Friday, November 30, 2018
IMPACT! WRESTLING - November 29, 2018
REVIEW: IMPACT! WRESTLING - November 29, 2018: The Road to Homecoming Begins...
If it's one thing I honestly ask of ANY wrestling show I watch; be it IMPACT!, WWE, or Ring of Honor, it's good wrestling action, and consistent storytelling. Sometimes, I get that, sometimes, I don't. It's frustrating as a fan, because you KNOW there has to be a story to be told, and you want that story to be twofold: Consistent, and BELIEVABLE.'s been a mixed bag with wrestling. Same with the have to have the story lead to the action in the ring, and you HOPE the action lives up to the story. WWE seems to have brain damage in that department, Ring of Honor does an alright job with it, and IMPACT! has been alright...for the most part. There are still SOME things that I don't totally buy into, and some things I just suspend belief for (such as Allie's storyline). Tonight's show had ONE thing that just irked the crap outta me, and I'll get to that particular in a bit. First of all, let's review what went down tonight, as the build to January 6th's PPV, Homecoming, comes to us from Nashville, Tennessee.
First off, we get Rich Swann & Willie Mack vs. The Lucha Brothers. We all know how talented and amazing Pentagon and Fenix are, both solo AND as a team. This was the first time since Bound For Glory where Rich Swann and WIllie Mack teamed up on TV. And I gotta tell you, folks---this was one hell of a good match. Not a bad way to kick of the program. Mack is a tough dude, and can wrestle a bit, and we ALL know about Rich Swann's abilities in the ring. But this match had a bit of everything in it: high flying spots, some fairly brutal moves, and a back and forth action that seemed to get the crowd revved up early. These teams seemed very evenly matched, with each team trading offense, high lucha style spots, some chain wrestling, and overall quickness that kept fans invested in the match the whole way through. Though both teams had chances for a victory, the Lucha's came out on top when Fenix lifted Pentagon by the legs, and threw him down in a splash move on Mack to take the pinfall. I enjoyed the hell outta the match, and wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this match up. Unlike WWE, there's some good teams in IMPACT's Tag Team Division. If they keep Swann and Mack together, they're definitely on the list of contenders down the road.
After the Lucha victory, LAX's music hits, and the Tag Team Champions head down to the ring. They give props to the Lucha's , and asked the crowd if they'd like to see LAX and the Lucha Brothers face off for the straps at Homecoming. The fans are all for it, and Pentagon accepts the challenge---speaking in Spanish, of course. And thus, the match is set for Homecoming. Backstage, however, Konnan, who had not been there when the boys went out to lay down the challenge, was upset, and told them they weren't ready for this match. He goes on to explain how the luchadors he trained in the past all seemed to stab him---and each other---in the back. They looked confused as Konnan went off saying, "I gotta do what I gotta do".
We get more about the X-Division qualifying matches for the X-Division Title Match at the PPV, which will start next week. We also get a promo package about the former X-Division champ, Brian Cage, who used "Option C" to give up the X-Division Title for an IMPACT! Championship Match with Johnny Impact.
We get a Knockouts rematch from two weeks ago, as Katerina looked to get her revenge on losing to new Knockout Jordynne Grace. Katerina got her offense in a little more in this match, as the former Knockouts Champ tried to slow Grace down by using her height and length. However, the new member of the division still proved to be too much, as Grace's wrestling ability and power was just too much for Katerina, as Grace locked her into the bearhug once again to score the victory. It's a good build for Grace, who in a few month's time, could be challenging for the Knockouts Title.
We come across Fallah Bahh and KM, as they're commiserating over the Turkey Day win, but upset at the loss they suffered two weeks ago. It seemed a bit---smokey---in the back stage area. Were they hanging out with the Razcals?! Was it another cheesy "That 70's Show" pot spot? It looked stupid. Either way, Scarlett Bordeaux shows up, and tells them that they're on the bottom of their talent list....they mope some more. Look...I get that Scarlett is manipulating everyone, and using her body to do it...and that's fine. Not sure what their long term plan is for her, though. Is she going to be a manager/valet, or is she actually going to wrestle at some point? Time will tell. And this stoner backstage segment, where Bahh and KM looked half baked? Dumb.
