Thursday, November 28, 2019
REVIEW: THE FLASH - SEASON 6, EP. 7: "The Last Temptation of Barry Allen: Part 1"
Barry Allen has endured A LOT in his life before becoming The Flash. Since he has become The Fastest Man Alive, he's battled criminals of every sort, aliens, and alternate versions of his friends. And while he has endured an immense amount of trauma, he's always risen above it. Always found a way to fight back, and be the hero we all know him to be.
But this is a battle for his heart and soul...a battle to save himself, if he can, from the impending Crisis. This is Barry Allen battling his own personal demons, and whether or not he succumbs to temptation.
This episode starts off rockin', as we see Ramsey and Ralph duking it out as they fall from Ralph's office. Both land on the ground, fairly unharmed, and continue to battle. Ramsey then injects a bit of himself into Ralph, hurting him, but Ralph recovers enough to fight him off, and Ramsey takes off. Frost and Cisco were monitoring the situation, and breach over to see that Ralph is in bad shape. They get him back to the lab, and call Barry. Barry arrives, and Frost is unable to help...she has no medical experience. She gets Caitlin to return, and Caitlin says that Ralph needs a blood transfusion, and that Barry's supercharged blood may help. So Barry agrees and they manage to save Ralph. Ralph is stable, but needs time to heal, and for his safety, they're shipping him off to an ARGUS secret location to do so.
Barry and Iris talk about the situation, and Barry wonders whether or not he's prepped the team enough to go on without him. Crisis is in two days (we get an actual timeline here), and he wants to make absolutely sure the team is set. Iris says that they have done all they can, and that Barry should just go home and rest.
Barry goes home to recover from the blood transfusion, and ends up falling asleep. He then wakes up to discover that Ramsey has arrived in his home, knowing that Barry is The Flash. He also knows about the upcoming Crisis, and Barry's eventual fate. Barry tries to attack him, but Ramsey is intangible like a ghost. Ramsey wonders what role he plays in Barry's demise, and Barry says none. Barry then looks out the window to see the antimatter claim the planet. Barry wakes up, and we see that he was having a nightmare, but it felt real to him.
We then turn to Allegra, who strolls into the Gazette office, talking to herself as she wonders WHY everyone has kept her out of the loop. While sitting at Iris' desk, she accidently brushes up against Iris' laptop, and it comes out of sleep mode. Allegra then sees the front page of the Gazette that Iris is working on---The article to Flash's disappearance that she has not written yet. Just then, Iris and Camilla walk in with information for Allegra that she might want to be on: pictures of her cousin Esperanza involved in the caper Ralph and Barry busted up last episode. They're going to get to the bottom of this crime ring, and possibly help Esperanza. Allegra asks if this is really what Iris should be working on, and Iris is adamant---they're on the case.
While on their stakeout, they approach one of the men involved in the crime ring, and it turns out he works for a company called Malestrom Couriers (interesting name), and that he's a delivery man for these eccentric rich people. He had no idea what he was delivering, he was just doing his job. They feel like they got nowhere with him, but Iris is still not sure he's being honest. Allegra again presses Iris about anything else they should be working on, and Iris is insistent that they're going to crack THIS case.
Cisco and Frost give Barry a sleep monitor, to not only help him rest, but monitor his REM sleep. He goes home, quickly scans the apartment for Ramsey, and goes to pour himself some water, only to come into contact with his mother Nora---but he realizes it's the Speed Force. The Force tells him that he is in danger. It turns out that in the process of giving Ralph a transplant, the bits of Ramsey's blood was transferred into Barry's bloodstream. Ramsey is now in Barry's system. We see that Barry had come home, had gotten some water, but ends up collapsing on the floor. Barry right now is fighting for his life, as the Speed Force tells him Ramsey is trying to take over his body to use him for his own means.
While Barry is in a battle for his life, back at the Gazette, Allegra finally confronts Iris about the fact that she knows Barry is the Flash, and Nash told her. She also wonders WHY Iris hasn't written the story yet. Iris says she's not ready to. Allegra recounts her life as a youth, and how she wanted to be a reporter by reading Iris' blogs about The Streak. It gave her a purpose in life. Iris was her inspiration. Iris is a little surprised, and we can tell the weight of writing that article is heavy upon her.
Barry's nightmare takes him to the Time Vault, where Ramsey continues to tempt and taunt him about how those around him have died, and what has it gotten him. He shows him the story of how he dies, and says it doesn't have to happen. Barry continues to resist, but now the scene shifts to a graveyard in STAR Labs, with the names of all those Barry has lost in his life. Ramsey again tortures him about the losses in his life, but says that if he joins with himself to Ramsey, no one else has to die...that he can save lives. To add onto the torture, Barry sees a door, and goes through, where he sees a nursery. There, in the crib, is baby Nora. But he can't hold her, because she is just another ghost image. It's eating at Barry, and we can see him breaking down emotionally. He desperately wants to hold Nora, but Ramsey again propositions him with being able to live forever, and save himself from the Crisis if he just joins with him. All the heartache and darkness Barry now sees is because it's his own mind, his own decisions, his own emotions...the fear, the failure, the because he holds onto them, and refuses to let go. Ramsey offers him his lifeblood...and shows him an image of what he can do with Ramsey's power---showing a scene of a woman in a car accident, nearly dead, and Barry racing over, and using Ramsey's power to save her. And she recovers. Barry then sees a scene where he is at home, with Iris and baby Nora, holding her and seeing the serenity of his life. All he has to do is choose life, Ramsey replies to him. We then flash to Barry in his bed, feverish and sick, while the Speed Force urges him to fight Ramsey off. He's getting worse.
We go back to Iris, Allegra, and Camilla, as they come upon a crime scene, where the man from Malestrom Couriers has been killed by having him burned to death in his car. Allegra finds a clue, and says that it's giving off serious UV rays...indicating that her cousin was involved. The three decide that, no matter how dangerous the situation becomes, they're going to get this story.
Back with the Speed Force trying desperately to console Barry, to get him to fight off Ramsey's temptation. Barry tells the Force that he's been so driven by his past, that he hasn't really faced the future. He doesn't want to to die, he wants to live. The Speed Force says that facing adversity...even what makes Barry a hero. Makes him the man that he is. But Ramsey is there to turn the screws to Barry more, saying that the Speed Force is lying, that it doesn't care about Barry. The Force replies back that it does, but Barry will have none of it. He yells at the Speed Force that it has done NOTHING for him when he needed it the most, that all it has done...all his powers have done, have caused nothing but heartache and pain. Meanwhile, Cisco and Frost see that Barry's heart rate and other body levels have increased, and he's getting worse. They get Barry to the lab, and try to get him stable, but Frost is traumatized and cannot do anything to help---she has no idea what to do and figuratively freezes up. Cisco races to Caitlin's lab, where she has some Velocity X stored. Cisco nabs it, races to Barry, and injects him with it. The Velocity X jolts Barry's body, and he gets charged up, even in his nightmare.
Barry continues to berate the Speed Force, asking what it has sacrificed for HIM. When is it the Speed Force's time to suffer. The Speed Force tries to plead with Barry, but he vibrates his hand and plunges it into the Force's body, wounding it. Ramsey then sticks the Speed Force to the wall, capturing it as he continues to work on Barry. It's then that Barry's body reacts to the Velocity X, thus breaking the Speed Force free. It pleads to Barry that if he accepts Ramsey's offer, he will lose himself, he will lose everything. His friends, his love for Iris, his very soul and who and what he is. Ramsey refuses to give up, and uses his powers to pull at Barry. At the same time, the Speed Force is doing the same to try and save him. As the tug of war increases, Barry feels his body tearing apart, and he screams. Everything goes black. Barry finally wakes up...seemingly okay from the nightmare.
We once more turn to Iris in her office, sitting at her desk, looking over the article that she knows she's going to have to reluctantly write. She then begins to find the words within her, and starts to write the story about the Flash's heroic deed, and what he means to the city he calls home. There is a bit of satisfaction to the story she's constructed, but also with a ton of sadness. She looks at the picture of her and Barry, knowing she's done good. She then gets a text and heads off, wiping away her tears in the process.
