Friday, November 30, 2018
IMPACT! WRESTLING - November 29, 2018
REVIEW: IMPACT! WRESTLING - November 29, 2018: The Road to Homecoming Begins...
If it's one thing I honestly ask of ANY wrestling show I watch; be it IMPACT!, WWE, or Ring of Honor, it's good wrestling action, and consistent storytelling. Sometimes, I get that, sometimes, I don't. It's frustrating as a fan, because you KNOW there has to be a story to be told, and you want that story to be twofold: Consistent, and BELIEVABLE.'s been a mixed bag with wrestling. Same with the have to have the story lead to the action in the ring, and you HOPE the action lives up to the story. WWE seems to have brain damage in that department, Ring of Honor does an alright job with it, and IMPACT! has been alright...for the most part. There are still SOME things that I don't totally buy into, and some things I just suspend belief for (such as Allie's storyline). Tonight's show had ONE thing that just irked the crap outta me, and I'll get to that particular in a bit. First of all, let's review what went down tonight, as the build to January 6th's PPV, Homecoming, comes to us from Nashville, Tennessee.
First off, we get Rich Swann & Willie Mack vs. The Lucha Brothers. We all know how talented and amazing Pentagon and Fenix are, both solo AND as a team. This was the first time since Bound For Glory where Rich Swann and WIllie Mack teamed up on TV. And I gotta tell you, folks---this was one hell of a good match. Not a bad way to kick of the program. Mack is a tough dude, and can wrestle a bit, and we ALL know about Rich Swann's abilities in the ring. But this match had a bit of everything in it: high flying spots, some fairly brutal moves, and a back and forth action that seemed to get the crowd revved up early. These teams seemed very evenly matched, with each team trading offense, high lucha style spots, some chain wrestling, and overall quickness that kept fans invested in the match the whole way through. Though both teams had chances for a victory, the Lucha's came out on top when Fenix lifted Pentagon by the legs, and threw him down in a splash move on Mack to take the pinfall. I enjoyed the hell outta the match, and wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this match up. Unlike WWE, there's some good teams in IMPACT's Tag Team Division. If they keep Swann and Mack together, they're definitely on the list of contenders down the road.
After the Lucha victory, LAX's music hits, and the Tag Team Champions head down to the ring. They give props to the Lucha's , and asked the crowd if they'd like to see LAX and the Lucha Brothers face off for the straps at Homecoming. The fans are all for it, and Pentagon accepts the challenge---speaking in Spanish, of course. And thus, the match is set for Homecoming. Backstage, however, Konnan, who had not been there when the boys went out to lay down the challenge, was upset, and told them they weren't ready for this match. He goes on to explain how the luchadors he trained in the past all seemed to stab him---and each other---in the back. They looked confused as Konnan went off saying, "I gotta do what I gotta do".
We get more about the X-Division qualifying matches for the X-Division Title Match at the PPV, which will start next week. We also get a promo package about the former X-Division champ, Brian Cage, who used "Option C" to give up the X-Division Title for an IMPACT! Championship Match with Johnny Impact.
We get a Knockouts rematch from two weeks ago, as Katerina looked to get her revenge on losing to new Knockout Jordynne Grace. Katerina got her offense in a little more in this match, as the former Knockouts Champ tried to slow Grace down by using her height and length. However, the new member of the division still proved to be too much, as Grace's wrestling ability and power was just too much for Katerina, as Grace locked her into the bearhug once again to score the victory. It's a good build for Grace, who in a few month's time, could be challenging for the Knockouts Title.
We come across Fallah Bahh and KM, as they're commiserating over the Turkey Day win, but upset at the loss they suffered two weeks ago. It seemed a bit---smokey---in the back stage area. Were they hanging out with the Razcals?! Was it another cheesy "That 70's Show" pot spot? It looked stupid. Either way, Scarlett Bordeaux shows up, and tells them that they're on the bottom of their talent list....they mope some more. Look...I get that Scarlett is manipulating everyone, and using her body to do it...and that's fine. Not sure what their long term plan is for her, though. Is she going to be a manager/valet, or is she actually going to wrestle at some point? Time will tell. And this stoner backstage segment, where Bahh and KM looked half baked? Dumb.
In her dressing room, Tessa Blanchard is getting read the riot act by referee Brandon Tolle, asking her who does she think she is attacking the officials, and doing physical harm to them. He won't have it, and she smarmily tells him that she heard him the first time, and he said he doesn't want to see it happen again, she waves him off disinterested with a "fine". This is the one point that ticked me off during the show, and I'll get to that in a bit.
We have Tommy Dreamer come out for an interview, and he pretty much blasts Eli Drake for being weak, and not good enough. He compares him to The Rock and Stone Cold, and how he couldn't measure up to either of them, and then when he was IMPACT! Champion, he couldn't lead the way, and he lost the belt, then settled for complacency. No matter how Drake insults, him, Dreamer says it doesn't matter, because he plans on ending his own career on HIS terms.
Taya Valkyrie comes out to face Rae Lyn...who looked like a toothpick compared to Taya. It was basically a squash match, as Lyn tried to get cocky with Taya, but Taya ended that noise real quick, dominated her, and showed a new submission hold: a cross-leglock with a front facelock included. It got Lyn to tap out, and Taya scored the victory. However, as her back was turned, Tessa Blanchard comes out and attacks her. As she's going after Taya, Tolle and the rest of his staff come out to try and get her off Valkyrie. He then gets in Tessa's face after breaking off the attack, that she punches him, and starts choking him. All the officials yell at her to let him go, and they stand there, doing nothing, then IMPACT officials come from the back, and THEY do takes Gail Kim herself to race to the ring, hand yank Tessa off the ref. Just as a livid Tessa is about to get in Gail's face, Taya lands a spear, and Tessa rolls out of the ring, clutching the Knockouts Champioinship, as Gail is yelling at her to leave.
Okay...this is where i get pissed off. I'm okay if something is beyond belief to a point (long as it tells a good story), but when Tessa attacked another official...and then choked him, I get that. But when the OTHER refs are just standing around yelling at her....and letting her continue the attack, that's when it bothers me. Look...when Charlotte Flair attacked officials at the Survivior Series, Paige came on Smackdown two nights later and fined her for laying hands on the officials. Okay, that's fine. But to ME...this is ONE WOMAN with, I dunno, 4 or 5 OTHER guys in the ring...and add onto that, TWO IMPACT officials, who could've EASILY separated her from Tolle. I takes Gail Kim coming FROM the back to yank Tessa off. It's not like THEY had to hit her...just pull her OFF the guy. See...that's where the inconsistency and the situation becomes unreal to me. She's NOT that big a girl, and no matter how many men she tries to fight off, the numbers game should eventually take over. I know they're trying to push Tessa as this spoiled, entitled, bitch like diva who believes she's better than everyone else, and can virtually get away with anything. I know they're building her as something as a...for lack of a better word...chickenshit heel. But there are just somethings that, out of sake of logic, SHOULD happen, and don't. Not that I didn't mind a Gail Kim appearance---I'm AAAAALL for a Gail Kim appearance. But still---it just frustrates me. Now...what I wanna know is: what happens from here. Does she get fined? Suspended? Does she get stripped of the Title, or will Taya insist on some stipulation or will IMPACT themselves impose a stipulation as to where she cannot touch an official, or she'll lose the belt? Will she be fined for what she's already done? There HAS to be SOME logical reaction to this, in order to make the story believable. Otherwise, it's just a segment that ticks me off, because I find it hard to believe that 5 or 6 guys can't get ONE woman off of attacking a man.
We see a promo with Johnny Impact, talking about his toughest challenge to date: Brian Cage. He gives Cage props, and tells everyone WHY Cage is called "The Machine". He says he looks forward to the challenge, but that Cage will see why Johnny is the champion. Johnny's time is cut short when, out of nowhere, Killer Kross shows up again, to remind Johnny that Cage said he'd "do anything" to win the IMPACT Championship. He urges Johnny to hire him for his services, and Johnny, yet again, calls out Kross on his cryptic rap, and reiterates that he wants NOTHING to do with him. Tells Kross to stay away from him, his wife, and his dog. Johnny walks away.
