Thursday, October 31, 2019
REVIEW: THE FLASH - SEASON 6, EP. 4: "There Will Be Blood"
Team Flash is having a VERY hard time right now with one thing: reconciliation with things beyond their control....mostly Barry's impeding death in CRISIS. Everyone is dealing with this problem in their own way...and not very well. Even Barry is still trying to reconcile it in his own way, as is Iris. The REST of the team, however...dealing with it poorly. This episode, outside of Caitlin/Frost's coping with it last week, deals with how everybody ELSE is managing with the news. Meanwhile, Ramsey Rosso is determined to cure himself of HLH...even if it means going through unscrupulous means and violating the very Hypocratic Oath he took as a doctor to save people. And we get more details on just what in the hell Nash Wells is up to.
Ramsey Rosso is a scared man---scared of death, scared of winding up like his mother. We see through various flashbacks this episode the time he spent working with his mother on a cure, only to watch her come down with it. As she tries to inform him that he can't cheat death, he refuses to allow that to happen to himself. She sees his solution for a cure, but involves Dark Matter, and she doesn't approve. He's not going to allow himself to fail. So, while using the blood he got off Romero to aid in his search for a cure, it's coming up short. He's realizing that he needs more blood. So, he raids the hospital to find fresh samples. Sadly, that also does not work, as he tries combining the blood with Romero's but to no effect.
Joe is called to the hospital, as it is now a crime scene, and Barry's there investigating the break in. He doesn't find it unusual, and Joe decides to take his leave. Joe is also not dealing with this eventual death of Barry very well, either. He's trying to be stoic for everyone on the team...but even Joe is human, and can't hide the pain he's going through.
Barry is trying to get through to Cisco this episode, and prepare him to lead this team when he's gone. Cisco just won't come to the realization that he CANNOT save Barry. He refuses to go down swinging. Barry wants his help in trying to find a cure for Ramsey Rosso. Cisco reluctantly agrees, and it's just then that Nash Wells shows up. He's a multiversal explorer, and knows of a way that they can cure HLH...and it's at McCulloch Industries. All he asks for is to have Cisco build him a chip for his own experiment. Cisco and Barry uneasily agree to the deal. At McCulloch industries, Barry disables the perimeter security. As he does that, Cisco asks Nash if this serum would be able to counteract antimatter. Nash says yes. They break in, and look for this serum that can only be stored in minus 15 degrees. Cisco plants a beeper beacon on the way into the lab, and uses it to distract Nash and Barry, as he extracts the serum. He then tells Barry that the serum isn't there. They had back to STAR Labs, where Nash still wants Cisco to hold up his end of the deal. As Cisco does so, he can't make eye contact with Barry. Barry notices, and then notices that there's a cooler that just happens to be at minus 15 degrees. Barry finds the serum, and the two argue about Cisco using it to save Barry's life. Barry feels that Cisco is maybe the wrong person for the job. He wanted to do at least ONE good thing before he died. Cisco storms off.
Iris has been doing her usual thing, and being the great investigative reporter she is, got a lead of Ralph's missing person's case--Sue Dearbon. However...Ralph just isn't in the mood at the moment, and Iris passes it off. She bumps into him later, as he's about to stuff his face, and he again gives her the brush off...saying that there's no point in it, if there's no future to look forward to. She's also dealing with this potential loss of her husband, as she is watching the team fall all around her.
Barry visits Ramsey, and gives him the serum, and tells him to take it before it goes inert. Barry tells him that they need people like him in the world. Barry takes off, and Ramsey tries the serum, but it has no effect, either. His blood is just too mixed with the Dark Matter, and the serum won't help. But he realizes that he can stay alive by doing what he was sworn NOT to do: kill. He must feed on live bodies that produce enough epinephrinde...meaning when people are at a heightened fear, the blood will release this chemical. He decides to make that critical choice, and he knows where to get A LOT of bodies.
Cisco has a heart to heart with Frost, who tells him that you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Joe also has a chat with Ralph, who tells him that while he can't save Barry, he can at least save SOMEONE...meaning Sue.
The team gets wind of a disturbance at the hospital...lot of dead people. Flash and Frost arrive to confront Ramsey...who has control of the dead bodies like zombies, and has them attack Frost and Flash. Ramsey thinks HE is meant to live forever...HE is the answer. Flash tells him that NO ONE lives forever. Ramsey disagrees. He ends up killing the doctor there, before he takes off. Flash and Frost realize that they needed Ramsey, and without him, their bodies dissolved into an ooze. Ramsey is on the run, and the Team has his face out there...knowing they have to stop him before he kills again.