We see Nash returning to the tunnel, with a new toy in hand, and finds the sweet spot in the wall to use it. Once he blasts the wall, he sees a metal wall with heiroglyphics on it. Marnu's name on it. Nash is now ready for his encounter with The Monitor.
Barry discusses his nightmare with Cisco and Frost...and thanks them for their help. He feels better, and is ready to go. Cisco and Frost talk, and she says that, for the time being, it's best that Caitlin handles the medical emergencies, and that she's going to take a back seat for a bit. Iris comes in and checks in on Barry...who says he's okay. She wants reassurance, but he quickly cuts her off and says he's perfectly fine, and goes back to work. Iris walks over to Cisco and Caitlin, and says to them that he is NOT Barry. When Cisco get his attention, Barry turns around, but he is taken over by Ramsey, and attacks all three of them, knocking them out before racing off. He then races through the city until he catches up with Ramsey in the flesh. Ramsey has a plan to take over Central City, officially calling himself Bloodwork. Barry, now in his Flash costume, bows down to Ramsey, with an evil, maniacal grin on his face.
Wow! Such an emotionally charged episode! I wasn't sure how much Ramsey was going to really be as a villain on this show this season...but, man! He's really worked himself into the main villain role for now. He certainly knew just HOW to get to Barry, and it was effective: use Ralph to initiate his plan. I'm sure, at first, Ralph would've been a good person to use in his plans...but the blood transfusion Barry gave was a much richer prize for Ramsey...he had a way of tapping the most powerful member of Team Flash---the man himself---and using Barry's own doubts, trauma, and emotional overload he's been going through to manipulate Barry to his side. The real nice touch was using baby Nora---to me, that was the kicker to get Barry over to his side. The thought of losing out on watching Nora grow up has been a HUGE factor in Barry's motivations this season. He lost his daughter once, and doesn't want to again. And using his mother as the face of the Speed Force was another nice touch. His anger at it could also be used as an allegory for the anger he still feels over the loss of his mother, and the Speed Force using his mother as a "body" of sorts, only drives that thought of Nora Allen's death to make Barry upset, instead of being his guide. Barry's emotions have been a roller coaster ride for nearly the last season and a half, and he finally broke---thanks to Ramsey's temptation of immortality, and Barry's unwillingness to die---even though the Monitor has laid out his fate. What happens now will depend on how much the Speed Force can recover, and the team doing their part to save Barry before he becomes the City's biggest villain.
The other story playing out in this episode is Iris. She knows she's about to write the most important, and hardest, story of her life. Her reluctance to actually sit down at the time and write it is her own unwillingness to accept Barry dying, of losing him. Allegra doesn't help when she tries to press Iris about it, until she finally fesses up to Iris that she knows about Barry's secret. Allegra sees Iris in pain, and knows that she needs to spend time with Barry before he dies. She also informs her that Iris was an inspiration to her. Something Iris will need down the road---a new ally. And, with any luck, adding Allegra to the team officially.
Killer Frost I believe is still in a state of denial and fear for not only having to lose the Flash....but fearing her own death. Her literally freezing up in the face of Barry's trauma more than likely set off her own psychological issues with feeling like she hasn't lived her life yet, and facing potential death during this Crisis. She's also NOT knowledgeable with science and medicine much like her counterpart, Caitlin. So...we may end up seeing more Caitlin before we get roaring into Crisis.
Speaking of Crisis---we now know that timewise in the Arrowverse---it's in a couple of days. So, this issue with Bloodwork and Barry is going to have to be resolved quickly.
That's it for this week. You know the drill: Subscribe, comment, and tell the others---I'm here.
Until next time...keep on running.
REVIEW: ARROW - SEASON 8, EP. 6: "Reset"
If there is anyone who deserves a second chance, considering all he's done, and all he's had to go through in life, it's Oliver Queen. A chance at a better, more PEACEFUL life. However, Ollie is learning this season that it's not in the cards for him, as the Monitor puts him through the ringer to prepare him for CRISIS. And tonight's episode---we get to see our Emerald Archer face yet another test. His own Kobiyashi Maru---his own no-win scenario.
We see Oliver relive the past events in his head, and he wakes up, dressed in a suit and tie, in his apartment. Mia, Connor, and William enter with Big Belly Burger in their hands, wondering what Ollie is still doing there. He asks them about being tranquilized, and Mia comments that Lyla was apologetic about it. He asks about all the components for the weapon they were getting, and they said that they didn't need it. They remind him of a fundraiser for the mayor, and that he's supposed to appear. So, out the door he goes---dazed and confused as to what is transpiring.
He arrives at the fundraiser, where a guy makes a crack about the police and Green Arrow. He meets up with Diggle, and he discusses what's going on. Diggle tells him everything is fine, but Ollie isn't buying it. Lya then shows up, and Ollie relats to her the events, and Lyla apologies for the tranq job.
Ollie is out of place when he runs into someone he never expected to see: Quentin Lance. Lance is the mayor in this scenario, and he and Ollie chat about how he survived Diaz, and now he's looking to put in to sinitiative where law enforcement is working with the vigilantes. Just then, Rene comes in informing Lance of a developing situation. Turns out there's a hostage situation going on, and that the people doing the hostage holding are requesting the mayor. Lance decides to go and meet them, and Ollie offers to back him up. They meet Dinah, who's in charge, of the police squad on site, and starts directing them into position, when Lance and Ollie arrive. Ollie comes up with a plan to sneak around back, while Lance wears a vest to confront the criminals. Once inside, Lance tries to reason with the perpetrators, and just as they decide they're going to kill Lance anyway, Ollie disarms the leader. As he's ready to finally get some answers, the man says this will end when Ollie changes it, the man hits a button, and it sets off a bomb, which explodes under the building, causing everyone to get killed. The scene whites out, and when it clears, we see Ollie back in his apartment, in the same scenario we found him at the beginning of the episode. Now he is truly confused.
The second time around, the scene pretty much plays out the same: him leaving his apartment, going to the fundraiser, and talking about Diggle about what is going on. He mentions the Monitor having him in some time loop, and Diggle isn't buying it. When Lyla appears, she denies it as well. When he speaks to Quentin this time, Quentin believes him. They try a different approach to stopping the bomb. Quentin does his part, and Ollie finds the bomb, only to discover Laurel there. They both discuss their time loop issues. As they try to figure out how to disarm it, it goes off. Once again, Ollie gets deja vu, and wakes up exactly where he started.
Third time around, Ollie bumps into Laurel at the fundraiser, and she sees Quentin for the first time, taken aback that he's there. Her and Ollie both feel that Quentin is the target, and they're trying to find out why. They agree they need to protect him, and Laurel, Ollie, and Lance all go down to where the bomb was before, underneath the building. As they try to stop the bomb, Quentin gets shot, and the bomb goes off. And, yet again, Ollie wakes back up in his apartment.
He meets up with Laurel again, and they try a different tactic to stop the bomb. Ollie also asks Diggle for help, seeing if he can get some info from ARGUS on how to stop it. Diggle agrees, and off he goes to do his part. Laurel ends up bumping into Lyla, and she has a chat with her. Laurel expresses that she feels she's being punished by the Monitor for betraying him. And she says that if Lyla screws her over, she's going to pay. Laurel meets up with Quentin, and they talk about their relationship. And eventually it comes out that Laurel confesses that Quentin died in her arms. He tells her that if that's what happens, he doesn't regret what he did in saving her. They find out a man named Anderson White who works for a company called Global Solutions is the man behind the assassination on Lance's life. Ollie wonders how he's going to stop this loop, and get out. Diggle tells him he'll find a way...he always does. Ollie appreciates the pep talk.
They head to a warehouse owned by Global Solutions, and find the bomb. But before they can disarm it, it goes off. This time, however, they avoid the blast and survive. Unfortunately, Lance gets shot again. Amidst the smoke and dust, Lyla shows up, and tells Ollie he's missing the point of this whole scenario, and she shoots Quentin herself. One more time, Ollie is back in his apartment..