The Razcals - Desmond Xavier & Zack Wentz, make their debut vs. Mike Sydal (Matt Sydal's brother), and Chris Bray. This match started off quick, with each team showing a succession of quick moves and some acrobatics. It became a little bit of a back and forth affair, but the Razcals managed to pick up the win in their debut with a unique combo moonsault. They look like a solid team----just stay away from the stoner segments, and they'd be good. Build these guys up seriously....don't make a joke of them. You've got potential there. IMPACT has the opportunity here to show a strong roster for their tag team division. Given time, these guys might be good enough to challenge. But for now, give them a slow build, a mid-card feud, and see what happens.
Kiera Hogan is being interviewed, and she isn't quite ready to give up on Allie yet. She still feels that there's good in Allie, and Su Yung hasn't driven it from her yet. Allie could've attacked her last week, but didn't. She said they both promised to have each other's backs. She begs Allie to fight Su's influence, and come home. We see that next week, Dark Allie makes her first appearance in the ring. I believe at some point, Dark Allie will attack Kiera, and I would LIKE to believe that, eventually, Rosemary makes her return....preferably at we can see her eventually face Allie---to save her from herself.
We head to Shady Acres Hospital, where Eddie Edwards has been sedated to prevent him from going on a mad spree to end Moose. Alisha Edwards is there, telling him she did what she had to in order to save him from going to jail. She hopes he understands, and would just drop this issue with Moose. He's unresponsive, and when she asks the doctor why he isn't talking to her, the doctor tells her that he needs to learn to let go, before he can be cured. He gets her out of the room, and eventually, Moose shows up, with what looks like a kid's book. Moose says he's a better man because Eddie isn't good enough to get the job done, and Alisha left him. So, Moose rubs salt in the wound more, as he says he's gonna check in on Alisha while Eddie's cooped up here. It's a bit hokey, but not out of the realm of unbelievability, since Eddie's had a SERIOUS mad on for Moose since Moose turned heel on him. Using Alisha to fuel the feud is a nice touch, and we'll see what more of a role she plays as this progresses. But there HAS to be a big sitpulation match between the two at the PPV.
Just prior to the main event of the night, Eli Drake comes out, and talks about how his issue isn't with Tommy Dreamer, but with IMPACT! Wrestling in general, and the state of wrestling in itself. But he's glad he must've hit a nerve with under his skin. He says he took care of Abyss, and he'll send Tommy out in a coffin tonight.
Matt Sydal and Ethan Page are talking about the past failures they've had over the last few weeks, and feel they're not on the same page. Sydal says the one way to ge on the same page is to wrestle Page in and X-Division qualifying match next week. Page agrees, and the student will take on the master.
It's main event time, as Eli Drake comes out to a chorus of boos, and then Tommy Dreamer heads out in black pants with polka dots....guessing he's trying to honor Dusty Rhodes with that get up. Eli gets some quick wrestling moves in early, but Tommy counters with wrestling moves of his own. Tommy eventually gets Eli into the corner, and proceeds to bite him. Eli eventually rolls out of the ring, and decides he wants NOTHING to do with Dreamer, so he takes the countout. Tommy's upset that he gets a cheap win. Just then, Josh Matthews gets informed from the back that the match WILL continue, only's no DQ! Eli's upset about it,
The match continues, and the action has poured outside, with Dreamer bringing out the foreign objects. He starts working Drake over with a trash can, uses the ring bell on Drake's crotch on the ring apron, and spits water in his face. Fans are changing "ECW! ECW!" as Dreamer continues to work Drake over, borrowing an old lady's cane and using the handle to drive up Drake's backside. Dreamer tries to do a Dusty bionic elbow, but Drake nails him, and starts to get some offense in. Tommy fights back and gets said bionic elbow in. Drake turns it around, hits Dreamer with a chair, but only gets a 2 count. Dreamer tries for a DDT, Drake reverses, and lands a slam on Dreamer right on the chair. 2 count. Drake wedges the trash can into the corner, but Dreamer reverses into a DDT. 2 count. Drake hits the Gravy Train, but Dreamer kicks out. He sees the chair, opens it up, puts Dreamer's head through it, and whacks him with a boat oar. Drake gets the pin and wins the match. Refs attend to an injured Dreamer as Drake walks up the ramp, and into the back, where he sees balloons, and a card with his name on it. He opens the card, and there's a note in it. He reads the note, and looks nervous, as he looks around to see if the person who wrote it is there. He then takes off, not wanting to stick around. Show ends.
The show had a couple good tag team matches to keep fan interest up, and the main event wasn't too bad, if not a bit formulaic. Still have no idea where they go with Eli Drake. Whether he's going to continue to just go after legends, or this little feud with Tommy Dreamer continues. And who left him the card? Who got him spooked?
I know earlier that I said I wanted believable storylines, and consistency. I know Allie's story is on a bit of the far fetched side, it's still GOOD storytelling, and everyone is playing their part WELL. There WILL be an endpoint, no doubt, but the journey we're on with this has been fun, and I'm curious to see where it goes---especially if we get another Allie/Rosemary match at some point, when Rosemary returns. It reminds me a lot of the Undertaker/Ultimate Warrior feud back in the day, where the Warrior enlisted the aid of Jake "The Snake" Roberts to help him conquer The Dead Man...only to betray him. It's great stuff. Sure it's not overly realistic, but if they tell the story WELL...and it's CONSISTENT...and the payoff IN THE RING is well done...I'm cool with it stretching the bounds of reality. Just look at the Broken/Woken Universe with the Hardys...or even Bray Wyatt. It's great if it's done WELL.
What makes me MAD is the SIMPLE things---like pulling a 130 some odd pound woman off of a referee...and refs being SCARED of said woman. THAT I find just flat out lazy and stupid storytelling. It's exactly the same kind of crap WWE pulls when officials or security guards come down in force, and try to stop Ronda Rousey, but won't go near her. You have THE NUMBERS! She may get a lick or two in, but there's MORE of YOU and ONE of her---same with Tessa Blanchard. And I don't put this on Tessa...she's doing a MARVELOUS job---both in AND out of the ring, being the major heel. She has taken every single trick her Dad Tully used back in the day, and has show audiences on how to be a genuine heel. I give the girl mad props...she's talented as hell.
One other little note I'd like to add: I'm glad IMPACT! isn't afraid to acknowledge the past...or even the competition. And anywhere Tommy Dreamer'll always get an ECW pop. But glad IMPACT! doesn't shy away from talking about other promotions, and even the Attitude Era, which was brought up tonight. I like that. Just means that they don't live in a bubble--like WWE wants to. Hell...WWE doesn't even want to acknowledge NXT on their main shows...and that's their OTHER brand...stupid.
So, before we close shop for this week, let's take a look at how the PPV on January 6th is shaping up:
IMPACT! World Championship: Brian Cage v. Johnny Impact (C)
Knockouts Championship: Taya Valkyrie v. Tessa Blanchard (C)
IMPACT! Tag Team Championship: The Lucha Brothers v. LAX (C)
X-Division Championship Match: TBD
You have 4 title matches...THREE of which SHOULD be really good. We'll have to see how the X-Division qualifiers go over the next few weeks. But this is shaping up to be a pretty decent show so far.
Alright guys, that's if for this week. Thanks for checking me out. Please subscribe and leave some comments...I'd appreciate it. And tell all your friends. It's cheaper than a doctor bill.
Until next week.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
THE FLASH - Season 5.7
REVIEW: THE FLASH - SEASON 5, EP. 7: "O Come, All Ye Thankful"
We all know Thanksgiving is a time to stop, reflect, and give thanks to what you have in your life. This especially is true when it comes to family. Particularly between Fathers and Daughters. In the case of this holiday edition of The Scarlet Speedster, it's the theme that runs through its very core.
