Saturday, February 29, 2020
Hello yet again, my friends! We've come to that time of the week, where we take a comic book issue, and dive into it, and see what makes it so special. And, from here on out, we're just calling this segment the Comic Book of the Week. And this week, we're going onto the lighter side of things, as we take a peek at the comic book adaptation of the late 80's/early 90's Disney cartoon classic, DuckTales. This was, perhaps, one of THE hottest cartoons of its time, as well as one of THE best cartoons of all time! Adventure and excitement, with a good smattering of humor---all the things you'd expect from Disney, published in a comic book, courtesy of Gladstone Publishing. Today, we take a look at the debut issue.
COVER: Daan Jippes
WRITER: Larry Gotterer, Carl Barks (Scrooge back-up story)
ARTIST: Jaime Diaz Studio, Carl Barks (Scrooge back-up story)
INKS: Jaime Diaz Studio
COLORS: Ken Feduniwicz
LETTERS: Bill Spicer
EDITOR: Unknown
COVER DATE: October 1988
PUBLISHER: Gladstone Publishing
TAGLINE: Giant-Sized First Issue!
STORY TITLE: "Armstrong"/"Lost Crown of Genghis Khan"
Disney's DuckTales #1 piggybacked on the success of the tv show that Disney was producing at the time. The premise was that Donald Duck, who'd enlisted in the Navy, had dropped off his nehphews Huey, Dewey, and Louie with his Uncle Scrooge, and along with Scrooge's personal pilot, Launchpad McQuack, engage in a series of adventures that span the globe, and facing peril against such enemies as Flintheart Glomgold and Ma Beagle and the Beagle Boys. Gladstone Publishing was the first company to take a crack at the series, which lasted all of 13 issues before it was cancelled. Disney then began publishing a new series not too long after.
THE STORY: In "Armstrong", Scrooge McDuck's resident inventer, Gyro Gearloose, believes he's assisting McDuck in helping him with all the essential things that he needs done, by inventing a robot named Armstrong. However, things go awry, and it's up to Scrooge, Launchpad, and the boys to stop him before he causes massive trouble.
In the backup story, "The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan", it's a classic comic story from the old Scrooge McDuck comic by Carl Barks, as Scrooge is on the hunt for the lost treasure of the legendary Chinese leader.
This was a fun first issue, as it basically adapted the same episode of the television series into comic book form. The Jaime Diaz Studio did an exceptional job of adapting the story art-wise to the comic book page, giving it the cartoon feel. The Carl Barks Scrooge McDuck story was from a previous issue of the character's own book from back in the day. It would be a running theme throughout the series' entire 13 issue run. It's a shame they didn't go further, as it seemed to have a chance to do more than just adapt the episodes from the TV show, but for what it was was a great way to introduce the kids to the characters.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
What can we say about our weird friends of space/time? They have gotten into some interesting scrapes to start this season off. With Astra unleashing the baddest of the baddies upon the world to have an "encore" presentation to the masses, she's keeping them busy, as well as making John Constantine's life a literal living hell. Now, she's upped the stakes by advancing John's lifespan by taking the coin she owns of his soul, and sped it up. Now, his lung cancer has come full boar, and he's on the brink of death, and our team will have to find a way to save him...IF he lets them.
John is beeing wheeled into the medbay on the Waverider as we open things up. As stated, Astra has sped up his life clock, and he's dying due to his lung cancer. While the team is trying to get him set up, and run tests, he's looking at Charlie, wanting to know more about the Loom that she had destroyed, and scattered the remians across the multiverse. She says now is not the time, but he desperately needs to know. Gary is freaking out, and hugging Ava, and the prognosis from Gideon isn't good: he has terminal lung cancer. John gets sedated, and Charlie sees this as an opportunity to bail out on the team once again. Charlie is looking for a little time pod to bail on and beat a hasty retreat when she gets stopped by these voices that are chattering in her head, telling her she can't get away. She brushes them off, and continues on to get off the ship when Behrad interrupts her. Zari is also with him and he introduces Charlie to his sister. Ava then calls everyone in for a team meeting, and Charlie is dragged into it, against her wishes. Zari wonders if it includes her, and Ava says yes.
Once on the bridge, Ava goes over the new program she created to help them find all the encores. With Sara still in Star City, and Mick doing...whatever. Ava goes ahead and announces her program: A prognosticator, a name which bores the team. But the program is there to help them find the encores BEFORE they start doing anything bad, and change history. They have a new threat: there's a mysterious figure looking to take over the Triad in 1997 Hong Kong. Ava wants Zari and Ray to quarterback the mission, and Nate takes the time to show off his new set of wheels: a scooter called Scoots McGoots. Everyone seems stoked to see it, and Ava is in disbelief at the fact that her program isn't as impressive.
Once they get to 1997, Ava and Charlie are staking out a tea shop that's a front for the Triad. Nate is scooting around the perimeter, looking for this mysterious man. Aboard the ship, Zari is boning up on her history, and Constantine has left the med bay, looking to leave the ship, and find out why he's dying. Ray is adamant that he's not letting him go, and he and John have a staredown...and Ray agrees to let him go, but only if he and Gary go with him. Back in the tea shop, Charlie is fidgety, thinking this figure isn't showing up (and she still wants to get the hell outta Dodge), when Nate sees the mysterious figure pull up on a motorcycle. Once he removes his helmet, we see that it is Ghengis Khan. Khan enters the tea shop, and goes into the back office to meet the Triad.
Khan shows the Triad a briefcase that has drugs in it, and a cut off ear. The Triad wants to know what he wants, since he returned their product. He says that he wants to control the Triad, and retake control of Hong Kong. One of the members of the Triad wonder if they don't want to give him control. Khan says things will get ugly. Outside, Ava and Charlie see that this is their chance to get Khan before he changes history, and Charlie says she'll go in, and to give the knockout syringe to her, so she can do the job. She needs Behrad to create a distraction, and he wants her to hold up, it's too dangerous. But things go south in a hurry, as the Triad gang starts firing on him, and a gunfight ensues. And there are female undercover cops who join the fray. Ava then jumps in, and she helps one of the lady cops take down some of the members of the gang. However, they empty their clips, and are caught by the gang. Nate comes in as Steel on his scooter and saves the day by deflecting the bullets meant for Ava and the cop. Meanwhile, Charlie, Khan,and Behrad get into a mini mexican standoff. Charlie begs Khan to let Behrad go, and Behrad does...and he walks out.
John returns home, with Ray and Gary in tow, looking to help him out, as he continues to get weaker. He needs to head down to hell, and see who's the culprit behind his sudden illness. However, he collapses and passes out. He wakes up in Purgatory, which looks like the house, and there is Astra. She taunts John by telling him that he's on borrowed time...time SHE owns, and shows him his coin. She goes on to say that there are people in both Heaven AND Hell that would LOVE to watch this, and have a piece of him. He wonders why she's doing this, and she says he's bad for business. He goes on to warn her that the deal she made with the Council is going to backfire on her, and she says she's willing to risk it. She mocks his version of Purgatory, and he says that her mother sent him, and she can have a chance to have her family whole again. She says the offer is tempting, but the problem is...every person John helps, he ends up hurting. He says she's afraid of living a normal life. If she gave him more time, he can help her. She reminds him that time is the one thing he has very little of.
Ava is upset that the mission failed, and that they should've done more intel before making their move. She asks Charlie to go undercover, and Charlie isn't thrilled about it. Behrad and her argue about the mission, and then they both storm off...Charlie looking for Mick so she can get a drink, and Behrad needs to get stoned. The team notices the tension, and wonders WHY those two can't get along. Nate then suspects that the two did the deed, and it's now awkward. The team seems disgusted at the thought.