The fourth time around, we skip right to the fundraiser, only this time, Lyla is nowhere to be found. Ollie knows the Monitor is testing him, and he's trying to figure out what it is, and how he can solve it. They replay the scenario, and he and Laurel confront a member of Global Solutions. And in the process of trying to stop Anderson's men, Quentin gets shot yet again. This time, Laurel is with him, as Ollie is trying to find an escape route. Quentin and Laurel have one last conversation. She says her final goodbye to him, and she lets him go...but not before he tells her that---regardless of what Earth she came from---he's her father, and that she's a hero. With that, the scene whites out, and the loop resets.
Ollie awakes yet again, and this time heads to the bunker and looks for Laurel, only she's not there. The scene switches back to an empty space---presumably his apartment. Lyla is there, and she says to him that the only way out of the loop is to accept the inevitable...he can't win. Ollie then meets up with Quentin yet again, and this time, they both head into the warehouse to diffuse the bomb. Yet again, as they try to escape Global Industries, Quentin gets shot. But he's not dead. However, he and Ollie are facing insurmountable odds, and Quentin can't last for long. Ollie says he will keep trying to find a way out, but Quentin stops him. Quentin tells him that maybe it's not time to give up...but to give in. Lance, through all he and Ollie went through--has felt he's cheated death so many times, and maybe this time, it's better to accept it. That it is his time. He takes off the vest, and tells Ollie he'll see him on the other side. Ollie says he hopes so, and Quentin goes off...and you hear a gunshot off camera. One more time, the scene goes white. And, one more time, Ollie wakes up in his apartment.
Ollie gets up, shuts off the tv, and walks around a bit. The kids then arrive, and he looks at them. He finally understands the lesson being taught here. When he goes, he looks at them, and tells them they will be fine, and so will he. With that, he walks out. When he meets up with Quentin again, he asks him why he accepted him for what he was. Quentin tells him that, considering what Ollie went through, and what he himself went through, they weren't much different. And that he saw Ollie as a good man. Quentin asks why, and Ollie says he's just trying to accept his past for what it is, and needs to focus and embrace the future. With that, Ollie wishes Quentin well, and leaves, as Rene calls Quentin away, as the scene will play out one more time. As Ollie walks through a door, he ends up in a room, where Lyla congratulates Ollie on figuring the puzzle out. He asks Lyla why she's working with the Monitor, why she lied to John. She says what's coming, the Crisis, is bigger than anything they've faced before, and the Monitor wanted Ollie prepared. She says lying to John has been the hardest thing she's had to do, and that she did it to protect them, much the same way Ollie has done with his own family. He inquires about the weapons he obtained, and what good are they. She says that they all have a purpose that will come up when the situation requests it. He wonders why his adult kids have been placed in the present, but realizes that this is a gift for him. He knows he will not survive this Crisis, so he's being granted a chance to be with his kids before he dies.
The scene whites out, and when Ollie awakes, he's in what looks like an army tent, with Laurel, and they discuss what happened. She says that she got what she wanted from Quentin: love and acceptance. She was able to accept his death, because he was proud of her and loved her. It was her final reward. Ollie says that he now can't escape his final fate. With that they leave the tent, and find the kids. They wonder where they are, but as Ollie surveys the scene, he knows. He tells them they're on Lian Yu.
This episode had a very grim Groundhog Day feel to it. And it did seem repetitive, but hence the purpose for it. It was to teach Ollie one final lesson---that no matter how many times he tries to find a solution to a problem, sometimes, he will not win. Using Quentin as the centerpiece not only helps Ollie come to terms with his loss and relationship with Quentin, but also come to terms with his own mortality----he can't win all the time. Sometimes, fate will play its hand, and you can't escape from it. He learns that there truly IS a no-win scenario...which is this Crisis. The Monitor has been putting Ollie through his paces. Having his adult kids here in the present with him is also allowing Ollie to get to know his kids as adults...seeing how they grew up. He's also trying to change their future for the better, and prep them for their challenges ahead. And for his kids...they finally get to see and understand their father for who and what HE is...and remember him differently than what they had growing up without him. The Queen family gets to bond before Ollie dies.
For Laurel, it's a bit of closure. She has felt a little lost without Quentin, who became her rock and supporter when she got trapped on Earth 1. When she played on the dark side, only to redeem herself by trying to save him. But, in return, he saved her. She feels like a different person now, and it's because she had--in a sense--her father to be there for her, to guide her back to the light. Laurel has felt tremendous loss since he died. Knowing he was proud of her, and that he loved her no matter what, allowed her to accept her place in the world, and that she was genuinely better for his small amount of guidance and love---and allowed her to let his spirit rest, and let go. As rough around the edges as Laurel has been...she's got a good heart, and it's coming up more to the surface. She's softening. She still has some work to do, but she's embracing the side of her than can make a better difference in the world.
It's been an interesting situation to see Ollie put through his paces, and not having us understand WHY, other than possibly going after the Monitor, and trying to stop him before Crisis. All these quests that he's had to accomplish. It made no sense until now. There IS a weapon that they feel MIGHT help stop the Crisis and what's coming, but they're not sure. But The Monitor wanted to prepare Ollie for what will be his final mission. This episode put things in perspective, and will allow us to prepare ourselves for Ollie's exit once Crisis happens. It's coming fast, and we'll see what final mission he has to accomplish on Lian Yu before things kick into high gear.
I was okay with this episode, but it didn't give me quite the emotional jolt that the previous episodes have other than Laurel and Quentin's interactions. I'm hoping that next episode will give us more Ollie/Mia/William time. I really want Ollie to have more time with his kids and vice versa before he goes. So, crossing my fingers.
That's it for this installment. Subscribe, comment, and let everyone know I'm here, willya?
Hope you all have the very best Thanksgiving holiday!
Until next week...keep your sights on the bullseye!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTING - SEASON 3, EP. 7: "The Book Of Resistance - Chapter Two: Henderson's Opus"
Lines are being drawn, and the battle for Freeland is well at hand. We have the ASA putting on a full court press in capturing all the metas in town, while Henderson and the Resistance do what they can to save them, and get them out of town. Anissa's hurt, Jennifer's trying to figure out Brendan's past, Lynn continues to push on in finding a stabilizer for the metas in the Pit, and Black Lightning is caught in the middle of all of it.
We open up this installment with Grace having trouble keeping her powers stable, as her emotional state is high, what with worrying about Anissa and the oncoming threat of the ASA. Anissa finds her, and uses her program (which much like Gideon for the Legends and Flash), to help ease Grace's mind, and get her shapeshifting powers under control. It works, but Anissa knows she has to get Grace out of town before the ASA finds her. And her powers have not returned yet after her fight with Painkiller.
Jennifer is looking at her laptop, reminiscing about Khalil with his pictures when she gets a mysterious text. She seems a bit annoyed as she takes off.
We next head to Gambi's bunker, where he's finished comparing the poison compound from Khalil and Painkiller. He finds out they're the same, which he finds impossible since Khalil is supposedly dead. He ends up hiding this info for a bit as Lynn comes in. He says he's got an idea where the Pit is, since Lynn has no idea, considering they keep her blindfolded during her trip in and out of the ASA compound. He says he needs to access their mainframe, and gives her a piece of tech to gain access.
Henderson, Anissa, and the rest of the Resistance are congregating in at Reverend Holt's church, talking about the ASA upping their tactics to find the metas as quickly as possible. The Reverend says they can't come into a church armed, but Henderson says they will do what they want. They begin to formulate a plan to get the rest of the metas out of town.
Jennifer meets up with Major Gray, who is filling in as acting Director of the ASA as Odell heals from his wounds. She feels that Jennifer is their best asset, so therefore, she doesn't want Jennifer using her powers. Jennifer shrugs it off, and says that if they want her to do that, she wants the entire dossier on Dr. Jace, so she knows what's happening. Major Gray reluctantly agrees.
