Tuesday, February 11, 2020
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTNING - SEASON 3.13: "The Book of Markovia - Chapter Four: Grab the Strap"
It's high octane time! Black Lightning has assembled a team to invade Markovia to rescue Dr. Lynn Stewart. Lynn is up against the wall with Colonel Molen applying the squeeze to get the stabilizer for his own pod kids they plan on turning into weaponized meta to attack America. Lynn has plans of her own, and taking Dr. Jace with her. Meanwhile, tensions are high with the Pierce family, as Jennifer is still ticked off about how her family lied about Khalil. Khalil himself is also dealing with his Painkiller part of his mind, and feeling he's a danger to EVERYONE. Major Grey also playes her hand by programming Erika, a new meta recruit fro the Pit, with the task of killing Lynn. Can this team get it together to pull off this rescue abroad?
We open up with Jefferson talking, having a drink, thinking about Lynn, and the talk of addiction. He says he's seen the signs of it, and knows it can be all consuming. He has these powers, but they're useless against drug addiction. While he's pondering that, he's also pondering how it correlates to his life as Black Lightning. He didn't LIKE that name when the press started calling him that. But it stuck. He talks about how he TRIED to balance his life as Black Lightning, while being a teacher, and being married to Lynn. Feels like they loved too much, and it caused issues. But in the end, as he continues sipping on his drink, that he will do whatever it takes to get Lynn back...even if it means killing whomever it is responsible. He wonderes what his father would think. We see from his point that he had been chatting with Gambi, who says that his powers aren't useless to protect Freeland.
Training the team for this battle hasn't gone according to plan, as Gambi and Jefferson discuss. He keeps pressing the kids to work a little harder. Major Grey also feels that his team isn't ready for this kind of mission, and she offers her team's services to perform Lynn's extraction. Jeff is quick to remind her it's HIS team, and HE is in charge. She DOES give him a flashdrive of everything they have on Painkiller. He reminds her that the ASA will wipe their records clean from their database as soon as this mission is over. Major Grey abides by the deal. She just hopes that his team can get it together before the mission.
In Markovia, Lynn and Jace are in the lab, working on the serum. Molsen comes in to remind Lynn of what he is supposed to do. She refuses to help, and he shocks her once again using his device that connects to the implant on the back of her neck. Jace intervenes on her behalf, and just then, a man named Gravedigger arrives. Lynn notices he's an American, but he says he used to be. But now, HE is in charge of the operation, and sends Molsen on his way. He regards Dr. Jace, seeing as they have history together. She replies that he's not aged a bit since she last saw him. He says that there are pod kids here in Markovia, and wants them to live normal lives, but needs Lynn's stabilizer. She isn't buying his act, and sees right through him. She knows he wants to weaponize them. He then uses this ominous voice to get her to do is bidding, which she starts doing beyond her control. He leaves, and says he'll return.
Khalil is back at the Sanctum, checking the news about Markovia, when Jen walks in, looking to talk. She knows he's having a rough time, but she knows this team NEEDS him in order to get her mom. Khalil understands, but says that as long as Painkiller is still inside him, he is a threat to EVERYONE. He feels he can't be trusted. Jen feels differently, and tries to persuade him to help nonetheless...to redeem himself. He says he killed his mother, and just can't bring himself to get invovled. She wants help saving her mom, but again---he refuses to go.
Lynn is wearing out, while working on the serum, and feeling the pain in the form of a headache. Jace informs Lynn that Gravedigger has the power to "push" people against their will, making them do things involuntarily, whether they like it or not. It's causing her great pain, so she asks for the Glimmer...the Green Light drug she's been addicted to for some time now. Jace gives her the bottle, and Lynn takes a few, to which Jace cautions to her. After a couple of minutes, she manages to suppress his powers over her. Lynn has a plan to get BOTH of them out of there, and it comes down to fooling Gravedigger with the serum.
