Saturday, December 28, 2019
Welcome back, boys and girls! We once again dive into our bin of comics to pick out this week's comic cover. And this week, we head AWAY from "The Big 2", and take a look at a series I managed to find on newsstands back in 1986. While I had been an avid collector of mostly Marvel and DC titles, I happened across a mini-series published by an independent company called Comico, which operated out of Pennsylvania. The series was called Justice Machine Featuring The Elementals. It introduced me to two new superhero teams, a new universe, and new characters to enjoy. This mini-series led to the Justice Machine getting their own series after the success of the story with The Elementals, who had already been established at Comico. So, this week, we look at the debut of this super-team's regular series.
COVER ARTIST: Mike Gustovich
WRITER: Tony Isabella
ARTIST: Mike Gustovich
INKS: Mike Gustovich
COLORS: Tom Vincent
LETTERS: Bob Pinaha
EDITOR: Diana Schutz
COVER DATE: January 1987
STORY TITLE: "Heroes And Villains"
Justice Machine #1 takes place just after the end of the Justice Machine Featuring The Elementals mini-series. Comico had started about 5 years earlier by a group of artists who had begun the company at college in Pennsylvania. Originally, they only produced black-and-white comics until they obtained the licenses to such properties as Jonny Quest, Robotech, and Matt Wagner's series Mage. They also had begun publishing original material from Bill Willingham, who had created The Elementals. The Justice Machine - the creation of writer/artist Mike Gustovich, had originally published stories through a company called Noble Comics, but they folded, and he moved his creation to Comico with the limited series with The Elementals, to introduce the team to new readers. The success of the series allowed the company to greenlight an ongoing series produced by Gustovich, and co-plotter Tony Isabella. The covers were done by Gustovich through all of the series' 29 issue run, and we're done in a wraparound style. The series follows a superhero team from another world called Georwell, where they not only fought supervillains, but corrupt officials of the state as well. It also featured a bickering ex-married couple on the team, as well as a drug addicted hero to boot. Isabella didn't stay with the series through it's entire run, but helped establish the characters with Gustovich.
THE STORY: Shortly after the Darkforce Affair, and their subsequent team up with The Elementals of Earth, the Justice Machine are looking to capture the rebel/criminal known as Maxinor and his son Robert, who goes by the name of Youthquake. Using the same type of dimensional lock that had brought the Elementals to their homeworld of Georwell, Maxinor and his son escape to Earth. Georwell's chief Prosecuter, Zarren, then orders the team to track down Maxinor, and bring him back to Georwell to face trial, giving them seven hours in which to accomplish their mission. The team departs, tracks down Maxinor, and captures him. However, once they try to get back, they find out that they have been branded traitors by Zarren, and he accuses them of being in league with Maxinor.
It doesn't take long for Tony Isabella and Mike Gustovich to put our intrepid heores in a sticky situation, as they are assigned a mission for the Georwellian Government, complete the mission, only to be set up by the Chief Prosecutor, and branded traitors. Aside from the fact this team has a group of VERY flawed heroes, they always find a way to work together to get the job done, hence accomplishing their mission in capturing the viliian known as Maxinor. We discover even more about Georwell as being a strict military state, where all eyes are upon you. We also see two villains in not only Maxinor, but in Zarren himself, for setting up the troubled team from the outset. We find out as the series goes on just WHY they were branded as traitors, they're new life on Earth, and the internal squabbles and personal issues that plague each member of the team. While the mini-series gives you a small serving sample of these characters, the series begins to give you even more of the main course, which helps draw you in. Gustovich stayed with the series through it's short 29 issue run before it was cancelled (mostly because the company itself had gone bankrupt and folded). The series would get it's story's end with the Justice Machine Annual #1. It was a shame the company suffered financial ruin, because I truly enjoyed this series as an alternative to the typical stylings of Marvel and DC. It allowed me to get invested in new characters that I had not heard of before, and grow with them. It's a series that, if you can find it bundled, is worth a read.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Hey, kiddies! It's time once again to head into our comic shop, and see what book we wish to spotlight this week. It just so happens that with the release of the trailer for Wonder Woman: 84 popping up this past week, I thought it would be cool to take a look at an important time in our Amzonian Princess at an important juncture in her long, storied history. Here, we take a look at Wonder Woman circa 1987, freshly repackaged and renewed thanks to the writing and art of long time Teen Titans artist and co-plotter, George Perez.
COVER ARTIST: George Perez
WRITER: Greg Potter (co-plotter), George Perez (co-plotter)
ARTIST: George Perez
INKS: Bruce Patterson
COLORIST: Tatjana Wood
LETTERER: John Costanza
EDITOR: Karen Berger
COVER DATE: February 1987
PUBLISHER: Jenette Kahn, DC Comics
STORY TITLE: "The Princess and The Power!"
Wonder Woman #1 was a revamp of the Amazon Princess after her death in Crisis On Infinite Earths. She had been returned to her original clay form, from which she was brought to life back in the early Golden Age of Comics. Since the DC Comics continuity had begun to become larger, and henceforth, more complicated, Marv Wolman and artist George Perez had done Crisis as a way to smooth out the DC Universe in one, fresh and new, streamlined continuity. Henceforth, many characters who had Earth 2 counterparts were eliminated (except the Earth 2 Diana, who had become a part of the Amazons on Themyscira--thus the Golden Age Wonder Woman joined their heriarchy, but the Earth 1 Diana had been reduced back to clay, thus "eliminating" her from the continuity at that time). DC was overhauling their characters, and Wonder Woman was in desperate need of an upgrade. Since DC had decided to revamp The Flash with Wally West taking over for the now deaparted Barry Allen in the wake of Crisis, Superman was getting a major overhaul courtesy of John Byrne with his mini-series The Man of Steel. Batman had a soft reboot, but Wonder Woman had been all but erased, and DC decided to start from scratch. This is where George Perez came in, an completely retold Diana's story from the ground up. Making her more of a demigoddess, coming from Themyscira to Man's world, and battling new threats. Wonder Woman was newly released to the world through the DC mini-series Legends. This new and improved Wonder Woman had never been a part of the newly re-formed Justice League. So, along with co-plotter Greg Potter, Perez set out to introduce Diana to the Bronze Age, and a new audience.
THE STORY: The Olympic goddesses create a new race called Amazons to teach humanity about the ways of Gaea. However, the Amazons lose their way and forget their purpose, and thus fall prey to the dark machinations of the God of War, Ares. One of the Amazons, Hippolyta, leads the Amazons back to rediscover their true purpose. Time passes, and Hippolyta yearns for a child that she never had. The goddesses tell her to mold a child from clay, which they animate, and she names Diana. Diana grows up, and then the goddesses ask the Amazons for help, by choosing a champion to battle Ares and a new scheme he is concocting. Diana wins the competition, and thus becomes the new champion to head into Patriarch's World to do battle against Ares and any evil out there.
This issue does an amazing job of retelling not only Diana's origin again, but Perez and Potter add a new layer to the Amazon history, and tie their origins to the Greek Gods of mythology. Diana's origin isn't really all that different from her first incarnation back in 1941, but Perez's art at this time was at it's absolute peak, and he adds amazing texture and strength to the characters, as well as showing the ranges of emotion with wonderful ease. His panels and attention to detail are epic, and you feel you're a part of the mythology, watching it unfold right then and there. Wonder Woman's first volume had ended, and DC needed to freshen up their core characters for the modern audience, and they hit a home run with Wonder Woman. This was a pretty damn good series, and worth reading. Especially Potter and Perez's run on the book---truly and epic feel. This book also featured a preface written by George himself, and why he felt it was time to recreate Wonder Woman to fit into THIS Man's World. He certainly got her off and running in this book.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Welcome back! Last week, we started a new feature on this blog, whereas I take one comic book cover, and discuss that issue, and the impact it had on the industry. This week, we head to the galaxy far, far away. With the final installment of Star Wars coming up on December 20th, I felt it appropriate to tap into a comic that I grew up reading, and it fits the theme rather well. We harken back to the late 1970's, and Marvel Comics' original run of the Star Wars comic. So, let's take a look at, what I believe, is one of the most pivotal books of the long and storied history of the sci-fi/fantasy story.
