Thursday, December 5, 2019
REVIEW: THE FLASH - SEASON 6, EP. 8: "The Last Temptation Of Barry Allen, Part 2"
As we approach CRISIS, Team Flash has to first vanquish a very nasty villain: Bloodwork. Normally, it would be a bit of a struggle, the team would come out on top. However, there's a bit of a monkey wrench with this scenario: Flash has been taken over by Ramsey, and Ramsey is set to take over the city in order to "save" it from death.
When the curtain rises on this episode, we see Frost, Cisco, and Iris recovering from the attack on them by Barry, who is now possessed by Bloodwork. Both Iris and Cisco realize that what they saw was NOT Barry, coming to the conclusion that he has been taken over by Ramsey. Cisco isn't messing around, and races out of the lab to pull a lever down, which, in turn, creates a force field around STAR Labs. It's his "Plan B" to the original Bable Protocol, which he had originally put into Barry's Flash suit. He also grabs a new weapon that he's created, which uses a photon beam that can get rid of Ramsey's influence on the public, and essentially "cure" them, and would also "cure" Ramsey---albeit he would have his HLH back. Cisco wants to blast both Ramsey AND Barry with it, and Iris is against it---especially if it means Barry could die. There's a police call from the outside all of the sudden, and the power starts fluxuating. Ramsey is having Flash cut down all communications, thus creating widespread panic...which is when Ramsey wants his victims ready for the kill.
Camilla and Cecile are in her office, when the power cuts out. Camilla tries to get a call out, but her phone is useless. She sees Cecile in the corner...looking scared to death. When she asks what's wrong, Cecile tells her that all she feels is fear out there, and it's overbearing for her. They need to find a way to escape, as more of the public are becoming Bloodwork zombies. Outside, Joe has told his officers to use nonlethal force to stop the zombified public. He comes upon Ramsey, and Ramsey reiterates that he is now Bloodwork, and that he cannot be stopped, that's when Flash shows up. Joe tries to reason with the now Dark Flash, but the Dark Flash says that humanity is in need of a fix, and Bloodwork adds that he has found the secret to eternal life, and that Flash belongs to him. He then sends more zombies after Joe, but Killer Frost shows up to lend support. He then sends Flash off to continue his mission shutting down the communications in the city.
We join Nash Wells in the tunnel, who is actually having a conversation with the Monitor. The Monitor tells him to bow down to him, as Nash tries to find out who he is, since he's been chasing him all over the multiverse. Just then, the power cuts out in the tunnel, and the zombies are coming out after him.
As Cecile is stricken stiff with fear, Camille tries to tell her that her powers may actually help them get out of the building. By feeling the fear of the people before they get zombified, it will help them get clear of the building and get to safety.
Iris and Cisco are in the lab, listening to the police band about more people getting possessed. They feel a little helpless about what to do, but then Barry's voice comes over the police band. He requests a meet with Iris, at the place they fell in love. Iris goes to grab a breach extrapolator, intending on meeting Barry, but Cisco forbids it. He tries to tell her that she could die, but she's willing to risk it, and breaches to their apartment. She tries to talk to Barry, but she ends up getting Ramsey instead. Ramsey says he has full control, and he will soon spread his "gift" of eternal life. Ramsey says Barry would want her to accept Ramsey's "gift". Iris appeals to Barry....and says that after everything they've been through, this is not how there story ends. Ramsey rushes her, and says what kind of wife would allow her husband to die in the Crisis...and plans on killing her. Cisco, back at the lab, manages to reestablish communications with the extrapolator, and can hear Iris and Ramsey's conversation. As Iris is prepared to die, Ramsey stops...he tells her he's not ready yet. In good time, and tells Iris to trust him. With that, he zooms off.
Iris returns to the lab, dejected that she didn't get through to Barry. She wants to try again, but Cisco puts his foot down, and says that the ONLY way to stop Ramsey is his way---with the photon gun. Iris disagrees, but Cisco says this is what Barry prepared them for, and he is going to carry out his plan.
Joe and Killer Frost are still trying to fight off the zombies when Joe gets wounded from behind by one of them. Frost then uses her powers to force the zombies away, but it's not enough. However, Allegra arrives just in time to ward them off, long enough for the trio to make an escape.
