Tuesday, December 10, 2019
REVIEW: BATWOMAN - SEASON 1, EP. 9: "Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 2"
When last we left our heroes, several Earths met their end, including our Girl of Steel/Man of Steel, Argo City biting the dust, the rescue of baby Kent, and the death of the Emerald Archer, Oliver Queen. We now see our league of heroes continue to face the threat of the Anti-Monitor...all the while mourning the loss of one of their own.
We pick up in Central City on Earth 1, where Sara is pouring a drink for herself, Kara, and Kate to mourn the loss of Ollie. Kara wonders if they should wait for Barry, but Sara says that Barry's not ready to deal with his loss. Kara feels guilt that Ollie sacrificed himself for her and Barry, and she just can't seem to honor his death as yet. Kate is there wondering when the next move is going to be made, so that they can save the multiverse. Lyla then appears, having checked up on Diggle and JJ, and Sara asks if she had told John about hOllie's death, and Lyla said she didn't. However, she tells them that they're needed. The Monitor and Lyla talk about needing the Waverider's technology to help with the next part of the plan. Lyla says they need Ray Palmer's lab on the ship.
Harbinger then travels to Earth 74, where she finds the Waverider of that Earth, and the AI being Leonard. Mick Rory shows up, being the only one on board, and Lyla tells him that the ship is needed, as is he. At first he isn't interested, but Leonard mocks him, and Lyla tells him he can drink and write all the stories he wants. He agrees to go, and they take off.
Back on Earth 1, the Monitor informs the team that there are 7 individuals who can help stem the tide---7 paragons that will help lead the way. These paragons are the purest of will, and will help save the multiverse. It is their job to find them, and bring them here. They were discovered by The Book of Destiny, which was thought to be destroyed, but the Monitor went back in time to retrieve it. With the help of Felicity Smoak, the Monitor managed to locate them. Of course, during this time, little Johnathan Kent is a bit fussy, so as everyone passes him around to get him quiet, he lands in Mick's arms, and takes a liking to him, and the kid quiets down. During this speech, Barry is rather jaded about the Monitor's words, having to deal with Ollie's death. Kara wonders if the Book could bring back the other Earths, including hers, and Mia asks if it could save her dad. The Monitor, however, says that as the Anti-Monitor's powers grow, his power weakens. As he explains that with the help of Felicity, he has found 4 of the paragons. Sara - the Paragon of Destiny, Supergirl - the Paragon of Hope, the Bat of the Future - the Paragon of Courage, and the Superman of another world who has lost everything. He is the Paragon of Truth.
Supergirl is looking at the computer monitor, rewatching the destruction of her universe, when the Monitor shows up. He feels she is the hope they need, and she isn't feeling very hopeful right now...especially when he shows up with Lex. Shocked that he isn't dead, the Monitor says that he has a role to play as well. Supergirl absolutely refuses to work with him, and storms off. Just at that time, Kate shows up, and eyes Lex up and down. When he asks who she is, she just responds that she's new. But don't think he can get cute with her, she won't hesitate to break him. She then goes to see Kara, and try to help her get her inspiration back. Kate discusses trying to fit into this whole scenario, considering she's new to the job. But Kara assures her that she's badass, how she saved her, Barry, and Oliver last year, and she's more than capable---powers or not. She has no quit, and strives to do the right thing. Kate says that they take a trip to find this Bruce Wayne the Monitor discussed.
Lyla's walking the halls of the Waverider, when she starts hearing voices. She then sees Lex with the Book of Destiny, and he takes off, determined to kill Superman in EVERY existence. Lyla warns the Monitor, but sees that he knows. He let it happen on purpose, because he has his reasons.
Barry and Iris talk about how if Ollie's death didn't play out as planned, maybe his won't as well. He talks about how their lives have grown into this, and Iris stands steadfast by her husband. He says he's going to find the Lazarus Pits to resurrect Oliver. All the pits maybe closed on Earth 1, but there may be another on a different Earth. Iris talks about her mission the Monitor gave her: to help Lois and Clark find this Superman paragon he talked about. They promise to get back to each other.
Sara has a chat with Mia, who says she's going with Barry to find the Lazarus Pits to resurrect her father. Sara warns her that they are not to be messed with, and that while her father's body may come back to life, he'll lose his soul. Sara tells her from a place of experience. Mia says that when it's HER father, she gets to have a say.