In her dressing room, Tessa Blanchard is getting read the riot act by referee Brandon Tolle, asking her who does she think she is attacking the officials, and doing physical harm to them. He won't have it, and she smarmily tells him that she heard him the first time, and he said he doesn't want to see it happen again, she waves him off disinterested with a "fine". This is the one point that ticked me off during the show, and I'll get to that in a bit.
We have Tommy Dreamer come out for an interview, and he pretty much blasts Eli Drake for being weak, and not good enough. He compares him to The Rock and Stone Cold, and how he couldn't measure up to either of them, and then when he was IMPACT! Champion, he couldn't lead the way, and he lost the belt, then settled for complacency. No matter how Drake insults, him, Dreamer says it doesn't matter, because he plans on ending his own career on HIS terms.
Taya Valkyrie comes out to face Rae Lyn...who looked like a toothpick compared to Taya. It was basically a squash match, as Lyn tried to get cocky with Taya, but Taya ended that noise real quick, dominated her, and showed a new submission hold: a cross-leglock with a front facelock included. It got Lyn to tap out, and Taya scored the victory. However, as her back was turned, Tessa Blanchard comes out and attacks her. As she's going after Taya, Tolle and the rest of his staff come out to try and get her off Valkyrie. He then gets in Tessa's face after breaking off the attack, that she punches him, and starts choking him. All the officials yell at her to let him go, and they stand there, doing nothing, then IMPACT officials come from the back, and THEY do takes Gail Kim herself to race to the ring, hand yank Tessa off the ref. Just as a livid Tessa is about to get in Gail's face, Taya lands a spear, and Tessa rolls out of the ring, clutching the Knockouts Champioinship, as Gail is yelling at her to leave.
Okay...this is where i get pissed off. I'm okay if something is beyond belief to a point (long as it tells a good story), but when Tessa attacked another official...and then choked him, I get that. But when the OTHER refs are just standing around yelling at her....and letting her continue the attack, that's when it bothers me. Look...when Charlotte Flair attacked officials at the Survivior Series, Paige came on Smackdown two nights later and fined her for laying hands on the officials. Okay, that's fine. But to ME...this is ONE WOMAN with, I dunno, 4 or 5 OTHER guys in the ring...and add onto that, TWO IMPACT officials, who could've EASILY separated her from Tolle. I takes Gail Kim coming FROM the back to yank Tessa off. It's not like THEY had to hit her...just pull her OFF the guy. See...that's where the inconsistency and the situation becomes unreal to me. She's NOT that big a girl, and no matter how many men she tries to fight off, the numbers game should eventually take over. I know they're trying to push Tessa as this spoiled, entitled, bitch like diva who believes she's better than everyone else, and can virtually get away with anything. I know they're building her as something as a...for lack of a better word...chickenshit heel. But there are just somethings that, out of sake of logic, SHOULD happen, and don't. Not that I didn't mind a Gail Kim appearance---I'm AAAAALL for a Gail Kim appearance. But still---it just frustrates me. Now...what I wanna know is: what happens from here. Does she get fined? Suspended? Does she get stripped of the Title, or will Taya insist on some stipulation or will IMPACT themselves impose a stipulation as to where she cannot touch an official, or she'll lose the belt? Will she be fined for what she's already done? There HAS to be SOME logical reaction to this, in order to make the story believable. Otherwise, it's just a segment that ticks me off, because I find it hard to believe that 5 or 6 guys can't get ONE woman off of attacking a man.