Cover Tagline: All new! Han Solo and Chewbacca on a world the law forgot!
WRITER: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin
ARTIST: Howard Chaykin, Frank Springer (finishes)
INKS: Frank Springer
COLORS: Carl Gafford
LETTERS: Joe Rosen
EDITOR: Roy Thomas
COVER: Gil Kane
COVER DATE: January 1978
PUBLISHER: Archie Goodwin, Marvel Comics
STORY TITLE: "New Planets, New Perils"
Star Wars #7 was the first step on a new journey for our heroes. After acquiring the rights from Lucasfilm to publish a monthly series, Marvel adapted the hit film in the first six issues of the series' run. Issue #7 is where we get our first original story outside of the movie. In what became known as the "Expanded Universe", this was the first book to tackle the world George Lucas created, and create new adventures. It's a great chance for writer Roy Thomas and artist Howard Chaykin to stretch beyond the movie, and bring their own ideas to the story (albeit with approval from Lucas). They hit the mark by giving us an instant adventure with Han Solo and Chewbacca, and what happens to them as they try to pay off Jabba the Hutt. We get introduced to new characters such as Crimson Jack, and sets up a storyline with Han and Chewie for the next couple of issues. Meanwhile, we get mention of Luke and Leia off to find a new base for the Alliance, because---knowing the Empire---they'll come back to this base and destroy them.
THE STORY: We get to see what happens just after the Rebel Alliance's huge victory over the Empire with the destruction of the Death Star. This issue has our smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca bidding farewell to Luke and Leia, as he heads back to Tatooine to pay off Jabba the Hutt with the reward he obtained from the Alliance for his rescue of Princess Leia, and for his assistance in taking down the Death Star. But, knowing the luck of Han and Chewie, they hit a snag on their trip when they're attacked by space pirates led by the charismatic Crimson Jack and his motley crew. Deprived of their reward, the duo lay low on a planet on the outskirts, and end up in a fight with other spacers over the burial of a cyborg in a sacred graveyard.
This was a great issue. A brand new adventure for our heroes, and the universe was the limit. Thomas and Chaykin craft a great story featuring our smuggling duo. It doesn't take long for Han and Chewie to find trouble, and we get introduced to Crimson Jack, who fits right into the Star Wars mythos at the time. Having to lie low, Han and Chewie think they have it easy until they get embroiled in a spat between spacers and a bug priest who was looking to bury a cyborg in a sacred graveyard for fallen spacers. Also, they end up getting approached by a trio of men who are seeking help against a threat to them. It's great to see Han and Chewie get into one scrape, only to fall into another unexpectedly. Trouble seems to find them two, and it's great to see them find a way out of it. Chaykin's art is a little looser this issue, as with the previous six, where he was trying to stay true to the facial characteristics of the characters...which isn't easy to do. But in this issue, he starts giving his own interpretation. It's far from perfect art (not sure Springer's inks really helped), but outside of that, it was clear, and told the story well.
The very cool thing about this series, is that Dark Horse Comics published this entire series (which ran 107 issues between 1977-1986), in a trade collection of 7 books. Omitted was the adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. But it gives you the entire series' run in a better format. Even though the Expanded Universe is now non-canon, it makes everything done in this series irrelevant, but if you're still a fan of the Expanded Universe, I highly recommend getting the entire run in this form. Dark Horse and Marvel do a great job in presentation. And, in case you're wondering WHY Dark Horse published this run, it's because, at the time, Dark Horse still held the rights to publish new Star Wars material. That has now been reverted to Marvel, because Disney bought Lucasfilm, and they own Marvel Comics. I had fun with this series, and I feel everyone who wrote and illustrated this series did so as well.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTNING - SEASON 3, EP. 9: "The Book of Resistance - Chapter Four: Earth Crisis"
What more can be done to the Pierce family that hasn't already been thrown their way? Jefferson having been poked and prodded by the ASA, Lynn getting addicted to Green Light, and obsessed with finding a cure for the meta kids in the Pit, Anissa running the underground Resistance against the ASA in Freeland, and trying to help her girlfriend Grace, and Jennifer just trying to have some semblance of normal, but realizing she can't...especially when Odell is manipulating her right in her ear. And now that Black Lightning has jumped the fence to join the Resistance, all bets are off, the Pierce family are targets. What more could possibly go wrong for our heroic family?
How about red skies and some antimatter?
We look in on Jennifer, who's apparently been having a lot of sleepless nights, video blogging, and talking about how she's up around 3:30 AM over the last few nights. She's got a lot on her mind, and feels a bit confused. She wishes she could go back to a simpler time where there was no metagene, worried about the town, and finding it hard on who to believe these days. She is recording this blog to her sister, Anissa, and she needs someone to get this off her chest to. She admits to working with Odell...and how Odell has had her out on a couple of missions. She admits to destroying a Markovian depot not too long ago, and she believes she might've killed people. She is trying to do what she believes is right, but she's utterly confused. Odell is telling her how she's doing the heroic thing, and stopping a huge threat in the Markovians, but on the other hand, you have their dad, who's trying to teach her that there is another way. She says her heart tells her that her dad is right, but her head tells her that Odell is right---otherwise, why would their mother keep working with the ASA? She has no idea on who to really follow. She ends the recording, and had planned on sending it to her sister, but decides instead to talk to her in person.
We see a newscast from a Rebecca Larson of GBS-TV, discussing the occupation in Freeland, and she says some information they recieved are a lie, and that the city is being quarantined for a virus. The Resistance is watching the newscast, knowing that the information they sent got intercepted or tampered with in a way that the ASA managed to make sure it came off as false information. The ASA manages to cover up their real operations to the public once again, and the Resistance needs to formulate a plan to get the truth out or take the ASA down.
Jennifer is ready to head to her sister's, when Odell appears on one of the TV screens. He says he needs her help, and she's skeptical about his intentions. He says the Markovians are making advances, and that he needs her to do air patrols every couple of days, and if she sees anyone suspicious, take down with extreme prejudice. She's apprehensive about committing murder, and he says that this is a war, and at some point, she's going to have to choose a side.
The Resistance is trying to figure out their next move, and Blackbird and Black Lightning have a chat themselves about what to do. She says it's time to hit the ASA hard, but he's not down with taking any extreme measures. She tells her dad it's either kill or BE killed at this juncture. She also decides to tell him that when she fought Painkiller, she discovered that it was Khalil, and that they turned him into a killing machine. He's responsible for killing Tavon, and injuring her. She reminds him that the situation has gone critical, and the time to do something is now.
Jennifer makes her way to Anissa's apartment, decked out in her Lightning suit, ready to patrol when asked by Odell. She tells the house AI to tell Anissa that she waited for her, and is about to leave when the skies turn red, and begin to erupt with thunder and lightning themselves. Odell calls her and tells her NOT to patrol, and then, Jennifer's body begins to react to what's going on outside. She begins phasing in and out of reality, and eventually collapses. We find her in this black space, with two other versions of herself: One with what appears to be a power blocking collar around her neck, and dressed in white, and another version of her, decked out in black, each of them wondering where they are.
The first one, named Gen, says she had spiked the water in Freeland to rid everyone of their metahuman powers, including her family's. She was captured, and placed in The Pit, with the power dampener on her neck. Turns out, it was Khalil who had her placed there. The 2nd doppleganger, named Jinn, says nobody has done a thing for her, and owes nobody anything. And then there's Jennifer.
