Friday, February 7, 2020
Howdy there, folks! Yes indeed, we are back once again to hang out with our crazy little band of time travellers! Last week, Sara came back to the team with a documentary film crew following them around, as they got back to the business of fixing time anomalies, and Astra having released all these famous evil souls back onto Earth to create havoc. Sara was still dealing with the loss of Ollie and Crisis, and wasn't in the mood to be part of a documentary. The team was cashing in on its new found fame after last year's battle at Heyworld, and got caught up in the spotlight, as they tried to fix history by taking down a newly reincarnated Rasputin. Plus, Nate is trying to figure out who the woman was that left him the message to find her.
We begin this week's little adventure in Hell, where Astra is enjoying herself quite nicely, as John Constantine approaches. He knows she's released all these infamous souls back on Earth, he wants her to bring them home, but she laughs at him, and has no plans to do so. She tells him that HE is an important step in her evolution, so in order to stop her, he'll have to kill her. Frustrated, he disappears to the Waverider.
Hank is working on Gideon, trying to get back the message that Zari had left him, but Gideon has no record of it, since her reboot. Behrad comes in, and helps Nate up, as he asks what he's doing. But in the instant they make contact, Behrad changes to Zari very briefly, and then changes back to B. Nate looks shocked, and Behrad thinks that Nate is getting into his stash.
John returns, and debriefs the team about what Astra is doing with these souls she's released. They suggest destroying them, but there's a chance that Astra would resurrect them again. Sara says that until a better decision can be made on how to deal with them, these "Encores" will have to be put in cells aboard the Waverider. Ray feels they'll need bigger jars jokingly.
Behrad is talking to Sara, requesting time off the ship for his father's birthday, and he is dragging Nate with him. Sara calls him out, and asks why he never told his parents that he stole the family heirloom to become a time travelling superhero. He wants to keep it hush hush, and him and Nate leave.
They feel a new time quake, and they discover the source to be 1947 Los Angeles, which--at the period---was home to organized crime and the movie business in full swing. Sara wants Ray and John with her, while Ava and Mick stay aboard the ship, and be at the ready. Ava feels somewhat important with her first real mission as a member of the team, since there is no Time Bureau to be a part of. Mick says they got left behind, and aren't needed...she feels kind of sad about that.
We're in Washington DC in the year 2044, as Nate and Behrad arrive at his parent's house. They do the meet and greet with Nate, whom Behrad lies to his parents about being a professor at a college. It's then that Zari herself shows up, video blogging on her phone, all glammed up. She greets her family, and Behrad introduces Nate to Zari. Nate is taken aback, and she immediately thinks of him like a stalker. He says he has met her before, and she says of course, from her blog, which is getting massive hits. Nate then turns to Behrad, and says that she is the woman in the video message he was shown from Gideon prior to her reboot. Behrad just thinks Nate is having a mental breakdown.
Back in 1947, John is sensing magic at work, as they head to an office building where they stumble into a detective agency called Webb & Moore. They see a pile of ash where Webb apparently died from Hellfire. It's then, that a woman comes by, but she sees them,and starts to take off, they give chase, and talk to her. She says her name is Jeanie Hill, and she is an aspiring reporter. She had hired the detectives to help protect her from her boyfriend, Bugsy Siegel. Bugsy supposedly died, and is now resurrected, and running a joint called the Blue Iguana Club. John, putting on a phony American accent, calls himself "Moore", and works to get info out of her, and to caputre Siegel. She says he seems different...he's more vicious. Ray hands her a wad of cash, and says that should put her up in a hotel nicely until they have dealt with Bugsy. Ray is impersonating a cop, while John impersonates one of the detectives, and Sara is there as backup. They all head out to the Blue Iguana.
Mick and Ava have been tapped by Sara to do surveillance. They're at the bar, and Mick starts drinking beer, while Ava is giving Sara the lowdown on security, and other muscle in the club. They see Jeanie enter the club and greet Bugsy. They go to greet her, but Bugsy uses her as bait, because she's in news pictures. After Jeanie leaves, Sara puts on the charm and goes over to Bugsy, and gives him the business, which catches his attention. He goes to greet her, and they immediately begin to chatter. Sara starts laying on the nice nice, and says she's a reporter with a gossip mag, and she's got the skinny on several high rolling officials in the city AND a priest. He likes the cut of her jib, and she invites him to her car, where she says she stashed the goods. They head outside, as Sara is getting a signal from one of the team, letting them know she's about to make her move. But they are soon cornered by Mickey Cohen's men. Bugsy moves Sara aside, and he pulls out his gun, which has a green glow to it, and he is immediate shot several time by Cohen's men. But to their dismay, he's still standing, and goes to fire his gun, and the bullets immediately find their mark. All the men die, and just then, Ray is there to apprehend him. Other uniformed officers show up, and arrest him, and take him downtown. But they seem a little buddy buddy with him, and Ray decides to follow them to the station, to see if he can get the gun off of him.