Henderson and the Resistance are parked away from a blockade of the ASA, where they have planted a bomb to distract the guard, so they can escape through. However, Black Lightning spots the bomb, and disables it, messing up the Resistance's plan. Next day, Henderson pays a visit to Jefferson, and they get into it about Henderson's tactics about getting the metas to safety--using a bomb. Henderson says he had it under control. They continue to bicker about what side Jefferson is on. Jefferson brings up the fact that he was an ASA lab rat for months, and Henderson lets him know about how the ASA has taken over his department, and how he's trying to do the right thing. He pretty much questions Jefferson and his allegiance, and walks out.
Reverend Holt and Blackbird talk about how to get the kids to safety, and find a way out of the perimeter. They also discuss where Black Lightning stands in all of this.
Lynn is working in her lab, testing one of the metas with another doctor--a male. He isn't shy about hitting on her, but she rebuffs him, looking to keep it professional. Major Gray walks in, and asks for an update. Once Lynn tells her, Gray orders her to push up the progress on these metas. Lynn refuses unless she can have full access to the facility. Gray relents a little---she'll gie Lynn access, but ONLY to the Green Light kids. Gray remarks that she doesn't like Lynn...she's pushy. Lynn then goes to work in helping Gambi get access.
Jennifer and Branden are at school, and she wants to discuss what happened at his place the other night. He's not into talking, but then a Markovian Alarm goes off like an earthquake drill, and Jennifer takes him to another room to try and talk to him, He refuses to chat until she says that she has got information about Dr. Jace. He's suddenly curious.
The ASA guards---led by Major Gray---are going house to house to rouse out the metas in the area. Not taking any particular concern to the safety and well being of those who live there. Soon, there's a shootout between the ASA and the Resistance. Black Lightning shows up, and quells the entire fight. Major Gray is ticked off, and says he needs to back down, but Black Lightning says he don't follow ANYONES orders. And she takes off with her wounded soldiers, threatening Black Lightning in the process.
Gambi in disguise as he enters the ASA compound with Lynn. She tells him where the mainrame is, an he only has 14 minutes to get in, while she goes about her business. Once he gets into the mainframe, he discovers just where Khalil is.
Lynn and Gambi find Khalil, as he is in stasis mode. Gambi says they need to destroy him before he's used to kill anyone else. Lynn, however, accesses his memory chip, and finds out that his old memories are in there. She tries to go about changing his programming. She ends up waking him up, much against Gambi's wishes, and he recounts all his missions up to this point. She puts him back in stasis, and goes about reprogramming him. Gambi says that is worth it. She's adamant in telling him that she's not going to lose one more child, and tells Gambi to leave---making sure he knows to NOT tell Jennifer about finding Khalil.
Brendan and Jen are getting high, when she's curious about how their powers work when they mix together. All he wants is the info she has on Jace. She's still curious, and wants to try again, but he says to forget it, and orders her out, feeling she played him, and has nothing on Jace.
Jefferson shows up at Anissa's, and she explains the Resistance's plan, and begs him to help her get the new metas...and safety. She says she needs Black Lightning. We see Jefferson show up at the secret location where the Reverend and the metas are, and the Reverend still doesn't trust Black Lightning, as he tells the metas to get going. Anissa and Gambi are running the mission from his bunker, when Major Gray and the ASA get the jump on them. As the ASA is about to fire on the metas, Black Lightning stops them, and takes down the troops, allowing the meta kids to escape. However, Grace---who's in her younger girl form---takes off from the rest of the group. She winds up in an abandoned house, with an ASA troop hot on her trail. It doesn't end well for him, as Grace has become her tiger mode, and attacks him, killing him. Black Lightning shows up, and finds Grace---who had a tracker placed in the necklace Grace gave her when they met Black Lightning in the tunnel, and Anissa told her that she could trust him. Black Lightning finds her, and she's happy he's there, also letting him know that she knows he's Anissa's father. She promises not to tell anyone. They go to get her to safety. Back in the bunker, Anissa, in tears, says goodbye to her love. Gambi tries to console her.
Jennifer is at home looking outside her window, when she gets a notice on her laptop---the entire dossier on Dr. Jace.
The episode ends with Painkiller manhandling yet another sparring partner, and crippling him, as he receives new orders: kill Black Lightning.
Well, we get a little more movement in this episode...mostly from where exactly everyone stands.
The ASA still sees Jennifer as their best asset---and don't want her using her powers until they deem it necessary to do so,. They have snowed her enough they believe with all the info about the Markovian attacks, that they feel she is one of their best weapons. However, she's got her own thing going on in trying to find out just what Brendan's deal is with his powers. So, with that, she uses Major Gray to get all the info on Dr. Jace to see how Brendan got his powers. We shall see what happens when she finally DOES get into contact with Khalil---because we KNOW that's coming. And will she have to protect Brendan? Jennifer is caught a little bit in the middle at the moment, and not knowing the full picture. Once she does---look out!
We get to know more about Major Gray...and that she is Odell's right hand gal, and is now the acting Director until he heals. So, he didn't die at the hands of the Markovians last week, as we might've been led to believe (I didn't think he played his whole hand yet, so I felt it was too early to bump him off). She's about as pushy as he is, and tries to come off with the whole scary act in her business suit (she's an imposing sight---and not a good one. Not a fan). She also is not fond of Lynn and HER pushiness...but she also knows Lynn's Green Light addiction, and that will come in handy later down the road. But she certainly outranks Colonel Williams...whom we haven't seen in awhile.
Lynn is getting more bold, but more obsessed in her own mission...and is blocking everyone out. She's getting further along, but has practically alienated everyone in the process. Gambi needed her help this week, but the two disagreed on how to handle the now very much alive, but new and improved Khalil. Gambi feels he's dangerous and needs to be unplugged, while she still feels the old Khalil is in there. She's insistent on saving him at all costs. As much as she swears Gambi to secrecy about knowing he's WILL get back to Jennifer before too long---and things are REALLY going to go from bad to worse for Lynn...providing Odell and Major Gray play their hand and get Lynn under control.
Jefferson is caught between a rock and a hard place. He wants to help the meta kids escape, but also wants to protect his family from the ASA, hence being a lab rat all those months. But knowing his daughter's girlfriend is in danger, and the other kids---plus his own beatdown at the hands of the ASA, and the pressure is on for him to pick a side. When he stops the bomb Henderson had at the ready to distract the ASA at the checkpoint, Jefferson wasn't happy about that either. He chastised Henderson about his choice of tactic, and they can't get on the same page. Henderson leaves it at the fact that they'll both have to approach taking down the ASA in their own way. It was nice that he agreed to help Anissa, and have some form of peace offering with his daughter. Grace feeling protected by him finally, by kknowing his secret ID (Boy those animal powers come in handy, don't they?). Jefferson, by the end of this episode, looks like he finally chose a side. He has now become a target by the ASA. So, business is about to pick up.
Overall, another decent episode. Not too much action, but was good in moving the plot along. We see that Major Grace is just as ruthless as Odell is, and as fractured as the Pierce Family is...they do have some bonding moments. Things are heating up, and we haven't even gotten to Black Lightning's involvement in CRISIS yet.
That'll do for this week. Subscribe, comment, and spread the rumor about me being here.
Until next time...the power is OUT!
Friday, November 22, 2019
REVIEW: THE FLASH - SEASON 6, EP. 6: "License To Elongate"
There comes a time in a show, where we just have a good ol' romp, and a few laughs. With the weight of CRISIS before Team Flash...we take a little break from the doom and gloom, and follow Ralph Dibny, as he follows the trail of the elusive Sue Dearbon. Joining him is our intrepid hero, a first for him. While they're off on the case, Cecile tries to get Chester back into the swing of things, with some of Killer Frost's help. And Nash Wells incorporates the aid of someone unexpected....
This week's story opens up with the team down in the tunnels where Nash was, explaining to them that he is someone who investigates multiversal myths. And he feels the Monitor is out for more than just scaring Team Flash. He feels he needs to expose him as a false god, thus saving Barry from ever disappearing. So, Barry, of course, tries to break through the wall, but can't. Turns out, the wall is made of Eternium (which we still have no idea what that substance is). The only way he can locate the area he needs to crack the wall is with a certain artifact, and he knows where to get it.