We open up with Orlen (or Cicada as we all know), looking in on his young girl Grace. She is still unresponsive and in a coma. As he watches over her, we hear in the background in the hallway of the hospital near the room, that Barry Allen has arrived, on official police business, asking to talk to the parents of the girl. Dr. Ambers manages to lie to Barry, saying that Grace has no living relatives, and that the hospital is the closest parents she has. Meanwhile, Orlen is hearing all this, hiding behind the door. Once Barry departs, Ambers reminds Orlen that she can only lie to the cops for so long. It's also finally revealed that Grace is actually Orlen's sister. In a flashback, we see the CCPD knock on his door, and let him know that his sister died, and thus has his niece to take care of.
We take a break from Cicada and his troubles to see Thanksgiving at the Allen's. Apparently Joe, Cecile, and little Jenna are spending the holiday with her family (which reminds me...just how IS Cecile's OTHER daughter?! We don't hear about HER much, do we?). Barry and Caitlin are preparing a pie, and we see Nora and Iris walk in, all smiles from their girl day out. As they chat about their new manicures and pedicures, Caitlin talks to Barry about how the two have really started to bond. Barry notes that they've spent more time together than he has with Nora, but he's okay, because with it being Thanksgiving, he's planning on making this a family day Nora will never forget. It also turns out that Killer Frost can now appear at will and invites herself to dinner.
Iris tells Nora that the West family never misses a Thanksgiving. Nora then discusses the time Barry saved Central City (from Season 1), and Iris tells her there have been a few times where they thought Barry might not come back. Iris loves him dearly and respects him for what he does, but that doesn't mean she doesn't worry A TON. Nora starts to feel sad and unsettled with her mother's words.
We also see Caitlin and Cisco try to get Sherloque to dinner, but he declines, feeling there is nothing to be thankful for...with all his marriages, the debt piling up, and then turns to Cisco and Caitlin, and reminds them about how THEIR year has been, and why should they be thankful for anything.
Orlen is on the phone with Dr. Ambers, and she's telling him that with the heat from the CCPD on them, he needs to lay low and stay away from Grace. He says he'll do that after he's taken care of some business. In yet another flashback, we see Orlen on the phone, presumably with Child Services, unhappy that he's now the last living relative for Grace. He's not a happy person to begin with, and isn't prepared to be a parent of any sort. Grace overhears his conversation on the phone. She tells him she's hungry, and feeds her...though he isn't too great at it.
Team Flash gets an alert---there's a freak lightning storm that's happening around Mercury Labs, and Cisco notes that have a cold fusion core at the facility, and were it to be struck by any of the lightning, the city could be destroyed. Flash and XS are on the case as they race to Mercury Labs. They see the lightning, and Barry & Iris order XS to evacuate the building, while Flash gets the core. As Flash races to grab the core, a bolt of lightning comes down, and after he manages to beat it, and grab the core, he's hit by the lightning and is thrown back. XS reappears, and finds Flash out of it. It appears that Barry's heart stopped and he's in cardiac arrest. Caitlin orders Nora to rub her hands together to create lightning, and hit him with it in order to jump start his heart. After the first couple of tries, it doesn't work, and Flash flatlines. He appears dead, and Nora is frantic, crying as she continues to try and revive her father. She manages to revive him, and she's visibly scared to death, as we see Iris nearly in tears herself.
Back at the lab, and they're trying to figure out how the storm started, and they figure out that it was isolated, that it was created by an source very similar to what they've seen before...Mark Mardon, AKA Weather Wizard. He's still serving time in Iron Heights. Barry and Iris go to investigate to see if he's still incarcerated. Nora expresses herself to her parents, by saying that she didn't like the plan, and that someone else should be making the decisions. Iris is upset a bit, but Barry says it's best to let her calm down.
We flashback yet again to Orlen, who's now in the Principal's office of Grace's school. She apparenlty swore at another kid, and he was called in from work to deal with her misbehavior. He says that she shouldn't be saying the things she does, and she tells him why not----he does it all the time. She calls him out of the floor for always feeling miserable, drinking, hating his job. He retorts back that HE is the parent there, and she said that a parent is supposed to make things BETTER...and he isn't. She says she hates him and storms out.
At Iron Heights, Barry, Iris, and Nora see the Warden, who escorts them to Mardon's cell, where he's been all this time. They are still trying to figure out if he's managed to have visitors, or he's managed to escape or use his powers from there, and the Warden goes to get the security footage. As she does that, a blast rocks through the ceiling of the prison, and a young female with a staff emitting lightning lands in front of them...demanding to see her Dad. Turns out this young lady is Mardon's daughter. Barry zips Mardon out of his cell, and races him to STAR Labs, and locks him up in the Pipeline. He then races back to confront the young lady. She demands to see Mardon, and Flash says that isn't gonna happen. She says they only have a few hours to cough him up, or she destroys the city. She takes off.
Sometime later, we get another flashback of Orlen with Grace, where he surprises her with a new place to live. He says that he's working hard to clean up his act, and wants to be there for her. He also presents her with a dollhouse. They start to bond.
Flash and Mardon talk, and Mardon reveals that indeed, the young lady is his daughter, Joss. Mardon tells the tale of how he and Joss' Mom were in high school when she got pregnant. He left Joss with her Mom, just as he started on his criminal career. The team gets information on Joss...who's last name is Jackam, and she studied meteorology, but her highly questionable experiments got her kicked out of school. She apparently gained meta-tech when her weather vane got struck by a piece of the satellite from the Enlightenment. In order to stop her, Barry suggests giving her what she wants---her father.
They confront Joss, and she demands to see her Dad. As Mardon appears, Joss strikes Barry & Nora, and they both get flung away, getting hurt. Joss then picks up a car with her staff, and drops the car on Mardon. All she wanted to do was kill him, because---according to her---he was a "dick who abandoned me". Also, she had a falling out with her Mom, and bailed, thus fueling her anger. But the Mardon she crushed isn't really's a hologram run by Iris back at STAR Labs. This only serves to anger the Weather Witch, who vows to destroy and flood the city. She takes off. Barry and Nora recover. Barry makes light of not dying this time, but Nora is shaken up with having him nearly die the last time, and she gets upset with him and takes off.
On the roof of the lab, Barry and Nora talk. Nora finally reveals that she's angry at her father because he disappears, and doesn't even say goodbye. It was heartbreaking for her to lose her Dad, and not even get to know him. Barry tries to reassure her that the future she speaks of doesn't necessarily have to happen. She says the only way to stop it is to stop being The Flash. She went through losing her Dad once, she doesn't want to do it again. She cries in his arms, as he tells her that people need The Flash.
Yet another flashback to Orlen with Grace, and they're at the fateful day of the Central City Carnival, and they discuss about how his life has changed for the better, and all he wants to do is take care of her, and protect her. They start talking more about her dollhouse, when she looks up and sees purple in the sky. Orlen looks up, and starts seeing flaming pieces falling to the ground. People at the carnival are scampering for cover. Orlen grabs Grace and starts to run, but he gets hit. He blacks out, and when he awakens, he sees Grace hurt and unconscious. He then realizes he's been impaled by a sharp, dagger looking object. He gathers all the strength he can to get Grace to the hospital. He begs Dr. Ambers to look after her, and take care of her. She handles both of them.
Team Flash is still looking for ways to pinpoint Joss and stop her before she goes on a Weather Witch rampage. Barry and Iris discuss Nora. Barry feels that she makes a valid point, but Iris assures Barry that he'll make Nora understand. Suddenly, they get a lock on's showtime!