We see Khan is gathering his forces to begin taking back Hong Kong for himself. Charlie ends up taking the form of one of Khan's underlings, while Behrad and Nate hang back and have the real guy occupied. Khan as the female cop that Ava worked with at his mercy. He says that if she gives up the location of where Prince Charles motorcade will be, then he will spare her son. It turns out, as Zari researched, that Prince Charles was there to hand control of Hong Kong back to the Chinese people, and was doing it at this ceremony taking place later on. The lady cop has no choice but to thell him. She shows him the route the Prince will be taking.
While back at Constantine's, Ray has called Nora, and she brings a little girl with her, in hoping she can wish that John's illness can be wished away. John's a bit snappy with her, but she makes the wish. Nora uses her magic, but it seems to not do any good. John says thanks, but they'll have to try another way. Nora apologizes, and she and the kid disappear, but not before her and Ray exchange goodbyes for now.
We then see Nate and Behrad having a conversation about the tension between he and Charlie. Behrad admits to them doing the deed, but then she took off without even saying goodbye. Even the prisoner chimes in that he needs to talk with er about it. As Behrad and Nate discuss that, they turn back, only to discover their prisoner escaped.
Khan's ulitmate plan is to have Prince Charles turn control of Hong Kong over to him. He says it took him 700 years to dig himself out, and it won't take long for him to get control of Hong Kong again, and with that, he takes his now magically powered sword, and kills the female cop. Charlie, in disguise, is then asked by Khan about the status of his fleet. She then feigns any knowhow of it, and says it's coming along great, and he's going to check on it. She beats a hasty retreat, only to run into the actual person she's morphed into. She tries to explain, but he freaks out, calls her a ghost in Mandarin, and runs off. Charlie goes to bail, but once again, the voices attack her, and she's in pain. They're telling her she can't run now. In her distraction, she's almost hit by a truck, but Behrad saves her. He asks if she's okay, but she quickly shoves him off and rudely tells him that she's fine, and takes off.
John is looking through his spellbook, searching for another way to stop his death, which includes a knight. Thing is, Ray was actually knighted sometime back, and John says it'll do, and asks Ray if he's uncircumsized. Ray takes offense, and before John can say another word, Gary interrupts and says enough. There IS no cure, he IS dying, and he should just spend the time he has left with his friends. John chastises the both of them, tells them to bugger off, he'll find another way....he always does. He even offers himself to the angel Gabriel...but there's no response.
Charlie is searching around for the courier to get her off the ship, which Behrad has. He wants to discuss what happened between them. She says it was no big deal, they had sex, it wasn't that great, which offends him He feels there's more, she seems spooked. He felt hurt when she left. She shuts him down hardcore, and she wants the courier. He gives it to her and she leaves, but he ends up saying goodbye to her.
On the bridge, Ava tries to get the team to refocus on nabbing Khan, and stopping his plan. Zari lets them know about Prince Charles' motorcade for this ceremony is the target. The guy Charlie impersonated is an engineer, and they need to find out just what Khan is using has his "fleet" to attack the motorcade. Nate is there to find out the means of transportation for the fleet, and Behrad is there to run interference and let them know when Khan is coming. Feels it would be easier with Charlie, but he knows he's on his own.
John is having a one-on-one with the bulldog head top of his cane. The cane tells him that had Gabriel gotten ahold of John, he would've made him his slave. John tells the head that if he isn't quiet, he's going to shove him someplace the sun doesn't shine, but the head says that John would probably enjoy that...which cause John to pause. The head then tells him that if he had a brain in his head, he'd be spending what time he had left with the only friends he's got. Meanwhile, Gary is a blubbering mess, crying to Ray about John dying. John then reappears to them, and apologizes for being an ass. Ray's prepped a meal, and John says that the whole time he's lived there, he never remembers the kitchen ever being used for what it's purpose is for. But he sits down, and starts telling stories to the boys.
Nate has found the wherehouse where Khan had his shipment for his "fleet". When Nate discovers what it is, he screams Captian Kirk style, yelling "KHAAAAN!". As Behrad holds his position, he sees Khan and his army coming through the steam on the streets, and they're on the same scooters as Nate's. Behrad moves out of the way from being run over, and he says that's how they're attacking the Prince. They're using the scooters to work through the traffic jam that's piled up because of the Prince's visit. The British agents notice the attack coming, and take preventative measures, trying to escape Khan and his men. Nate is on his way to assist, but Khan manages to capture the Prince. Behrad tries to come to his rescue, but is also captured as well. He apologizes to the Prince for not getting there and reacting faster, but the Prince shapeshifts back into Charlie. Khan then grabs Behrad, and threatens him with his sword. He wants to know WHERE the real Prince is. At that moment, we are on board the Waverider, where the Prince is talking to Mick about Charlie, and Mick says he's on a break, and for the Prince to shut up.
Khan is impressed with Charlie, and feels her powers are useful. He wishes to take her for his 13th wife. She says that would be a bad idea, because she's terrible at relationships. Khan then realizes that she and Behrad slept together. He's disgusted, so he wants the both of them killed. Just as his underlings prepare to fire on Charlie, Bherad breakes free of his captor, takes him out, and races over to Charlie as the underlings fire their weapons. He uses his wind power to stop them. This allows Charlie to go after Khan, and ends up using his own sword to destroy him. They save the day, and another encore bites the dust.
Aboard the Waverider, the team feels it's time for Charlie to fess up. She finally admits that she's a Fate. That her real name is Clortho---a spinner. She used to be able to spin people's futures on the Loom. They ask what her true for is...and old lady. She says that if they saw her true form, it would destroy them, as well as if they heard her. Anyway, she felt that NO ONE should have that kind of power, and that people should think for themselves. Therefore, she destroyed the Loom about a thousand years ago, and spread the pieces across the multiverse. Unfortunately for her, because of Sara and the other Paragons saving the universe in Crisis, and re-creating the multiverse as just ONE universe. Now, her sister's are hunting her down, and are looking for the pieces of the loom as well. With the pieces all on one plane of existience, it's only a matter of time before they find them. So, that's why she says she's been on the run for the last thousand or so years. And if they catch her, they'll kill her, and anyone she loves. So, she says that's WHY she has to bail. Behrad says that he doesn't want her to go. She's a part of the team, and they have her back, no matter what. Just then, Sara finally arrives back at the Waverider, and trips over the plethora of scooters outside the bridge. She then asks what's been going on in her absence, and they all begin to fill her in at once.
John is finally ready to die, and before he goes, he wrote out his will. He gave the house to Gary, who will happily take care of the upkeep, but he also has a gift for Ray. He wonders why it is that Ray hasn't sealed the deal with Nora, and Ray comments that the last two relationships he had did NOT end well. John says that life is too short, live it up to the fullest, and ask her to marry him. John then takes a swig from the flask he pulled out of his coat pocket. He says that he prefers to go out on his own terms, and with that, he collapses on the table. Back in Purgatory, he sees Astra again, watching the last minute of his life tick away. He looks at his arm, and sees the timer running. He tries to convince her that he can fix things, but she said she isn't changing her mind. He says that Natalie never gave up on her...and he slides the flask over to Astra, and John says that it's the same poison that Natalie drank when she killed herself. He then breaks into Simon & Garfunkle's "Scarborough Faire", and she tells him to stop. That was her and her mother's song. John says yes, but it was HIS and Natalie's song FIRST. She then takes out the screwdriver to turn back the clock on his coin ,and asks him if he can really resurrect her mother. He says he can fix everything. With that, she turns the screw, and John is revived. Astra reminds him that he has a limited amount of time, and she can kill him anytime he wants. He then reappears in the real world, very much alive and reinvigorated. He hugs Ray and Gary....then burns the will, and says he's got a promise to keep...and needs to see a woman about a loom.