Back in the building, Cecile and Camilla continue to duck and dodge the zombies, as they try to escape the building. They have a couple of close calls, but they manage to make their way though.
Bloodwork continues to amass his army, when Cisco arrives, and blasts him with the photon emitter. Bloodwork is held back, and can't do much, until Dark Flash takes down Cisco, breaking the emitter in the process. Ramsey now has Cisco at his will. Cisco resists, and says they will stop him. He could kill Cisco, but he feels he has a bigger purpose. He wants Cisco to go back to STAR Labs, and take down the shield, so that Ramsey can have access to the particle accelerator. He wants to spread his gift over the entire city, and possibly beyond. He tells Cisco he knew he picked the right guy for the job. He then calls out to Iris, who can hear him back at the lab, that he's coming home.
Back at the lab, both Iris and Cisco lament about their failed attempts to save Barry, knowing that they both went in opposite directions about it, instead of working together. They realize that Ramsey was using Barry as a tool all along to get to the particle accelerator. His plan is to drop his blood in, and when it collides with the energy, everyone will be turned into zombies. As they try to figure out a plan to stop him, Frost, Allegra, and Joe arrive at the Lab, where they get Joe settled in, and Frost lets Caitlin take over to deal with the medical stuff. However, in order to save Joe, Frost needs to use her powers. She's scared, but Cait says to count to three, and not think about it. Frost does, and she manages to help Joe's wound.
Around this time, it seems Nash has been able to beat back the zombies...but more keep coming.
Iris and Cisco wonder how they can stop Bloodwork and get Barry back. They then recount the things Ramsey said...about "In good time" and telling Iris to "trust him", and Cisco recalls that Ramsey said "he picked the right person for the job". They both realized that it was Barry speaking to them. Just as they realize they have an idea, Dark Flash and Ramsey are at the barrier. Dark Flash says to Cisco to "let the sun in", while Ramsey has sent out more zombies to find those who rejected his offer, and to kill them. Cisco takes his cue from Barry yet again, and drops the barrier, and Ramsey and Dark Flash enter the building.
Cisco says the plan is to get Ramsey down into the pipeline, and for Allegra to use her UV powers to nullify him. Ramsey then makes his final proclamation, looking to kill Team Flash. He makes his way down into the pipeline with Dark Flash, and has Dark Flash retrieve Cisco and Iris, so they can watch him complete his destiny. He takes a drop of his blood, and sends it into the accelerator. He commands Flash to kill Iris, but he can't. Bloodwork isn't pleased, and drags Flash over to him to assert more control. That's the opening Iris needs as she blasts Ramsey, causing he and Flash to fall. Meanwhile, Allegra and Killer Frost fight off zombies to get to the pipeline, where time is running short, and they need Allegra to use her power now. She's scared, but Killer Frost says she has it. Cisco opens up the pipeline, and she fires into it with all the energy she can muster. Her power as the desired effect, as all those in the city infected by Ramsey are now "cured". Everyone is saved, including Nash down in the tunnels. Iris manages to wake up Barry, and he's back to normal. However, Ramsey has escaped. He's not done yet. Flash catches up with him, and they fight. At the Lab, they figure the only way to contain Ramsey is to put him in the containment that they used for Chester. Flash battles Bloodwork, who takes on a grotesque monster shape. He manages to capture Flash when---out of nowhere---Ramsey's mother arrives. He's in shock. Flash says that Ramsey used his fears and doubts to control him, it was time to return the favor---by bringing his mother from the past to the future to try and stop him. Ramsey can't believe it, and she tries to tell him that she was proud of him, but now he's become a monster, when he was supposed to HELP people. All Ramsey wanted to do was save them. It was the weak moment Flash needed, as he nabs Ramsey, and races him back to the lab, where he's put into Chester's old containment unit. Ramsey keeps swearing that he'll get out, but realizes he can't. Barry and Iris hug, thankful to end one threat...and ready to face the next.
We find out that Lyla has taken Ramsey to ARGUS, where he won't be any trouble anytime soon. And while everyone in the city---Barry included---incurred no ill side effects---Ramsey is another story. His condition is permanent. Barry gives props to Allegra, for stepping up and saving the day, but she defers to Killer Frost, who believed in her. Later on, we see Caitlin and Frost have a private moment, where Caitlin says that she's proud of Frost for what she did, and how she's grown. She can't wait to see what more she can do in the future.