Barry is on evac patrol, trying to save as many of the citizens as he can. They eventually figure out that the only way to stop Joss is to use Weather Wizard's wand to counteract her staff. Nora races to grab it, and bring it to Barry. Joss arrives, once again demanding she get ahold of her Dad, but Barry refuses. She then starts creating a huge lightning storm, that will result in the city being destroyed. Nora gives Barry the staff. She finally understands what Barry must do, since there is a possibility that Joss can destroy him, and he might not come back. She tells her Dad to run. Barry takes off, and starts creating an airpocket to force the lightning upwards by running in a circle around Weather Witch. She then throws down a lightning strike from her weather vane just as Barry throws a lightning strike of his own, with Weather Wizard's wand in hand. Nora orders the people back, and there's a bright flash of light. Iris asks Nora if she sees her Dad....through the smoke that resulted from the lightning clash, we see Barry walk through with Joss, cuffed and taken care of. Nora, overjoyed to see her Dad, runs up and hugs him.
Back at STAR Labs, Barry is locking away Joss' staff in the Pipeline, and then they head to Thanksgiving. Barry has a heart to heart with Nora, and she finally realizes why her Dad is the Flash. Barry reminds her that the reason he does it is to protect the ones he loves---including her. She feels a bit more reassured, and says that if she gets good enough, she'll be able to save him. Barry says he doesn't doubt it. At this time, we see Caitlin, Sherloque, and Cisco, who decided to have an Anti-Thanksgiving, because Sherloque's messy life, and finding out about the history of Thanksgiving, managed to convince the other two NOT to celebrate. As they get drunk off of cheap liquor and bad food, Killer Frost emerges, and says that she'd rather have time with people who care about them, instead of being miserable, and SHE has less to be thankful for than ANYONE. She leaves, and eventually, Cisco and Sherloque join her. Thanksgiving commences at the Allen household, and all is well...for now.
We have one final flashback, as we see Orlen keeping vigil over Grace, having been wounded himself. Watching the news stories on tv about how the Flash saved the city from disaster. It doesn't sit well with him, and apparently, Dr. Ambers is no fan of metahumans, either. So that further angers him. All the news stories he watches about metahumans upsets him enough that his own powers activate, and the jagged piece of metal from the satellite flies into his hand. Surprised by this revelation, he decides that all metahumans MUST die. He promises Grace that he will "make things right".
Once more to STAR Labs, where Sherloque and Cisco present Barry and Iris with a "gift": Hosptial security cameras showing Orlen going in and out of Grace's room. Sherloque says that he's the only visitor she's had. They also find out his full name, Orlen Dwyer. Barry now knows who Cicada is.
This episode dealt with a very specific topic: Fathers and Daughters. And it hit home in so many different ways, which is why I liked the episode.
First of all...getting the full story on Orlen Dwyer, and how he came to his plan to destroy all metas, and became Cicada is tragic. Here was a guy who seemed down on his luck, hated himself and his life....then got a bombshell dropped on him in the form of his niece, whom he was the only living relative she had. At first, he didn't want the responsibility. But when faced with seeing her become more like him...he realized that he couldn't be the person he was anymore. He made drastic changes to improve his life, and she was his big influence. He actually became a BETTER person because of her. His was a life on the uptick, and was becoming a great parent before tragedy rocked his world. Now, the girl he's raising like a daughter is in a coma, not sure if she'll survive, he himself has issues with these now powers, and an anger stemming from a mere accident he had no control of. Dr. Ambers, while admirably standing by and taking care of BOTH of them like a mother hen, is also someone with issues, because she hates the metahumans as well. It only fuels Orlen's decent into madness. You have to kind of feel for the guy---even though he's going about everything in the WRONG way. He feels that killing every metahuman off is the "right thing to do", and feels just for it...all for Grace.
We find out another side when we see Weather Witch show up. This is another side of the angle, where we see a young woman feeling angry and bitter about her father abandoning her, and having a falling out with her mother, thus seeking revenge against the very man who created her. We see that Mardon thought he did the right thing leaving her with her Mom, but it doesn't excuse the fact he chose a life of crime over his little girl. He's nothing more than a deadbeat dad, and that's sad to see. There's a lot of those in the world, and it's a heartbreaking reminder that even parents can be cruel.
Then we have Barry and Nora. Nora has so desperately wanted to keep her Dad, that she's administered feelings of selfishness and often petulance this season. From having issues with Iris in current time, dealing with issues that technically haven't happened yet, to having felt abandoned by her father when he was lost in the great Crisis. She is desperate to save him at all costs. Her watching her Dad flatline, and having to rescue him from death was a wake up call for Nora....that the superhero game isn't a game...but a harsh reality. And now that she's seen first hand how easily it is to lose her Dad when he does what he does---and hearing the stories Iris reiterated to her about nearly losing him before...she'll give anything to keep him around---even if it means begging him to give up being the Flash. But she then understands WHY Barry does what he does---not just to save the city....but to save his family as well. He tells her that he's ALWAYS thinking of them when he goes into battle...but that's part of the job. And as much as he would like to guarantee that he'll be back, he can't make that promise...even when he told Nora the story about how worried HE got when Joe would leave for work---not knowing that it could be the last time. As much as Nora didn't THINK that was the same actually was. But ANY hero put in dire situations knows the risks---yet they do it anyway for those they love...and because it's the right thing to do.
I was REALLY bummed that Ralph was missing this week----what the hell is up with that?! He's a part of the team, AND he's family. As much as I enjoyed the comic interaction between Cisco, Caitlin, and Sherloque, this episode SORELY lacked in Ralph's banter and antics as well. Boo to the writing staff for not having him there. Also, still understandable why they chose to have Joe and Cecile at HER family's for the hoiday---Jesse L. Martin is still recovering from his surgery, and hope he's back soon---though I gotta admit; this episode would've been BETTER with a shot of Joe doling out some fatherly advice...especially to Nora. We need more Nora/Papa Joe time. But hoping Jesse will be back soon, and we'll have our beloved Flash patriarch back. Show isn't the same without him.
I like the fact that while Sherloque tried to bum everybody out with his Anti-Thanksgiving was Killer Frost herself to save the day there. If ANY character has a reason to feel like crap---it's her. But glad her and Caitlin are finally able to find a common ground. Plus...freakin' awesome to have her back!
Okay...your FLASH FACT of the day is all about our Weather Witch, Joss Jackam. In the comics Mark Mardon AKA Weather Wizard DOES have a child, but it's a BOY with a woman named Julie Jackam, who once had a steamy quick relationship with Wally West, but they didn't exactly leave on good terms. She was a cop in the Keystone Police Department, and she had a one night stand with Mardon, whom she did not recognize as the Weather Wizard. She had their son, Joshua. She was raising the child by herself, when she was killed by one of Cicada's cult followers. Many thought at the time, with the apparent powers Joshua possessed, that he might actually be Wally's. But Julie never told anyone about the father. She was the partner and friend of one Fred Chyre before she was killed. He was eventually named guardian of the child, even though Mardon tried to take him back. She made her first appearance in FLASH #170, and was killed in the same issue.
I hope you guys enjoyed this blog (as well as the plethora of others I have written over the last month and a half). Please subscribe and leave to hear from ya! Plus, to my friend Jocelyn....always love the videos, gal!
Until next time, folks----keep on running!
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
I can honestly say one thing for sure: The Legends know how to have a good time, and this show finds the camp in almost every episode. It is certainly taken a drastic turn from the semi serious hero show we got in the first two seasons. It definitely has become the wink of the eye show, and never does take itself QUITE too seriously.
This week's installment certainly had it's fair share of comical moments, especially with the newest member of the Bureau---food server Mona, as well as from our merry band of misfits. We get a little romance, a little semi heroic fun, an appearance by a historical legend, and our monster of the week.
We start at the Bureau, where Ava is giving the newest member of the team, Mona, our erstwhile food server from the past several episodes---and Gary's crush--the lowdown on her new job---feed the magical beasts, but DO NOT fraternize with them....that INCLUDES their newest prisoner---Nora Dhark. All Nora wants is just peace and quiet and to be left alone. Ava is quick to remind Mona that they are not there to make friends with the prisoners.