We see a promo with Johnny Impact, talking about his toughest challenge to date: Brian Cage. He gives Cage props, and tells everyone WHY Cage is called "The Machine". He says he looks forward to the challenge, but that Cage will see why Johnny is the champion. Johnny's time is cut short when, out of nowhere, Killer Kross shows up again, to remind Johnny that Cage said he'd "do anything" to win the IMPACT Championship. He urges Johnny to hire him for his services, and Johnny, yet again, calls out Kross on his cryptic rap, and reiterates that he wants NOTHING to do with him. Tells Kross to stay away from him, his wife, and his dog. Johnny walks away.
The Razcals - Desmond Xavier & Zack Wentz, make their debut vs. Mike Sydal (Matt Sydal's brother), and Chris Bray. This match started off quick, with each team showing a succession of quick moves and some acrobatics. It became a little bit of a back and forth affair, but the Razcals managed to pick up the win in their debut with a unique combo moonsault. They look like a solid team----just stay away from the stoner segments, and they'd be good. Build these guys up seriously....don't make a joke of them. You've got potential there. IMPACT has the opportunity here to show a strong roster for their tag team division. Given time, these guys might be good enough to challenge. But for now, give them a slow build, a mid-card feud, and see what happens.
Kiera Hogan is being interviewed, and she isn't quite ready to give up on Allie yet. She still feels that there's good in Allie, and Su Yung hasn't driven it from her yet. Allie could've attacked her last week, but didn't. She said they both promised to have each other's backs. She begs Allie to fight Su's influence, and come home. We see that next week, Dark Allie makes her first appearance in the ring. I believe at some point, Dark Allie will attack Kiera, and I would LIKE to believe that, eventually, Rosemary makes her return....preferably at we can see her eventually face Allie---to save her from herself.
We head to Shady Acres Hospital, where Eddie Edwards has been sedated to prevent him from going on a mad spree to end Moose. Alisha Edwards is there, telling him she did what she had to in order to save him from going to jail. She hopes he understands, and would just drop this issue with Moose. He's unresponsive, and when she asks the doctor why he isn't talking to her, the doctor tells her that he needs to learn to let go, before he can be cured. He gets her out of the room, and eventually, Moose shows up, with what looks like a kid's book. Moose says he's a better man because Eddie isn't good enough to get the job done, and Alisha left him. So, Moose rubs salt in the wound more, as he says he's gonna check in on Alisha while Eddie's cooped up here. It's a bit hokey, but not out of the realm of unbelievability, since Eddie's had a SERIOUS mad on for Moose since Moose turned heel on him. Using Alisha to fuel the feud is a nice touch, and we'll see what more of a role she plays as this progresses. But there HAS to be a big sitpulation match between the two at the PPV.
Just prior to the main event of the night, Eli Drake comes out, and talks about how his issue isn't with Tommy Dreamer, but with IMPACT! Wrestling in general, and the state of wrestling in itself. But he's glad he must've hit a nerve with under his skin. He says he took care of Abyss, and he'll send Tommy out in a coffin tonight.
Matt Sydal and Ethan Page are talking about the past failures they've had over the last few weeks, and feel they're not on the same page. Sydal says the one way to ge on the same page is to wrestle Page in and X-Division qualifying match next week. Page agrees, and the student will take on the master.