Ralph and Iris have one more chat---and he apologizes for his behavior, but says thanks for her help, and he'll inquire about Sue's whereabouts tomorrow. Barry and Cisco also make amends, as Cisco realizes that Barry is making the tough decisions---decisions that he hopes Cisco can make for the better of the team. Cisco wonders how he does it.
Barry and Joe have a talk, and it's here that Joe breaks down. He feels that considering how many times Barry has saved the city, he doesn't deserve this death. He deserves better. It's not fair. Barry assures him that no, it isn't fair, but it's what he does. It's because of Joe that Barry learned to be a good man...that Barry learned to be The Flash. Joe weeps, and is just not ready for Barry to be gone. They embrace.
Wells is down beneath the streets of Central City, tracking his "prey". Turns out, his crypto-key comes across a wall down below...and it shows the location of where The Monitor is hiding out. Nash has found what he was looking for---and wants a little chat.
This was the most emotionally charged episode of The Flash to date. While they didn't get Bloodwork, they know they're up against the clock before Ramsey strikes again. It's an interesting allegory we see come across this episode: Coping with life and death. We take the case of Ramsey---who IS dying of the very same disease that took his mother. While she ended up accepting her fate with grace and dignity--and decided to live her last days to the fullest---Ramsey is the polar opposite. He feels that if he dies, his life will have been for nothing. So...he goes to the very extremes to cure himself---even if it means destroying the very person his mother raised him to be, by violating the very oath he swore to protect and heal people. His own callous nature about death and his fear of it allows him to tread to the path of evil in order to survive.
We also look at the others who're now dealing with the very real reality that Barry Allen will be gone from the Earth in six week's time. Iris is trying to be strong for EVERYONE...not just for herself, but Barry as well. It's why she fell in love with him. She knows the story...she's written it...or WILL write it. But it doesn't mean she isn't hurting. But she's understanding of Barry's fate more than anyone else.
Caitlin/Frost - as we saw last episode...Frost has been out to play more--to have a life of her own, and she's upset she doesn't get to live it before she starts it. But she gets WHY Barry is going to the lengths he's going to. He needs her. But wants her to live her life as well.
Ralph is taking it hard. Hard enough that he's giving up looking for Sue Dearbon. When Iris gives him the lead, he just doesn't care anymore---thinking the whole thing is pointless. he states...not like he's going to fall in love with her (great foreshadowing here). But Iris presses, because this case has meant so much to him. But leave it to Joe, to break through to Ralph, and get him to realize that, while NOBODY can save least Ralph can save, save Sue. Ralph takes up the case again at the end.
Cisco is the one who flat out refuses to accept fate. Cisco won't let his best friend die...and feels there's a way to prevent it. When Nash gives him the idea about the serum being able to save Barry, he jumps at it. Even if it means lying to his best friend, he will do it. Barry is trying to make Cisco understand that when HE is gone...Cisco is going to have to be the glue, the leader, to keep the team together. Cisco can't comprehend how Barry can make these hard decisions. Barry reminds him that it took him YEARS to learn. Cisco will too. But trust me...I seriously doubt Cisco will give up looking for a way to save Barry---it's just not in his nature.
Seeing Joe finally break down this episode was toughest of all for me. To see the very stoic and wise father figure of this team break down and cry...for not wanting to lose his son, to feel it unfair that life is being taken away, after all he has given to the MANY worlds. We see Barry this time having to be the strong one. I teared up when I saw this. It's just tremendous acting all the way around with this cast. This episode hit me in the feels big time.
Overall, the quality of this season is showing. The acting is stellar as usual, and we're really going through the struggles as the team is. NONE of us want to say goodbye to Barry Allen...and we have NO IDEA how CRISIS plays out. Mind you...The Monitor said that for the universe to survive...THE FLASH must die. Now, while he may have been talking to Barry Allen of Earth 1...who's to say it won't be Jay Garrick? Or even Barry Allen of Earth 90? He wasn't killed in the ELSEWORLDS crossover...just sent back to his own world. I know we will see him again before the CRISIS is over. And IF we are saying "goodbye" to Barry...where is Wally? Wally is the heir apparent. I keep wondering about Wally's fate as well. We have not heard a PEEP out of Wally this season. Keep an eye out for that.