Ava is catching up on paperwork in her office, when she gets a knock on the door. It's Sara in a white trench coat, with a slinky little lingere number and stockings underneath. Sara is looking for a little office playtime for Ava's birthday, and Ava looks game, until she hears Hank Heywood come in to break her out of her dreamlike haze. Heywood is crunching the financial numbers of the Bureau, and wonders just why it takes so many of the heroes aboard the Waverider to complete a mission. He feels the Legends are costing them money, and wants to make certain cuts there if needed. Sara is jabbing Ava underneath the desk when Ava is at a loss for words, then Nate comes in on the conversation, and it turns out that Nate says Hank should take a tour of the Waverider, just so he can justify that the money is being put to good use. Sara immediately calls to the ship to tell them Hank is on his way for a surprise inspection...and hurries herself to get aboard to meet up with him. And since Nate is tagging along, Sara ALSO reminds them to space Charlie someplace, so Nate doesn't see her.
The crew is frantically trying to spruce up the ship for Hank's arrival. When he arrives, they start giving him the tour, including introducing him to a new and improved Gideon. Hank isn't impressed thus far, and wonders why it takes so many personnel aboard the ship to complete these tasks. Meanwhile, they're trying to divert Nate and Hank away from the lab where Charlie is, so that Nate doesn't see her. It fails miserably, however, when Nate does see Charlie, who's minding her own business. Nate calls her Amaya, but she slaps him, and gives him what for with her natural English accent. Nate is told the truth that she isn't Amaya, but a shapeshifter who's powers were taken out by John.
Sara says the plan is to impress Hank, prove to him how they're all needed, and that the budget for them is justified, and send him on his way. They then spot their next target: a monster causing havoc with the timeline in 1927 Paris. It's off they go. As they arrive, they get into costume for the time, and head to a bar, where they try to get clues as to where this monster might be. It's there that Hank actually geeks out when he sees his hero, Earnest Hemingway, drinking in the corner. Off he goes to chat with is idol, as Nate and the others are trying to find out more about the monster who's been seen creating terror amongst the citizenry. They end up getting info from Salvador Dali, who says he's seen the monster.
Aboard the Waverider, Zari, John, and Ray are trying to get Charlie to blend in, so that she doesn't have to be put in prison back at the Bureau. It's not really working. And they all realize that the reason they're on the ship is because they're useless. Ray is intent on seeing Nora, so he borrows a pod to go and see her. Once Ray is there, he isn't able to see Nora, but Mona, who happened to see him, said she'd help him out.
Sara ends up dragging Hank away from Earnest, and Nate explains to him that they need to investigate more about this monster back on the ship's library. Hank isn't having it, and says that it isn't necessary. Mick, who joined Earnest for a drink, comes over with him, and Earnest hears about the monster. He decides they need to go hunting for it. Sara is dismayed when she realizes she's going drunk hunting.
Mona heads to Nora's cell for a delivery, and a letter from Ray. Nora refuses to read it, because she isn't able to reconcile with those feelings. As she orders Mona to leave, Mona accidently sets off the alarm in Nora's cell. Ava catches this on her monitors, and off she goes to Nora's cell. When she gets there, she wonders what's going on. She sees the letter, and is about to read it, when Nora blasts her with her magic. She didn't want to, but didn't want Ava reading the letter, either. Sadly, that traps all 3 inside the cell.
Charlie and Nate then run into the Fitzgeralds, who see Nate and Charlie are as dysfunctional as they are. They talk about the monster, and Nate and Charlie are off to investigate. Meanwhile, Sara, Mick, Nate, and Earnest are at the location where the monster was spotted, and are prepared to shoot it. Meanwhile, Charlie and Nate figure out the monster is a Minotaur. Nate goes to rescue the party, but in the process, Hank gets injured, and Sara gets everyone out of there.
As Hank gets subdued and healed, Sara and Nate work together to find out how to beat the Minotaur. Sara is glad Nate is there to help.
At the Bureau, all three women trapped in Nora's cell are bickering about their lives. Nora complains about being the daughter of an evil scorcerer, Ava gripes about being a clone and really having no family, and Mona---she says this is what she wants to do, but law school is her fallback plan. Both Nora and Ava have different opinions about what Mona should do. When no one can agree on anything, Mona decides to break out a bottle of champagne, and Ava's birthday cake.
Nate and the crew finally figure out how to defeat the Minotaur....they need to lull it to sleep. Nate comes up with a lute, figuring that will be the way to stop it. Hank feels it's a dumb idea. They get into an argument, and Nate feels it's all about Hank wanting Nate to be more like him. Hank feels he has the right idea, and that Nate is weak. Sara sides with Nate on how best to handle the beast. She also says that if Hank doesn't like it...he can fire all of them.
Back in Nora's cell, all 3 women chat about their lives, and they see that they're not all different. Ava and Mona encourage Nora to open the letter...only to find Ray himself stuck to the tape. Ava isn't happy, but Ray fixes the lock on the cell, and everything works out.
Back in Paris, the team goes to put the Minotaur to sleep. As they confront the beast, Nate starts playing the lute, only to have Hemingway interfere. Sara punches Hemingway out, and now they have to deal with the Minotaur. Both Nate and Sara confront the Minotaur and do battle, but Hank grabs a guitar and breaks out James Taylor's "Sweet Baby James". It does the trick, as the Minotaur collapses, out cold for the night.
Back at the Bureau, as Mona visits Nora again, Nora gives her a letter for Ray. Ava agrees with Mona that things need to change a little bit, and they need to treat the prisoners with more humanity.
Hank finally sees the value in the Legends, even though they do things in a roundabout and unorthodox way. He's satisfied with what he's seen and he heads off. Nate and Sara chat, and Nate believe that as much fun as he's had on the ship, he still feels his place is back at the Bureau. Sara tells him to not be a stranger, and off he goes after the pizza party. But not before toasting with Charlie, saying that in time, she'll fit in. Giving her his approval.
There was quite a bit going on here with this episode, and some of it on an emotional level from SEVERAL characters.
Ava is still dealing with the fact that she's a clone---and hard as she tries, she still doesn't feel whole or even human at times. Nora was quick to point out, though, that she DOES head the Time Bureau, and she has, while she lacks a formal family, it's not like she's going without.
Nora is doing all SHE can to avoid her growing feelings for Ray. She's wanting to pay her penance for not only HER crimes, but her father's as well. Her's is a story of redemption. And right now, she's scared of her growing feelings for Ray. But after this installment, she might be lightening up.
Mona is such a weird character to shoehorn in here. I kind of half expected her to show up sporadically like Gary (who was absent from this episode), just to provide comic relief. I still have this sneaky suspicion that there's more to our prisoner caretaker than meets the eye. But hey, I've been wrong about this stuff before. We do get a little more insight on her, like wanting to spur law school for THIS job?! Seems crazy to me, but she's a quirky one. Still unsure about her and where she fits in to the whole grand scheme of things.
Ray is in love....there's been no doubt about that since last season. Also goes to show the lengths he'll go for love...including mailing himself in a love letter. How sweet. Even Nora had to appreciate that one. But will this romance be allowed to bloom?
Nate finally standing up to his Dad was needed, and showed Hank just how versatile his son is---and also allowed Nate to show that Hank did right by him. Hank himself was a hoot this episode with the singing of James Taylor to save the day. Thomas Wilson is a credit to his craft as an actor. He's always had incredible comic timing, and he pulls it off here---as well as showing us he's not a bad singer. Still not trusting on Hank because we KNOW he's up to something no good---but for now, we see that he's bonding with his son. I think he also had a blast being on an adventure with the crazy and unorthodox as things got...they got the job done.
As much as Amaya was annoyed with Nate at first, they still worked well together, and him giving her his blessing is a step in the right direction for her. He knows she has a worth, and is giving her the chance to prove it. Now, if only John can see his own worth...which I think he does, because he figures NONE of them will be able to complete these tasks without his help down the road. Zari knows she's like the babysitter when Sara is gone.