We peek in at Gen's story, who happens to be from Earth 1. She's at home with her sister, discussing Anissa's private life, while Jefferson is preparing a big holiday meal. Gen has gotten a reprieve from the Pit to spend the holidays with her family. They talk about their father taking a job with the government in order to protect the girls. As they continue their girltalk, Anissa talks about her date with a new woman, and Jennifer reveals that while her and Khalil are okay, she doesn't see the relationship going too much farther. Then, they hear a noise downstairs, and head down to see the ASA storming the Pierce home, looking to arrest their father. Odell talks to Jefferson, and tells him that he didn't think he knew what was going on. Jefferson pleads his case that he followed every protocol necessary, presumable in reference to Gen spending time with her family. But Odell talks about betrayal. How he's really been helping the Underground and the metahumans escape. Jefferson denies it, but Odell shows video proof of the Reverend Holt betraying him. The ASA soldiers then take ahold of Gen, as Odell shoots Jefferson dead at point blank range. Jennifer...who bears witness to this only in spiritual form, cannot stop it. Anissa drops to her knees as Gen is escorted out.
Back on her Earth, Jennifer is phasing in and out constantly, and she's convulsing. Anissa arrived home and had called Gambi, explaining to him she found her this way when she got home, and that she has no idea what's going on. Gambi comes to check on her, and notices that the uniform she's wearing ISN'T the one HE gave her.
We go back to Earth 1's Gen, where she's back in her cell in The Pit, as Anissa had been granted access to see her by Odell. They discuss the funeral, and Gen is mad that her Mom wasn't there, and that she felt abandoned by her. Anissa says that as much as they loved each other, they just couldn't make it work. Gen blames herself for everything that's transpired, and Anissa doesn't want her to blame herself, but Gen will not be consoled. Anissa says everyone in life makes their own choices...and their dad made his.
Back at Anissa's on their Earth, she and Gambi are trying to figure out what's wrong with Jennifer. Gambi says her vitals are fading, and Anissa remarks that this all happened when the red skies appeared. She got ahold of her dad, but couldn't reach her Mom at the Pit. Gambi says that he had to get Lynn out of there, but she's in a secret location where she can't be found. Anissa then calls her mom, who is in some discreet location doing something along the lines of trying to make new Green Light for herself. The message is muffled with static a bit, but Anissa manages to tell her mom that Jennifer's in trouble, and she's freaked out, and doesn't know what to do. Lynn looks outside to see the red skies.
On Earth 1, Lynn goes to see Gen in the Pit, who reluctantly lets her in her cell. Lynn tries to offer words of comfort, but they fall on deaf ears to Gen. Lynn says she wishes she could make it better but it takes time. She goes on to say that she loved Jefferson, and how he was very proud of her. Gen asks how would she know. Lynn says that Gen brought peace to Freeland. Gen wonders at what price. Lynn says it may not be the peace she had wanted, but it was peace nonetheless. Gen wonders if it was worth her father's life to be locked up like she is. Lynn tells her yes.
Once more to Anissa's , and Jennifer is getting worse. Jefferson finally arrives, and wonders what they can do to fix her. Gambi says that because her body is energy based, the antimatter is playing havoc with it, thus making her be in literally two places at once. Gambi goes on to say it's like she's in a parallel universe, which Jefferson finds a bit hard to believe.
Just then, Lynn arrives, assessing the situation, and wondering what Gambi is trying to do. He reiterates what he said to Jefferson, and she's heard about the theory of a parallel universe. Before more can be said, however, Henderson contacts Anissa, and says that they're taking heavy losses in their fight with the ASA. They need Blackbird and Black Lightning, but Jefferson says they're a bit busy at the moment. Lynn then steps in and tells him to go clean up his mess---this is all his fault, anyway, so go fix it. Anissa says she'll stay behind to keep and eye on Jennifer. He tries to protest, but Lynn says that he made this bed, now he gets to lie in it. As much as he wants to argue back, Gambi interrupts to say they have bigger things to worry about. Jefferson tells Henderson he's on his way, and informs him they need to hit the ASA where it hurts, and Gambi has an idea.
We then get to see the story of JINN, who resides on Earth 2. She is strolling through the halls of the school to meet up with her dad, who's just finished teaching class. She wonders why she's there, and he says that Odell is using her for her powers, and she says she's working with the ASA, but no one controls her. He tells her that the more she uses her powers, the more she becomes addicted to it, like a drug. She says she's saved the city, and she has brought peace to Freeland, and this situation wouldn't have happened had it not been for him. She plans on cleaning up HIS messes, so that she can go and live her life in peace and normalcy. We see Jennifer spying on her doppleganger, as she strolls through the halls, helpless to talk to the young woman.
Major Grace is called in by Odell, and has been informed that Black Lightning and the Resistance are attacking the compound. She offers to put more troops to secure all other areas, but Odell says that Pierce is going for the metahumans at The Pit. He won't hurt the detainees, but try to set them free. Odell says that they need to be weaponized, and plans on turning them against Black Lightning and the Resistance. Major Grace goes to ensure the operation is put into place.
We then head back to Earth 2, where we see Jinn in a lab or facility, where she's killed off everyone there. Odell arrives, and says that she didn't need to kill these metahumans. Jinn says that with no Markovians, there's no war, thus no need for metahumans. Odell felt they still had a purpose, but she calls him out, and says that needs change with people, and he was no different. He informs her that her family will try to stop her. She seems to have absolutely no problem with that.
Once more to Anissa's, and Gambi says he's doing all he can try and find a way to stabilize Jennifer, and Anissa is quick to point out that this could be the work of the ASA. Gambi highly doubts that they can manipulate antimatter. Anissa then brings up how the weaponized Khalil, and Lynn now knows that Anissa knows. She brings it up to her mother, and says that he's no longer Khalil, and he needs to be put down immediately. Just then, Gambi intercepts an ASA coded transmission, where they find out that Odell plans on weaponizing all the metas at The Pit. Anissa then informs her dad of the transmission. She then goes to suit up, saying she has a plan.
Jinn arrives at her family's home, knowing there's a fight coming. She confronts her father again, and says that SHE is the one who ended the war, by making the tough decisions HE wouldn't. Jefferson replies that all she's done is become a cold hearted killer. That she never listened to him, and has contempt for him. She replies that no one controls her, and she does what she wants. Lynn and Anissa show up, and there's a united family front. Her family wants her to turn herself into the authorities. Jinn says that she IS the authority. They ask one last time, but she remarks to them to make her. Jinn and Anissa face off, but the battle is short, as Jinn levels her sister with her powers. In the process, she also blasts her mother, killing her. That leaves her and her father. As her and Jefferson prepare to square off, Jennifer phases in to witness the showdown, as Jinn finally gets the upperhand in battle against her father, and kills him as well. Her family dead, she says she's going to live her life by any means necessary, and walks out. Jennifer, again, helpless to do anything but witness.
Jennifer, Gen, and Jinn are all back in the neutral space, where Jennifer goes off on Jinn, asking her how she could attack her family. She goes to attack Jinn, but Jinn strikes back. They start fighting one another and Gen wonders what in the world is going on. She then realizes that they are 3 separate people from 3 different worlds, and the worlds are colliding on each other. Jen and Jinn stop fighting, and Jen lays it down for the both of them. She turns to Jinn, and tells her that she has too much power, and that with her actions, she'll live a lonely existence because NO ONE will want to love her. Jennifer goes on to say that while her dad's ideals may be antiquated a little bit, it helped keep his soul pure and honest. Jinn has nothing to show for what she's done. She looks to Gen, and tells her to NEVER be ashamed of her powers. That, despite what her dad said, that they were a gift. Her dad KNEW she would use them anyway, so take them as a blessing. As Jinn is about to argue with Jennifer, a white light comes sweeping through the space, eliminating Gen and Jinn...leaving only Jennifer left.
We get back to reality, where Jennifer's body is now a mass of energy. Anissa is helpless to stop it, and Lynn tries to get Jennifer to reassemble herself. As Jefferson asks her to fight and hang on, he's suddenly teleported away from them, as the antimatter wave sweeps through their Earth...eliminating them all.
Claimed in the Crisis by the Anti-Monitor.