Okay guys, that does it for this installment. Subscribe, comment, pass the good word around...all that jazz! I appreciate it!
Until next week....keep on running!
REVIEW: ARROW - SEASON 8, EP. 3: "Leap Of Faith"
Oliver Queen's world travels landed him in yet another familiar place this week as he continues his final globetrotting journey before facing CRISIS. Tonight, we see the return to Nanda Parbat, and more familiar faces. In another part of the world, Diggle and Lyla work a mission to save Ben Turner's wife and kid, while facing uncertainty, and our Future Team Arrow hits back at Connor's brother JJ and the Deathstroke Gang. Everything tonight being done by a leap of each other and themselves.
Ollie has travelled to Nanda Parbat for answers about The Monitor...what his intentions are, what his story is. We see that he bumps into his sister Thea, who has been at war with Athena for control of Nanda Parbat. They chat over what's going on, and Ollie shows Thea her niece Mia. She misses home, but knows she had to close the Lazarus Pits. Roy has been off the grid, and she hasn't seen him lately. Ollie fills her in on the details, and she hasn't an answer, but knows who might. They head out and eventually meet up with Talia al Ghul and the League of Shadows. Ollie asks her about the Monitor, and while she doesn't know, has an idea as to WHERE Ollie might find an answer: Ra's stronghold. She leads them there, because she is owes a debt to Ollie.
Diggle and Lyla are chatting about what's going on with Ollie's mission, and watching the end of an entire world. However, they find out that Ben Turner (our resident Bronze Tiger), is working a mission for ARGUS, and his wife and son, Sandra and Connor, have been kidnapped by a man named Abdul Mordoc, and held in Kasnia. They can't risk Turner being exposed or killed, so they take it upon themselves to do the mission solo....though Diggle would've preferred Lyla sent in an ARGUS team to extract them. It's their chance to spend some time with each other---while performing a rescue.
We jump to the future, where New Team Arrow is trying to figure out what it was JJ wanted. William managed to get away from JJ's troops, but not before he got what he came for: the names of everyone involved in the Unification Initiative between Star City and the Glades. JJ wants to destroy them all, and rule Star City AND the Glades under his thumb. Mia's plan is that they go back to the Deathstrokes' hideout, and hit them before they have a chance to carry out their plan. Not the wisest of decisions according to both Connor and Zoe, but nonetheless, they're a team and they stick together.
Ollie, Talia, and Speedy are in Ra's underground catacombs, and come across an empty room. Athena had stolen what she wanted, but left the very parchment they were looking for. They manage to decipher it, and it mentions about a Phoenix rising. Just then, Ollie burns the map, and it turns into another map. Just as they're about to continue their quest, Athena shows up, ready to kill. I should note that during this time, Nyssa is off on another mission, and not available. Athena wants the map, and Talia hands it to her, and a battle ensues, with Talia using a smokescreen to help them escape. She ended up memorizing the map, and it leads to another secret hideaway, where a sacred sword has been, which gives the wielder control over EVERYONE. Ollie warns Speedy to stay behind at the camp. Thea reluctantly agrees.
Checking back in with Diggle and Lyla, they have made their way to Kasnia, and work a party at Mordoc's place, discovering that he DOES have Sandra and Conner locked away. They discuss the whole issue about John having watched a world die, not knowing if he can change the future. Lyla tells him to just live for today, and make the most of it. Everything will be fine as long as they have each other. He's on board, and they doll up to crash this party at Mordocs, finding a way to break in and help Sandra and Connor escape. They manage to break in, and get to Sandra and Connor. John helps them, as Lyla creates a distraction for them. She manages to take out a couple of guards before Mordoc's henchman, whom Lyla killed his father, recognizes her, and is about to kill her until John takes him out. The mission accomplished, they get Sandra and Connor to safety, as they themselves head home.
Future Team Arrow enter's the Deathstrokes' hideout, and William needs time to hack into their system. He and Mia talk, and she admits that she's doing this to protect HIM, because he is the only family she's got. The Deathstrokes return, and it's finally showtime. Mia enters to face JJ again, and they battle, but it doesn't go well, as JJ gets the drop on her. He's got a knife to her throat, when Zoe comes in all Canary like, and diffuses the situation, only temporarily. as JJ is disabled, Zoe asks if bleeding, is okay. As Mia says yes, Zoe is stabbed by JJ. Zoe falls into Mia's arms, and she tries to keep Zoe alive. Meanwhile, JJ and Connor fight, Connor determined to kill his brother. As Mia holds Zoe, trying to get her to stay alive...she dies. Connor gets JJ down, and is prepared to kill a white light shines on all of them.