We arrive on Earth 99 in Gotham City, where Kara and Kate reach a worn down Wayne Manor. They approach the door, and Kate knocks on the door, only to have that Earth's Luke Fox open the door, looking all casual. When she says she's Kate Kane, he closes the door in their face. She then has Kara open the door---which she does by destroying it. Luke points a gun at them, but Kara steps in front of Kate, ready to take the bullet easily. It's then that we hear Bruce Wayne's voice from up the stairs. He comes down gingerly, as he is now wearing an exoskeleton. Kate is in shock, as is he...when he sees her. Kara goes with Luke, while Bruce and Kate talk. He says that Kate died 5 years ago, but it was the Kate on his Earth. Kate then begins to tell him the story about the multiverse and the Anti-Monitor looking to destroy it.
We arrive at Earth 75, where Iris, Lois, and Clark are seeking the Superman of that Earth for his assitance. Iris then gets a message saying that Lex has the Book of Destiny, and is roaming around every universe, killing every Superman in existence. They know they have to hurry, but they look up on a big screen in the city, and see that Superman has indeed been killed. They decide to leave, and keep trying.
Back on Earth 1, Barry, Mia, and Sara ask John Constantine for assistance in locating an Earth with a Lazarus Pit. Constantine manages to find one, and Mia and Barry are off. Sara asks John that when they revive Ollie, that he can restore his soul. He says sure, but Sara makes him promise. He does, he says he'll do it to the best of his ability.
We jump over to Earth 167, where we arrive in Smallville, Kansas. We see the Kent farm, as Clark is chopping wood. Iris, Lois, and Clark approach him, and tell him about the multiverse collapsing and being destroyed. Also, that Lex Luthor is trying to kill him. Clark says that he didn't know the President was in town. But he doesn't seem fazed by it. Lex then shows up with the Book of Destiny, and sends our heroes packing back to the Waverider. When Clark asks where they went, Lex tells them he sent them away. He's there to kill him, and tells him that he is his greatest enemy. Clark has heard it all before, and when Lex pulls out Kryptonite to kill him. Clark takes it, looks at it, knows what it is, and throws it away. Lex wonders why the Kryptonite won't work on him. Clark says he gave up his powers to have a normal life. He's just a guy working on his farm. Lex says he was a god, and is crazy to have gotten rid of his powers. But he decides he's going to kill him anyway. Clark slugs him. Lex then gives up and leaves---saying his Earth is doomed anyway. Lois comes out, calling on him. Their daughters need them. They head back into the house.
Back to Earth 99, where Kate talks to Bruce about him being a Paragon of Courage, but Bruce laughs, knowing he is anything but. He shows her the paper that says "Batman's Reign of Terror Ended". He talks about having killed so many criminals. Kate said that he adhered to a code. Bruce says he tried that, but it was no use. He talks of his Earth's Kate taking up the mantle...and she got killed in the line of duty. She tells him that this is now his chance to be a hero again...to gain some redemption. To save the whole universe.
We check in on Ray and Mick, who're aboard the Waverider back on Earth 1, as Ray is putting the finishing touches on the machine the Monitor asked him to use. He finds little Jonathan a bit distracting as he is fussy yet again. Mick is reading his romance novel to him, and it seems to help...despite it not being suitable for children.
Arriving on Earth 96, our trio of heroes head to the Daily Planet of that Earth, and meet up with the Clark Kent of that world. To Iris, he looks a lot like Ray Palmer. Lois seems to hae a connection with him. In his office Lois notices that he has plaques on the wall of Lois, Perry White, and Jimmy Olsen. This Clark explains about how "that clown from Gotham" stormed the Planet's city offices, and killed them. They tell him that he is needed to help save the multiverse, and he agrees. As he's suited up, Lex shows up yet again, and says that he's tired of killing Supermen...why not control one. He uses the book to possess the Superman of this Earth, and has him attack the Earth 38 Superman. Their fight goes outside, and they do battle across Metropolis, the Earth 96 Superman saying that he lost his wife and friends,and what good did it do him. Superman tries to reach him by calling him by his real name, Kal. Meanwhile, Lois and Iris are watching the battle, and realize that they have to get him back to normal, and that means using the Book of Destiny. Lois knocks out Lex, and he's down for the count. Lois and Iris then take the Book and try to get this Superman back. Both Men of Steel crash back into the office, and Lois' Clark holds of Kal's heat vision as she tries to reach the elder Kal-El. She manages to do so, and he returns to normal.