Then, the Team sits around...each of them expressing how thankful they have felt for having Barry in their lives. For's believing him, and for being his best friend...and missing the old days. Caitlin expresses that Barry got her out of her shell, and became whole again. Barry wanted to give his watch to Joe, but Joe said for him to hold onto it. Cecile says she is in awe of what Barry inspires in people---hope. Finally, Iris tells him that no matter what happens...whether he's gone or not, their love story will NEVER end. Barry smiles, kisses his wife, and looks down at his watch. There he sees the reflection of the window, and the sky turning red outside. He gets up, as does the rest of the team, and look out at the window...knowing the time has come
Crisis has arrived.
In the tunnels, we get a a tiny more that what we did before---with Nash saying that the Monitor saved him. Which is when we get the same scene as we have the last couple of nights.
This was a good follow up episode to last week. It allowed Team Flash to face one last super villain in Bloodwork, and tie up that storyline for the midseason finale, before CRISIS takes over. It allowed a few characters to play on some levels, and give us just enough of an emotional wrench just before the REAL heartbreaking stuff begins.
Everyone was curious as to WHY Flash got possessed by Ramsey---was he just too weak, and gave up, was the Speed Force not powerful enough? Turns out---while Ramsey thought HE had absolute control over was BARRY who played Ramsey. By allowing himself to be taken over, Barry was able to sense and feel Ramsey's doubts and fears---and how they were weakening him as the episode went on. Barry's first contact with Iris this episode, and with Cisco later on, allowed him to throw out a couple of lines to let them know he was still in there fighting. By dropping clues to the both of them, it allowed them to figure out that Barry wasn't gone. He was playing his hand to try and get Ramsey to fold...and he did. Once he broke free, and had to go battle Bloodwork again...he had an ace up his sleeve---Ramsey's mother. To bring her back from the past to try and appeal to whatever humanity was left in him, worked just enough to allow Flash to defeat him. It was a complete Team Flash effort...which included Allegra this time. See...I TOLD you all that she would end up joining the team at some point (she may not be official...but trust me...she's a part of it now).
This episode also allowed a little more growth for Allegra and Killer Frost, as both had been fearful of things: Allegra, her powers, and Frost---her inability to acquire medical help, and her fear of death. Both managed to get over their fears, and really helped save the day. It also seems that the "sisterhood" between Caitlin and Frost has grown stronger. There's genuine effection there, as two sisters would have. I don't know what more of a role Allegra is going to play, but here's hoping she'll be a great part of the team.
Cecile and Camilla worked great as a team as well....and kudos to Camilla for helping Cecile realize that she can use her powers to help them escape a bad situation, though Cecile was overloaded with feelings of fear from the people being taken over. Camilla has asserted herself admirably to the Team. I like her. Plus, she can also provide comic relief with Cisco when needed.
Nash feeling that the Monitor "saved" him (he didn't), allowed him to go forward with the Monitor's request---and will probably come out the other side as Pariah---but not confirming that AS YET. We shall see.
Was interesting to see that Lyla got a mention in this episode, considering what happened on Lian Yu last night with Team Arrow. But good to know, ARGUS can still house super baddies when needed. The one bummer when the Team was sitting around talking about Barry, was that Ralph wasn't there---but apparently HE is still recovering from injuries sustained in Bloodwork's attack. And NO Chester sighting. Curious as to HIS role in Crisis.
All right, kiddies---we're near the halfway point in the season, and I've liked what I've seen so far...lots of emotional stuff...and the building up to CRISIS. It was good they good Bloodwork's story out of the way---I didn't see him as a season long villain. I'm curious what we will see post CRISIS as far as the "head baddie" for the rest of the season.
But thanks for hanging with me here on this blog. Subscribe, leave a comment, tell the others I'm out here in cyberspace...that'd be pretty cool for Christmas AND my Birthday---they're a week apart, so have a heart!
Until next time....Worlds will live. Worlds will die. And the universe will NEVER be the same,
Keep on running!
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