Monday, May 13, 2019
SUPERGIRL - Season 4.21
SUPERGIRL - SEASON 4, EP. 21: "Red Dawn"
Boy, oh boy has the Girl Of Steel REALLY have a problem. Kidnapped by the President himself in her guise as Kara Danvers, she has lost information implicating Lex Luthor behind the attack on the White House, she can't exonerate herself, and her friends are desperate to quell an all out war between humans and the alien population, as well as dealing with a now Harun-El amped Ben Lockwood.
And it ISN'T getting better...
We flash back to Midvale, circa 2007, where we see Kara and Alex out on a hike, chatting away about Kara fitting in. At one point in the hike, Kara falls, and as Alex goes to reach her, she falls with her sister. We see adult Alex wake up, seeing as it's a nightmare. She later explains it to Kelly, who correlates it to Alex losing out on the adoption. Alex tells her that it's a memory, but then she draws a blank...she feels something missing (we ALL know what THAT is). She then gets a desperate call from Brainy, and she takes off towards the DEO.
Kara has the hood removed, and she's tied to a chair. She says to the agents that they can't keep a reporter tied up, but they said they can and will until she is no longer a threat. She says she can still publish her story, but they said they wiped the CatCo servers. Kara then distracts them long enough to break free, take them down, and is almost ready to escape until she opens the door, and gets met face to face by her clone in disguise...complete with Kryptonite. Down she goes.
Once Alex arrives at the DEO, Brainy fills her in on Lockwood coming in, and taking all the Harun-El samples, as well as trashing the lab. Alex informs Lena when she shows up, and Lena figures out that Lockwood is the key. She lets them know about Supergirl's clone, and their trip to Kaznia, and Lex's cover using Amertek. Alex says she'll hunt down the clone, while Lena explores another idea.
Kara awakens yet again, with Kryptonite in her lap, and face to face with her clone. Red ( not going to keep typing out Red Daughter, you know who she is), goes off on her soapbox about Kara, her life, and the country she supports. Kara tries to explain ro her that Lex is just using her, and that he'll dump her when he's done with her. Red doesn't buy it, and is ready to shoot Kara, but Kara reminds her that while Red has been dealing with the effects of Kryptonite for only a few short months, Kara has been dealing with it for 15 years, thrn breaks free of her binds, tosses the Kryptonite at Red, who dodges, but Kara escapes out the window, but not before Red gets a shot off and hits Kara as she escapes.
Kara shows up at J'Onn's, and he removes the bullets. She laments about how she lost her evidence against Lex, can't clear her name, and wishes she could have Alex remember her. She then asks J'Onn if he could reverse the effects, and he says no. But, he says, there IS a chance she can remember on her own. Brainy arrives, and says that Alex is chasing Red, and came to ask J'Onn for help tracking the aliens Lex was using to experiment on.
Lena visits her mother Lillian in prison, and with the use of an alien who empowers her to tell the truth, she admits that she knows how to extract the Harun-El. Just to be sure she is on the up-and-up, Lena poisoned Lillian's food. She's got 24 hours to figure it out.
Supergirl meets up with Alex, and they discuss everything going down, including President Baker working for Lex.
Lena catches up to Lockwood, and lays it down for him that he's just a pawn in a much bigger scheme, and that he's just one of many puppets being dangled by Lex. Lockwood doesn't buy it, and says he took all her superpower juice. However, he's losing his hair, and that he is deteriorating. He then takes off, and Lena...who was with James...tail him.
Brainy and J'Onn arrive at the last place where the aliens were spotted. J'Onn finds a unicorn bracelet just as Dreamer arrives. She gets a dream about the bracelet and knows where the aliens are...Amertek. Brainy, J'Onn, and Dreamer take off, and Brainy is desperate to tell Dreamer he loves her. Once there, they plot a way in, but J'Onn advises them that he will get in, and for them to stay put. However, Dreamer wants to save the girl, and concots a plan with Brainy to get in, using an illusion device to make Brainy to look like Lockwood. However, they're exposed and captured.
At the DEO, Alex is running tests on Supergirl to see if they can find a weakness for Red. Haley then bursts in and finds Supergirl. They catch her up on Lex's plot, and she had been doing some digging, and found out about the Claymore Project, and how every lead she had led to dead bodies. They manage to use Haley's info to find out where Red has been found at: 114 Cedar Avenue. Supergirl urges Alex to stay there.