We circle back around to Ollie, who has now traveled with Talia to this new hideaway. Talia, however, still seems to think Ollie is after the sword, and she nails him with a knockout dart. When he awakes, Thea is there, and they make their way up the side of the mountain to cut Talia off at the pass. During this time, Ollie and her have a long chat about what their parents would think of them. Thea reminds him that they made their choices, and look how things turned out. You can't go back to change them...just have to move forward. They know the risks. Eventually, they catch up with Talia, who was herself captured by Athena. They enter the catacombs, and make their way down to where the sacred sword is. Talia and Thea go to find the answer that Ollie is looking for, while he runs interference with Athena. However, Talia and Thea fight over the sword, as Ollie manages to subdue Athena and her men. Talia manages to wound Thea a little, but Thea gets the upper hand and manages to get Talia to yield, thus winning the challenge for control of the sword and all of Nanda Parbat. They find the ancient document that says of the Monitor not being the one to save the CRISIS nor prevent it...but is instrumental in it actually happening. Ollie knows that if he can stop him, he will. Talia is about to depart for the League of Assassins, and Thea, now in control, tells her that it's better if the BOTH of them turn the League into a League of Heroes...especially in the wake of this upcoming CRISIS. She agrees. Ollie and Thea bid a tearful farewell, and as soon as Ollie leaves...there's a bright light.
When the bright light dissapates, they're back in the bunker...with some younger individuals. Turns out---present and future meet, as Mia and William look upon their father, with Team Arrow looking upon the kids.
This season is definitely a sentimental journey for all us fans. And tonight was no different. While I was disappointed we got no Roy or even Nyssa...we got Thea. And THAT was a big focal point for me. It was LONG overdue for Ollie and Thea to have brother/sister time. This whole episode was worth it. We got to see how much Speedy has grown, and how she's become a complete person. And to give Ollie some advice about life...nice twist. For her to best Talia al Ghul in battle---was also nice. Thea, being very well aware now of the upcoming CRISIS...decides that her and Talia need to work TOGETHER...unite Nanda Parbat into a heroic force. So, Thea coming full circle was great. Was also nice to see Talia..willing to play both sides to get her own foothold. But in the end...she is bested by her better.
Diggle and Lyla running what may very well be one last mission together before he actually finds out HER real role in all this, was sweet. Leave to Lyla who not only consoled Laurel last week in regards to losing her own world, but to console John as well. John is uneasy about his role in what's coming. He feels it's bigger than him, and doesn't like that he has no control over it. But Lyla assures him that whatever happens, as long as they're together, things will be fine.
The future Team Arrow just doesn't know how to get out of it's own way. Mia, try as she might to be a leader, is making even bigger mistakes than Ollie did during his foray as Green Arrow. It cost them Zoe, so it appeared. As for Mia and William...their bond is stronger. They have faith in each other. Now that they, as their adult selves, get to see their's going to be interesting this next episode.
Again, this season is just hitting us right in the feels. We're seeing some old faces one last time, and saying goodbye to our Team, as they prepare for CRISIS...and Ollie's eventual passing. This season has been quality thus far, with more fun stuff to come up to jerk some tears out of us.
Again...thanks for checking the blog out. Please subscribe and pass along the good word. Leave some comments too! And hey! If you get a chance, check out my friends over at TheEverydayNerdPodcast, and give their show a listen! Also, a terrific website for the nerd in all of us!
Until next week...keep your sights on the bullseye!
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTNING - SEASON 3, EP. 4: "The Book Of Occupation - Chapter Four: Lynn's Ouroboros"
I will say this about Agent Odell---he is one shrewd bastard. He certainly has taken to his role as the ultimate Puppet Master of Freeland. Aside from initiating Martial Law in the town, he's also got the people scared about the Markovian threat, rounding up all the metahumans "for their own protection", and, of course, turning Khalil into a true killing weapon. On top of ALL that---danging the Pierce family on strings like marionettes. This episode shows just how sadistic he truly can be. And the Pierce's are paying for it. Meanwhile, Gambi FINALLY has a lead on his attackers...all too familiar as well.
