Monday, November 5, 2018
SUPERGIRL - Season 4.4
The Girl of Steel's practically relegated to a backup role in this week's installment of the show, as we see Agent Liberty's machinations start to take form, more badness from Mercy & Otis, Alex not only struggling to lead the DEO, but having her own doubts about her ability to do so, and J'Onn on the hunt for Fiona. Plus---a little Brainy/Lena teamwork, and James defying the court order to suit up as Guardian once again.
When last we left off, Agent Jensen had betrayed the DEO in lieu of finding out Brainy was an alien, and he wasn't too thrilled with that. So, he helped Mercy and Otis Graves escape back underground, where he met Agent Liberty. Now, Mercy would've killed him to tie up loose ends, but Liberty had other ideas for the ol' boy. This episode saw more agents of the DEO betray Alex and steal more alien hardware and whatnot for the cause of Liberty. This one particular item, an alien parasite, allowed Agent Liberty to control the minds of others. The agent that brought the parasite to Agent Liberty was met in the manner to which Otis and Mercy had planned for Agent Jensen--a loose end tied off. He gets killed, and the plan moves forward. Liberty's plan starts becoming more clearer this episode. Planning on using the parasite to control the minds of the aliens, and send them on a rampage, thus swaying more public opinion against them until there's a full out war. He manages to control one alien who could make multiple versions of himself, and sent him to a police station to kill.
Meanwhile, Alex, Lena, and Brainy are trying to figure out how to get the Kryptonite out of the atmosphere that Otis & Mercy spread loose in last week's show, thus rendering Kara incapacitated. They managed to get her into a Power Ranger looking suit to keep her alive until they can get the "K" (too tired to type out the name, you get the idea what it is), out of the air. Kara manages to wake up, and realize she's in a super suit to keep her alive. Alex tells her she's benched until they solve the "K" problem. Meanwhile, they're looking to see what the Graves' next move is.
J'Onn, having seen Agent Liberty's little rally, left him with a bitter taste in his mouth, feeling angry. The anger is messing with his mojo, because he can't focus, and he's feeling a connection to Fiona, who he's been trying to find. He's in her apartment looking around until he stumbles upon her boyfriend, Manchester Black. Black's been looking for her as well, and J'Onn informs him that she's missing. They team up to try and find her. Blackie manages to get a guy drunk enough to find out the next attack Liberty has planned. At a police precinct downtown.
James, seeing the problem arise out there with the fallout of race relations, decides it's probably time to don the Guardian gear again to help out, but Nia (whom we did not see last week), warned him that if he does, she forsees things ending badly. James lets her know that---good or bad---it's what heroes do. With that, he's off.
Alex and the DEO arrive at Precinct 4 to do battle with the alien guy who can make duplicates of himself. Kara feels the urge to interfere, and she does, while not at peak form, and gets beat up. The suit was not designed for battle specifically. J'Onn shows up to help out, as does Black. Just as J'Onn is about ready to nail him, and take him down, Black holds him up, and the guy escapes. The President (or, should I call him "President Tron"?), chastises Alex for her performance at the precinct, and instructs her that Supergirl is NOT to go into battle without HIS consent. He cuts the convo short when a Colonel Hayley whispers in his ear, and communications are then cut. Alex starts fearing for her job, and doubting she can lead this group. J'Onn has a heart-to-heart with her, and the pep talk seems to have worked. He also blames himself for not stepping in sooner. Alex assures him that he's there now, that's all that matters. He continues to focus on finding Fiona, because she's a telepath, and they have been using her to cause the trouble.
Brainy and Lena are growing frustrated that they can't figure out how to get the "K" out of the atmosphere, and Brainy breaks down, feeling emotional and feeling that he's worthless. Lena, being a strong, stern type, gives him the "put on your big boy pants" speech, tells him to lock them up in a box in his mind, and get on with it. Brainy does, and realizes that nanites can be used to get rid of the "K". They go to work on it.
Liberty, Otis, and Mercy are arguing about what to do next, since the precinct attack failed, and Liberty decides that it's time to up the ante---by going after the human's children by controlling the aliens, it would be the straw that broke the camel's back, and their chaos would ensue. They take the parasite, and put it in a central location with Agent Jensen, and, using Fiona's telepathic powers, manage to get control of the aliens in the vicinity of the National City Fairgrounds. They go to attack, and, having gotten wind of this attack with the help of J'Onn and Black, having used his ring as a "grounding device" to help use his telepathic powers to locate Fiona. They all head to the Fair.
Now Alex, having been pissed off at Kara when she defied Alex's orders, got downright rude and big sister on her, telling Kara in straightforward fashion that SHE is the boss, SHE runs the show, and that Kara is to do what Alex tells her to do. Alex later comes back, and listening to her gut (which J'Onn told her to do), she decides to let Kara help. She also had to have a pep talk with the DEO staff...reminding them of WHY they enlisted.