Well...I certainly did NOT expect a new Black Lightning episode before the holiday break, but this episode helped explain away Jefferson's disappearance from his Earth, and to Earth 1. A nice tie-in to CRISIS, which did a MUCH better job than Supergirl or Batwoman did. And having Jennifer as the focal point was even better.
Having Jennifer's doubts, questions, and confusion as triggers to introduce us to the dopplegangers was a nice touch. Earth 1 Gen had doubts as to the use of her powers, almost a fear OF them. Jinn was from Earth 2, where we already know from experience that most of the heroes we know on Earth 1 are villains of a sort on Earth 2. Gen was torn up about the consequences of ending the metahuman presence in Freeland on Earth 1, but it came at a price: her imprisonment, and the eventual death of her father. She is wracked with guilt in her part of the story over having done what she did, thinking it was for a noble cause. But knowing her father would continue to help those who needed it, put him in the crosshairs, even though he took public office in order to protect his girls. In the end, she wonders if what she did was really worth it. While Lynn tells her 'yes', she's still unusure. But, I give her credit in discovering that they came from parallel Earths.
Jinn, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. Drunk on her power, high on her pedestal, and full of herself. Arrogant, cocky, uncaring, unfeeling, and self righteous. She feels she IS the true hero, but she's become nothing more than a sociopath. She makes the rules, she IS the authority, and anyone that stands in her way gets destroyed. However, as Jennifer pointed out to her...she is a person without love, compassion, and will suffer loneliness. Who would want to be or love that kind of person. She is cold hearted to the core, and the ends DO justify the means. A person that is willing to end the life of her own family is purely evil. There was no moral code for Jinn.
Then we have Jennifer herself---who was no wrestling with those actual personal feelings about her situation and of herself. She knows her dad is right in what he does...but at the same time, Odell has brainwashed her into believing that HE is in the right, and the cause he has is justified. Jennifer wasn't just watching her dopplegangers all episode, these were also aspects of her own personality wrestling with themselves, trying to find the actual RIGHT answer. Out of all the characters on this show right now, Jennifer is the one with the hard time trying to see what's right, and being pulled into two directions: Her father, who wants to protect her, and show her what doing right means. Then there's Odell..who's manipulative and cunning at pulling on her heartstrings, to get her to do HIS bidding. It's a classic tug of war, and it's going to be interesting to see who wins.
Anissa has shown more and more this season as a take charge kind of gal. More of a leader. While Jefferson was in the Pit, getting poked and prodded, she was out on the streets as Blackbird, trying to save the town. As much as she's led the charge, she's still vulnerable. Worrying about Grace, worrying about Jennifer, it weighs on you. But she's holding her own well.
I KNEW Odell would be back---bastard is one slippery little shit, isn't he? He's still got a few cards in his hand to play.
Lynn has begun to really piss me off. I am liking her less and less. And ever since she's become a Green Light addict, she's only gotten worse. From someone who had come to terms with Jefferson being Black Lightning, and helping the cause some, she's now back to being that bitter bitch who barks at Jefferson and blames him for everything that's going down in Freeland right now. She resents being dragged into a world she has no control over, and now fights her own addiction on top of it. Even though her own children are a part of this fight..VOLUNTARILY, mind you---she still lays it all at Jefferson's feet. I'm honestly beginning to wonder just what in the hell he saw in her to begin with.
And Jefferson himself---he has been a human punching bag all year long. Being made a lab rat by the ASA, getting beat down in front of his students, wanting to do the right thing for not only his girls, but for the town, to having to watch the ASA's continued manipulation of the people, its disregard for basic human rights, and cruelty, to finally joining the side of The Resistance. It seems we're starting to get our hero back again, but has to deal with the fallout of his relationship with Lynn. That may very well be the love of his life, but I can't see it at this juncture. After all this falls through, and he finds out she's a Green Light addict...she needs to go away for awhile. And he needs to realize he can do better than his EX wife, who seems to want to lay ALL of the world's woes----well, okay---FREELAND's woes, all upon his feet. I just feel for the guy. And I wouldn't tolerate that. But that's just me. I just hope that with his experience in CRISIS, he comes out of it better than ever (at least I HOPE so).
And for those who're curious, while I have NO idea who Rebecca Larson is, I do know the network she works for. GBS is the Galaxy Broadcast System that used to be run by a guy named Morgan Edge, who had his run ins with Superman back in the day. GBS had also owned The Daily Planet, and both Clark Kent AND Lana Lang were newscasters on the station in Metropolis.
Alighty kids---that's the midseason finale, and everyone will be back after the holiday break. I'm stoked to have seen this episode, which was quite emotional, tie in to CRISIS. Looking forward to seeing our hero and his family return. But while they're gone, why don't YOU subscribe to this blog, tell ALLL your friends about it, and leave some comments below on what YOUR thoughts and feelings are about the show.
Until next time...the power is OFF!
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
REVIEW: THE FLASH - SEASON 6, EP. 9: "Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3"
Things have intensified with our heroes as the Crisis is beginning to reach critical mass. Earths are dropping off, Lex Luthor had to go kill off some Supermen, and Harbinger has now been contacted by the Anti-Monitor, looking to recruit her for his devious means. Meanwhile, Barry, Mia, Sara, and John Constantine are looking to reclaim the soul of Oliver Queen
What will be next....
We are universe hopping again, as we land on Earth 203, where The Huntress---one of the members of the Birds Of Prey on this planet, is jumping from building to building, connecting with Oracle to see what can be done about the menacing red skies, and the antimatter wave that's coming. Sadly, Huntress loses contact with Oracle, and the planet is doomed and gone.
Back on Earth 1, Team Flash has finally arrived as the Monitor states that only 4 of the 7 Paragons have been found. Ray is fixing the transmitter with Cisco's help to find the remaining 3. Ralph makes a comment about the heroes assembled are like an All Star Squadron. They still face the dire threat of people being killed, and J'Onn suggests that they need to get as many people to Earth 1 as possible, and he will use his powers to locate them. Cisco and Ray finally get the machine up and running, and discover where the last 3 paragons are: Barry - the Paragon of Love, J'Onn - the Paragon of Wisdom, and a scientist named Ryan Choi, who is a teacher at Ivy Town University---the Paragon of Humanity. Ray is familiar with Ivy Town, having been there before, so he offers to go and find Ryan Choi and bring him aboard. Iris and Ralph offer to go with him.
Diggle arrives, upset that no one informed him about Ollie dying, and wanted to be there. Also, Lyla has gone missing, and no one knows her location. The Monitor mentions that she COULD be with the Anti-Monitor. As everyone splits up into groups to do their jobs...Supergirl offers to stay behind to protect Earth should it need it. The Monitor states that the Anti-Monitor wants to destroy this universe, and replace it with his own. The Monitor then states that he cannot undo what has been done, which doesn't sit with Supergirl very well at all. She storms off in a huff. Kate notices, and she catches up to Kara to talk...keeping the Kryptonite she procured off of Bruce on Earth 99. Sara also stays behind to find a way to get Ollie's soul back. John is interested only in finding Lyla at this moment.
Cisco has done some investigating with Killer Frost, and he's managed to find the source of the antimatter epicenter---it's in the tunnels Nash was at in Central City. He grabs Frost to head down into the tunnel to see if they can stop it, but before he can leave, The Monitor stops him, and says that he needs Vibe back. Cisco says he gave up his powers, but the Monitor insists that Cisco has his role to play, and transforms him back into Vibe. He tells him to find his purpose.
Barry and Iris have a quiet moment together, where she's ready to find Ryan Choi, and he reminds her that this could be the last time they see each other. She understands, but wants him to come home to her. Barry says that no matter what, touching her wedding ring with his fingers, that he will ALWAYS come home to her, that he will always be there.
Vibe and Frost, and Flash make their way down into the Central City tunnels and come upon the door Nash had discovered. They are trying to figure out how to get in, but Pariah arrives. When asked why he's there, he states that he's there to witness tragedy. He talks about how he was lured by the Anti-Monitor into his trap, and how he was tricked into releasing the Anti-Monitor upon the universe. Vibe then uses his powers on Pariah, to figure out how to access the door.