TC is in the mess hall, trying to bond with Erika, who is the meta who can absorb kinetic energy, that Grey has chipped and given a kill order on Lynn. He can't say much, and she leaves the awkward scenario to sit down and eat. Anissa and Grace join Jen, but Jen is still pissed off about them keeping Khalil being alive from her. Anissa says that when he attacked, he wasn't Khalil anymore, and he killed his own mother---she insits that she was protecting her. Anissa tries to get Jen to understand where she's coming from, but Jen throws it back in her face, and says she's just like their dad, and walks off. Brandon tries to catch up to her, but he's caught by Sgt. Grayle, who lays into him about not putting forth the effort in the training for this operation. Brandon isn't thrilled with Grayle's attitue, and he says that he's trying to help them, and Brandon throws it back into his face, saying that NOW he's agreeing to help AFTER being a lapboy for the ASA. They're about to throw down when Jefferson puts and end to it. Both men then storm off in different directions.
We see Khalil pakcing up what things he has, and is taking off. Jefferson catches up to him, and tells him that they could really use his abilities for this operation. Khalil feels he needs to figure himself out, and taking off is best---to avoid being a threat. Jefferson can respect that, but feels he should've done more for him. Khalil says he did enough. Jefferson says that he had the ASA wipe their registry clean of his file. He's grateful. Khalil feels there's enough blood on his hands. Jefferson says that you can never change the past, but all you can do is move forward. But, however, he respects Khalil's decision, and SHOULD Khalil comes back...Jefferson says his door is always open.
Lynn and Jace are at work, when Gravedigger comes in to check up on his progress. He's disappointed when he finds out that Lynn only has two samnples done. He tries to get her to work harder with his powers, but she says that she needs him to complete the stabilizer. She needs his blood, because--according to his file she read--he's a stable meta. His powers have no effect on her at this time, and isn't happy she peeked into his file, but he sits in the chair, and wants them to get on with it.
Grey, Gambi, and Jefferson are going over exactly where the Markovians are stashing Lynn in their compound. They narrow it down to a couple of labs or bunkers in the building and strategize on how to get in and out with Lynn. Grey reminds them that they also need to extract Tobias as well--to which Jefferson isn't pleased about--but Grey reminds him that without Tobias, they can't stabilize the kids here.
TC meets up with Erika again, and brings her new boots and armbands for her, and she is grateful. He tries to get closer to her, and looks like he's touching, her, but she brushes him off, tells him to leave, and says he's a creep. Meanwhile, we see that whole scenario play out on a security camera that Grayle has access to from his tablet. The team is then assembled and ready to board the plane for Markovia. They get into the hanger, and they discover Khalil is there. Jefferson tells them to load up, and get moving.
En route to Markovia, Anissa discusses her distrust of having Khalil there, knowing what he did as Painkiller. Gambi and Jefferson inform her that he's okay, but if he goes off the reservation, they'll be ready. Grayle informs Jefferson that both he AND Erika had chips inplanted in them, giving them orders to kill Lynn when they find her in Markovia. TC says that when he got close to Erika and him, he managed to deactivate the chips in both of them. When Grayle asked how he found out, TC said that his tablet told him. Brandon then starts having convulsions, and everyone is freaking out, as the ship rattles a little more. Gambi says that because he's an elemental, that being away from the ground for so long is causing him to weaken and go into shock. Jen tries to calm him down, but Khalil steps up, pinches his neck a little, and Brandon is out. During this, Anissa steps up to confront him, but Khalil knocks out Brandon, but he's alive. Khalil says it's all him, and Painkiller would've killed him. He goes and sits back down. Raw nerves all the way around on this plane flight
Gambi looks at Jefferson, who's staring out into space. Jefferson feels he should be the one to rescue Lynn. Gambi reminds him that the girls, despite their powers, cannot handle Tobias alone. Gambi then says that he's proud of Jefferson, proud of how he came out since he was 12 years old. He's now leading a group of youngsters into a rescue mission. Jeff wonders if his Dad would be proud, and Gambi says he would. Jeff asks Gambi who HIS hero is---and Gambi says him.