Odell has done a MARVELOUS job this season getting the most out of the pieces on the chessboard before him. He's got Tobias rotting away in a cell, trying to obtain the briefcase that is currently in the hands of Tobias' rival, the Tattoo Man. He's got his agents swarming Freeland under martial law, rounding up anyone and EVERYONE that doesn't pass their metahuman detectors. Such is the case with one of Jennifer's schoolmates, Tayvon, who's taken into custody as a meta right in front of her. And when the principal tries to warn off the ASA guards, he gets popped in the mouth for his troubles. This is oppression at its finest. Something Jennifer was willing to turn a blind eye to, since Jefferson was so willing to allow himself to be taken into ASA custody to be poked and prodded. The young man Jennifer gave the grand tour of Garfield last week, was highly opposed to the ASA, saying that it didn't matter WHERE, WHO, or WHEN....terrorism is terrorism. Of course, during the course of this episode, Odell plays upon Jennifer's fears and naivte' in regards to the bigger order to use her in his war against Markovia. We see him send her a clip of the Markovian Army committing acts of terror, getting her to sway his way. At the end of this episode, we see him give her a revamped suit with no limitations as to the barrier around Freeland. We see, at the end---something isn't right. Does she finally see through the veneer of Odell?
Anissa is dealing with Grace, and their relationship, as Grace is still having issues. Things don't get better when Jefferson makes an appearance at her new pad, finally meeting Grace firsthand. He's not happy to know that Grace knows all about Anissa's secret, and that Anissa's running around as Blackbird, making her mark on the streets. She has to reiterate to her father that she is NOT responsible for that, but for the renegades smuggling meta's OUT of Freeland. They have a heated debate, which causes Grace some grief. Jeff was unaware that Grace was a meta. Anissa kicks him out, and consoles her girlfriend, saying that, no matter what, they're in this together.
Jefferson has a hard time readjusting to the outside world after being in ASA custody. He witnesses firsthand the brutality of the ASA soldiers, as Jennifer dismisses it during their trip to school. He finds out through the principal that he's now the guidance counselor...with a raise...which pisses the principal off even more. To add onto that, he and Lynn STILL aren't talking, as she's spending MORE time at the lab, and the aforementioned argument with Anissa. He DOES manage to be in touch with Gambi, who finds a way to nullify the tracker in Jeff's watch. Gambi is still looking as to who tried to kill him, and has been working even more covert than before. Along with Jeff, he concocts a plan to get into the Pit...but also, along the way, work with Anissa to help Tayvon and the others escape. Henderson and his officers lend a hand---by doing nothing---as Jefferson, Anissa, and Gambi help the refugees escape. Odell warns Jefferson that if he has ANYMORE involvement with the escape of metas...he will take his girls and experiment on them.
Odell isn't happy that ASA weapons are being hijacked, and sends Painkiller on a mission to find out the guilty party. He tracks down a man named Sinzale, whom he kills...along with two men from the ASA who took a payoff from him.
Odell has one other hand to play in this episode against Jefferson...and it's against Lynn herself. In her desperation to try and find a cure for the Meta Virus, she was using Green Light, and extracting certain properties from it...much like how CBD oil is made, and giving it to the patients. She noticed that anyone with Green Light in them showed high brain she tries the serum on herself. It gets to be so bad that she becomes completely dependent on it. She may be having a higher brain function, but she hasn't slept, and while she's seeing progress in her results, she's now become an addict to Green Light herself. As it turns was all the work of Odell---who had spiked her drink, who had layered subliminal messages to get her to take Green Light. He has EVERY angle covered...outside of grabbing Blackbird...whom he has NO IDEA is Anissa. But he now has the Pierce family dangling...and nothing Jefferson can do to stop him at this point.
This show is really hitting on all cylinders right now. High drama, some really great action, a VERY cunning and devious villain in Odell (let's face it, the son of a bitch IS the villain), and a story that can very much reflect ANY society on this planet right now. The heightened fear of the citizens, the overzealousness and abuse of power by the ASA agents (the female leader to takes over the precinct in this episode---don't like her at all), to Odell's overlord mentality. It hits a little close to home in what can potentially happen in this country when a leader gets too powerful, and enslaves its own citizens for what THEY believe is the "common good". Using propaganda (as Odell did with Jennifer), to curry public opinion to their cause with fear. There's a very realistic fear in this show, outside of the superhero aspect of it.