Kate and Kara are discussing Kara's plans on using the Book of Destiny to restore all the universes and Earths. Kate wonders whether or not it's a good idea. Lex, in containment, laughs at them, and Kate strongarms him in typical Bat fashion, getting Lex to talk. He says that it takes someone of strong will to wield the Book. However, there is the possibility that it will drive you mad---like it did Deegan. Kate still wonders to Kara if this is a good idea, but Kara says that she's the Paragon of Hope...and maybe that's her destiny.
We're in the city of Los Angeles on Earth 666, where Diggle, Mia, and John Constantine are looking for the one man who can help them get Ollie's soul back---Lucifer. They manage to catch him coming out a club with a couple of women, and he and Constantine are REAL familiar with each other. Lucifer's quite taken with Mia, and he asks her what she wants. She says she wants her dad back. Lucifer, who owes one to Constantine, gives him a playing card that has the devil on it. He says it's only good for a limited time so don't waste it. He then takes off. Constantine says they gotta use it quickly, because once the image on the card fades....they're done, and Ollie is lost. Constantine uses it as it glows, and they enter Purgatory----which, coincidentally for them---is Lian Yu. Turns out, Purgatory is represented by the person who died---in this case for Ollie--the place where he got started. Constantine reminds them, tough, that having been transferred here after death, his mind has been wiped, and they're going to have to make him remember.
Flash has raced around the planet, and has found no trace of quantum towers anywhere. Behind the wall is the Anti-Monitor's realm, and Cisco taps the code he got off of Pariah, and they're in. Inside, they discover the Anti-Monitor's antimatter cannon. They also notice a treadmill with a blur on it moving faster than the eye can see. Flash speeds up to see the image, and he discovers the Flash from Earth 90 on it...running at high speed. He was being used by the Anti-Monitor to start the cannon. It's here that Team Flash discovers that Earth 2 is gone---so now they know that Harry and Jesse Quick are gone. Using his powers, Vibe and Flash manage to get the elder Flash off the treadmill, who had been tired and weakened from the run. However grateful for the rest, Flash tells the team that this is only temporary. The Anti-Monitor built a fail safe in the machine, just in case Flash stopped running on the treadmill. If the Flash got off the treadmill, everything will be destroyed. at once.
We arrive in Ivy Town, where Iris, Ray, and Ralph have found Ryan Choi. Choi is excited to meet Ray, saying that he read his papers, and it's what inspired him as a scientist. They do manage to inform him of what's going on, and that he is a paragon of humanity, and is needed to save the universe. Choi, however, can't do this, because he has a family, and he needs to go to them right now.
Back aboard the Waverider, Lois is monitoring another Earth being destroyed. She is upset that she can't report about tell the story. The Monitor then tells her his story, about losing his family, and for not paying more attention to them, as he did his work. Just then, Superman from Earth 96 breaches back, frustrated that he couldn't save another Earth. Lois tells him that he needs to rest for a bit. But Clark refuses, saying that he promised to always keep fighting. Lois inquires why he put black into his chest symbol, and Clark replies that no matter what...the light always shines through the darkness. He readies himself, and breaches off again to attempt to save another Earth. Lois comments about his selflessness, and it must be ingrained in every Superman out there.
Black Lightning, who had been with his family at home, has found himself vanishing before them, as the antimatter wave hits Freeland and his Earth. He is transported to the Anti-Monitor's antimatter cannon where Team Flash is. Pariah had brought him in for help, but he is upset that he has lost his family. He starts to attack, but Flash talks him down, and says that the universe is being destroyed and they desperately need his help. Flash talks about what it's like to lose family, and can sympathize. He finally calms down, and understands the brevity of the situation. They ask him if he can use his powers to try and contain the antimatter energy, and he gives it a try.
Kate is there to try and prevent Kara from using the Book of Destiny. She tells her not to open it, because it will drive her mad. Kara says she is not like Bruce from Earth 99. Kara asks what is she supposed to do then, and Kate responds to her that she needs to save the worlds and people that are left to be saved. If she opens the book, it will destroy her. She tells Kara that if she tries to open the book, she will stop her. Kara says she's welcome to try. Kate reiterates that if she uses the Book, she will destroy all of them. Kara, dejected, storms off.
Back in the Anti-Monitor's world, Black Lightning is losing the battle with the antimatter cannon, and is expending his powers. Both Flashes know that they need to buy him time, so Flash 90 turns to Flash, and says that his wife Tina (that would be Tina McGee for all you Flash historians out there), kept him going for 30 years, and says that sometimes, it's good to take a couple of steps back, and look at the bigger picture. Barry now sees what he believes is his fate. They realize they need to reverse the treadmill's velocity, and send the energy back into the cannon, thus destroying it.
Back in Oliver's Purgatory, Mia, John, and Constantine manage to find Ollie, but he is all out of sorts, going after them and attacking them. Diggle manages to talk Ollie down and make him remember. Suddenly, Ollie is back to his old self, and he hugs his daughter.
In Ivy Town, Choi looks at a picture of his family, and can't see himself doing what they're asking. He can't leave his family. Iris talks to him, and tells him about her own family, about how her husband is a superhero, and he's about to sacrifice his life for them. She asks Choi that doesn't he want to hold his family, knowing that he saved the universe? Choi finally agrees. He goes to talk to his family, and Ralph shows up, informing them that Earth 1 is the only Earth left. He asks Iris how she can deal with this situation, and Iris remembers her last conversation with Barry. He tells her that no matter what...she is the hero, and that no matter what...he will always run home to her.
Barry is ready to face his final fate. He gives one last hug to the OG Flash crew---Cisco and Caitlin. He asks them to find Iris and Joe, and tell them that he loves them. As he's ready to hop on the treadmill, Flash grabs Barry, and steals his speed temporarily---a trick he's says he's learned from his years as a speedster. He tells him he's getting on the treadmill to stop the machine. Flash reminds Barry that it's true the Monitor foresaw the Flash dying...but he never indicated WHAT Flash. Cisco opens a breach to get him back on the treadmill. He wishes Barry well, and tells him to keep riding the lighting. With that, he's back on the treadmill, running in reverse of what he was before. Barry pounds on the force field around the machine, shouting out to Barry Allen of Earth 90. Cisco tells him that they have to go, and he reluctantly goes. We then see Flash 90 running as fast as he can, and a memory of he and his wife Tina, proclaiming that they will always be there for each other. And with that last memory...the Flash of Earth 90 disintegrates, dying as he completes his final mission as the antimatter cannon is destroyed...leaving all that's left is the logo of the Flash's uniform among the rubble.
On Lian Yu, Mia, John, Constantine, and Ollie are about ready to go back to the Waverider, when a man comes out of the forest by the name of Jim Corrigan. He calls himself The Spectre, and he says it's now time for Ollie to join him. To take over. Corrigan used to be a cop before he was tapped to be The Spectre. He informs him that he needs to do this or all universes will die. Ollie accepts, and tells Mia he loves her, and thanks John for always being there. He says everything will be okay. With that, the trio leave, and Ollie accepts his new fate.
Jefferson and Barry have a long discussion about loss. Jefferson recounts the loss of his family, and Barry talks about the loss of his parents. Jefferson is reminded of his girls, but he gets it. He knows what needs to be done. He and Barry shake hands, and say that they will rage against the dying of the light.
Kate talks to Kara one more time about not being the one who has a lot of hope. She whips out the Kryptonite she had on her and offers it to Kara. Kara is taken aback at first. Kara says that Kate had a lot of courage to stand up to her. She tells Kate to keep it on her, with the courage that she won't have to use it.