If it's one thing that's been slightly different about this's got a real solid story behind it with John's somewhat "redemption" to save Astra from hell, and reunite her family, and this was part of the crux of this episode...what was the directorial debut of Sara Lance herself, Caity Lotz. She does a marvelous job of weaving John's stroy with Astra into this tale of John's downfall to save this young girl from evil, and the pain it caused her mother, who--in turned--killed herself. Astra's been pissed because she had the coins to all these VERY BAD famous people, and she's unleased them upon Earth. John and the Legends have been screweing up her plans left and right...and the Council has not been pleased. Therefore, Astra has decided to take John off the table. But the last few episodes, we've REALLY dug into his past, and motivations for wanting to save Astra. Her showing mercy to him means that he's going to have to get the loom---and that puts Charlie square in his crosshairs.
As for Charlie---we FINALLY get her backstory. She isn't just some shapeshifting "demon" as she professed. She's a FATE...who used to spin people's futures with that loom. But, she decided to break with the norm, and felt that people should have free will, and destroyed the damn thing...spread it across the multiverse, and ran like hell. But since Crisis, her past is now catching up with her. The voices in her head---her sisters---who're none too pleased with her. And try as she might---she wasn't going to be able to run far. Now, she has the team on her side. But---the burining question is this: does it now become a race to obtain the pieces of the loom between the Legends, and Charlie's sisters? And will John be able to get it to complete his mission to resurrect Natalie and give Astra her family back? This has now gotten to be VERY interesting. And it's a deep story, so it gives a little more weight to the show, than before.
But hey...we can't forget that this team STILL is a goofy bunch, and to have to deal with villain of the week Genghis Khan had its own share of humor. The fact that the scooter that Nate liked so much, was the means of Khan to move his "fleet" to attack the Prince. So, we got a Prince Charles sighting. Also, we found out that Behrad and Charlie did the nasty---and apparently Behrad sucks at it. THAT was painful to watch...even I felt THAT. We had yet another tiny cute moment with Nora and Ray---and we know their relationship HAS to take the next step...especially since BOTH will be GONE before this season ends. Gary was HIS usual mess...and, this episode, he was just GRATINGLY annoying. Normally, I can handle my dose of Gary...but this was TOO much this week. Mick was there all too briefly, and doesn't seem to do much these days, other than drink beer, and be belligerent. But, he's the TRUE comic relief of this show. One liners, and just tiny little moments where he just interjects himself keep us laughing. Sara's been in Star City on personal business (which is not explained in storyline, but it's because Caity Lotz took two weeks to prepare to direct this show). Ava has grown into her role as Sara's "lieutenant" and second-in-command...but they still find her boring. However, the gunfight scenes had an almost John Woo feel (if that's what Caity was shooting for, well done---especially the white dove when Khan got off his bike and entered the tea shop), Ava looked badass. And Zari---hey! She contributed! She's starting to fit in with these band of misfits. But we got nothing more on HER memory fully coming back. So, we took a week off on HER story, to focus on John and Charlie, who's stories now intertwine, and will be fascinating to see what happens from there.
Okay, kids...that wraps it up for THIS week! Hope you all enjoyed yourselves...I know I did! So, subscribe to me, spread the word about me...and TALK to me! Lemme feel the LOVE, people!
Until we meet again....Time Is On Our Side!
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
REVIEW: THE FLASH - SEASON 6.13: "Grodd Friended Me"
Ever since Crisis ended, Barry Allen has had a tough time readjusting to this new "Earth Prime". Things don't quite operate as they used to. With that in mind, we now see how this new, current time and world is effecting him on a personal level. We also have Cisco out there, mapping the new world, so-to-speak, Ralph is embroiled in his Sue Dearbon case, which took a crazy turn last week, and the Iris that's been hell bent to get her NOT the Iris West-Allen we know. SHE is trapped in a mirror universe with the long missing Eva McCulloch---who we learned had some superpowers last week. Will they escape? What's gonna happen in the life of our Scarlet Speedster THIS week? Let's find out, shall we?
We take a peek in on Central City of this new Earth-Prime, where we come upon what seems like a sullen Barry Allen, with flowers in his hand. He's in a location that has a bunch of streets and a highway, but looks either lost or confused. Just as he's about to move on, he get's a ring on his phone that there's a meta alert in the area. He quick races out, dropping the flowers and leaving them behind. As he's racing to his quarry, He hears Camilla on the com, and she's there with Chester. There's no one else there, because Iris is on her story, Ralph is chasing Sue, Cisco still hasn't returned yet, and Frost is at ARGUS, checking in on Bloodwork. So, Flash is working with the newbies, as he races to a jewelry store whereas he comes upon Hartley Rathaway---the Pied Piper is back! But HE is not the good guy that Flash remembers. In this new earth, Hartley is back to being a supervillain. He steals Piper's gloves which tend to control his sound abilities. Flash asks what happened to him, and Piper says he should know...but honestly, Flash doesn't. Piper then says that the gloves are only PART of his repetoire', and flies off through the roof...which is a new one for Flash. Racing out to find him, Camilla and Chester try to direct him as to where his next location is. They spot him, and Flash decides to take a shortcut, but Chester tries to warn him. However, it's too late, and Flash arrives near the train, and phases through it, as to avoid getting hit. Piper gets away.
Back at STAR Labs, Barry is working on refining his communicator with Gideon, trying to trace all the new changes to this Earth since Crisis. Chester and Camilla walk in, and sees Barry speed between to stations, and he figures out that Barry is the Flash (blew your secret ID again, bub---nice going, Barry!). Chester is SUPER excited to meet him. They ask what he's doing, and he replies that he's trying to track all the new changes that have happened since Crisis. Gideon then responds that she's found over 3 trillion changes, and asks if he wants to start cataloguing them. Barry is trying to boost the signal for his earpiece, and Chester offers to help, and does a little tweak, but Barry doesn't want him touching it, so he backs off. Chester gets the hint, and takes off. Camilla asks what's wrong, and Barry says that he went to go visit his parents' graves today, but they're not where they were at. There's not even a cemetary there like there was before. He's searched all over town, but can't seem to find them. He's come back from Crisis, but it feels like there's a part of him missing. He's so used to things being a certain way, that he's not been ready for the changes---like having Camilla and Chester on coms, as she comments to him. Camilla understands, she just wants him to go easy on Chester...he idolizes the Flash.
We check in with Iris and Eva, still stuck in the mirror universe. They discuss the problem with getting out of there, and Eva's powers. Iris wants her to recount everything that happened to her the night of the particle explosion. She had been working on her prototype for her project, and had it completed. But she never tried it. Iris wonders if she could build it there, and Eva says she can't. Iris wonders why, and asks the reason as to what she's so fearful about. She's a brilliant engineer, and Iris has read her work. Iris says that there is no reason to fear, and that they will be brave together.
Nash is trying to build a machine in the Citizen office, and Allegra is watching him. He's trying to apparently catch residual particles, and needs her help activating it, so he can track any anomalies from Crisis, from what Allegra states. Iris had filled her in. Nash says he just needs her to zap it, to see if it works. She feels he's acting strange around her, and she's wondering what's up with that. She feels like he knows her differently, and he feigns to not know what she's talking about. Just then, the image of Sherloque Wells pops up, and calls him a liar. Sherloque tells him it won't work, and Allegra fires it up. It shines bright, but then shorts out, and both Nash and Allegra get knocked down. As they get up after the mini blast, Allegra spots the picture of her doppleganger and Nash that he's been holding on to. Sherloque has disappeared from Nash, but now Allegra grills Nash about the picture, and wants answers. She's creeped out, and wants to know if her doppleganger there is his daughter, but he refuses to answer. She's ticked off and weirded out, so she bolts.