Lynn and Jace finish getting the serum for Lynn ready to go, and injects it into her. Lynn ends up having the serum featuring Gravedigger's blood, and hence, his powers. Jace asks if she can have some, and Lynn says no. Then guards come in to escort Jace to another building.
Jeff hands out final battle orders, and says that he's going to take down the initial guard attack. He wants Jennifer, Brandon, and Grayle to focus on rescuing Lynn, while himself, Gambi, Anissa, Khalil are going after Tablian. With that, he dives out the plane and lands on the ground, taking out the initial guards standing watch. He easily dispatches them, and goes off to find Tobais.
We see what we belive to be Col. Molsen enter the security bunker of the compound, only to take all the guards out. It's Grace morphine back into herself, and taking over the security controls. She starts guiding Black Lightning to where he needs to go, as well as informing the rest of the team as to what's going on. She gives Black Lightning, Thunder, and Erika directions. They seem to have hit a snag, as there's a huge steel wall in the way. On the other team, they've managed to find Lynn, and Brandon wonders where Jace is at. Once Grace lets him know, he breaks off from the team to go after her. Lightning tries to give chase, but Grayle tells him to go find her mother, he's got Brandon. Khalil and Lightning head off to find her mom.
Brandon manages to get to Jace, but there are guards coming at him, which he disposes of easily with his powers. Meanwhile, the actual Col. Molsen is with Tobias, who's all tied down to the operating table, being prepped to be probed. He starts laughing when he hears the commotion, because he knows Black Lightning is coming. Molsen tells his men to move Tobias to another lab. Black Lightning and Thunder both use their powers on the massive metal wall, but cannot break through. Gambi says that Erika can absorb energy, and they can load her up with Thunder's powers. So, Thunder hits her repeatedly, until Erika is full, and she takes all the stored up energy, and knocks down the wall with ease. Black Lightning says he's got Tobias, and Thunder and Erika provide cover for him while he's gone.
Molsen goes to grab Lynn, but she now uses the temporary powers of Gravedigger to stop him in his tracks. She removes the shock piece from her neck, and shoves it into Molsen's. She sends him a shock, and then forces him to lead her to escape.
Lightning and Khalil run into some guards, until Gravedigger shows up. Khalil tells Lightning to go find her mom, he's got this. Gravedigger says he's heard of him, and they go at it. Gravedigger gets the upperhand early, but Khalil refuses to back down. Black Lightning finally finds Tobias, and they bicker, and then fight, but Black Lightning puts him down enough to lead them to escape.
Brandon finally finds Jace, and he informs her that she killed his mother. He begins to shake the building from the ground, and is about to kill her, when Grayle comes from behind to stop him, and knock him out, thus preventing him from killing her.
Kalil and Gravedigger keep on duking it out, and Gravedigger is getting the best of him, and telling him to stand down. After getting knocked back, the door closes in the hall, separating the two men, the battle over for now. They finally find Black Lightning and Tobias, and Black Lightning tells them to head to the airplane, and get ready to take off. Just then, Gravedigger shows up, and blasts Black Lightning with a rife. After a few more blasts, he knocks Black Lightning out, and goes after the party. At this time, Lynn and Lightning reuinte, and make their escape as well.
As everyone but Black Lightning are aboard, Gravedigger catches up to them, and orders them to get off the plane. Lynn tries to use his powers against him, but he says it won't work on him. He wants Lynn, and she orders everyone else to leave, because she's going to find Black Lightning. But she'll agree to stay behind to save thenm. Just as Lynn is off the plane, and Gravedigger thinks he's won, Black Lightning shows up, and blasts him with a huge amount of electrical energy, incapacitating him. Lynn and Jefferson reunite, as well as the girls, and they board the plane and take off as the show ends. The battle won.