Team Flash arrives back on the Waverider, where everyone is introduced to Jefferson Pierce, and Ryan Choi. Harbinger still hasn't been found, and Pariah says that Harbinger can travel like him. Just then, Harbinger appears, having no memory of where she's been or what's going on. She can't remember what went on with Earth 1. Barry and the team then discover that Lyla has been taken over by the Anti-Monitor. She then attacks, incapacitating everyone on the ship, and then turns her attention to The Monitor, who knew his time was coming. They end up doing battle with their powers. The Monitor then says it's up to Pariah, it's time to fulfill his role. Harbinger is getting the best of The Monitor as his powers are weakened. Pariah then uses his powers to send the Paragons away, saving them from Harbinger. She kills the Monitor, as the antimatter wave hits Earth 1 and destroys it. Harbinger then destroys the ship, as everyone left is gone.
Pariah has sent all the Paragons to the Vanishing Point---a place outside of time, according to Sara Lance. Just as Superman is trying to get up with the help of Flash, he stars glowing in his abdomen, and is soon destroyed...replaced by Lex Luthor, who had taken a page out of the Book of Destiny, to ensure HE was one of the last Paragons in existence, by rewriting the end of the page. They are the last beings left in the universe at this moment, aside from Harbinger and the Anti-Monitor.
Whoa! If there was EVER a show or movie that can match the fallout and desperate times of our heroes like The Empire Strikes Back---it's this episode of CRISIS. This is looking bleak, kids...I gotta tell ya. We have SEVEN heroes left...well...SIX heroes, and a very crafty villain. They are the last ones who are going to stand against the Anti-Monitor, and try to put an end to him once for all. But this seems like an EXTREMELY daunting task. All I know is that we're spending the next month is perpetual limbo, until this crossover reconvenes on January 14th. But this was a powerful episode that really tests the resolve of our heroes. And the betrayal that we knew (well, at least I knew), was coming. There was some quality drama, the introduction of a new chess piece on the board, and a tearful farewell to a longtime friend.
The one big thing we got out of this, is that we still have our Barry Allen. For a man we thought was DESTINED to die in this Crisis...with Iris' article being a HUGE focus since the beginning of this show's run, we see how the nice plot twist was put in there. One that, I admit, I had seen coming from a mile off. And it's not just because we need to have our hero intact for AFTER the Crisis to keep the show going, but the fact that we were able to get to say goodbye to a longtime hero in this multiverse---the Flash of Earth 90. While we didn't get a whole lot of him in last year's Elseworlds crossover, he got an extremely important part in Crisis. The scene between John Wesley Shipp and Grant Gustin are ALWAYS gold---whether Shipp is Henry Allen, Jay Garrick, or this Barry Allen...they have such incredible chemistry, that when Flash 90 decided HE was the one who needed to make the sacrifice, it was as if our Flash was saying 'goobye' to his father once again. You can feel the angst as our Barry calls out to Barry of Earth 90. And his sacrifice closes the chapter on that Flash's universe and show. The original 1990's The Flash TV show never got a proper season nor series finale....this was a great way to wrap up that version of our favorite speedster with honor, courage, and love. The producers going back into the archives to find a scene of him and Amanda Pays' Tina McGee really sold me, and I was watering up at his death.
I also watered up when Barry was about ready to make his sacrifice, and he, Vibe, and Caitlin Snow hugged. To have that scene with the original team was just a joyous, yet sad moment. It took me back to the beginning. I knew this show HAD to focus more on the character and life of The Flash...and I feel they handled it well. I'm also happy to see Barry Allen and Jefferson Pierce join forces with a handshake. Both are men of honor, intelligence, and love. It's a team up I would LOVE to see in the future. And, finally, the Barry and Iris moment. I love these two. Candice and Grant---tremendous chemistry together. You feel that love between these two characters, and you root for them to be together, and to have their happy ending. That's now put into jeopardy with Iris and several others gone---but we are hoping that the universe will be saved, and we'll get our teams back.
I'll say this---Elizabeth Tulloch has sold me on her Lois Lane. She's done a wonderful job, and I love how not only she interacts with HER Superman, Tyler Hoechler, but with Brandon Routh as well. She's providing that light in the darkness, and no matter what world, she will always have that bond with Clark Kent. And Routh bringing back HIS Superman...home run. With this script, I feel he's been given a chance to really make that character his own moreso than the movie he starred in. This older version of that Superman has more depth, more intrigue, and more hope that I ever got out of the film. Routh knows how to toe the line and deliver a performance befitting of Superman. Kudos to him.
Got some nice easter eggs out of the deal, especially Jim Corrigan. The Spectre played a big part in the original CRISIS series, and to see him pass that mantle onto Ollie is interesting. So, we're really not quite done with Oliver Queen just yet, I hope. We also got another round of World's Finest between Kate and Kara---who are now supplanting the relationship between Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne. The dynamic between these two is amazing. I definitely look forward to more teamups between Supergirl and Batwoman. Anyone catch Ralph's line about the "All Star Squadron"? That was a reference back to the comic called All-Star Squadron, which featured members of the Justice Society fighting against the Axis Powers during World War II that DC published back in the mid 80's. Ryan Choi is the new addition, and with Brandon Routh leaving Legends after this season, I see Ray Palmer passing the torch of The Atom onto his successor. Ivy Town is the home of The Atom originally, so it was nice to have that tossed into the show. warmed my heart (and sad at the same time), that we got to close the book on John Wesley Shipp's Barry Allen. To see the scene between him and Amanda Pays before his passing...just awesome. And to add Danny Elfman's Flash TV theme was excellent as well...a nice homage to the show as we bid farewell to our hero. By the way...anyone else catch the fact that he was running on a treadmill? Sort of reminiscent of The Flash's Cosmic Treadmill that he used to traverse time in the comics? Nice homage there. And even Lucifer fans got a morsel of him in this story.
One more item before we call it a holiday. How about the reappearance of Ashley Scott as the Huntress from the Birds Of Prey TV show? I also believe Dina Meyer made an appearance as the voice of Oracle. Another show that did not get a send off, though it DID get a season finale. We will miss the Birds....
Well, now we're in a holding pattern for the next month, as we are left with a HUGE cliffhanger. We'll be prognosticating and wondering, crossing our fingers, and having wild ideas about what's next. So, this is where subscribing and leaving comments, ideas, questions...whatever, comes in. Also---TELL people about me here---the more, the merrier.
Until January 14th for the final two installments.....
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
REVIEW: BATWOMAN - SEASON 1, EP. 9: "Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 2"
When last we left our heroes, several Earths met their end, including our Girl of Steel/Man of Steel, Argo City biting the dust, the rescue of baby Kent, and the death of the Emerald Archer, Oliver Queen. We now see our league of heroes continue to face the threat of the Anti-Monitor...all the while mourning the loss of one of their own.
We pick up in Central City on Earth 1, where Sara is pouring a drink for herself, Kara, and Kate to mourn the loss of Ollie. Kara wonders if they should wait for Barry, but Sara says that Barry's not ready to deal with his loss. Kara feels guilt that Ollie sacrificed himself for her and Barry, and she just can't seem to honor his death as yet. Kate is there wondering when the next move is going to be made, so that they can save the multiverse. Lyla then appears, having checked up on Diggle and JJ, and Sara asks if she had told John about hOllie's death, and Lyla said she didn't. However, she tells them that they're needed. The Monitor and Lyla talk about needing the Waverider's technology to help with the next part of the plan. Lyla says they need Ray Palmer's lab on the ship.
Harbinger then travels to Earth 74, where she finds the Waverider of that Earth, and the AI being Leonard. Mick Rory shows up, being the only one on board, and Lyla tells him that the ship is needed, as is he. At first he isn't interested, but Leonard mocks him, and Lyla tells him he can drink and write all the stories he wants. He agrees to go, and they take off.