Arriving on Earth 18, Sara, Mia, Barry, and John are in the Old West, where they find a Lazarus Pit in an abandoned mine. As they uncover the pit, Barry and John breach back to grab Ollie's body. Sara talks about all the trouble her and Ollie used to get in, which piques Mia's curiosity. Sara says that while she's stubborn like Ollie, she's got her mother's smarts. They are met in the tunnel, however, but a man dressed in a Confederate soldier uniform. He says the mine belongs to him, and he tries to fight Mia and Sara over it. Sara grabs his knife, and says that he's bound to get this scar anyway and cuts him. The main yeilds and is taken down by Mia. Barry and John arrive with Ollie and place him in the pit.
In the Batcave on Earth 99, Kate tries to reason with Bruce about joining her. Meanwhile, upstairs, Kara talks to Luke about all of Bruce's trophies. She notices a pair of broken glasses with blood spatter on them. Luke says that's Superman's. When Kara asks, it's because Bruce killed him. Luke says that is how Bruce got to be in his exoskeleton. Kara then goes down there and says that he is no paragon of anything...he killed Superman. He admits it, saying that "alien from another planet with powers far beyond those of moral men", and he decks Kara, who takes a hit and falls to the floor on the other side of the room. Kate is surprised at Bruce, who opens up a compartment on his exoskeleton, revealing Kryptonite, which he plans on using to kill Kara. Kate says that if he is going tho kill Kara, he'll have to go through her. He tries to strike her, but she blocks his shot and knocks him back into an electrical panel, which, in turn, electrocutes him. As he falls down dying, he tells her that there is no hope on that world.
Barry, Mia, and Sara all stand by, as John performs the ceremony to revive Ollie. However, once he chants the spell...nothing happens. He says the antimatter is blocking his powers, and if he can't get a clear incantation, there's a good chance Ollie's soul will never be returned.
Kate and Kara return to the Waverider, where Kara bumps into the Clark of Earth 96, and mistakens him for Ray. Clark then meets Jonathan, and he says that he reminds him of his son Jason. Ray finally says that his machine is ready and turns it on. Turns out, the other paragons are on the ship. Turns out, Kate is the Paragon of Courage. The Monitor says that Kate is the Bat of the future. Superman is the Paragon of Truth. It seems a little overwhelming for Kate, but Kara tells her that she is ready for it. That she has tremendous courage. Reminding her of the role she has taken on---to save Gotham, and to be a symbol for courage in a city that needs one. Kate says that Kara seems to have gotten her hope back. Kara shows Kate a picture of her and Beth from that Earth. Kate says she wishes she had known her like that. Kara says that maybe she will someday. She just hopes to use the Book of Destiny once the Anti-Monitor is taken care of to save her Earth. As she takes off, Kate looks at the piece of Kryptonite she got off of Bruce.
Lyla wakes up from her sleep, and is hearing voices again...wandering the halls of some undisclosed location, wondering where she is, and where the voices are coming from. She then stops as she hears a voice similar to the Monitor's. He says that he has been looking in on things as his antimatter wave sweeps the multiverse. He introduces himself as the Anti-Monitor, and that there is much work to do.
This episode was good, and was more heavy on plot movement and exposition, and not really much action. It started somber, and didn't have too many so-called "bright spots" in it, as we know everyone's reeling from Ollie's death, to having to find these so-called "Paragons" that will be the ones to help lead the heroes to victory over the Anti-Monitor.
Kara, Ollie, Sara, and Mia are obviously taking Ollie's death the hardest. They weren't ready to really say 'goodbye', and Barry refuses to let Oliver die this way, as is Mia. Sara, knowing all about loss, is willing to mourn Ollie's loss. Kara can't quite get over the loss of Ollie, either. Feeling like she lost all hope when he died, as well as her universe. Kate feels very out of place in this whole scenario with these super powered beings. There's a bit of raw emotion running all the way around, and we see how some are dealing with it.
As everyone splits up into teams, we get Barry and iris having another moment...possibly the last one they have before his possible final send off. He's not willing to let Ollie go, and thus he and Mia are going to spend this episode reviving him...much to Sara's objection, having experienced the Lazarus Pit herself. But there is no reasoning with her on this issue. Mia lost out on her dad, and she is for damn sure going to do all she can to get him back. Sara makes John promise to get Ollie's soul back, but John can only do what he can do. Thanks to the antimatter spreading across the universe, it disrupts his magic, thus reviving Ollie's soul now becomes nearly impossible. So, their mission seems like a failure. However, it seems we DID get one guest appearance in that Earth in the form of a not yet-scarred Jonah Hex. However, Sara did say that when she had him, he was going to get that scar anyway.