Zari is at dinner with the family and Nate, talking about the launch of her new clothing line. The parents aren't as interested, and want to know why it is Behrad has not found a girlfriend. Nate can't help but stare at Zari, who still feels he's creepy. He then notices the wall, where he sees a painting or rug of sorts with the family heirloom on it. He comments about it, but Behrad nudges him NOT to do it with his foot, kicking him. The parents want to know how he knew about it, and he said that Behrad told him, while Behrad is hiding the heirloom on his watch.
Ava and Mick are still at the club on stakeout, and she goes into her little aria about feeling useless, having everything she owns in a tiny duffelbag, and not feeling like she has much direction. She was the head of the Time Bureau, now not much but a member of the Legends. Mick thinks it's not a bad gig. Ava wonders if they need them anymore, and Sara says for them to stay put. They need to figure out a way to get Bugsy's gun off of him. Ray decides to follow him to the station, see if he fcan give it a shot. He was going to get after it, when he got to the station, but he notices that all the officers are paid off. One cop comments how he hates to see the corruption, which Ray agrees. Bugsy goes to leave, but Ray tries to frisk him again. He gets interrupted, and has failed to get the gun. Ray will have to find another way.
John notices a name and number on the inside of the matchbook he took from the detective office: Elysian 7-5-3. He heads to the office, and is met by Jeanie. She knows he's a fake, and tells him to drop the accent. John is cool with it, and he informs her that he knows where Webb had stashed the blackmail info Bugsy had. All she wants is her freedom from him, and he wants the gun. So, when she volunteers to get it, he asks how...she moves up against him, and he gets it...the end up getting busy.
Ava continues to drink, and pour her heart out. She's homeless, no job, no nothing. Mick comments that she feels uselsess, but just then Sara calls in, and says that they need to create a distraction, and clear the club out. They're going to capture Bugsy. At this moment is when Ray had failed his frisk job, and Bugsy gets a call from Sara, who tells him he needs to hightail it to his club in a jiffy...things are about to go down...juicy, gossipy things. Bugsy takes off, and the cop Ray talked to earlier has him ride with him to take Bugsy down.
Ava is at the club, belting out some Bel Biv Devoe, and putting on a show, big band style. Sadly, it's just Ava's imagination as she is singing badly and driving the crowd out of the club. She is snot slinging drunk. Sara comes in,and appears to enjoy it. Mick asks if he wants to make her stop, Sara comments that no, let her finish.
John drives Bugsy and Jeanie to the club, and they kiss, and says he'll see her later. As he walks in, he complains about being called about a woman singing badly. He realizes he's been set up by Sara. She calls him out for being back from the dead, and he's screwing up the timeline. He said that killing only got him so far the last time, but THIS time around, it's about having information. He goes to pull his gun on Sara, but all he has is a normal gun, which he fires and misses her, as she heads for cover. She uses a champagne bottle to disarm him by throwing it at his gun hand. He doesn't realize Mick is beside him, and Mick knocks his lights out. Through all of this, Ava is still slinging drunk singing.
Nate is checking out some family photos in one of the rooms, when Zari walks in. They sit down, and he asks if she felt some connection to him when she first saw him, as if they had known each other in another life. She says maybe. She knows her brother has been lying about being at business school, and that Nate isn't a professor. She just wants to know if her brother is protecting the totem. Just as she starts to inch closer to him, Behrad shows up, and ushers Nate out of the room. She feels like she just missed out on her chance.