Back on Earth 1, the Monitor informs the team that there are 7 individuals who can help stem the tide---7 paragons that will help lead the way. These paragons are the purest of will, and will help save the multiverse. It is their job to find them, and bring them here. They were discovered by The Book of Destiny, which was thought to be destroyed, but the Monitor went back in time to retrieve it. With the help of Felicity Smoak, the Monitor managed to locate them. Of course, during this time, little Johnathan Kent is a bit fussy, so as everyone passes him around to get him quiet, he lands in Mick's arms, and takes a liking to him, and the kid quiets down. During this speech, Barry is rather jaded about the Monitor's words, having to deal with Ollie's death. Kara wonders if the Book could bring back the other Earths, including hers, and Mia asks if it could save her dad. The Monitor, however, says that as the Anti-Monitor's powers grow, his power weakens. As he explains that with the help of Felicity, he has found 4 of the paragons. Sara - the Paragon of Destiny, Supergirl - the Paragon of Hope, the Bat of the Future - the Paragon of Courage, and the Superman of another world who has lost everything. He is the Paragon of Truth.
Supergirl is looking at the computer monitor, rewatching the destruction of her universe, when the Monitor shows up. He feels she is the hope they need, and she isn't feeling very hopeful right now...especially when he shows up with Lex. Shocked that he isn't dead, the Monitor says that he has a role to play as well. Supergirl absolutely refuses to work with him, and storms off. Just at that time, Kate shows up, and eyes Lex up and down. When he asks who she is, she just responds that she's new. But don't think he can get cute with her, she won't hesitate to break him. She then goes to see Kara, and try to help her get her inspiration back. Kate discusses trying to fit into this whole scenario, considering she's new to the job. But Kara assures her that she's badass, how she saved her, Barry, and Oliver last year, and she's more than capable---powers or not. She has no quit, and strives to do the right thing. Kate says that they take a trip to find this Bruce Wayne the Monitor discussed.
Lyla's walking the halls of the Waverider, when she starts hearing voices. She then sees Lex with the Book of Destiny, and he takes off, determined to kill Superman in EVERY existence. Lyla warns the Monitor, but sees that he knows. He let it happen on purpose, because he has his reasons.
Barry and Iris talk about how if Ollie's death didn't play out as planned, maybe his won't as well. He talks about how their lives have grown into this, and Iris stands steadfast by her husband. He says he's going to find the Lazarus Pits to resurrect Oliver. All the pits maybe closed on Earth 1, but there may be another on a different Earth. Iris talks about her mission the Monitor gave her: to help Lois and Clark find this Superman paragon he talked about. They promise to get back to each other.
Sara has a chat with Mia, who says she's going with Barry to find the Lazarus Pits to resurrect her father. Sara warns her that they are not to be messed with, and that while her father's body may come back to life, he'll lose his soul. Sara tells her from a place of experience. Mia says that when it's HER father, she gets to have a say.
We arrive on Earth 99 in Gotham City, where Kara and Kate reach a worn down Wayne Manor. They approach the door, and Kate knocks on the door, only to have that Earth's Luke Fox open the door, looking all casual. When she says she's Kate Kane, he closes the door in their face. She then has Kara open the door---which she does by destroying it. Luke points a gun at them, but Kara steps in front of Kate, ready to take the bullet easily. It's then that we hear Bruce Wayne's voice from up the stairs. He comes down gingerly, as he is now wearing an exoskeleton. Kate is in shock, as is he...when he sees her. Kara goes with Luke, while Bruce and Kate talk. He says that Kate died 5 years ago, but it was the Kate on his Earth. Kate then begins to tell him the story about the multiverse and the Anti-Monitor looking to destroy it.
We arrive at Earth 75, where Iris, Lois, and Clark are seeking the Superman of that Earth for his assitance. Iris then gets a message saying that Lex has the Book of Destiny, and is roaming around every universe, killing every Superman in existence. They know they have to hurry, but they look up on a big screen in the city, and see that Superman has indeed been killed. They decide to leave, and keep trying.
Back on Earth 1, Barry, Mia, and Sara ask John Constantine for assistance in locating an Earth with a Lazarus Pit. Constantine manages to find one, and Mia and Barry are off. Sara asks John that when they revive Ollie, that he can restore his soul. He says sure, but Sara makes him promise. He does, he says he'll do it to the best of his ability.
We jump over to Earth 167, where we arrive in Smallville, Kansas. We see the Kent farm, as Clark is chopping wood. Iris, Lois, and Clark approach him, and tell him about the multiverse collapsing and being destroyed. Also, that Lex Luthor is trying to kill him. Clark says that he didn't know the President was in town. But he doesn't seem fazed by it. Lex then shows up with the Book of Destiny, and sends our heroes packing back to the Waverider. When Clark asks where they went, Lex tells them he sent them away. He's there to kill him, and tells him that he is his greatest enemy. Clark has heard it all before, and when Lex pulls out Kryptonite to kill him. Clark takes it, looks at it, knows what it is, and throws it away. Lex wonders why the Kryptonite won't work on him. Clark says he gave up his powers to have a normal life. He's just a guy working on his farm. Lex says he was a god, and is crazy to have gotten rid of his powers. But he decides he's going to kill him anyway. Clark slugs him. Lex then gives up and leaves---saying his Earth is doomed anyway. Lois comes out, calling on him. Their daughters need them. They head back into the house.
Back to Earth 99, where Kate talks to Bruce about him being a Paragon of Courage, but Bruce laughs, knowing he is anything but. He shows her the paper that says "Batman's Reign of Terror Ended". He talks about having killed so many criminals. Kate said that he adhered to a code. Bruce says he tried that, but it was no use. He talks of his Earth's Kate taking up the mantle...and she got killed in the line of duty. She tells him that this is now his chance to be a hero gain some redemption. To save the whole universe.
We check in on Ray and Mick, who're aboard the Waverider back on Earth 1, as Ray is putting the finishing touches on the machine the Monitor asked him to use. He finds little Jonathan a bit distracting as he is fussy yet again. Mick is reading his romance novel to him, and it seems to help...despite it not being suitable for children.
Arriving on Earth 96, our trio of heroes head to the Daily Planet of that Earth, and meet up with the Clark Kent of that world. To Iris, he looks a lot like Ray Palmer. Lois seems to hae a connection with him. In his office Lois notices that he has plaques on the wall of Lois, Perry White, and Jimmy Olsen. This Clark explains about how "that clown from Gotham" stormed the Planet's city offices, and killed them. They tell him that he is needed to help save the multiverse, and he agrees. As he's suited up, Lex shows up yet again, and says that he's tired of killing Supermen...why not control one. He uses the book to possess the Superman of this Earth, and has him attack the Earth 38 Superman. Their fight goes outside, and they do battle across Metropolis, the Earth 96 Superman saying that he lost his wife and friends,and what good did it do him. Superman tries to reach him by calling him by his real name, Kal. Meanwhile, Lois and Iris are watching the battle, and realize that they have to get him back to normal, and that means using the Book of Destiny. Lois knocks out Lex, and he's down for the count. Lois and Iris then take the Book and try to get this Superman back. Both Men of Steel crash back into the office, and Lois' Clark holds of Kal's heat vision as she tries to reach the elder Kal-El. She manages to do so, and he returns to normal.
Arriving on Earth 18, Sara, Mia, Barry, and John are in the Old West, where they find a Lazarus Pit in an abandoned mine. As they uncover the pit, Barry and John breach back to grab Ollie's body. Sara talks about all the trouble her and Ollie used to get in, which piques Mia's curiosity. Sara says that while she's stubborn like Ollie, she's got her mother's smarts. They are met in the tunnel, however, but a man dressed in a Confederate soldier uniform. He says the mine belongs to him, and he tries to fight Mia and Sara over it. Sara grabs his knife, and says that he's bound to get this scar anyway and cuts him. The main yeilds and is taken down by Mia. Barry and John arrive with Ollie and place him in the pit.