While the team is with Nash in the tunnel, Chester finally wakes up from his mini coma---his atoms and body finally reset. He comes out of his pod, only to realize that no one is there. So...he takes it upon himself to get a grand tour. As he checks the lab out, he logs onto the computer and types up his name---only to see an obituary. His little time of fun just hit a somber note. At that moment, Killer Frost had just returned for monitor duty. She is soooooo thrilled.
At the CCPD, Barry and Joe talk about Ralph, and the new Elongated Man emblem they're going to present him at a press conference tomorrow. But it's a surprise, so they're covering his need to be at the station as a "deposition". Ralph arrives, and they hide the emblem. They discuss the deposition, and Joe hands Ralph a file on a lead he got in the Sue Dearbon case, which will lead him to Midway City. Ralph is stoked, and he's out the door, ready to check it out, when Barry tries to stall him, and talk about the deposition tomorrow. Ralph says Barry can handle it, but Barry insists on going with Ralph...wanting to help him with his case. He even agrees to follow Ralph's lead.
The boys arrive at this posh gala event at a museum, which was the last known location of Sue. Barry says that they can go in there, zip around, and check it out. But Ralph tells him they're going in as civilians instead. It's an undercover mission. They enter the gala decked out in tuxedos, and Ralph introduces himself to a woman named January. He sweet talks her about being a very rich businessman along with Barry. She notices they crashed the gala, but Ralph manages to get her ticket in order to enter the event.
Back in Central City, Nash is inside the offices of The Central City Gazette, snooping around and looking for something when Allegra walks in on him, and catches him. She starts asking questions about how Wells is alive, and he tells her that he's not THAT Harrison Wells, but another one named Nash. He's looking for a UV meter, and his gadget on his arm discovers the UV energy is from Allegra herself. He says he needs her help, and if she DOES help him...he'll give her the scoop of the centruy---the multiverse, the crisis, the Monitor. All of it. She's intrigued.
Chester and Cecile talk, and she asks him how he's doing, to which he says he's doing great...except that he never got to ask Natalie, the barista he had the hots for that he talked about in his last video, out. Cecile tells him that she has empath powers, and can help him land the girl. He's excited to give the plan a try.
Ralph and Barry are introduced to a man named Remington Meister, who sits at a mah jong table with them, and begins to play. They play their part, until he inquires why they are there, and Barry screws up, and mentions Sue. That sends Meister into concealment mode as far as info, and surmises that Barry and Ralph aren't on the guest list. He humors them and has someone check the guest list, for which she's not on it. He asks them to leave, as he departs, telling someone to keep tabs on the which she takes a pic of them from her phone---we see that it's Ultraviolet...out of Iron Heights.
Barry, feeling the whole mission is a bust, urges Ralph to return to Central City---mostly wanting him back for the press conference--but Ralph just won't let up. He points out to Barry that Meister, and several other attendees to this gala, are all criminals. Some gang lords, a member of the Bratva, and other seedy underworld types. Ralph needs to dig further. Barry says he can zip around and check the premises, but Ralph wants to keep it low key.
Cecile and Frost have helped set up Chester to get him to ask Natalie out, as she delivers coffee to him. They talk into his ear the things to say, based on what Cecile is feeling, but she's getting things wrong, and the plan goes south. Chester ends up spilling coffee all over Natalie, and she takes off. Frost points to the Book of Ralph Vol. 2 for trying to help out Chester.
Allegra follows Nash into the tunnel, and she continues to grill him about the Multiverse, the Monitor, and more. He reveals his plan, in hopes of saving Barry Allen...who is the Flash (way to go, you dope!). That grabs Allegra's attention. But Nash now needs Allegra to uphold her end. Use her metahuman UV powers to locate the precise place in the wall where he can open it up to confront the Monitor. However, she becomes extremely apprehensive and walks off...saying she can't do it. She refuses to use her powers to hurt people.
Ralph goes back into the gala to work his magic, and get into Meister's office to snoop around. Meanwhile, Barry takes it upon himself to race around the building in order to locate Sue. He comes up empty. However, he is blasted with an electrical shock and disabled. At the same time, Ralph has stumbled upon Meister's plan---a missle weapon called Ring of Fire, and his plans to auction it off to the criminals in attendance. Just before he manages to get the info off the laptop, he's taken out by Meister himself. At that moment, Ultraviolet comes in and finishes Flash off.
In a scene somewhat reminiscent of Goldfinger, Meister has Flash and Ralph bound, and reveals his plan to auction off the weapon, but not before demonstrating it by destroying Central City. He also has a laser that will cut through both men should they decide to try and escape. Flash wondered how Ultraviolet got out of prison, and Meister reminds him that she has friends in low places. He goes off to his auction...and to destroy Central City, leaving Ralph and Flash to their fate.
Allegra returns to Nash in the tunnels (she got lost), and she reveals that she won't use her powers because she's afraid she'll become just like her cousin Ellegra. Nash tells her that SHE is in charge of her own fate...not her powers nor anyone else. She then decides to help him, and manages to help him locate the place in the wall in which to open. She feels weakened.
Chester and Cecile have a heart to heart about their failure to land him a date. Cecile says she's been experiencing her own anxiety because she quit being the DA, and they immediately hired her replacement. IF she fails as a metahuman defense attorney, she can't go back. She feels she doesn't know who she is anymore.
As Flash and Ralph are set to die, Flash reveals that the deposition was a fake, and that it was really a press conference to introduce the city to the Elongated Man. Ralph is touched. He has Flash remove a cufflink from his shirt, and Flash throws it towards the laser, disabling it. However, it isn't disabled, and starts firing randomly. Flash sees a pattern in the firing sequence, and uses it to their advantage to break free. Ralph destroys the laser, and then they go after Meister---but not as Elongated Man and Flash...but as Barry Allen and Ralph Dibny. Taking a more finesse route, they battle Meister and Ultraviolet, taking their share of a beating before they manage to subdue the two criminals using their wits and skills. Mesiter had activated the missle firing sequence before Ralph and Barry arrived, and Barry, acting drunk, had caused enough of a distraction for Ralph to make his move. In the end, Ultraviolet and Meister are defeated, and Ralph stops the firing sequence.
Back home in Central City, Barry feels bad that they didn't find Sue, but Ralph's not giving up at all...he's still going to find her. But he readies himself for the press conference.
Chester goes to see Cecile once again, and this time, she has business cards. She's taking her first step in her new career. Chester says that while things with Natalie failed, he still feels good about his life. And Cecile says that he could fit in real well at STAR Labs, which is exciting for him.
Allegra is back at the office resting, as Nash offers her liquid to help her out. He thanks her for her help, and looks upon her as she rests.
At the press conference, Flash introduces the city to it's newest hero--the Elongated Man. Ralph happily accepts his emblem, and promises to defend Central City with his life. But he also wants to thank another man---Barry Allen. Barry (having quick changed), is surprised, and not sure what's going on. Joe talks about how Barry Allen a CSI...has solved many cases for the citizens of the city and never given up. So, Ralph and Joe award Barry the Medal of Honor. He is truly touched.
Ralph updates Iris on his activities, and shows her the picture he took, showing her Ultraviolet. Iris thanks him, and she off on the case for her paper. Just as Ralph takes in everything, he hears a sound behind him. He turns around to see Bloodwork---who attacks him. The episode ends with them in a brawl.