Barry is continuing to tinker with his ear piece communicator with Gideon. Then then feels he has it ready. As he goes to test it, he gets some massive feedback, and he's out on the floor. Everything gets fuzzy, and when he awakens, he's in a tiny cage. Caitlin walks in, and asks how he is. He's talking to her, asking her to get him out, and find out what's going on, but she just looks at him with a weird look on her face, like she can't understand him. Then, Harrison Wells comes in, and sees that Barry is upset, and calls him cranky. They talk about giving him the "B" thing, but she hadn't done that yet. Caitlin excuses herself, so she could check in on Ronnie...who's working on something called the "Pipeline". Wells likes that name, so he takes off behind her, while Barry is shouting out to her NOT to trust him, believe it to be Eobard Thawne.
"Iris" meets up with Joe the precinct. She has come to a roadblock in her investigation into Black Hole and Carver. She is looking to Joe to see if he has any solid leads he can share with her, but Joe says he can't. She's in disbelief. He says that everything goes through Chief Singh, so he has to play it by the book. If he were to share any info to her, Carver might get off on a collusion charge, and then they'd have nothing. She snaps at Joe, saying that this story means EVERYTHING to her. He's in shock at her yelling at him. She quickly apologizes, saying that they both have jobs to do, and---as a token of apology---offers to take him to lunch. He's up for that, and she says she'll met him around noon. She takes off, and he still looks at the whole incident as weird.
Frost finally returns to the lab after her trip to ARGUS. Chester is looking to stay occupied, and looks to Frost to play a game, which she has no interest in. She just got back from seeing Bloodwork, and has very little interst in games. They walk into another part of the lab, and find Barry unconscious on the floor.
We get back to Barry---still in the cage---when Caitlin returns. He tries once again to talk to her, but she says she can't help him if he doesn't use his sign language. Wells comes back in, and says that gorillas can be very stubborn. Barry is confused, but starts putting it together, and realizes, as he sees the reflection in the water bowl, that he's in Grodd's mind.
Barry then talks to Grodd, who says that he wanted the Flash to learn how to live with no escape, no powers, no freedom. Barry's speed isn't working. Grodd says he remembers Caitlin betraying him, but she did it on Flash's orders. Barry has no intention of apologizing. He reminds Grodd of all his past transgressions against Central City, and how he made him battle Solovar and try to kill him. Grodd agrees. He said it took him a year to learn how to think again. During this time, he was forced to confront his past deeds. He wants Flash's help in understanding. And if Flash wants to be free, he needs to defeat the Gatekeeper who guards the only way out. Grodd says he has changed, Barry doesn't believe him, and he lays Grodd out with a superpowered speed punch (since Grodd had released his telepathic hold on Barry's powers), saying that he doesn't believe him. Barry then speeds off to escape.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Frost is trying to track Barry's neural patterns in order to find out who his mind is communicating with. Nash then bursts in, needing a one-on-one with Frost. They take a walk, and Nash says he screwed up with Allegra. Frost calls him out, and says that he wasn't honest with her that her doppleganger is his daughter. She tells him that he needs to step up and tell her the truth. She goes back to trying to help Barry.
Flash has been racing around Grodd's mindscape, looking for the exit, and eventually finds it...and the Gatekeeper: Solovar. Flash tries to reason with Solovar, telling him who he is, and to let him pass. Solovar, however, is not going to let him, and tosses him aside. At the same time back in the lab, Frost and Camilla discover that Barry is in Grodd's mind. Which they feel is impossible, since Grodd is back at ARGUS with an inhibitor on his head. They discuss calling Lyla, and seeing if they can shut it off. However, Frost says that IF they shut it off, it can cause Grodd's mind to be shut down...thus killing Barry. Chester then realizes that the tweaks he made to Barry's earpiece for Gideon were too high, which was enough to allow Grodd to enter his head. Chester feels guilty, and goes to leave. Frost catches up to him and says that while he did screw up, he is no different than any of them. They need his help to get Barry back. Chester talks about his science project as a kid, and how he got it to work until the day of the science fair. it didn't work. He wanted to fix it, but he wasn't allowed to. Because of his color, he wasn't allowed a second chance. Frost says that now he has one.
"Iris" talks to Joe, and it appears there was miscommunication between them for lunch. Joe says he will get her the usual, and she says she will meet him there. The call ends, and we pull back to see that she is at Joe's desk, downloading the entire file he has on Carver. She then takes off.
In the mirror universe, Iris watches Eva finish building her machine. but Eva won't start it, because she knows it won't work. She thinks that she should try using her powers again, and Iris feels she's fearful of something. She wants to know the answer as to WHY the machine won't work. Eva turns it on and puts her arms through the mirror...and they start to burn. She screams in pain, and Iris pulls her back, seeing the damage.
Grodd and Barry talk, and Barry says he tried to defeat Solovar like he did before, and it didn't work. Grodd says the mindscape is changing, and it can't support two minds. Barry doesn't believe him. Grodd tells him the longer they stay, they will die. Grodd tells him he's aware about the Crisis. While he was not effected, his mind felt the world shift. He remembers Gorilla City being elsewhere, but now it is here. Grodd wants to go home to Gorilla City, and recalls that he was most happy when he was in Gorilla City. He says that while he had power, he wasn't happy. In Gorilla City, he felt at home. Barry believes him. Grodd wants to know why he believes him now. Barry says that he's been living in the past, and it's time to let go. It's time for him to move forward, and trying to keep things the same. The only way to beat Solovar is to work together.
Flash and Grodd end up merging with their powers, and on the other end, Frost notices that their brainwaves have merged. They manage to get ahold of her, and let her know what's going on. However, she reminds them that if they come out of the mindscape together, there's a chance they'll come out merged, and could both die. They have to separate their minds at an exact precise moment. It requires a exact calculation, which Chester offers a solution: boost the signal more, like he did that last time, but he also reminds himself that this is how things got started to begin with. Barry reaches out to Chester, and says that what Chester did to fix his earpiece was more than what he did in two hours. Barry says he believes in him. Chester then gets to work. Meanwhile, Flash/Grodd battle Solovar, and has not fared well. Solovar is winning the battle, and Barry is starting to fade. So is Grodd on his end. Flash urges Grodd to get up and is the time. Grodd, using Barry's knowledge of speed, begins to fight back, and win the fight against Solovar. Chester fixes the amplification, and Barry says it's now or never. Grodd and Barry get through the portal, and their minds separate, saving the both of them. Grodd's inhibitor at ARGUS shorts out.
Chester wonders if Grodd truly has turned over a new leaf, and Barry says he talked to Lyla, and they had put a tracking chip inside Grodd, so that if he goes rogue, they'll be able to find out. Frost wants to learn more about the ARGUS protocols, and goes to make sure they give Grodd a decent chance. Camilla gets a phone call, and it's Cisco...he's coming home. Barry then takes the time to apologize to Chester. He says that he was trying to find the cemetary where his parents were buried. Chester says he actually did some research, and found his parents' graves. Barry thanks him. The meta alert goes off, and they discover that the Pied Piper is at it again. Barry tells him that he needs to man the cons, and if he is ready for this. Chester says he is, and Barry races off.