In the Batcave on Earth 99, Kate tries to reason with Bruce about joining her. Meanwhile, upstairs, Kara talks to Luke about all of Bruce's trophies. She notices a pair of broken glasses with blood spatter on them. Luke says that's Superman's. When Kara asks, it's because Bruce killed him. Luke says that is how Bruce got to be in his exoskeleton. Kara then goes down there and says that he is no paragon of anything...he killed Superman. He admits it, saying that "alien from another planet with powers far beyond those of moral men", and he decks Kara, who takes a hit and falls to the floor on the other side of the room. Kate is surprised at Bruce, who opens up a compartment on his exoskeleton, revealing Kryptonite, which he plans on using to kill Kara. Kate says that if he is going tho kill Kara, he'll have to go through her. He tries to strike her, but she blocks his shot and knocks him back into an electrical panel, which, in turn, electrocutes him. As he falls down dying, he tells her that there is no hope on that world.
Barry, Mia, and Sara all stand by, as John performs the ceremony to revive Ollie. However, once he chants the spell...nothing happens. He says the antimatter is blocking his powers, and if he can't get a clear incantation, there's a good chance Ollie's soul will never be returned.
Kate and Kara return to the Waverider, where Kara bumps into the Clark of Earth 96, and mistakens him for Ray. Clark then meets Jonathan, and he says that he reminds him of his son Jason. Ray finally says that his machine is ready and turns it on. Turns out, the other paragons are on the ship. Turns out, Kate is the Paragon of Courage. The Monitor says that Kate is the Bat of the future. Superman is the Paragon of Truth. It seems a little overwhelming for Kate, but Kara tells her that she is ready for it. That she has tremendous courage. Reminding her of the role she has taken on---to save Gotham, and to be a symbol for courage in a city that needs one. Kate says that Kara seems to have gotten her hope back. Kara shows Kate a picture of her and Beth from that Earth. Kate says she wishes she had known her like that. Kara says that maybe she will someday. She just hopes to use the Book of Destiny once the Anti-Monitor is taken care of to save her Earth. As she takes off, Kate looks at the piece of Kryptonite she got off of Bruce.
Lyla wakes up from her sleep, and is hearing voices again...wandering the halls of some undisclosed location, wondering where she is, and where the voices are coming from. She then stops as she hears a voice similar to the Monitor's. He says that he has been looking in on things as his antimatter wave sweeps the multiverse. He introduces himself as the Anti-Monitor, and that there is much work to do.
This episode was good, and was more heavy on plot movement and exposition, and not really much action. It started somber, and didn't have too many so-called "bright spots" in it, as we know everyone's reeling from Ollie's death, to having to find these so-called "Paragons" that will be the ones to help lead the heroes to victory over the Anti-Monitor.
Kara, Ollie, Sara, and Mia are obviously taking Ollie's death the hardest. They weren't ready to really say 'goodbye', and Barry refuses to let Oliver die this way, as is Mia. Sara, knowing all about loss, is willing to mourn Ollie's loss. Kara can't quite get over the loss of Ollie, either. Feeling like she lost all hope when he died, as well as her universe. Kate feels very out of place in this whole scenario with these super powered beings. There's a bit of raw emotion running all the way around, and we see how some are dealing with it.
As everyone splits up into teams, we get Barry and iris having another moment...possibly the last one they have before his possible final send off. He's not willing to let Ollie go, and thus he and Mia are going to spend this episode reviving him...much to Sara's objection, having experienced the Lazarus Pit herself. But there is no reasoning with her on this issue. Mia lost out on her dad, and she is for damn sure going to do all she can to get him back. Sara makes John promise to get Ollie's soul back, but John can only do what he can do. Thanks to the antimatter spreading across the universe, it disrupts his magic, thus reviving Ollie's soul now becomes nearly impossible. So, their mission seems like a failure. However, it seems we DID get one guest appearance in that Earth in the form of a not yet-scarred Jonah Hex. However, Sara did say that when she had him, he was going to get that scar anyway.
It was exceptionally cool to have Iris West working with Lois Lane. The two most intrepid reporters in the universe teaming up (along with Clark), to find the Superman they seek. Travelling to 3 different Earths in the process to find him---and make sure that he wasn't killed by Lex Luthor--who, in typical villianous fashion, saw a powerful tool, and used it to his advantage. When Lyla saw him disappear with it, the Monitor knew---it was by design. He allowed Lex to use it, to kill the other Supermen, allowing our intrepied trio to discover the one Superman they were looking for---on Earth 96. To see Brandon Routh back in the role as Superman--a Kingdom Come looking Superman at that--was pretty cool. He looked fantastic. And it was even better when they got back to Earth 1, and he got to see our Lois and Clark's boy, Johnathan--and remarked how it reminded him of is son, Jason. Hence making sure they kept the history of the Superman Returns film. And....during the whole scenes on Earth 96, LOVE the ode to John Williams' classic "Superman" theme. Kara's remark about Clark looking like Ray, and he's all buffed out and ripped was a good laugh. And Lois pointing out that it's her cousin...sort of.
Kate and Kara meeting the Bruce Wayne of Earth 99...we see a beaten down and physically impaired Dark Knight. This Bruce (played BRILLIANTLY by Kevin Conroy), is, again a throwback to the Batman of Kingdom Come. This Bruce Wayne...whom they believed to be the Paragon of Courage, turned out to be nothing more than a vicious killer of criminals---the very thing he swore he'd never be. For Kate to hear that this Batman crossed that line...and how when he was put into that exoskeleton for his troubles. This Batman was darker than anything she'd seen. To know that HER doppleganger took up the mantle of the Bat, and died as a result, sent this Bruce over the edge. To know he had killed Superman because it was Superman who broke this Bat, thus the exoskeleton, it's a grim picture of a man who gave up the courage he possessed to end criminals. He had no hope, and no courage left to give a world he thought wasn't worth saving. It was later that the "Bat of the future" and the actual Paragon of Courage was Kate herself. Despite all this new kind of threat she's facing...dealing with forces beyond her imagination, she has understood her role, and taken it. She is going to have to be the backbone of this team, and the one making the tough decisions---much like Ollie did---as we get down the stretch of this crossover. It also helps elevate Batwoman to that elite level of hero that this universe needs.
It's also nice to know that in whatever universe where there's a Mick Rory---he's....well...Mick Rory. And kudos for making Leonard Snart the AI of the ship! Awesome!
And Lyla---haunted by the sounds---now will fulfill HER destiny---by betraying the Monitor.
This episode seemed to focus on two of the World's Finest---the Bat and the Kryptonian. Be it with Kate and Kara, or Bruce talking about having killed Clark. Another little easter egg was in Bruce's speech once the reveal was out that he bumped off Superman in that world. "Stranger visitor from another planet with powers far beyond those of mortal men" was the tagline from the old 1950's Adventures of Superman television show with George a nice nod to THAT show and it's importance to the DC Universe. And we finally cannot get away without talking about our favorite super couple from Smallville, as we got one more appearance from our Lois and Clark there: Tom Welling and Erica Durance. While the scene was brief, it gave us closure on the future of that world. We know Luthor is still President of the United States there, but we find out that Clark has hung up the boots, and Lois has put down the pen to raise a family. And when Lex tried to kill off this Clark, he got cracked in the face for his troubles. This Clark gave up his powers for his happily ever after...and he got it. So, it gave us a nice fond farewell to that world. We never get to meet the Superman of Earth 75, as Lex had gone on to kill him already. The scene that played out on the jumbo screen in Metropolis saw that Earth's Lois kneeling down beside the dead Man of Steel, his Cape flowing on a piece of wood in the wind---reminiscent of Superman #75---which was The famous "Death Of Superman" story when DC Comics killed him off. That was one of the most famous scenes in comics history. So, a nice nod to that as well.
While this episode had some fallout and drama mixed in because of it, I do hope that Part 3...which takes place on The Flash, will be a more Barry-centric episode. Supergirl got some spotlight on her show, Kate got hers tonight on her show, so I wonder, heading into the apex part of the crossover, will focus more on Barry. We'll be here to recount the events of Part 3 tomorrow night. Until then, thanks for joining me on this journey. Help me out be subscribing to this page, telling your friends about it, and leaving your comments on the events of this crossover.
Until tomorrow night...
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