This was such a FUN episode! It's nice to get a break from the intense drama that these shows put on most of the time. Last week was Cisco centric, and kind of a sad tale. This week...we got to enter the world of Ralph Dibny...and boy was it a blast! Now, admittedly, it did come off as very cheesy James Bond-ish (Roger Moore Era...more lighthearted), and had those elements, including ripping off the infamous scene in Goldfinger, but otherwise, it gave us a story of just what heroes can do when they DON'T use their powers. It showed us that Barry Allen is just as effective as a hero as The Flash. Barry finally understands his worth as himself, not just his alter ego. And Joe and Ralph wanted Barry himself recognized for his efforts to make Central City a better place. Barry needed that that HIS legacy...not just that of The remembered. And we got to see these two team up on a case that didn't involve supervillains with powers...just crazy criminal masterminds. I was bummed that we did NOT get a glimpse of Sue, but I did find it funny that the Bond-esque woman named January enjoyed Ralph and Barry as they worked her, then eventually watched the whole final battle from her seat. Ultraviolet returned, and I figure we'll see more of her, since she's directly connected to Allegra,
Speaking of Allegra---glad to see her back, and seeing a little more development as a character from her. She is curious, inquisitive, and fearful of her powers. She doesn't want to be her cousin, so her reluctance to use them is understandable. But having Nash to bounce that off of, and him giving her good advice, she finally understands that she is in charge of her life...not her powers. But NOW she is going to have A LOT of questions for Iris to answer---and it's going to be VERY interesting how Iris explains away Nash, the Multiverse, and the ONE secret big mouth Nash just HAD to let out: Flash's secret ID as Barry Allen. I soooo wanted to pop him in the mouth for that one. Yeesh!
Chester is going to make quite an interesting member of the team---yes, you know he'll be a part of it. What will be REALLY interesting is his intensity around the others---especially Cisco. THAT should produce some great comedic moments. But we also got to see Cecile's own fears and anxieties about her career change, and how it effected her powers. But thanks to helping Chester out---it helped HER out as well. Now we will see a much nore confident Cecile Horton from her on in,
Anybody else love the fact that Killer Frost was reading from The Book of Ralph Vol. 2 when she was helping Cecile with Chester? I think we should see an actual publication of that!
Overall, a much needed break from the melodrama unfolding, though we got right back to the serious stuff when Bloodwork showed up to attack Ralph, setting up another hard driven episode.
That's all for this week. Be sure to subscribe, let the good folks now I'm out here, and leave a comment!
Until next time...keep on running!
REVIEW: ARROW - SEASON 8, EP. 5: "Prochnost"
I'm wondering if whether or not they should've redubbed this show "The World Spanning Adventures of Green Arrow" for this final season. It's certainly been quite an adventure thus far with our Emerald Archer as he races against time to guess the Monitor's plan, and try to stop the Crisis. Meanwhile, we see Lyla double dealing, Laurel with a moral dilemma, and then there's the Queen Kids...
We enter this episode with Oliver training Mia, and preparing her to take over when he is gone...and she's old enough. He's impressed with how much Nyssa had trained her. William interrupts Daddy/Daughter time by letting them know that they've found the location of the plutonium that they've been seeking. It's in a place in Russia called Bialya. There also looking for the plans for a weapon created by a General Barif that will help then with the Monitor as well. Ollie, Laurel, Mia, and William head into Russia, while Diggle is going to get some help to obtain the plutonium in Bialya.
Before they take off, however, we have a clandestine meeting between Laurel and Lyla. Laurel believes that Lyla was just blowing smoke when she gave the aria about moving forward, and getting on with her life, and being better. Lyla tells her what Oliver is doing, and needs to get the plans for this weapon before Oliver does.
Diggle makes his way into some auto shop in some undisclosed location looking for a "Jason". Turns out, "Jason" is actually Roy Harper--in hiding and off the grid, and William managed to find him. Diggle gives Roy an update on what's happening. Diggle tells him that he needs Roy's help. Roy's not interested, having still not gotten control of his bloodlust after emerging from the Lazarus Pit. Dig recounts that Roy bailed on Thea, and says that the upcoming Crisis is bigger than anything they've ever faced. Roy says he'll help Diggle, but it's a one time thing.
The team arrives in Russia, where they meet up with Oliver's old frienemy---Anatole. Anatole had been off the grid himself in Corto Maltese, but with Diaz's death, he's back home. Ollie informs him of what's going on and what he needs,and tells him where he can find the General---The Bloodsport. A fight club. William comments about Mia having familiarity with one, since that's how they met. Mia recounts that after she left her mother, she needed money, so she started fighting...a shock to Ollie. Ollie tells his kids to stay put, which does NOT go over well with either of them--especially Mia. As they prepare to go talk to the good General, Anatole comments to Laurel about a leopard never changing their spots. They arrive at the fight club, which is run by The Bratva. The General is not really enjoying his fight when Oliver strolls up to talk to him about the weapon. The General comments that he mothballed the project, but if Ollie wants it---he's gonna have to make it worth his while....which means fight. Ollie gets into the cage with his opponent, and begins to fight him. At one point, he gets knocked down, and looks up, only to see his kids there. Feeling he needs to protect them, he then easily defeats his opponent. Bratva are all around observing. Ollie talks with the General, and is about to get the plans, when the Bratva come in, having recognized Ollie, and zap him and Mia, capturing them, after killing the General. Anatole had gotten William and Laurel to safety.
Back at Anatole's, William is unable to track their location, and Laurel comments to him that Ollie had possibly implanted trackers into them, and William is able to find them.
John and Roy are at the location in Bialya where the plutonium is, and they talk as they're seeking their prize. John tells Roy that the only way to cure his bloodlust is to be with a team, with people who care. But Roy feels he really wasn't needed here, but will help nonetheless. But once this is done, he's gone, and will be someplace not even William can find him. John lets him know his future, about how he goes to Lian Yu to control his bloodlust, but somehow makes it back home, and helps the kids out.
The Bratva have Mia and Ollie, and they cut her loose, to see if she can ring a bell after taking on six guys in one minute. She manages to get through them, but time just runs out as she reaches for it. They are fairly impressed with her. Tied back up, Ollie manages to dislocate his thumbs, and escape, helping Mia as well. Just as they're ready to make their escape, Laurel blows the door open with her sonic cry, and rescues them.
After they get back to Anatole's, Ollie has it out with both his kids. Mia throws it back to him that while he took off, she never got to know her brother growing up, and he was dead. Ollie said he swore to Felicity that he would protect them...and not time, space, or age will prevent him from doing so. The argument ends badly, as he wants to ship the kids back to Star City.
In Bialya, Diggle and Roy manage to pull off their heist, but not before Roy puts a serious beatdown on one of the guards. Diggle pulls him back, and they make their escape with the plutonium.
Ollie and Anatole talk---and Anatole tells him how much Mia reminds him of Ollie himself. And while he admires Ollie for protecting them, they're not little kids...they're adults. And as much as Ollie wants to save them, he has to stop looking at them like children. He also calls out Ollie on wanting to shield both Mia and William from his checkered past---including being a part of the Bratva. Ollie does see the wisdom in his old friend's words.
Laurel and Mia chat, and Laurel really isn't in a "oh woe is me" speech. Mia relates her story about trying to protect the city in the future, but keeps failing. All she wants to do is live up to her father's legacy, and Laurel says that her father is very flawed...they ALL are. Laurel tells her to just live up to HER own expectations.
They all reconvene, and Ollie lays out a plan to get the plans from the Bratva. He and Mia will fight in the cage, while Laurel and Anatole will steal the plans. They go back, and William poses as a rich man looking to front some money for his fighters---a six on two fight. Mia and Ollie enter the cage, as William situates himself into position, as does Laurel and Anatole. The fight begins, and Mia and Ollie start taking it to their opponents. Once the fight is on, Laurel finds her opening, and goes after the plans. During the fight, one of the Bratva hands a knife to one of the fighters in order to kill both Ollie and Mia, but the plan backfires, as Ollie and Mia prevent themselves from getting stabbed. Laurel manages to obtain the plans, but is caught by one of the Bratva, only for him to be shot by Anatole...who said he had her back. They take off, and William tells Mia and Ollie to wrap it up, which they do. But as they fight ends, and they emerge victorious, they have the Bratva, guns drawn, ready to fire. At this point, both Mia and Ollie throw down blinding gas pellets, enabling them to disappear and escape. No buyers for the weapon for the Bratva today.
We return one final time to Anatole's where Ollie and the team celebrate the victory. Ollie then has a moment alone with the kids, and compliments them on a job well done. He then says that he was wrong in keeping his past from them, and if there's anything they want to know, just ask. So, Mia asks about Lian Yu, and he begins.