Supergirl makes it to Red's apartment, and finds out she's been stalking her.
Brainy is being tortured to the point that his mind is going haywire. He begs for them to leave Dreamer alone, but they ignore him, and torture him to the point he gets rebooted back to how his ancestors were. He easily escapes and dispatches them. J'Onn arrives asking what's wrong, and Brainy just tells him coldly thst he escaped.
Lockwood manages to find Otis Graves, and Otis spills the beans about how Lockwood was just a patsy for Lex's bigger domination. Him and Lockwood battle, and it doesn't end well for Otis. From afar, James and Lena bear witness, but James has an attack.
Brainy is initiating a plan to save the Aliens, but in a cold, calculating way. He's going to send Dreamer into where the aliens are going and have her astral project their location. J'Onn isn't fond of the idea, but Brainy goes all Spock on him and hits the nerve centers to take J'Onn down.
Alex catches up with Supergirl at Red's, and notices it looks like Kara's apartment, and that she set herself up across from Kara. Alex talks about recalling some memories, but can't put them all together, and how she can't protect Kara as always. Just then, Eliza Danvers calls, saying that Kara is safe and sound there. Supergirl overhears and knows it's Red...she's off and flying.
Supergirl arrives at the Danvers house to confront Red. Red has Eliza hostage, and continues to espouse the rhetoric Lex fed her. Supergirl beings up Mikhail, the boy who was special to her. Red shoves Eliza away, and the fight is on between the two women, with Kara carrying it out into the surrounding woods.
The battle goes back and forth, meanwhile, Alex finally arrives, and heads into the direction of the fight. Red introduces new powers and starts using this purple lightning blast to take down Supergirl. All the while as Alex is watching them fight, her memories flood back to her. Red finally brings Supergirl down. As she takes off, Alex goes to her sister's side. Red is above hearing Kara's heart beat to a stop, as Alex tries to resuscitate her. Then, Rex takes off. Alex continues to beg Kara to fight...telling her to draw the power of the sun from the life around her. We see then the stored up solar energy within nature around her to recover. Alex and Eliza are relieved.
Lena bursts into Lillian's cell with James, who's in bad shape. Lillian manages to save him with a new serum. Lena then gives her the antidote.
Nia looks up at a stone cold Brainy as she is being led into who knows where. She is NOT happy.
Kara, Alex, and Haley talk more about the Claymore, and what Lex's plans are with it. To have Kaznia start a war with the US, using the Red Daughter, then Lex comes in and saves the day, making HIM the hero. Then, we see a telecast of President Baker thanking Lex from destroying the Kaznian "threat" by having beaten "Supergirl" to do it. We hear the President say that the nation owes Lex for what he did.
WHOA!! This episode crammed A LOT in very very quickly, but the cat is finally out of the bag on regards to Lex for Team Supergirl. And Lockwood....oh to have been played a patsy by Lex, to have his cause manipulated....he's going to be one uncontrollable bastard next week. And leave it to that idiot Otis to spill the beans. No wonder he gets ripped to shreds, then rebuilt.
I gotta say...when Lena wants to tap into that Luthor gene, she's pretty vicious. Using an alien to make you tell the truth PLUS poison your own adopted mother's food as backup...brilliant! Just in time to save James.
Hooray! We had an Eliza appearance! Always good to see Helen Slater on the show. And an even bigger applause for having sibling love overcome a mindwipe. Good to know Alex remembers now.
Haley still has some brownie points to earn, but damn the woman gets on the freaking page quick. Like how she finally sees things that they are...and still be by the book.
Was hoping Supergirl and the Red Daughter's battle would've been more epic, but I have a feeling we're getting Round 2.
See...I TOLD you the President was scum!
Poor Brainy. Had a meltdown this week, and is now rebooted like his ancestor Brainiac. THAT is trouble Team Supergirl DOESN'T need!
Still awaiting that Cat Grant cameo this season.....
What a high flying episode. Didn't give much time to take a breath, but I liked that.
That's all for this week. Subscribe and drop a comment.
Until next week's action packed season finale...Up, up and away!
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