Iris is bandaging up Eva, and asks why it is she didn't tell her the truth about the machine. Eva says she needed to prove to Iris that the machine didn't work. She recalls building the machine, but she never used it, and she said they wanted proof that it worked. No scientific journal would ever publish her research or projects, because she didn't show that her machine worked. She wanted Iris to believe her, and Iris does. She then asks Iris to go seek more bandages, and Iris leaves. The shaking Eva then drops the act, and and moves towards the mirror, waves at it, and it clears away, showing "Iris" on the other side, wondering what she did to her. Eva says both of them should not suffer, and uses her powers to "heal" the fake Mrs. West-Allen. She then says they're running out of time, and closes the mirror and walks back.
We close out with Nash, coming back to the Citizen office looking for Allegra, and mustering up the strength to tell her the truth. He takes one last look at the polaroid, and goes to head into the office, but he is stopped by Sherloque Wells...who pushes him up against the wall, and warns him that HE is his eyes glow red, and his face vibrates.
Alirghty!! THAT was a DAMN GOOD episode!! We got a Three-fer tonight! Grodd, the LONG AWAITED return of the Pied Piper, the signs of the Reverse Flash coming back, and we KNOW who the Mirror Master is---and, dammit! I was RIGHT the whole damn time!! From the moment Iris went into that office, I had a feeling Eva had something to do with it. Last week, I admit to being thrown off, as Eva played the terrified woman trapped in the mirror world, but we NOW know this to NOT be the case! SHE is the one who created the Iris running around gathering the mirror gun, and information on Carver, and fooling Barry. And for NOW, the REAL Iris hasn't caught on---yet. But for sure, she's going to remain suspicious.
Having an episode where Grodd and Barry bond is....interesting. It was awfully WEIRD to see them interact, much less work together for a common cause. And can Grodd REALLY be sincere in his willingness to turn over a new leaf? This will be curious to see what transpires down the road as we see Grodd appear next time. But for was pretty cool to have Grodd back.
Seeing Hartley back as the Pied Piper was also fun, even though it was more of a bit part. But to have him back in the villain role is more suited for him. It gives someone else to give the Flash fits, and there's also the back story between him and Cisco as well. So, enjoying THAT.
How many of you caught on to Joe looking weirded out by "Iris" and her outburst? Along with how she snapped at Barry a couple of episodes back, I wonder how long Eva can keep the ruse going, until someone finds out, and the jig is up? And just what is Eva's plan for her now ex-husband anyway? She planning to kill him? What's the score here?
Happy to have Chester back!! As things change for Team Flash, having Chester aboard is awesome! We now have that scientific mind to work alongside Cisco, PLUS provide some comical moments. I can't WAIT to see THOSE two interact!
I give such major props for Danielle Panabaker for working as her pregnancy moves along. They did a great job of keeping her movements limited, and no use of Frost's powers. But did everyone catch the fact that Frost was doling out scientific info during this episode? She sounded more and more like Caitlin. I'm wondering that---if at some point---Cait and Frost are going to actually MERGE personalities, and be one whole complete person? I am thinking that the seeds might've been planted with this episode. And I like the fact matter WHAT clothes they got Frost to wear for this just couldn't hide Danielle's pregant tummy. But hey...we're all too happy for her!
Barry accepting the change is going to help elevate him even moreso. While it's nice that he remembers his parents, he is all about moving forward. It will make for a better Flash.
That'll do for this week. Please make sure you subscribe and tell everyone about our little spot on the web. Leave some comments too...this page doesn't happen without you!
Until next time...Keep On Running!
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTNING - SEASON 3.14: "The Book of War: Chapter One - Homecoming"
It's been a brief respit since we have checked in on our Outsiders, in the wake of the team rescuing Lynn from Markovian capture, and taking down the Colonel, and Gravedigger in the process. Now...what's next. The team is back home, and we now will find out what the fallout is in the wake of their mission, and whether or not the Markovians will retaliate. Plus, then there's STILL the issue that the Pierce family will have to deal with as far as the ASA goes as well, considering that I have ZERO trust in Major Grey upholding HER end of the bargain.
We check in with Gambi, who is talking about escaping his past. If he'd only disobeyed ONE order, how different things could be. We pull back to see he's got a gun on Jace, and he feels he should've ended her and all this 40 years ago. Jace says that it has now become an arms race between the ASA and the Markovians. He wants to know what Gravedigger wants, and Jace says he wants the same as the ASA--stable metas.
Jefferson is having a debriefing with Odell and Major Grey about the operation in Markovia. Odell isn't happy Tobias escaped, but Jeff says that he called an audible. Jeff also wants to ensure that his team has been wiped from the ASA database, and Major Grey has a HUGE problem with that, noting that the Markovians have now surrounded the ASA compound, which Jeff replies that it's not HIS problem, but the ASA's. She also goes on saying that his team botched the mission, and on who's authority does he get to make that decision (even though SHE agreed to it LAST WEEK). Odell excuses her, and informs Jeff that Erica has been taken back to her family, and the other kids have been released, as per the agreement. Jefferson than informs Odell about Gravedigger, and Odell has no knowledge of him whatsoever. Odell wonders if he can count on Jefferson to help him with the Markovians. Jefferson says he can't, but Freeland can.
Anissa has set up Jen with an ice bath to heal her wounds, and the subject of Khalil comes up. Jen isn't interested in having this conversation, but Anissa presses, saying that he isn't Khalil anymore, he's Painkiller, and when SHE fought him, he was ruthless and emotionless. Jen says that she knows Khalil, and he won't hurt her. Anissa isn't sure, and Jen brings up Anissa's relationship with Grace, but Anissa says that Grace isn't trying to kill her.
Delonte...the big man who's Lala's lieutenant, is seen visiting Lady Eve, looking to get Lala's cut of her profits. He feels the payment is a little light, and she says it's all there, and he can count it. While he's counting, she says that she can have one of her girls take care of him. He says he's there on business, but she manages to convince him otherwise. Her hostess prepares a glass of champagne, and manages to drug it, and hands it to him, as he picks his girl to have playtime with.
TC is scanning Khalil's head, making sure that Painkiller is still behind the firewall they created. Everything checks out, and Gambi shows up with an sketch pad for Khalil, and tells him that he should fill his thoughts with good things, and it will help keep his mind calm and clear. Khalil says he's okay, and he's got it under control, but Gambi insists that the PTSD is not something to easily handle, and offers the help of Pirannyh once the war is over, because she managed to help Jen. He says that being a tailor helped him get through the rough times, and he enjoyed it.
Lynn and Jeff are at home cooking dinner, when Lynn collapses, with Jeff catching her. She says she's still going through withdrawls, and he asks if there's anything he can do. She says that she's an addict, and that she finally understands why Jeff was so obsessed with protecting the city as Black Lightning. She doesn't blame him, but Jeff says it IS his fault. However, she starts to feel sick, and heads upstairs, but not before she says she loves him and he says the same back.
Jen is with a VERY upset Brandon, who is pacing back and forth, wanting to get his hands on Dr. Jace. She tries to explain to him that she was manipulated into killing, and she doesn't feel that's the best solution for him. He is still visibly upset, but relaxes a bit on the killing part...he just wants to SEE Jace.
Lady Eve and her right hand gal are watching Delonte on video, talk about Lala, and how he came back to life after Tobais killed him, and, of course, the briefcase. This interests Lady Eve VERY much, and says that she wants a meeting with Lala immediately.