Sara is getting sluttier and hotter by the day. I wish she'd walk into MY office like that...shame she's only interested in Ava...*sigh*.
That's all the fun we had with our team this week. Was another fun installment, and look forward to next week. As usual, I thank you all immensely for the views, and please pass them along, subscribe and don't be afraid to comment.
Same time, Next week...
ARROW - Season 7.7
REVIEW: ARROW, SEASON 7, EP. 7: "The Slabside Redemption"
There hasn't been very may episodes of Arrow where it's just been a straightforward story with no side plots. This whole episode took place in Slabside....and we got A LOT of action in this one.
Starting things off, we have Ollie waking up to the prison guard letting him know he's getting released in a few hours. Meanwhile, on the outside of the prison, we see a prison truck arrive, with Ricardo Diaz in it. The other guards welcoming him to the prison inform him that Oliver is being released today, which Diaz knows. Then the guard handling him turns around and shoots the other guards on duty. He's one of Diaz's stooges. He asks the guard to get him a disguise---his plot to end Ollie is underway.
Stanley is glad Ollie is back in general population, but want's his help in getting out of prison, knowing Ollie is going free later. Ollie, though, knows that Stanley killed the guard Dunbar, and had Turner set up. Stanley says he did what he thought Ollie would do. Ollie reminded him that he belongs in prison for what he did. As Ollie goes through his last day in Slabside, Brick is quick to remind him that it won't take much to put him back there. From there on, he goes to see Turner, and lets him know he was wrong about him. Turner feels Ollie doesn't care, but Ollie says as soon as he gets out, he'll talk to Lyla Michaels to see if he can get Turner released. Soon, Ollie gets a notice from the guard that he's got a visitor. It's Diaz!
Ollie and Diaz verbally square off. Diaz wants to make him suffer for what he's lost, and after he's killed Ollie off, he'll finish what he started and kill Felicity and William. Ollie gets enraged, and starts punching the glass, breaking it. He's subdued by the guards, and despite telling them that it's Diaz, he gets shocked for his trouble and thrown back into his cell. In his cell, knowing Diaz is on the loose, Ollie takes a bar of soap and some shampoo container, with a piece of chewing gum, and he plans to get out of his locked cell to go looking for Diaz before he causes trouble. Ollie's plan works, busts the lock on his cell door, and out he goes to look for Diaz. The guards go to stop him, and he warns them that it's a bad idea. Diaz is loose, and they will want no part of that. The guards don't listen and attack, so Ollie retaliates, and handles them easily. He takes off looking for Diaz with the guards in pursuit.
Prisoners in the yard are on their knees, subdued by the guards. Then, Diaz appears dressed in a guard's uniform, and tells the inmates that they were locked in cages, and that it's the guards' fault. He kills the guards, and tells the inmates to rise up and start taking over the prison, to kill all the guards. As Ollie is still looking for Diaz, he runs into Sampson and Brick, whom he starts to handle with ease, until Brick sprays him with mace. They start working him over until Turner appears out of nowhere and holds them off until Ollie recovers. Ollie and Turner make it to a break room, where they have lockers for the guards. Ollie tries to send a signal out, but Diaz is ahead of him, and has the Longbow Hunters jamming the signal. Diaz has a hostage, and he tells Ollie not to listen to Diaz. Ollie urges him not to hurt the man, but Diaz slits his throat. Diaz says he will kill everyone he has to, and have that weigh on Ollie's conscience.
Turns out, Ollie and Turner discover that Diaz is in the mess hall, with about 30 guards hostage. He asks for Turner's help, but Turner says they're not friends, but he will help because he wants Ollie to get him out. As they make their way to the mess hall, they wade their way through a slew of prisoners whom Diaz let out to overtake the prison. They save a few of the guards, and Ollie has Turner take them to the panic room to get them to safety. Ollie is once again headed towards the mess hall, when he gets stabbed in the leg by Stanley. Stanley drugged him. When Ollie wakes up, he's bound to a shelf, as Stanley tells him that he did what he had to do. He didn't want to be left in prison with the likes of Sampson and Brick. Ollie tries to play Stanley enough to recover. He tells Ollie that the only way out is through the morgue, and that they can go...and Stanley can be Ollie's partner. Ollie gets Stanley close enough to kick his legs out from under him, and knock him out. Ollie frees himself, and it's back to seeking Diaz.
Ollie finds Turner, in another room, where he starts grabbing sodas, and thinking of a plan to get Diaz. Ollie feels he's been compromised ethically, but Turner reminds him that the Ollie of the past only saw things in black and white---this Ollie knows there's a gray area.
In the mess hall, guards are being strung up and battered severely. Brick heads into the control room to find Diaz putting a timer on the wall near the electrical box. They both commiserate about how much they hate Ollie, and hate that he won't die. At that point, Ollie shows up and calls out Diaz. Diaz meets him, and proceeds to lay one on Ollie. Ollie takes it, and says that's the only one he's getting. The inmates then rush Ollie, and he starts swinging a pillowcase full of soda cans at the prisoners ala Sean Penn from "Bad Boys", and starts mowing them down. Meanwhile, Turner has shown up to free the guards, and meets up with Brick and they fight. It doesn't last long, as Brick gets his behind handed to him. While Ollie and Turner are finishing off the inmates, Diaz pulls the electrical power feeds from the wall, and puts them together, causing an electrical fire. Everyone starts heading towards the exits, and Turner helps them. When he asks what Ollie's doing, Ollie says he's going after Diaz. Turner hands him his shiv and says, "No half measures."
Ollie finally finds Diaz, and the final battle is on. Diaz is taking it to Ollie...but he's also got a little enhancement thanks to the serum he took a couple of episodes back. Ollie's really taking a beating, and gets thrown from the 3rd level to the main floor. As he's writhing in pain, attempting to get up, Diaz stabs him. Ollie, who's already wounded from several lacerations at the hands of Diaz, and now having been stabbed by a half pair of scissors, gets kicked into his cell for good measure. Diaz tells Ollie he's weak. He then taunts him by telling him that Felicity tried to kill him when he was caputred...and blamed Ollie for it---saying that HE made HER that way. Ollie hears enough, and fights back. He eventually stabs Diaz and wounds him greatly. Ollie then shuts the door to the cell...takes one last look at Diaz...and walks off. Diaz is defeated.
Brick is in the morgue looking to escape, when he notices Stanley behind him. He says neither of them have to stay, and as he's ready to escape, Stanley stabs him in the side. Stanley says he's not going anywhere, as he hops out and escapes. When all has settled down, Turner is back in his cell, and the guard thanks him for the help. Turner can just only stare, thinking that he actually did the right thing this day.
We finally see Ollie walking out of Slabside....beat up, battered as hell, lifting his head to the sky and closing his eyes to feel the sun and fresh air on his face. As he looks down, he sees Diggle and Felicity waiting for him. Felicity slowly walks up to him, caresses his face, and they kiss as Diggle looks on. Ollie is free.
This episode was loaded with action, and it was something that had been given to us in small doses thus far this season. But Ollie's redemption, and his willingness to die for what he loves most---his family---is what drives him this episode. The action scenes were intense, very well shot, and it was Ollie at his Green Arrow best---without the arrows. It was also nice to see him working with Turner--aka Bronze Tiger--again. Those two seriously kicked some tail, and they worked well together, even though they're on opposite sides. However, we can honestly say that prison DID change Ollie. Instead of always seeing black and white, as Turner pointed out, he now sees things in shades of gray. How this will effect Ollie down the road is another thing. But hopefully, there's growth from Ollie from this experience. It was good to see Turner being able to busts some heads...Michael Jai White is a superb action star when given the chance, and he plays Turner extremely well. I can see the revival of The Suicide Squad coming, and I've no doubt that will be his calling if Lyla gets him out...just call it a hunch (and remembering him from the comics).