It's main event time, as Eli Drake comes out to a chorus of boos, and then Tommy Dreamer heads out in black pants with polka dots....guessing he's trying to honor Dusty Rhodes with that get up. Eli gets some quick wrestling moves in early, but Tommy counters with wrestling moves of his own. Tommy eventually gets Eli into the corner, and proceeds to bite him. Eli eventually rolls out of the ring, and decides he wants NOTHING to do with Dreamer, so he takes the countout. Tommy's upset that he gets a cheap win. Just then, Josh Matthews gets informed from the back that the match WILL continue, only's no DQ! Eli's upset about it,
The match continues, and the action has poured outside, with Dreamer bringing out the foreign objects. He starts working Drake over with a trash can, uses the ring bell on Drake's crotch on the ring apron, and spits water in his face. Fans are changing "ECW! ECW!" as Dreamer continues to work Drake over, borrowing an old lady's cane and using the handle to drive up Drake's backside. Dreamer tries to do a Dusty bionic elbow, but Drake nails him, and starts to get some offense in. Tommy fights back and gets said bionic elbow in. Drake turns it around, hits Dreamer with a chair, but only gets a 2 count. Dreamer tries for a DDT, Drake reverses, and lands a slam on Dreamer right on the chair. 2 count. Drake wedges the trash can into the corner, but Dreamer reverses into a DDT. 2 count. Drake hits the Gravy Train, but Dreamer kicks out. He sees the chair, opens it up, puts Dreamer's head through it, and whacks him with a boat oar. Drake gets the pin and wins the match. Refs attend to an injured Dreamer as Drake walks up the ramp, and into the back, where he sees balloons, and a card with his name on it. He opens the card, and there's a note in it. He reads the note, and looks nervous, as he looks around to see if the person who wrote it is there. He then takes off, not wanting to stick around. Show ends.
The show had a couple good tag team matches to keep fan interest up, and the main event wasn't too bad, if not a bit formulaic. Still have no idea where they go with Eli Drake. Whether he's going to continue to just go after legends, or this little feud with Tommy Dreamer continues. And who left him the card? Who got him spooked?
I know earlier that I said I wanted believable storylines, and consistency. I know Allie's story is on a bit of the far fetched side, it's still GOOD storytelling, and everyone is playing their part WELL. There WILL be an endpoint, no doubt, but the journey we're on with this has been fun, and I'm curious to see where it goes---especially if we get another Allie/Rosemary match at some point, when Rosemary returns. It reminds me a lot of the Undertaker/Ultimate Warrior feud back in the day, where the Warrior enlisted the aid of Jake "The Snake" Roberts to help him conquer The Dead Man...only to betray him. It's great stuff. Sure it's not overly realistic, but if they tell the story WELL...and it's CONSISTENT...and the payoff IN THE RING is well done...I'm cool with it stretching the bounds of reality. Just look at the Broken/Woken Universe with the Hardys...or even Bray Wyatt. It's great if it's done WELL.
What makes me MAD is the SIMPLE things---like pulling a 130 some odd pound woman off of a referee...and refs being SCARED of said woman. THAT I find just flat out lazy and stupid storytelling. It's exactly the same kind of crap WWE pulls when officials or security guards come down in force, and try to stop Ronda Rousey, but won't go near her. You have THE NUMBERS! She may get a lick or two in, but there's MORE of YOU and ONE of her---same with Tessa Blanchard. And I don't put this on Tessa...she's doing a MARVELOUS job---both in AND out of the ring, being the major heel. She has taken every single trick her Dad Tully used back in the day, and has show audiences on how to be a genuine heel. I give the girl mad props...she's talented as hell.
One other little note I'd like to add: I'm glad IMPACT! isn't afraid to acknowledge the past...or even the competition. And anywhere Tommy Dreamer'll always get an ECW pop. But glad IMPACT! doesn't shy away from talking about other promotions, and even the Attitude Era, which was brought up tonight. I like that. Just means that they don't live in a bubble--like WWE wants to. Hell...WWE doesn't even want to acknowledge NXT on their main shows...and that's their OTHER brand...stupid.
So, before we close shop for this week, let's take a look at how the PPV on January 6th is shaping up:
IMPACT! World Championship: Brian Cage v. Johnny Impact (C)
Knockouts Championship: Taya Valkyrie v. Tessa Blanchard (C)
IMPACT! Tag Team Championship: The Lucha Brothers v. LAX (C)
X-Division Championship Match: TBD
You have 4 title matches...THREE of which SHOULD be really good. We'll have to see how the X-Division qualifiers go over the next few weeks. But this is shaping up to be a pretty decent show so far.
Alright guys, that's if for this week. Thanks for checking me out. Please subscribe and leave some comments...I'd appreciate it. And tell all your friends. It's cheaper than a doctor bill.
Until next week.
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