Lynn is still upstairs in the bathroom feeling sick when Anissa arrives. She shows concern for her mother, but gets snapped at by Lynn when she offers help. Lynn apologizes, and says that she's still going through withdrawls, and that's making her edgy. Anissa understands, and says that she's not alone in handling this. Anissa goes downstairs for dinner, and Lynn searches the bathroom, and finds her last stash of Glimmer. At the dinner table, Jeff says that the Markovians have stepped up their activity, and feels that they need to be taken down. Anissa asks if he's going at it alone, and he says he thought THEY would do a unit. Lynn is in agreement, but only on one condition: no more lies. They all agree, and she is the first to admit that she's an addict. She also admits to finding her last stash of Glimmer, which she hands to Jen, and Jen destroys it. They say they have her back. Anissa admits that she feels Grace is "the one", and they joke with her about it. Jen admits that Odell tricked her, and that she killed people at a Markovian data center. Lynn says that she was tricked into taking Glimmer, and becoming an addict, so she feels for Jen. Anissa says it wasn't her fault, but Jen feels it does. Jeff talks about how he saw the end of a multiverse, and this new Earth being created out of which the family teases him about it. They then pray before dinner.
Lala has this emergency "meet" with Lady Eve, and he's got his gun out, not really in the mood to be talking to Lady Eve, and wonders if he should up his cut of her profits. Not wanting his time wasted, Lala wonders what she wants, and she mentions the briefcase that he's got on him. He feigns indifference, but she knows. She said she found out about it, and she could help him. He says, however, that he's waiting on Tobias, and is going to get his sweet revenge for killing him when he shows up. Lady Eve laughs, and says she KNOWS Tobias programmed him. She utters a phrase, and Lala starts to convulse. She tells him to sit down, and he does. She is in control of Lala right now. She goes on to reveal that Tobais was working for HER, and Tobias used HER technology that SHE created to keep Lala on a leash. It was HER who ran the Shadowboard. Now, she offers to undo what Tobias did, as she utters another phrase, and Lala is back in control of himself. She wonders if Lala would be interested in being free from this control.
At Anissa and Grace's apartment, Anissa is still upset with Jen for defending Khalil, knowing that he's got a killer inside him ,and can't trust him. Grace says it's no good to push her, and that Khalil is Jen's frist love, so she's going to defend him to the hilt. Anissa still stands by what she says, though...that if he hurts Jen, she's going to kill him without hesitation. Grace understands, but would rather paint Anissa's nails instead. Just then, Chandra recieves an incoming call for Anissa, and it's Amaya. She says that the Markvoians have found her, and she's trying to get her people to safety. She says that she'll be out near the ASA checkpoint. Anissa disconnects with her, and then calls her dad, and informs him of what's going on, and meet her at Check Point Charlie. Her and Grace suit up and are on the way.
Jen takes Brandon to see Jace, but he's too emotionally strung to keep it together. He wants to kill her, but Jen tries to calm him down. Jace recognizes him as the boy with the earth based powers. She says she liked his mother, and helped her escape. She did give him those powers, and he SHOULD be grateful, but he feels it's been nothing but a curse. He yanks the necklace off his neck, and it contained the ashes of his dead mother, which he starts manipulating into daggers with his powers, and stabs Jace with it. Jen once again tries to reel him in, and tells him to calm down. Jace mentions that his father had the same type of powers, and if he kills her, he'll never get the answers. He demands to know more, but Jen ushers him out.
Black Lightning arrives at the checkpoint, and starts giving cover to the refugees who're trying to escape the Markovians, who're trying to kill them, or capture them. Just as he's providing shielding for them to get away, Thunder and Grace show up, and join the fray. Amaya and her child Terry have been taken by the Markovians. They split up---Black Lightning keeps providing cover for the refugees, and finding them sanctuary, while Grace and Thunder head out to try and find Amaya and Terry, who had taken in Grace when she was on the run.
During all this, It seems that Gambi had managed to capture one of Lady Eve's men...and pull his eye out. He sends the young man back to Lady Eve, letting her know that The Tailor is still alive, and her attempt on his life failed.
Back at the Sanctum, Jen is once again trying to convince Brandon to NOT kill Jace, and that ANY information about his father would probably be HER version of the story, and thus, untrue. She wants him to go and talk to TC about it, and he does. Somehow, TC makes him feel better. She talks to Khalil, who's been sketching a picture of her. However, he spaces out, and she calls TC over. TC says that Painkiller is trying to break through the firewall, and he tries to go back in to help Khalil. We see Khalil in his mind in the hallway, and Painkiller behind the door, saying that he's going to kill Jen once he gets out. He DOES manage to break through the door, and, in the real world, he starts choking Jen, who tries to reason with Khalil, but it's NOT him. He and Painkiller have a battle in his head, and he manages to get the best of Painkiller and shut him back behind another firewall. In reality, Khalil finally comes to, and releases Jen, and apologizes for choking her. He realizes what he did to Jen, and he takes off. Jen manages to heal herself from the poison. Brandon and TC are out for the count.
We later see Jen at home, frustrated with the recent events. She's sitting out on the roof just where her bedroom window is, when Khalil shows up. He tells her he's sorry, and that---like it or not---Painkiller is a part of him. He has to learn to live with him. But he DOES know he has a soul. Jen, however, is upset, and she says that soul or no soul, her sister was right, and he can't be around her family. He understands. She says she'll see him around, and he replies that she won't.
Lady Eve enters Gambi's shop. She's got a gun drawn, as does he. He asks what she wants, and she says that she comes bearing a gift. They discuss his assassination attempt when he killed a man named Toledo. She did bring the briefcase that was in Lala's possession. She can't open it, but she says he can use it to take down the ASA, because the ASA ruined Freeland. And she wants him to use it to burn the ASA down. She says her business with the Tailor is over, and walks out. Gambi grabs the briefcase, and heads down into the Sanctum, where TC informs him that there was an issue with Khalil, and Gambi figured he left. He says that's a concern for another time, he needs TC to hack into the briefcase and open it. TC does with ease, and when Gambi opens it, he's in for QUITE a revelation.
Gambi then meets with Jeff and Lynn, and has a major bombshell to drop on them: The briefcase he got from Lady Eve contains a database of EVERY metahuman that exists, and it constantly updates. It turns out the US has been playing dirty: they FUNDED the Markovians' metahuman program long before they created the ASA. Turns out, the man Black Lightning fought--Gravedigger--was actually a man named Tyson Sykes. He served in the military decades ago, and was being bullied and harrassed because he was black. He took out his frustrations out on his abusers, and he got in trouble by the MP's. He was offered a deal: court martial, or become a guinea pig in new experiments. He opted for the latter, and what happened was that the experiments woke up his metagene. He was able to slow his aging, gain super strength, and had the ability to "push" his will onto anyone. The US then sent him out on variou secret missions over the years. It turns out that Sykes is the first recorded known metahuman in history. They tried to make an army of men like him. Lynn wonders where this army is, and Gambi said that the secret died with the original creators, and Gravedigger outlasted them all. They wonder WHY Markovia was the place for these experiments. Gambi says that Markovia was a great location, next to Russia, and lacked American humanitarian laws. The US spent billions on the program, and EVERY US President funded it. Gambi came in later, when the Markovians put in humanitarian laws of their own, and kicked America out. Gambi went in there during the war to extract Dr. Jace, and she helped set up the ASA. They set up the vaccination program in Freeland.
Lynn and Jeff feel the world needs to know about this, and Jeff also wonders if Odell has any knowledge of this at all. Gambi doesn't think so. He himself had only heard about this kind of info, but he didn't have clearance for it. And they also ask Gambi why Gravedigger allied himself with Markovia. Gambi says simply that why go back home to a country that doesn't want you? Plus, he was a key player in the Markovian Coup that happened later on. They all know now that Gravedigger will be looking for them now, as well as wanting to bury the ASA AND the United States as well. He was looking for the stabilizer to create his own army. Lynn says that, unfortunately, she left the formula back in Markovia, and now is in his hands. And that he can create any meta power he wants---he can be unstoppable.