Man, oh man, does this show do it all! Gave us some TREMENDOUS drama tonight, and a great battle to rescue Tobias and Lynn. And, we finally got to be someplace OTHER than Freeland. This was yet another solid episode, and the writers keep upping the ante. This has been a great season so far. VERY high stakes.
This was our first time FINALLY seeing--what I believe, anyway--our roster that will make up The Ousiders. Everybody had a part to play, and yet---still VERY dysfunctional. A LOT of issues will need to be resolved before this team is clicking on all cylinders. But, for the most part, they worked pretty well to get the job done. It was great to finally SEE Markovia...albeit only a military compound, but nonetheless, being somewhere OTHER than Freeland helps expand the Arrowverse that much more. I just wonder if the REST of the League have been keeping tabs on what's going on not only in Freeland, but Markovia as well. Because I'm HOPING for a guest spot or two on this show before season's end...crossing my fingers BIG TIME.
We got some early drama in the episode before the mission began, as tensions mounted high...not just between strangers, but family as well. Jen is NOT going to be over how her family lied to her about Khalil, and Anissa is STILL untrustworthy of him, especially after her encounter with him, and what he's done. Khalil himself doesn't feel he's trustworthy, though he applied himself this episode to help Jen get her mother back. But I don't expect him to stay, as I feel he's still hell bent on getting away from everyone, and until he can feel he's no longer a threat. But his and Jefferson's chat went a long way to heal some wounds. Jeff feels the burden of failure when it comes to Khalil, but Khalil won't let him feel guilty...letting him know he did his best. Letting Khalil know that the family will be there for him should he come home was great.
Gravedigger---pretty cool villain. I credit Wayne Brady for stepping out of his zone, to play a badass villain...and he was COOL! Even though Black Lightning handed him his ass this episode, I feel we have DEFINITELY not seen the last of him. He's got a cool power. And he's awesome in a scrap, as he managed to beat down Khalil in a fight.
Was bitchin' to see Col. Molsen get some payback. His zapping Lynn and Jace was cruel, and for Lynn giving him some revenge later on was cool. And how about Lynn! She stepped up this episode. Got creative in getting some of Gravedigger's powers, and the acutal Glimmer/Green Light drug she was on actually was a benefit this time around. I'll admit---woman is clever when she wants to be.
Finding out Grayle had a chip in him as well was a surprise, but he did his part tonight from keeping Brandon from destroying not only Jace, but everything else in the vicinity. We have NO idea just how powerful Brandon is yet---and it can be trouble if it's not in check. I have a feeling Grayle and Brandon are going to continue to be at each other's throats for the time being. And we can't discount the fact that Jace is going to be working overtime to get free from EVERYONE.
Grace was awesome for the short role she played, and she showed no fear--she's going to get better as the season wears on, because she'll be training more. Anissa will help with that. Erika is still a wild card, even though TC disabled her chip, as well as Grayle's. So what happens down the road with THEM will be equally as interesting. Maybe TC and her become friends, who's to say. But TC is showing to become QUITE an asset to them.
This still leaves the matter of Major Grey. I don't trust the woman as far as I could throw her. If she's ANYTHING like Odell, she's crafty, and has a plan up her sleeve. She's not going to give up the Pierce Family and Odell's plan without a fight.
Finally, the Pierce Family is back together prior to Crisis. Now, the question is: can they put the squabbles aside? Can Lynn get off the Glimmer? And will they be ready for the next threat. I feel the Markovians aren't done, and they're going to come back quite pissed off. This Outsiders team is going to have to be ready for anything---including each other. Black Lightning might want to have the Justice League on speed dial.
Oh...and there's STILL that threat of Tobias---who just gets more fun to watch when he's egging everyone on. He plays that role SOOOOOOO well.
Okay guys, it was yet another fun edition, and I DO hope you subscribe, leave a comment below, and tell ALLL your friends about me!
Until next time...The Power is OUT!
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