As they set to leave, Ollie and Anatole share a bonding more blood feuds, no more hostilities...just friendship. Anatole also tells Laurel that he was wrong about her. That she can change. And with that...Team Arrow is off for Star City.
Back home, John thanks Roy for his help...even if it was for the one time. Roy, however, says that he'll stick around---seeing is how he's needed to fight this alien being. John welcomes him back home.
Once again, Lyla and Laurel have a clandestine meeting, with Lyla asking if Laurel got the plans for the weapon. Laurel says she did, but she's not going to betray Ollie. Lyla says she doesn't want her Earth back, and Laurel says that if her Earth returns to what it was, it's not worth it. Here, on this Earth, she's able to be the better person that everyone thinks she can be. She also comments to Lyla about lying to John and Ollie. Lyla says she did it for their protection, but just then, Ollie and John shows up---John visibly upset at Lyla's betrayal. Just as the three face Lyla, they are hit with tranquilizers, and knocked out.
Another fun episode, with a few things to unpack:
Was GREAT to see Anatole again. The show runners weren't kidding when they said that they were bringing back some old friends. Anatole and Ollie's relationship was always somewhat acrimonious, but there was mutual respect. This time around, it's two old comrades who have come to find peace with each other. There is mutual love and respect between the two men. And Anatole letting Ollie know that fatherhood suits him was nice. He was also that moral compass for Laurel---who was charged with betraying Ollie, but with one choice line from Anatole, changed the whole direction. It's nice to see THIS part of Ollie's life come full circle.
The Bratva...always dangerous, but can't have an appearance with Anatole without having the Bratva involved SOMEHOW.
The fight club aspect: This was a nice touch, because it allowed the viewers to go back to when William first met she did the fight club thing. To see THAT aspect come full circle with Mia AND Ollie was really cool. Great fight scenes, too. It really showed how well father and daughter work as a team.
Laurel's moral compass has changed. She's still bitchy, but she's come around to being a hero. Her redemption is almost complete. The fact that she DIDN'T betray Ollie speaks volumes about her development. Her desire to continue becoming a better person...even defying Lyla and the Monitor, says a ton about the kind of Black Canary that her doppleganger was...and what she WILL be in the future.
Roy is back! It's been awhile since we have seen Arsenal, but man was it good to get Roy back in the fold. And kudos to John for being that caring brother type figure to show him a better way to deal with his bloodlust, and become whole again. Roy is needed desperately for the upcoming Crisis.
And finally---we're seeing just how up and down being a father is for Ollie. Despite his time with William as a teenager last year, and having Mia as an infant, this is definitely new territory for him. Having to see his kids as adults is offsetting for him. Even moreso when he learns of what his kids are up to in the future---especially Mia. And as much as he tries to BE a father to them, he has had a tendency to rub them the wrong way---especially Mia. She NEVER got to know her father, while William felt abandoned by him. Ollie DID explain his actions to his kids---and was adamant about what he was doing was BEST for the both of them. But he's also looking at his kids as JUST that---kids. Not adults. By the end of this episode, thanks to a little nudging from Anatole, he finally starts opening up to his kids about his past---something he DIDN'T want them to know. But he now has an opportunity to give his kids a clearer picture of the man behind the mask and that their perceptions of him later on won't be so jaded. In the case of Mia---she is looking at the kind of hero and man her father is---and wants to live up to that, but finds it difficult. It takes Laurel to tell her that her father shouldn't be put on a pedestal...he's screwed up...but he's kept going. Laurel tells her to be herself...the rest will work itself out.
And...for those of you that might've forgot---Lian Yu is Mandarin for "Purgatory"....and considering this whole season...not hard to understand why.
One last thing---Lyla got some SERIOUS 'splanin' to do to John...that's NOT going to be a fun conversation, I can tell you that.
Alrighty, kids--that does it for this edition. Subscribe, pass along the good word about me, and leave a comment or two!
Until next time---keep your sights on the bullseye!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTING - SEASON 3, EP. 6: "The Book of Resistance - Chapter One: Knockin' On Heaven's Door"
We have reached a new volume in the story of our hero's journey to save his beloved town of Freeland, and to continue to protect his family from various threats: The ASA, The Markovians, and that ever dastardly arch nemesis, Tobias Whale. He must also deal with the dissolution of his family, as they deal with their own personal crises.
Our newest installment opens up as we see Anissa---still weakened severely from the poison coursing through her body from her battle with Painkiller, is sending a video message out to her loved ones---letting them know that she regrets not the decisions she made in trying to free those oppressed by the ASA, and trying to restore Freeland to the people. She seems like she doesn't have much time left.
We skip back 30 hours prior, to see the Pierce family attending Tavon's funeral. Lynn...who is obviously still dealing with her Green Light addiction, commends Jefferson using restraint in regards to not seeking revenge for Tavon's death, and using his powers to attack the guards to beat him down in front of the students. He gets ticked off that Lynn would bring that up, and that he feels for Tavon's family, and there was nothing he could do about it. They argue about him wanting to go after the ASA, but she does what she can to reel him in. At this point, as they're leaving the church, they run into Jamillah Olsen, who's there to get the story on Jefferson's beatdown, and what his response is going to be. Anissa tries to tell her to scram, but Jefferson offers up a quote for her. She asks him, if Tavon were here, what would he say to him. Jefferson pretty much says that Tavon was an inspiration, and that his death will NOT be in vain. He then walks off, with Lynn and Anissa in tow.
Once at home, Lynn and Jefferson pick up where they left off on their argument, as she feels he wants to go out and butt heads as Black Lightning, reminding him of what defying Agent Odell will do to them. She harps on him about how his anger isn't about wanting to avenge's all about him and his urge to be Black Lightning. She takes off.
We see Anissa getting checked out by Gambi, and it's not good. The poison spreading through her body is causing her powers to be subdued, and it's making her weak. His prognosis isn't good, either. He says she has maybe a week or two before she dies. But he's going to work on a serum to counteract it, but in the meantime, he wants her to do nothing but rest. She heads home, but not before she makes Gambi swear to her that he will NOT tell her parents. He feels he can't do that, and she asks for some time. He says 24 hours, and she takes it.
Inspector Henderson meets with the other members of the Resistance. He says that instead of making things better, things are only getting worse. Especially now that Truth Teller Johnson---the voice of the Resistance, was killed, and they discovered his body. He does what he can to rally the troops---making sure they do what they can to secure some radio equipment, so that they can broadcast in another way that the ASA can't stop. He then goes out to find someone to be that voice.
Lynn goes to see Tobias to check up on his condition in order to extract more bone marrow from him, and he immediately starts egging her, trying to break her down. She does what she can to put up a good front, but he knows about Jefferson's "outburst" last night as Black Lightning. She wonders HOW he knows, and Tobias says he has his ways. He goes on to tell her that she should watch her back--Odell is worse than she thinks. Whereas HE, on the other hand, is more straightforward with her. He says he'll tell her more about Odell if she'll get him the names and list of powers for all the metas in the Pit. She's left to think about it.
Anissa is feeling weaker as her father pounds on her door. She manages to muster up enough strength to stand and get to her kitchen counter before she has him let in. He comes to apologize to her for asking her to bring Tavon back. He puts the weight on himself, and says he must live with the guilt of the boy's death on his conscience. Anissa is quick to correct him, and said that while she KNEW it was a bad plan, the onus was on HER...thus, SHE is the one responsible for Tavon, and SHE must be the one to burden the weight of his death. She then tells him to leave, and he does..feeling dejected. After he is gone, she collapses to the floor.
We later see that Grace discovered Anissa when she got home, got her to the couch, and tended to her...worried sick about her. Anissa says she's just wiped out from the fight she had with Painkiller, and for Grace not to worry. Grace reminds her that, when she morphs into a tiger, she still remembers all the smells from when she was in that form...including the smell of death. Anissa feigns, and tells her she has no plans on dying or going anywhere.