Gravedigger is getting his injection of the serum, as Colonel Molsen enters, saying that they can't find Tobais, but they are set to invade Freeland. Gravedigger than "dismisses" Molsen by killing him, by saying that his services are no longer required. The Doctor giving him the injection says in the Markovian language about having all the power in one man. Gravedigger comments that he has all the power of one man.
THIS was a good episode. Not really any real action, but BOY did we cover A LOT of background story in this one. Things are REALLY starting to make some serious sense. We now have a pretty good in depth history of the ASA, the Markovians' interest in metahumans and WHY. Gravedigger's origin, and just how far the metahuman rabbit hole goes in Freeland.
For the better part of last season AND this one, that briefcase has been a sort of "quiet McGuffin" for a few people: Mostly Lala, Tobais, and the ASA. Odell has wanted that BACK in ASA hands, so that they could uncover the secrets that were buried deep by the ASA, Tobias had it because he could use it as leverage, and Lala had it because he know Tobais wanted it. Now with Lady Eve being able to pull on Lala's strings, she's managed to get the briefcase off of him, and into Gambi's hands. She knows that, no matter how bad her, Lala, or Tobias are, it pales in comparison to the ASA, and she feels THEY need to go---especially after having worked with them, and know what they did to her town. So, making peace with Gambi, and letting him and Black Lightning deal with the matter, that's fine with her.
The information we got from the briefcase was HUUUGE! It DOES give SOME of my speculations validation, the sense that the ASA and Markovians weren't really any different, and that they were very much tied at the hip. And the US itself is at the epicenter of it. Gravedigger is the key, as he is--we discover--the very first metahuman. NOW...that being said...IF this briefcase has been able to track ALL of Earth's makes me WONDER as to whether or not it has tabs on Team Flash/ anyone that had powers on Team Arrow, anyone involved with the Super much has it been tied into the rest of the Arrowverse? Because, with Gravedigger, his now near indestructable power, and the huge threat of the ASA AND Markovians looming overhead---as much as I feel Team Lightning is capable, I WONDER...and if this is just wishful thinking, mind you, that Black Lightning MIGHT enlist the help of the Justice League should this get to be too huge? If it comes to that...PLEASE let a crossover into Black Lightning happen for the team. I wanna see how they operate together---it's TIME! What a BETTER place and time to do that, when with threats THIS dire?
Some other interesting things WAS Lady Eve knowing the "Magic words" so-to-speak, to get to Lala and control him. I think it's safe to say that Lala ain't running things no more, and that Lady Eve is back on top. That is, until Tobais returns. Speaking of HIM...I wonder how MIA HE is going to be? Knowing Tobias like we do---he'll lay low until the opportunity presents itself. Plus, we saw that Khalil is obviously going to struggle with Painkiller, so he finally did what he had intended to do to begin with---leave. For now, it's probably for the best.
I wanna know more about WHO Brandon's father is...or was. Part of me REAAALY thinks it's Gravedigger, but I might be reaching. He hasn't exhibited any earth based powers as I'm hoping we get THAT answer down the road. Jace is still going to manipulate the situation for herself no matter what---she's in self preservation mode. And the ASA? Odell wanted to rein Black Lightning back in, but we know THAT deal is dead. I know he's trying to look a couple steps ahead, but I KNEW Major Grey would try to go back on her word---I expected no less. And we'll see if Grace and Thunder can find Amaya and Terry soon.
Okay, guys! What an episode! We got a lot more than we bargained for, but it was GOOOOD. We'll see how the war picks up next time, as Gravedigger plans his invasion of Freeland.
So, with that said, thanks for being here once again. Subscribe, tell ALL your friends, and leave some comments! How do YOU feel about Black Lightning?
Until next time...The Power is OFF!
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
REVIEW: SUPERGIRL - SEASON 5.13: "It's a Super Life!"
Welcome back, fans of the Girl of Steel! As we witnessed in our last installment, Winn was still in town, as the Super Friends faced off against the Toyman, who had now occupied cyberspace, Winn also got closure with his past in regards to his criminal father, Kara and William almost got closer, and Alex quit the DEO, because she couldn't handle playing nice with Lex anymore. And Lex helped Lena get in good with Andrea, for use of her technology, and Jemma also made sure the deal went down, just so they could have the Luthors right where they wanted him.
But Kara and Alex weren't expecting the appearance of an impish being named Myxzptlk to show up at Kara's door....
As we left off with Kara and Alex at Kara's apartment, we got a knock on the door, and it's our old pal Myxzptlk, who's come a callin' to Kara yet again. It's been a long while since we've seen the annoying imp (as he's now played delightfully by Thomas Lennon), but he is here to not drive Kara nuts, or to win her over with his impish charm, but rather to help her. He's come from the 5th dimension, and he says he has much to make up for, so he's trying to be a good guy, and help out those he's wronged before, so he's not there to try and win Kara's heart again. He can't use his powers for anything else EXCEPT to help people, so Alex wonders how it is he can help Kara. He offers Kara a chance for a do-over: A chance to change things in her life---specifically her relationship with Lena. The rules are is that SHE would get to choose the narrative as to where she can stop/start a certain point in time as to when she wants to reveal her ID to Lena. However, Myxy explains, that once she has made her final choice, once he puts it in motion, he can't change it back. It's set in stone. And to make the deal sweeter, he gives her a tape recorder of him saying his name backwards, so that if she chooses NOT to take his deal, she can play it, and banish him BACK to the 5th dimension. She promptly plays the tape, his name is said backwards, and he disappears.
J'Onn shows up and the three discuss whether or not Kara SHOULD do this, knowing everything that Lena has done. Kara says that if she did this, she would be changing history to save history, not just their friendship--as Alex had commented about. They KNOW Lena and Lex are up to SOMETHING, but Kara comments that if push comes to shove, she doesn't think she can fight Lena. She decides she's gonna give it a try, and calls Myxy back, and he reappears. However, he states, that this journey has to be Kara's alone, and Alex and J'Onn can't be there, so he zaps them away, and we see them all excited about a paintball game SOMEWHERE. With that said, Kara and Myxy settle in to see where Kara can fix her damaged relationship with Lena.
At first, they need to find out just WHERE did Kara go wrong in not telling Lena she's Supergirl. Myxy scrolls through various events of Kara's situations with Lena, including saving Lena and the plane they were on from crashing, as Lena was piloting the plane, It's just after that point, where she has Myxy stop, and she enters herself at that point in time, and reveals her ID to Lena...just as Mercy Graves was about to attack. Lena is in shock, and Supergirl excuses herself, takes care of Mercy, and comes back, but Lena is gone.
We have Myxy fast forward to Lena in Metropolis, talking to Sam, and her drops the bomb on Sam about Kara being Supergirl. She now feels she doesn't know who the real Kara is, and that she was all worried when she made the Kryptonite, but Sam stops her, and tells her that Lena did what she had to in order to save Sam, and split her from Reign. She's a hero in her eyes. Kara watching the events on her computer, sees the events unfold, where she realizes that it's the same night that Kryptonite conatminated the skies. She remembers that she was infected, and she was falling to her death, but J'Onn saved her, and got her back to the DEO. She remembers that Lena saved her that night---but here, history changed...and Kara ended up dying. We see Alex being the only one at her grave, saying how she now feels lost with our Kara around. Kara obvioiusly didn't want that to happen, so she decides to go back further, to find another avenue to get through to Lena.