This has GOT to be my favorite season of the series so far...and we haven't even gotten into the Markovian side of it yet. But right now...this is the show worth watching if you have been sleeping on it.
Thanks once again for checking me out. Subscribe, tell a friend, and PLEASE leave a to hear from ya!
Until next week...the Power is OUT!
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
REVIEW: SUPERGIRL - SEASON 5, EP. 4: "In Plain Sight"
The twists and turns the Maid of Might's show has provided us so far this season has been crafted beautifully. We're getting a pretty decent balance with our cast of characters, a story that's very personal to J'Onn, but it effects everyone else. We have Kara trying to figure out her co-worker William Dey's deal, and then there's Lena and her plan to re-map the human make everyone be honest and never lie. James is finding his way.
So...some things you just can't take at face value. Some things are hidden...even in plain sight.
We last left Kelly and James departing National City to keep Kelly away from Malefic's reach, since she is now getting visions of him in her head. They head back home to Calvintown to spend time there. They get more than they bargained for when they see their hometown in despair. Crime is up, and there's a big prison that looms in the background. They head to their aunt's house, only to find out a kid had broken into the house, and had been squatting there for awhile. He bails before they get a word in edgewise, but bump into him later at the local market, as he's about to make off with a can of food. Kelly helps him out, and they talk to him. His name is Simon, and his mother was put in prison for 10 years for a minor theft charge. Seems that the whole town is in fear of those running the prison, including the local paperman whom gaved James his start. He says that the people who run the prison keep the townfolk in fear, and if he were to say anything, he'd lose his paper, and the employees he pays would lose their jobs. James pulls some favor to get Simon's mother a lawyer, but says he has to head out of town. Simon is disappointed.
We see Kelly walking through National City just as Malefic pulls up on her, looking to kill her, but it turns out it was J'Onn in disguise, and they fight. Turns out, J'Onn brought the Super Friends with him, and Supergirl attacks Malefic. Briany tries using the Phantom Zone projector, but it has no effect. Malefic escapes. They head back to the DEO, and Alex is insistent on using the Verdec Blaster on Malefic. J'Onn is hesitant. He believes Brainy can fix the Phantom Zone projector. Brainy struggles with the repairs because his mind is on his relationship with Nia. After a couple of failed attempts, Alex calls upon Lena to lend a helping hand. Lena, however, has her own ideas, thanks to Hope's observations about how Malefic's abilities to incept his prey can be used to further their own experiments. Lena heads to the DEO to lend her "help". After yet another failure, Brainy is frustrated. But leave it to Lena to play her card, and warm up to Brainy to help him in his relationship woes with Nia. She tells him to take a break, and she goes to work on adjusting the Phantom Zone projector her own way.
We get a little investigative journalism from Kara and Nia, as they have been keeping tabs on William Dey. Turns out, the digging they've been doing on him has him meeting a woman named Elena Torres in Mexico City. Kara zips down there, and finds him in a meet with a mysterious man. She sees a car accident, and it's too late for Elena. Later, Kara searches Elena's apartment, only to have a woman with mysterious wind powers attack her. She re-enters as Supergirl, and they fight, only to have this meta nearly choke Supergirl to death, until the Girl of Steel pushes a table at her, incapacitating her. Kara DID manage to grab a clue: a set of numbers from Elena's desk. Supergirl flies the meta to the DEO for incarceration. Nia and her then discover that the numbers are for an offshore account that Elena had been stashing money in, as well as someone else, but they didn't know at the time. She was an accountant with Obsidian Industries.
While at the DEO, Alex is approached by Malefic in disguise, and is incepted. She later confronts J'Onn, and berates him for his actions, after Malefic had manipulated Alex. J'Onn is upset and blames himself for Kelly getting caught in the crossfire. He talks to Kara about it, but she reassure's him that he did nothing wrong. J'Onn is glad that he had confided in Nia, and that she told Alex, but Kara tells him that Nia has been with her working all day. They discover Malefic got to Alex, and she is in danger. The team rallies up, and Malefic calls J'Onn, and wants him to to meet at the planetarium alone. At the same time, Kelly, who is connected to Malefic and can see him through his shapeshifts, knows that Alex is in danger, and she and James head back to National City to help out. The reach the planetarium, and face off against Malefic. But he's manipulated the audience, and they start shooting the DEO weapons at the team. Supergirl tries to repair the roof, as J'Onn tries to restore Alex, which he does. Meanwhile, Brainy, James, and Kelly try to help out the civillians, and disarm them. Supergirl finally helps out, and just as Malefic sees the Phantom Zone projector, J'Onn reaches it, and sends Malefic away.
