, and tells him that she doesn't feel that way about him...only as a friend. He feels awful, but accepts her decision.
Brainy hands Lex the Toyman codes, and informs him that Alex resigned, and that she'll no loger be a threat. Lex says he knows, he got her resignation. But has now put Brainy in charge of the DEO.
Kara and Alex talk about the changes that Alex will now adjust to, and how Kara just can't be in a relationship because of her dishonesty with Lena. She feels any relationship she has is doomed. Just then, there's a knock at the door. And it's a weird man who's there to make a wish come by the name of Mr. Myxyzptlyk.
Well, that was an eventful episode, with a few things that went down, and some more answers we weren't QUITE expecting. And some small resolutions.
It was great to have Winn back for a 2 episode arc, and we tied up his past life in a nice bow. Having created a digital space his father stole from him, then his evil doppleganger used, is quite ingenious for a young kid. But to have him not only face down his evil counterpart, but make peace with his dad was cool. And to take the name Toyman, and put it to positive use, is a good sign as well. Computer Lad isn't cutting it. Nice that he also name dropped some Legionnaires. And for him to give sound, sage advice to Kara was cool. Winn's matured, and still valuable.
Alex spying on Lex, and having her spyware corrupted by Brainy upset her. But is also shows how desperate she was to get the goods on him. But she also feels she can't stay with the DEO any longer, knowing he's up to no good, and to have to actually WORK with him. So, it leaves Alex to probably take charge in The Tower. That'll be interesting. But it adds a new chapter to Alex's life---one without some set of rules.
It seems that we now have Jemma AND Lex pulling strings in different directions...including each other. Lex, of course, tugging on Jemma's AND Lena's, and Jemma doing the same to Lex AND Andrea. The ones getting screwed in all of this is Andrea and Lena...who are now pawns in Leviathan and Lex's master plans. And we now know Leviathan is a woman. But STILL a mystery. Going to be curious for THAT reveal. This whole mess is going to be fun when it blows up in all their faces---and when Lex and Jemma find out they're using each other, and when Andrea finds out SHE is being used by not only Jemma, but Lex AND Lena. And Lena KNOWS she's being played by Lex...but he'll be one step ahead of her. I have a bad feeling that somebodies are going to be hurt...and it's NOT Lex and Jemma.
Kara's issues with Lena---ugh! It's OLD now! We GET it, Kara! We know you lied to Lena...and she's NOT going to forgive you for that. But once you find out what SHE is doing, what maks HER any better than YOU? And what she has planned for the people? That's outright criminal. Gonna have to let it go, girl. If Lena can't handle it...that's on HER. As far as William goes? Not a fan of these two together, but I'm also not going to immediately go out and hook Kara & Lena up like everyone seems to think it should go. We all have close friends, but we don't need to take the LGBTQ angle with every single character on this show. We have Alex and Kelly repping that group quite well. Can we at least let things happen ORGANICALLY here for once? Not every friendship needs to become a gay/lesiban couple. And from what I can tell...Kara tends to lean towards the, let's leave it at that for now, shall we?
Okay, done with the political aspect of that---but again, things are unfolding, and we're seeing more and more layers being exposed. Can't wait to see what's next.
That's it for this week...hope you like the new look of the blogs----I'm trying to spruce it up, and make it look cool. Tell me what you think! Leave a comment, subscribe, and tell your friends! I'd dig that!
Until next time...Up, Up, and Away!
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