Stanley is a dirty little bastard, isn't he? He doesn't quite understand what it was Ollie did on the outside as Green Arrow. But he feels more the victim, than those he killed he believes it was any of the killings Ollie did of criminals---which WEREN'T justified, even when back then, Ollie had thought so. But I feel that Stanley will seek revenge on Ollie for slighting him. Thus, a new villain for Ollie to deal with.
Hopefully, this marks the END of the Diaz saga. Diaz's story as a big bad started midway to late last season, and carried over to the first 7 episodes of this season. It's a bit of a long haul to tell a story, but I think, at this juncture, it's done. I have heard several complaints about people hating Diaz, and that's justifiable---he's a murdering bastard, and annoying as hell. My problem was this: he ALWAYS seemed one step ahead of our hero, and Ollie didn't EVER get the best of him until this episode. For all the training Ollie had done before he became the Green Arrow, it amazed me how a low level thug at the time like Diaz suddenly became his equal. That was always my problem with him. But, this story arc NEEDED to end----it had run its course. Of course, that still leaves the Longbow Hunters at large, and we'll see what THEIR fate is now that Diaz is locked up or dead...I couldn't tell at the end of the episode, but I didn't see him die fully.
The director made great use of the lighting and shooting techniques to really deliver an intense situation in the prison...especially when everything broke down and the rioting began. The fight scenes were crisp, and it wasn't too dark, but just dark enough...especially during the electrical fire. I was very pleased with this episode.
With that said, what is next for the Emerald Archer? How will his time in prison, and the apparent changes mentally and emotionally, have an effect on Oliver as he tries to ease back into private life (he doesn't have the weight of being mayor on him anymore, so he's free to move about). And will this spark a reunion of Team Arrow? And the aforementioned Longbow Hunters? And what will we see in the future timeline arc with William, Roy, Dinah, and Zoe? Questions we'll have to wait to get answered.
Anyway, thanks for always checking in, reading the blogs, and I hope you share with your friends, and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't be afraid to comment or share some of your thoughts and theories....I'd love it!
Until next week....keep your sights on the bullseye!
Monday, November 26, 2018
SUPERGIRL - Season 4.7
REVIEW: SUPERGIRL - SEASON 4, EP. 7: "Rather The Fallen Angel"
Agent Liberty's plans have begun to take root and escalate, putting the Girl of Steel and her friends on the defensive, as they try to stem the tide of hatred for the alien immigrant community before all out war breaks out. However, Agent Liberty is looking for his ace in the hole: James Olsen and his identity of Guardian. Meanwhile, we see Lena Luthor working overtime to see if she can harness the special heart she has to see if she can cure diseases, and see if she can grant normal humans superpowered abilities.
We open up this edition with what appears to be a theft by the Sons of Liberty at a factory containing fission rods. Turns out, Manchester Black caught them in the act, and now he looks outgunned. As he attempts to fight back, Supergirl comes in and rescues him from being shot. When they manage to question one of the Sons of Liberty, he says he was told to either rob the fission rods, or grab whatever shipment they were looking for off the docks. As Supergirl is about to call in the DEO, Black urges her to push forward with the investigation, citing that it will take the DEO too long to react to the situation and find the clues needed. He says they should work together, and Kara says she'd be in touch.
James finally gets his one on one with Agent Liberty. When he tries to obtain answers, Agent Liberty turns to him and says that he wants James to be the face of his movement. That HE is the hero and face they need against the aliens. He wants James to destroy one of the monuments that represents the aliens' freedom and new life on Earth. James doesn't answer, and Agent Liberty gives him time to ponder it. When he leaves James, he finds out that his agents have indeed obtained the fission rods necessary to his next plan. He gets everything set up so that he can kill Supergirl the following night.
Lena and Eve Tessmaucher have found a subject willing to go through with the experimentation. Lena meets the young man, and as he tries to chat her up, she just refers to him as "Subject 0331". He tries to coax more info out of Lena, but she just refers to herself as "Dr. K", and has him read the waiver she wrote up for him to sign, by using his thumbprint. He does so, and continues to press on with his questions, especially about when he'll see the doctor. Lena reveals SHE is the doctor.
Back at the DEO, Kara has Brainy and Alex start a search for whatever the plans are for the fission rods, and anything else they can dig up on this shipment that supposedly came into National City the other day. Alex manages to get Kara's attention to show her Ben Lockwood's show on TV, "The Lockdown", where he in fact, flat out accuses Supergirl herself to be the problem. This upsets Kara dearly.
James manages to escape from Agent Liberty's compound, and with Tom, head out to where Liberty plans his next attack. It turns out to be Shelley Island, which is like Ellis Island, only for aliens. James thought they closed it down years ago. Tom said he didn't think they'd go this far, and it isn't what he signed up for. James said that he isn't going to do what Liberty wants, because he doesn't care about his reputation, only doing the right thing. He knows who he is, and will never compromise that. However, Liberty's guards have them surrounded, and he shows up, ready to kill Tom. James says he'll do what Liberty wants---as long as Tom isn't hurt.
Supergirl and Manchester Black arrive at the shipyard, looking for clues to where the mysterious shipment might be. Having done his own digging, Black and Kara find the container that housed whatever it was that came in. However, when they open it, it's empty. Kara does a scan with her x-ray vision, and notices a piece of paper underneath. She lifts the container, and grabs what seems to be a reciept or piece of the manifest. They are spotted by someone, and Black chases after him, about ready to bludgeon him to get information. Kara stops Black before he throws a punch, and reads him the riot act on what they DON'T do. Black is upset the man got away, but that's the least of Kara's worries. She's now very concerned with Black's behavior, and she feels it was a bad idea to include him. She takes off.
Back in Lena's lab, the young man is still chatty with her, trying to get her to spill her guts, asking about how many others volunteered. Lena reveals he was the only one worth enough. He was chosen because he has no care if he lives or dies. He reveals that he doesn't feel like a worthy guy, because his brother died because of him. He talks about how he needed a kidney transplant, and his brother was a match, so his brother sacrificed himself for him...but his brother died on the operating table unfortunately. Lena sympathizes with the young man.
Kara is at home, with a failed attempt at baking a pot pie when Alex strolls in, giving Kara the lowdown on some bodies of the Sons of Liberty that went missing. That had busted jaws, and several other abrasions. They're also trying to get more info on the shipment label she found, but nothing yet. J'Onn comes over, and talks about how Black felt abandoned by her, and that he just wants to help. Kara asks J'Onn if Manchester is a bit too intense, and would be willing to kill to achieve their goal. J'Onn assures her that he just wants to help, and to give him a chance.
Kara visits Black with a peace offering (her burnt to a crisp pot pie), and says she'll give him a chance, and work with him again. He talks about Fiona, and Kara wishes she could've met her. Brainy calls in, and lets her know that they couldn't find out what was on the label, but it had traces of a chemical that, if used in a specific way, could be used in a nuclear bomb. They discover that they need to head to Shelley Island, where they plan to blow it up. Kara feels the need to call the DEO in on this, but Black tells her that, yet again, they'll be discovered and nutrealized upon arrival. The decide to head there alone.
Lena comes back with food for Subject 0331, who's name we find out is Adam. After some Big Belly Burger, Lena fesses up about what she's trying to do. Hoping she can find a cure for disease, as well as maybe giving some metahuman abilites to humans, that could possibly counterbalance any potential war (how naive). He still doesn't feel like the right choice, but Lena convinces him otherwise.
Kara and Black arrive at Shelley Island, where Kara knew that there were power dampeners on the island. However, she came prepared for such an occaision, by having taken pills for her Kryptonian physiology. Black says this was the place where Fiona first came when she arrived on Earth. This is where they found the fission bombs. Kara starts feeling weak, and just on cue, the Sons of Liberty arrive and surround both Kara and Black. Turns out, Black set her up so's he could have a meet and greet with the head honcho. Kara is captured and chained so she can't use her powers, even in her weakened state. She finds out that he set up the whole theft of the fission rods just to get her attention, and it worked.