Kara remembers the time she had asked Lena about the Kryptonite, and whether or not she still had any of it around. She felt she was confrontational with Lena, and decides to try a different approach. Myxy sends her back to that moment, and--again--she confesses her ID to Lena, but again, the plan fails, as Lena chews her out about lying and not trusting her. Myxy then deicdes that HER choices are terrible, and that HE will show her another point in time. She points out a time where her and Mon-El were about to take on the World Killers. It's here that she tries to get Mon-El's advice, and he simply tells her that you worry about those who love you most who let you down, and leave you vulernable. His family he recalls as such people, and how they also wanted to take advantage of the Luthor family for their own gains. He goes on to say that it's okay to mess up. But she deserves the same compassion that she gives others. Reign then attacks, and the battle is engaged, and Sam's mother is caught in the battle. Lena takes down Reign, and saves her mother. Lena also uses her weapon to try and save Sam, and she feels she has succeeded. She turns, but Reign was feigning compassion, zaps Lena with her heat vision, and she's dead. Mon-El attacks Reign, but also suffers the consequences. Reign ends up killing everyone, and THIS secenario is a bust, so Kara asks Myxy gets her out of there.
They try yet again, only going back to when Lena had first gotten into National City, and she flat out told Kara that she wasn't looking for friendship. Kara feels that maybe THERE is a good chance to clear the air, and tell her who she is. She reveals her ID to Lena, who wonders why. Kara says that her cousin and Lena's brother got it wrong. She believes in Lena, and that she knows she's a good person. So, she feels that they can do some real good together. Lena feels happy to be trust with such a secret, and then we see a montage of several newspaper pages from the Daily Planet about Supergirl and Lena's working relationship nets some positive gains. Then, at the trial of Lillian Luthor, where the lawyer asks Lena WHO Supergirl really is, she pleads the Fifth, and Lillian still gets convicted. The people rally around the Duo, who are making the world a better place, so they believe. This includes Thomas Coville, the man who formed the Cult of Rao. We then later see Lena approached by Ben Lockwood, wanting to know WHO Supergirl really is. He talks about his family dying, and felt that it was party Lena and Supergirl's fault. She blows him off, and goes to leave, but he ends up kidnapping her, and has Coville as well. He feels that Supergirl should NOT be idolized and worshipped. He ends up capturing a tv feed, and says that Supergirl has one hour to reveal her identity to the world, or Coville and Lena will die. Supergirl does, and she ends up saving Lena and Coville. However, in the process of exposing her ID to the world, her friends and family are all killed off in the, once again, she suffers the consequences of her actions.
Myxy then whisks her away to what looks like a every dystopian future. They don't like the result of this, and Kara wants Myxy to zap them out of there, but there's a problem: Myxy's powers don't work there. For some reason, he can't tap into the magic of the 5th Dimension. In this dark reality, there are Luthor guards in heavy armor, and they attack Supergirl and Myxy. She fires back with her heat vision, but it has no effect. She ends up being rescued by Dreamer, and she gets them into hiding at The Tower. It turns out that Lena has gotten ahold of 5th Dimension magic, and thus, nullified Myxy's powers. He is also lablelled an outlaw, along with Supergirl. They recount that Lena had taken over National City after she had killed off Lex. Reign and Brainy are her enforcers. They have to find a way to get ahold of 5th Dimension magic for Myxy to change things. Reign and Brainy then arrive, and attack the team. They do what they can to fight back. Reign is taken out by J'Onn, and Brainy is held back by Dream. Supergirl goes onto face Lena. Lena then wonders WHERE Kara had been when her helicopter was attacked, when she was then captured and experimented on, and eventually attacks Kara with Kryptonite, and beats her down. As Kara lay dying, Myxy eventually finds a hat that Lena had kept with her, where it was filled with magic from the 5th Dimension. He manages to save the day, and they wind up back into Kara's apartment.
Myxy asks if she wants to try again, but Kara has had enough. She says that no matter what she chooses, there's always some dire consequences to be paid. She realizes that she is just going to have to live with the decision she's made. But she finally feels free of the guilt, and expresses her gratefulness to Myxy, and tells him that he has helped her. He reminds her that magic can't be has to be found. She thanks him once again, and he's off. But after he leaves, he HAS left Kara a little gift: a tape that reveals the plan that Lex is working with Lena. Supergirl then flies out to meet with Lena, who feels this is just another ploy by Kara to try and win her back over to her side, and get Lena's forgiveness. This time, however, Kara has no such desire. She promptly puts it to Lena like this: Kara can't change the past, and she gets it. But she's tired of feeling guilty for the decision she made. If Lena wants to forgive her, she'll be there waiting with open arms. But she's refusing to accept guilt for Lena's bad decisions. Lena asks her what she wants. Kara says that IF she continues down this road, she's going to have to suffer the consequences of her actions. If she continues working with Lex, Kara explains, that whatever they have planned, she will be there to stop it....just like she would any other villain. She then flies off, leaving Lena to ponder what's transpired.
Kara, Alex, and J'Onn are at her apartment, where Myxy left a buffet of stuff food wise behind, as a gift to Kara for allowing him to help her. They have all decided that, no matter what Lena and Lex does, they vow to stick together, as they have done since the beginning...despite all the mistakes Kara has made.
With Supergirl celebrating her 100th episode, it felt like they needed to do something special, and a little out of the ordinary to honor the occaision. This was a sort-of "This Is Your Life, Kara Zor-El" kind of deal, with our delightful little Imp as the emcee. And I have to say...right off the bat...that Thomas Lennon is a MUCH better choice to play Mr. Myxzpltk. He's got comic timing, quick wit, and he just FITS the part. He and Melissa Benoist worked well off each other this episode, and provided SOME lighthearted moments.
However, this episode was squarely focused on Kara and Lena's friendship fallout, and the consequences of what would happen if and when---at varying stages of their history---that Kara had revealed her secret ID to her. As it turns out---and I feel that she could've EASILY gone to THE source for information and gotten advice about altering the past---Barry Allen, in regards to the consequences of such an endeavor, Myxy fills in nicely to lead Kara on this path, and show her that---no matter WHAT she did---telling Lena her secret ID wasn't going to make things BETTER. It just made the situation WORSE in varying degrees. However, it DID allow Kara to FINALLY come to grips with the fact that, while guilty about HIDING her dual life from Lena, that she doesn't HAVE to feel remorse over the way LENA has handled it. So, I have finally felt RELIEVED that Kara has now drawn in that line in the sand, and threw it back in Lena's face. If Lena wants to act like a bitch about Kara lying to her, it's on HER as to whether or not she gets over it. But Kara's not going to be on the hook for it anymore. And if Lena continues to work side by side with her brother, and do something heinous, no matter HOW altruistic SHE feels about it, she knows Kara will treat her as a criminal, and bring her down. HOPEFULLY, they will move on from the "Kara the guilty party" crap, and allow her to grow BEYOND her relationship with Lena. Plus, I hope this means that she will continue to team up to expose Lex. But WE know Lex (and, to a smaller degree, Lillian), are using Lena for their own nefarious means, and will feed her to the fishes if it means they get caught. So, Lena has made her bed, and now must lie in it. And MIND YOU--we're not even bringing Leviathan into this as yet.
While this episode did have it's cute moments with Myxy, overall, it was just a bit of a rehash of Kara and Lena's story, but with some final resolution on the matter. It's been long overdue.
That's it for this week, and I hope you guys like what you read. Please subscribe to the blog, spread the rumor about it everywhere, and please leave COMMENTS! I WANNA hear from ya! It's what it's all about, kids!
Until next time...Up, Up, and Away!
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