At the fair, the battle ensues, and Supergirl holds her own just long enough until the atmosphere is clear, and she can return to normal. She does, and puts down the alien she's fighting. J'Onn and Black find Fiona, but she's weak and dying. Agent Jensen, seeing defeat coming, grabs the parasite, thus breaking the mind control, and bolts. The one alien Kara was fighting uses his powers to send sharp objects into Mercy and Otis..killing them (which kinda sucks).
The day is saved, but not without consequences. Fiona dies in her lover's arms. Black is upset at the loss, and we see him later purchasing bigger weapons....I think we're seeing him ready for war. Back at the DEO, Alex gets applause from the staff, but is soon interrupted by Col. Hayley...who will now watchdog over Alex and the DEO. Back with Agent Liberty, he has Agent Jensen on a lab table, as he takes the parasite, and puts it to Jensen's ear, pulling a Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan deal, and the worm slithers into Jensen's ear.
In the final scene of the show, we finally get the reappearance of the Red Daughter, who also happened to be effected by the Kryptonite atmosphere. They tell her that it's okay to come out, and she responds that she is ready to continue her training.
One last thing of note was that James DID make a brief appearance as Guardian to quell the attack at the Fair, and felt that he wouldn't be put back in jail, but---as Nia pointed out---it had bad consequences. One of the independent sites online (which happen to be run by Agent Liberty), made James out to be one of his cronies. Not a good sign for Mr. Olsen.
What effect this will have on him remains to be seen.
I have to admit---this episode was good. It moved at a pretty steady pace, had a good balance between the main plot with Liberty, Supergirl's issues, Alex's issues, and J'Onn's investigation and issues. Everyone got just enough screen time (even though our stalwart hero was relegated to pretty much a backup role this week), and didn't bog down the story. Liberty's plot to expose and destroy any goodwill between aliens and humans keeps coming into focus, and his usage of Agent Jensen to be the Parasite (and old Supes villain who can suck out the powers and energy of any living thing), kept Agent Jensen relevant. The introduction of Manchester Black to the mythos was nice, and we'll see what extremes HE is going to go to, now that Fiona is dead. J'Onn overall is still the father figure and the voice of reason, but this episode, we got to see an angry J'Onn J'Onzz, which is unlike him. Nice change of pace. My big disappointment was the killing off of Mercy and Otis. Otis I would've been okay with...just would've motivated Mercy on further...make her MORE devious. Also, would've been nice to eventually see a power struggle between her and Liberty for control of this plot. Showing dissent among the ranks would've been a nice plot twist. But for both of them to die....didn't like that. Especially with Mercy, since they just now bumped off Lex's "His Girl Friday". Again, another plot twist we could've seen down the pike at a later date. Jimmy aching to put on the Guardian suit again was something we knew we'd see down the road, an a nice plot point to show that it was, in fact, a VERY bad idea, as Nia pointed out. Still not sure when we'll see Nia eventually break out the superhero powers, but we know it's coming. Brainy showing emotion comes off a little too Spock-like...but then again---he's not Spock. A poor man's Data, maybe...but it shows just how often times, an emotional high---good or bad---can effect one's decisions and ability to think logically and clearly. Lena was the hardass in this episode---good for her! She kept a level head throughout the entire episode.
I was wondering when we'd get a Red Daughter reappearance, and they didn't disappoint. Good to know they're keeping continuity by having her shielded from the "K Cloud" that encompassed the atmosphere. Still don't know much more other than she's a Kara clone in Kaznia, and who KNOWS what purpose THEY have for her. By the Bruce Boxleitner's President---he plays a dick real well. He makes you WANT to dislike him, insomuch as blasting Alex for her handling of things, and treating Supergirl like she's the US's personal weapon, only to be used at the government's disposal. I DO dislike Col. Hayley, who's arrogant smile comes off like a bitch who is going to ENJOY busting Alex's chops at every corner.
I had been worried the first few weeks that, in light of recent events in our own country surrounding immigration and the effect it has on all of us, the show would get too preachy, and get away from the comic book superhero aspect of it, and become to embroiled in this political dance. With this episode, the topic is still there, but the plans by Liberty gave it a very comic book villain kind of feel to it----what with his plan to slaughter innocents using aliens to further his agenda---it's what a villain does. Sacrifice whatever and whomever in order for the greater cause. What a bastard, lol! Have a feeling Manchester Black is going to go obsidian dark before this arc ends. He's pissed and wants revenge, and I don't think he cares how it gets done. It may take J'Onn to reel him in.
That's all there is for this week. As always, feel free to leave a comment, I'd appreciate it. I thank all you guys and gals for checking this page out!
Until next week....Up, up, and away!
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