Meanwhile, Jennifer is doing some snooping about her classmate Brandon. She heads to his home, and sees through the walls to discover whether or not he's home. She breaks in, and starts casing the place, looking at the money and gems he's got, as well as two piles of what looks like coal in the corner. She then goes to his computer, and uses her powers to break into his discover he has pictures of her and her family on there. Just as she's trying to figure out WHY, he comes home. The two start trading powers with each other in a fight, but neither gets the upper hand. They both realize they nullify each other's powers.
Jefferson arrives home, only to have a run in with Odell. Odell isn't pleased that Jefferson went gallivanting last night, and Jefferson tells him their deal is over. And should Odell threaten his family, he'll destroy him. Odell says that Jefferson should not cross him, and Jefferson replies that Odell should NOT do the same with him.
We see a van en route to the ASA compound, with soldiers in the back. A man who can teleport breaks in, takes out the guards, and steals a couple of their helmets. He then teleports out. When we see the van pull up to the ASA checkpoint, we see the same man with the Colonel of the Markovian Army driving. They get clearance, and they drive on into the compound.
Jamillah is taken into the station, and grilled by Inspector Henderson about her reporting. He tells her, as he closes the blinds in his office, that if she doesn't quit, she's going to jail. She replies that these people deserve the story and the truth, and if it means jailtime, so be it. It's EXACTLY what Henderson wanted to hear...and makes her an offer to use her voice to tell that story.
Lynn is in her lab, getting copies of the metahumans in the Pit for Tobias. She shreds a couple before taking them to him.
Jennifer and Brandon have a sit down, and he explains his powers to her. She asks why he's interested in her Mom, and he says that he came there looking for Dr. Jace. Jace is responsible for what happened to him. But since he can't find her, he knew that Jen's mom had worked with Jace. He also reveals that Jace had killed his mother.
Gambi has been perplexed at this poison, and mentioned to Anissa that he'd seen it before, but this time, it was more powerful. When the test is done, he realizes where he'd seen that same poison: Khalil.
Grace had gone upstairs to shower, and left Anissa alone, who is now back on the floor unconscious, the poison coursing through her quicker. Grace is frantic and calls Gambi, who arrives in time to inject the serum he made for her. Anissa comes back, but she's still poisoned and weak. Gambi tells Grace to stay with her, while he goes out to investigate where he saw the poison before, to be able to help Anissa.
Odell's agent comes in, and she informs him about a break in the compound. They've already most everywhere else, except for a few places, which includes The Pit. She had security protocols in place, and she and Odell are off to meet up with their adversaries, one of which they know can teleport. The Colonel is upset that he did not find what he wanted, and they're about to leave when Odell and the ASA get the drop on them. The teleporter tries to use his powers, but Odell had power dampeners in place. He and the Colonel exchange pleasantries before a gunfight breaks out. Black Lightning happened to be listening in as it happens, and goes to put his two cents in. We see him arrive just as the Colonel heads off and is teleported out. Odell has been mortally wounded it seems, and wants Jefferson to go after the Colonel and kill him. Jefferson says he isn't killing anybody, to which Odell calls him weak, before he dies.
Henderson and the Resistance set Jamillah up, and prepare for her broadcast. Then, it's red light on, and she's live---beginning to tell the city of the real deal about the ASA.
Back at the Markovian headquarters, the Colonel is NOT pleased that the teleporter took off before he could get in the killshot on Odell. The teleporter said he spared his life, and expected to be paid for the job he was hired for. They pay him, and he's off. But Jace talks to him, and he lets her know that none of the pod kids have died. She surmises that Lynn has managed to find a way to stop the virus from killing them. Soon, they will have the metas, and create their own army.
Grace is home with Anissa...who is still fighting the poison. Grace is scared and nervous....and her powers start fluctuating, as she tries to keep it together for Anissa's sake.
We see Gambi out on the hunt in the cemetary for a clue to Khalil, and happens upon his grave. He manages to scan it, and find out the grave is empty. His suspicions confirmed.
We see Lynn back home packing, when Jefferson arrives, and she says she's leaving him. She can't deal with him anymore, and she's got a job to do. She says she'll send someone for the rest of her stuff. He calls her out on spending more time at The Pit, than she does with her own family. She takes off, and leaves him there flabbergasted at the series of events going on.
Another emotionally charged episode. Emotions and tensions are heightened as we now get into the crux of this story: fighting back against oppression. Meanwhile, Jefferson's world is falling apart around him, and he's frustrated because he can do NOTHING to stop it.
It was good we got more on the Markovian front, and know their plan more clearly. We hadn't seen Dr. Jace in awhile, so it was long overdue to see her make an appearance. But she knows Lynn has gotten closer to finding a cure for the virus that plagues the pod kids. They were brazen to march right into ASA territory, but we DID get that long overdue meeting with the Colonel and Agent Odell. Too bad we didn't see a longer fight...would've been interesting.
Speaking of Odell---he's been a great villain (let's face it---he is), and for him to get popped like he did tonight...and seemingly die right in front of Jefferson---I feel it's a tad bit of a letdown. I kind of expected more. But....for all I know...he's just mortally wounded, and his goon squad will be there to rescue him, and give him medical attention. It's too early for Odell to bow out of this story just yet---especially when he hasn't played his hand yet.
Gambi is doing what he does best: taking care of his family, and looking for ways to take out the ASA. But with Painkiller having injected Anissa, his remembering of the poison led him to discover that Khalil is NOT dead. That's going to play a factor down the road....and curious as to what effect it will have on Jennifer when she finds out.
Jennifer and Brandon are interesting. Their powers kind of cancel each other out, and I'm trying to discover why. But we DO finally get into HIS backstory, and discover that his mother was killed by Dr. Jace, and his condition correlates with that. So, he's hoping that Jennifer's mother can help him.
Grace's stability will come into play, as Anissa gets worse, and her "fight or flight" instincts take hold. Grace, at some point, is going to need to suck it up for her girlfriend. Whether she likes it or not---she's going to become a part of this fight.
The Pierce family as a whole is a disaster. Everything has been frayed at the seams. Jefferson feels powerless, because he can't be the hero he wants to be---Lynn questions his actions and motivations for being Black Lightning, causing the same rift they had between them two seasons ago. He's been a proverbial punching bag this season---like a dog on a chain or a lion in a cage---restless, frustrated, angry, and ready to lash out. He also has to deal with his broken relationship with Anissa, not even knowing how close to dying SHE is...and still trying to protect Jennifer. Jennifer seems to be the only one with her head on straight right now.
Lynn is the one who annoys me the most at the moment. Someone who talks tough, and acts tough, but is anything BUT. She's allowed herself to become an addict, which causes her to sleep less, be restless, and continually working. She's so obsessed with finding a cure of the virus, she's forgotten and abandoned her family entirely. Yet, she criticizes Jefferson for wanting to SAVE his family, protect them, AND save the city. But she callously calls him out for being selfish---yet she leaves him to stay at the Pit and do her work...ignoring him AND her daughters. Meanwhile, Tobias is slowly twisting his knife into her by playing her...needling her, taunting her, egging her on, and dangling morsels of info about Odell---for a price. Tobias is crafty...and he knows Lynn can be manipulated. He's just biding his time, so he can have his own army to reclaim Freeland when the time is right---and he'll use Lynn to do it. And, sadly, she's too stupid to notice because she's too addicted to her work...and Green Light...and it's given her tunnel vision.
Kudos to Inspector Henderson this week for rallying the troops in the face of adversity. With Truth Teller killed, he needed a new voice. NOW we see the true purpose of Jamillah Olsen in this tale. And hers will be the voice needed going forward. Now, it's just a matter of time before they get the necessary tools to fight back: namely, the Pierce Family.
IF there IS one thing that I am TRULY disappointed in---no CRISIS references. Black Lightning will most DEFINITELY be a part of CRISIS, but there's been no build to it---and that's unfortunate.
Outside of that---this show continues to deliver on action, drama, and pure storytelling. It's fluid and enjoyable. And tip of the cap to the writers for giving this episode a title after the famous Bob Dylan song.
That's it for this week---as we keep ticking down to CRISIS. So, with that said....subscribe, comment, and let everyone know I'm here.
Until next time....the power is OUT!
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