Lena is treating Adam and prepping him, while he still lays on his guilt about not saving his brother, and feeling it was his fault. She assures him yet again that it wasn't, because no one had any idea that his brother would die. It was unfortunate. She then tells Adam about HER story, about how she lost her mother when she was four. How her mother drowned, and all she did was watch, not being able to do anything. Then, how she was taken in by the Luthor family, realizing how evil they were, and having to spend her life trying to rectify their wrongs. The sad part is that she felt she BELONGED with the Luthor family.
We see Lockwood ready to prep another show, talking about the death of Supergirl at Guardian's hand, and how it will spell the movement for the humans to rise up against the aliens. He gets a knock at the door, telling him that the crew is almost ready. At the same time, Manchester Black arrives at a door, and meets with Agent Liberty. He talks about how he gave up Supergirl, so that he could find out what happened to Fiona. Liberty has his guards show up, and Manchester shoots them all, and faces Liberty, who, when his mask is removed, is NOT Ben Lockwood, but one of the other Sons, taking his place. Black isn't amused, and wants to know where his boss is. The agent says if he gives the leader up, he'd be betraying him, and Black says that well, disloyalty should be rewarded accordingly.
While James, in Guardian gear, arrives at Shelley Island with the Sons of Liberty, ready to do his on camera explosion of the island, we see Kara trapped inside, trying to get out, but having trouble due to her powers being on the fritz. She does, however, manage to dig her hands into the wall and climb up, getting to the window, where she pounds on it to get James' attention. Just as James does his lip service to the camera, and prepares to set off the bomb, he hears Supergirl just in time, and starts fighting the Sons. Black has also been on the island, unhappy that Liberty didn't uphold his end of the bargain, and starts destroying the power dampeners, allowing Supergirl to escape, and take the bombs off the island before they exploded. In the melee, J'Onn confronts Black, feeling betrayed, and Black slaps an empathy enhancer on him, showing him Black's emotional downward spiral. Black says that if he has to live with this pain, because of Fiona's death, he has not heart now, than J'Onn will live with it as well. Black disappears. Back in his office...Lockwood is pissed that his plan got foiled by both Guardian AND Supergirl.
At Lena's lab, she decides to let Adam go, and forego the experiment. After becoming close to him and hearing his story, she can't, in good conscious, have him go through with it, for it's too risky. But Adam reiterates to her that he lives with risk daily, not knowing that one day, his body will reject the liver. They then begin to proceed with the experiment.
Kara and James talk. She feels upest by Black's betrayal, and how things have gotten out of hand. She's frustrated. James lets her know she did nothing wrong. HE, however, feels he compromised himself in order to get to the truth, and that nearly cost Tom his life. He feels Lena was right about what she said about him, and Kara urges him to go to her, and make up.
Back in her office, Lena is weeping, despondent over the fact that Adam did not survive the trial, and she grieves for him. James shows up, hoping they could talk and patch things up, but Lena just isn't in the mood. She says they'll talk tomorrow, and gives him the brush off. James gets it, and agrees. He leaves.
J'Onn shows up at Kara's, upset at how he let her down, and how foolish he felt about trusting Black. He lets her know that Black killed those Sons of Liberty men, and that he should've listened to her. Kara tries to assure him that it wasn't his fault. Meanwhile, we see Manchester Black roll up on a motorcycle to Lockwood's Metal Plant....finding the hideout of Agent Liberty, after he found out Ben's secret ID.
This was a pretty powerful episode from an emotional standpoint, as emotions on all sides ran high. There were some things everyone was working through, at least from the main players in this episode.
Kara's disbelief and shock that Lockwood would try to turn public opinion against Supergirl, blaming HER to be the cause of the growing alien population. That, added on the distrust she had of Manchester Black, and she's starting to feel a bit jaded about how people act in certain situations. Kara may be wise in a LOT of ways, but she's also still a young adult---still learning as she goes, and doesn't quite have the perspective that her cousin Clark has. But we cheer her on, anyway, because she is our heroine. Also wasn't much action from her tonight---she's been very limited in caped action lately, having to rely on her smarts and ingenuity to get out of messy situations. I know many of us want to see a knockdown, drag out super hero fight, but often times, the big point about super heroes, and what makes them so "super" most times ISN'T so much the powers they's how they can deal with situations WITHOUT using them, and STILL being heroic. But I feel that as this season progresses, especially with the Elsewords crossover coming up, and the Red Daughter storyline we've yet to get more movement on, we're going to see Kara in kick ass mode soon enough.
Plus...I just gotta say this: Kara is a klutz in the kitchen. Woman can't cook worth a damn!
We finally see the true colors of Manchester Black in this episode. He's out for revenge...pure and simple. There is no justice for this man. He will not rest, and will do whatever it takes, bend whatever rules he needs to, in order to achieve his goal. And nobody better get in his way.
Lena's story this episode was heartbreaking. The bonding between doctor and patient, so to speak, was sad, but it seemed to help humanize Lena even more. While we still can't totally approve of how she's going about everything...thus that Luthor infulence in there...we know her heart is in the right place. Her connecting with Adam and hearing his story, allowed us to get a background check on Lena's origin, and it's a tragic one. The fact that she felt she BELONGED with the Luthor family, despite their evil ways, is kind of a dark part for her. But it allows us to see her in a different light...even though we all fear the path she's going down might be an "ends justify the needs" kind of route, but we will have to see.
James' desire to seek the truth not only landed HIM into hot water, but the man he befriended as well, Tom. Tom showed his naivety by believing the rhetoric of Agent Liberty, and didn't realize the criminal things he was going to be asked to do in the name of said "Liberty". James thought he was taking the right route, by trying to expose the plot from within, but only managed to put himself in the crosshairs himself. Lena's desire to protect him at all costs, he didn't like, but now he sees where she was coming from. There's still much to patch up between those two, and not sure if they're past the point of no return, but, again, we'll have to see.
It's not often we can say J'Onn J'Onzz is naive...but that's what we found out this episode...than even J'Onn is imperfect, and is prone to trusting the wrong people...which is what he did with Manchester Black. Whether or not this gets J'Onn back in the least from an outside help...remains to be seen.
We see Lockwood's larger plans at work, but we also see how unraveled he can get when things go awry. Watching Supergirl disrupt his latest attempt to use the aliens as a warning shot to go to war with them failed, it probably won't take long before he loses control completely, and everything he's worked hard for will be exposed for the world to see. It's usually when the villain faces defeat on several fronts, that they start losing their sense of reality and control...thus, becoming more desperate, and, in turn, more dangerous. But right now...he's still got all the cards, and he's not done playing yet.
Alex was in the background this episode, as was Briany....they were there for a short bit, but only to drive the plot along. Not always a bad thing. Also...was nice that this Tom character realized that the lager plan isn't what he tought it would be...and that there were consequences to his actions. Hopefully, he sees that violence is NEVER the answer to a problem...unless there is no absolute way to avoid it.
As I said, it was an emotionally charged episode with SOME action, but moreso just moving the story along to HOPEFULLY, its conclusion soon. This does NOT need to be a season long arc. If you break the season up in two arcs, it makes for a much mor entertaining show. And I think that all the DC shows are starting to take their cues from Marvel and what they do with Agents of SHEILD. Therefore, the season doesn't get completely bogged down, you can tell more than one huge story, but you can also have tiny plots here and there to continue developing the characters. That's good storytelling.
That does it for ME, and I hope that if you guys have enjoyed my blog here, PLEASE subscribe and pass it along...I'd be eternally grateful! Also, don't be afraid to comment...I love the sharing of ideas and's what makes this stuff FUN!
One more thing....if you haven't checked out my friend Jocelyn's youtube page, where she reacts and reviews our shows, give her the once over...the link to her page is here:
Don't forget...Elseworlds in two weeks!
Until next week however...Up, Up, and AWAY!
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