It was exceptionally cool to have Iris West working with Lois Lane. The two most intrepid reporters in the universe teaming up (along with Clark), to find the Superman they seek. Travelling to 3 different Earths in the process to find him---and make sure that he wasn't killed by Lex Luthor--who, in typical villianous fashion, saw a powerful tool, and used it to his advantage. When Lyla saw him disappear with it, the Monitor knew---it was by design. He allowed Lex to use it, to kill the other Supermen, allowing our intrepied trio to discover the one Superman they were looking for---on Earth 96. To see Brandon Routh back in the role as Superman--a Kingdom Come looking Superman at that--was pretty cool. He looked fantastic. And it was even better when they got back to Earth 1, and he got to see our Lois and Clark's boy, Johnathan--and remarked how it reminded him of is son, Jason. Hence making sure they kept the history of the Superman Returns film. And....during the whole scenes on Earth 96, LOVE the ode to John Williams' classic "Superman" theme. Kara's remark about Clark looking like Ray, and he's all buffed out and ripped was a good laugh. And Lois pointing out that it's her cousin...sort of.
Kate and Kara meeting the Bruce Wayne of Earth 99...we see a beaten down and physically impaired Dark Knight. This Bruce (played BRILLIANTLY by Kevin Conroy), is, again a throwback to the Batman of Kingdom Come. This Bruce Wayne...whom they believed to be the Paragon of Courage, turned out to be nothing more than a vicious killer of criminals---the very thing he swore he'd never be. For Kate to hear that this Batman crossed that line...and how when he was put into that exoskeleton for his troubles. This Batman was darker than anything she'd seen. To know that HER doppleganger took up the mantle of the Bat, and died as a result, sent this Bruce over the edge. To know he had killed Superman because it was Superman who broke this Bat, thus the exoskeleton, it's a grim picture of a man who gave up the courage he possessed to end criminals. He had no hope, and no courage left to give a world he thought wasn't worth saving. It was later that the "Bat of the future" and the actual Paragon of Courage was Kate herself. Despite all this new kind of threat she's facing...dealing with forces beyond her imagination, she has understood her role, and taken it. She is going to have to be the backbone of this team, and the one making the tough decisions---much like Ollie did---as we get down the stretch of this crossover. It also helps elevate Batwoman to that elite level of hero that this universe needs.
It's also nice to know that in whatever universe where there's a Mick Rory---he's....well...Mick Rory. And kudos for making Leonard Snart the AI of the ship! Awesome!
And Lyla---haunted by the sounds---now will fulfill HER destiny---by betraying the Monitor.
This episode seemed to focus on two of the World's Finest---the Bat and the Kryptonian. Be it with Kate and Kara, or Bruce talking about having killed Clark. Another little easter egg was in Bruce's speech once the reveal was out that he bumped off Superman in that world. "Stranger visitor from another planet with powers far beyond those of mortal men" was the tagline from the old 1950's Adventures of Superman television show with George Reeves...so a nice nod to THAT show and it's importance to the DC Universe. And we finally cannot get away without talking about our favorite super couple from Smallville, as we got one more appearance from our Lois and Clark there: Tom Welling and Erica Durance. While the scene was brief, it gave us closure on the future of that world. We know Luthor is still President of the United States there, but we find out that Clark has hung up the boots, and Lois has put down the pen to raise a family. And when Lex tried to kill off this Clark, he got cracked in the face for his troubles. This Clark gave up his powers for his happily ever after...and he got it. So, it gave us a nice fond farewell to that world. We never get to meet the Superman of Earth 75, as Lex had gone on to kill him already. The scene that played out on the jumbo screen in Metropolis saw that Earth's Lois kneeling down beside the dead Man of Steel, his Cape flowing on a piece of wood in the wind---reminiscent of Superman #75---which was The famous "Death Of Superman" story when DC Comics killed him off. That was one of the most famous scenes in comics history. So, a nice nod to that as well.
While this episode had some fallout and drama mixed in because of it, I do hope that Part 3...which takes place on The Flash, will be a more Barry-centric episode. Supergirl got some spotlight on her show, Kate got hers tonight on her show, so I wonder, heading into the apex part of the crossover, will focus more on Barry. We'll be here to recount the events of Part 3 tomorrow night. Until then, thanks for joining me on this journey. Help me out be subscribing to this page, telling your friends about it, and leaving your comments on the events of this crossover.
Until tomorrow night...
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