We get back to the team having a get together, and it is here that James says goodbye to everyone as he has bought the paper back home, and decides to run it, and clean the town up. We see him back there with Simon---giving him his old camera, and telling Simon to NOT call him "Chief"...but Jimmy.
Kelly and Alex are happy again, as well as Brainy and Nia---as they finally reach an understanding about their relationship.
Kara confronts William after searching his apartment, and sees an investigative board. He says that he's really working for the Times in London, and that he's undercover at CatCo to get close to Amanda Rojas and Obsidian, who he believes is dealing shady, and may be in cahoots with Intergang, which is the man whom Kara saw earlier with him. Turns out, he's an undercover CIA agent. Elena is his mole, and they had to fake her death in order to get Intergang AND the Rojas Family OFF their trail. He makes Kara swear that she never saw anything, and that she won't reveal his true intentions. He believes in her writing.
Lena had packed up after the victory over Malefic, and took a little prize for herself as she left the DEO. Turns out...Malefic WASN'T zapped into the Phantom Zone---but to her lab! She feels that her and him can work out something.
Yet another solid episode this week, and we got a lot more out of just WHO William Dey is, and what he's been up to---it also sheds light on the background of Amanda Rojas and HER family as well. Like the title plain sight. Things aren't always what they seem, but people hiding in plain sight. It also applies to the connection that Kelly has with Malefic (or had...not sure she still has it, but we'll see). She can spot him for who he is regardless of what form he takes.
Lena is defying everyone and playing her role in her plan to re-write the human brain. She's willing to compromise her ethics for science and for the "betterment" of mankind---pretty much the path everyone supervillain takes in justifying their law breaking and willingness to forego moral ethics. She's embracing the Luthor name more and more. Her soul is being lost more and more every day.
Kara and Nia's investigative skills get to be on display this episode. I liked that! Two co-workers on the trail of a story that involves yet another co-worker. William Dey has been a tad mysterious, but his revelation to Kara was HUGE. I wasn't sure how long they'd drag that out, but glad they brought it out into the open sooner. Perhaps, the three of them combined will be able to expose the truth about Amanda Rojas. But I gotta know---who was the meta chick with the wind powers? Could that have been Windfall...a character who appeared in Batman & The Outsiders comic? Either way, she was just a villain-of-the-week that didn't last very long.
Malefic brought up some major points using Alex as his medium...making sure to rub salt in the wounds of J'Onn. J'Onn felt guilty enough, but Malefic went out of his way to bury him emotionally. Had it not been for the support and love of both Kara and later Alex...J'Onn might not have gotten through this one.
The story is getting better as we hunker down into this season----and we haven't even gotten a Monitor sighting this season. He's already showed up to hand down task after task to Oliver Queen, and told Barry Allen that he WILL die...what about Supergirl? What is to be the fate of Kara Zor-El? We've yet to begin to peel back the layers of this season. I can't wait to watch it unfold.
Once again, can't thank the lot of you enough for your continued support of this page. I appreciate it, and would love it MORE if you subscribe, tell your buddies, and leave a comment or two.
Until next week...Up, up, and Away!
Monday, October 28, 2019
REVIEW: BATWOMAN - SEASON 1, EP. 4: "Who Are You?"
The Lady Crusader's opening season has been quite an interesting ride so far. A couple of twists and turns, and now we're seeing Kate Kane fully step into her role as the new protector of Gotham...but not without her share of hiccups. Meanwhile, dear sister Alice is continuing the mind games agsinst her family, Sophie wonders about who wears the cowl, and Kate's got two dates: one with Regan, the bartender...and with the thief Magpie.
Magpie is the new villain of the week, though we know Margaret Pye is not going to go away permanently. We see her open up the show committing a robbery, and making off with her stolen goods with the use of little magpie grenades she made from a printer. Vesper Fairchild is on the radio wondering just WHERE Batwoman was when this was going down. We get our answer as Kate and new galpal Regan are snuggling up after spending the night with each other. Luke ruins it all by telling her she's needed at the cave. So, she asks to have lunch with Regan later, who agrees.