John and Jeanie head to Burbank, to a cemetary. John found out the clue that Webb had left behind. It was a name and number to a headstone. He opens a false front, and grabs the evidence. He's ready to burn it, when she pulls Bugsy's gun on him. She wants the blackmail goods for herself. John tries to persuade her otherwise, but she says she's tired of everyone walking all over her, but with the blackmail evidence, she'll have real power in the world. He relents and gives it to her, say who is he to tell her what to do. In the distance, Ray and the cop pull up, and the cop maps out a plan, to cause a distraction and get the blackmail goods, taking care of her in the process. Ray is taken aback, and thought he was an honest cop. The cop says that nice guys finish last in LA, and he has goons at the ready to take care of all of them. He cuffs Ray to the steering wheel, and is planning on using him as the fall guy. Jeanie, meanwhile, gives John the gun, and she is taking off. Ray sees this, and knows that the car she's getting into is rigged to explode. He honks the horn to get John's attention. He goes to scream at Jeanie, but she gets into the car, turns the ignition, and the car explodes. Ray broke himself free, and looks for John, who says they need to leave, nothing more they can do.
Back on the Waverider, Sara is about to put Bugsy inside a ready made cell, when John and Ray reappear. He's pissed that Bugsy corrupted Jeanie for his own selfish ends, and now she's dead. Bugsy says true, but that they face an even bigger problem: Astra. John then grabs Bugsy, punches him with the gun, bloddies him, and uses it as an incantation to head back down to hell. Sara warns him that he better know what he's doing.
Once more to Hell, and John brings Bugsy to Astra, but not before shooting a few of her guards with the magic gun. He orders Astra to bring the souls back to hell, and she flat out refuses once again. Bugsy warns that he has a bullet left. She taunts John to kill her. He says he won't...and also says he's not diving up on her. She laughs, thinking he'll never succeed, but John leaves...but not before shooting Bugsy dead in the process. Astra is shocked he did that, and John disappears, but not before saying that he'll be seeing her.
He's back on the Waverider, and said that he came close to ending her, but didn't do it. Ray talksa bout falling in love with Nora, and she was bad, and he's happy there's still good guys in the world. John is quick to cut him off, and says he's only doing it for himself, and to save Astra.
Sara drags a drunk Ava to a chair, and asks Mick not to tell her she made a fool of herself tonight. Ava blurts out how fine she is, but then passes out.
In 2044, Nate and Behrad talk about how Nate is being played by Zari, much as Nate doesn't want to believe it. She barges in with her phone, and discovers that she remembers Nate---he was a part of the Hayworld affair over 20 years ago, but yet they haven't aged a day. She's going to snitch on him to their parents, and when she turns to walk away, Nate opens a portal to the Waverider. She walks on board, and is shocked as to where she is. Gideon introduces herself, and Zari is stunned. Behrad introduces his sister to the team, and she ends up screaming for help.
This was a pretty straightforward episode, with some humor mixed in. Not quite the usual hijinks for this team, but I think that figuring things out is what is happening in the first couple of episodes, as we get through the hangover of Crisis. I can see that they are focusing primarily on Astra, and all the demons she's released, and their ability to capture them and right history.
Ava seems to be lost---as a clone, she feels she has no more purpose since the Time Bureau was shut down, and she lost her job. She's broke, and feels no sense of identity. Now, she's riding around with Sara, and she's trying to find her place in this world. She will be more than likely having more episodes where she's doing something against her normal character trait in order to find herself. It should be hilarious. Also...woman can sing with the "Bel Biv Devoe" song. Thought that was great. Through all this...Mick was right there....being Mick.
Was good to see Sara take charge, and get back into the flow of things. She truly is the leader of the team, and they all look up to her. She has grown so much into this strong leader over the last few seasons, but she still has her funny bone. Her watching Ava make a complete ass of herself and loving it. Ray had some minor comedic moments, but was actlually more of the straight man this episode.
John has now made this personal between him and Astra. He is determined to change her and save her. But he's doing it for selfish reasons, apparently. He will be used a lot as the conduit between the Legends and Hell.
The Nate/Behrad/Zari situation continues to confuse a little, as we haven't gotten answers as to why the switch. She is now a "guest" of sorts on the Waverider. I can imagine that she is going to want to blog about the whole experience, and find ways to get info as blackmail for not telling their parents. But will this mean that her and Nate will get close as well?
It was a simple episode, fairly formulaic, with some minor twists. But we got the premise of what the season is about. And hey....just like The Flash...there's a new title of the show sequence, and logo. It fits them pretty well. I hope we see something similar with the other shows. It's a new and fresh take, and takes out the voice overs.
That does it for this week. Please subscribe, pass along the good word, and leave a comment! I'd appreciate that!
Thanks for stopping buy, and until next week....Time is on our side!
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