Luke and Kate discuss Magpie, and her penchant for shiny things. Luke also grills her on where she was. They also decide to check in on Alice's boy toy, and he's not doing so well. So Kate--as Batwoman--dumps him off at step-sister Mary's underground clinic. Mary's not thrilled with the idea, seeing as THIS is the man who nearly killed her. But she's willing to help Batwoman out. Batwoman takes her leave.
Catherine Hamilton-Kane has had QUITE a lot on her plate lately. Being a part of Hamilton Dynamics' R & D Department, as well as being the head of the investigation into the missing Beth Kane. She knows she lied about Beth being dead, but is taking extra precaution by having her grave exhumed. Low and behold, here comes Alice...looking to play. She wants the weapon that Catherine had built, but shelved. She's also got Catherine by the nose, as she will expose Catherine to dear old Dad if she doesn't give her what she wants.
Magpie is at it again, and this time, Batwoman is there to meet her. The two have a brief little tussle, as Magpie looks to escape using her printed grenades. Batwoman doesn't fare well as she uses the batarang against Magpie, but it doesn't do its job, and destroys a valuable vase. Magpie escapes. Vesper is all too willing to grill the Lady Crusader over the airwaves the next day, as Kate and Regan meet for lunch. They talk about life, and Regan mentions the area where she used to live in, until the rich fat cats came in and took everything over, forcing people out. Luke again interrupts her, and Kate hastily makes a date for the museum gathering later that night, which will feature Martha Wayne's pearls.
Jacob Kane is listening to the musical piece Alice played for him the other night. Sophie interrupts him, to inform him that someone on the inside used explosives from Hamilton Dynamics to break Alice free, and destroy the convoy.
As Luke is awaiting Kate, he gets ambushed at Wayne Tech by Magpie, who makes off with Martha's pearls. Kate was too late to get there, but she reaches out to Sophie for help. They discover that Magpie uses a printer to make her grenades and has explosive ink in it. Not too many places they can find that unless she secretly orders it. They trail it to a PO BOX, and they're on the hunt.
We swing back around to Alice, who just happens to invade Hamilton Dynamics looking for the weapon. She's met by men hired by Catherine, but the incident doesn't go well. One of the men ends up losing a couple of fingers in the process--as a message to Catherine from Alice. He says it isn't worth the money, and tells Catherine she's on her own.
Mary, having Alice's Mr. Wonderful all tied up, and doped up enough, listens to him start to drop some info about Alice. She decides to play along as Alice to gather some info, which she then relays to Batwoman, who came back to check on him. She chips him for good measure, so now they can track his whereabouts.
Batwoman discovers Magpie's hideout, which is cryogenically protected. She enters and manages to find the pearls, and Luke tries to get her to download her server. Just as she's doing that, one of the feathers from Magpies suit floats up, and Kate sneezes, setting off the alarm, and an explosion happens. Batwoman escapes.
Kate is really struggling trying to balance her personal life as well as her life as Batwoman, and asks Luke how Bruce managed. Luke tells her that the playboy act was just act. Bruce used it to make excuses, but all in all, Batman was who he really was. Much for her to ponder on.
Batwoman's overseeing the gala from above when she spots Regan. She forgot about her date! She races down to the gala and switches back to Kate and meets up with her. They chit chat, and bump into Sophie, who's on security detail Reagan and Sophie meet face to face, which is awkward for Kate. The gala starts with Martha's pearls, and as they're on display, Luke is back at the cave printing out a copy of Magpie's new bomb. Turns out, the bomb is the pearls. Luke never gave the museum the real ones back once Kate retrieved them. They fall off, and start to go off. Batwoman is there to prevent the explosions from causing damage due to her suit. Meanwhile, Sophie and the Crows are getting civilians to safety. Batwoman chases after Magpie, who tries to escape, but is finally brought down by Batwoman. The Lady Crusader bails, as Magpie is taken to jail.
We later on catch up with Kate and Reagan, who wants to have something with Kate, but she needs her to be honest. Kate tells her she's got a lot on her plate right now, and can't commit. Such is the life of one who wears the bat-cowl.
Catherine goes to see her husband, and she finally fesses up that the bones her investigators found were NOT human, but yet she signed off on them being Beth's, so that Kate and Jacob would get on with life, and stop trying to find Beth. Jacob lashes out, tells her to leave, and continues to listen to his and Beth's musical piece as he cries, finally knowing the truth.
Kate decides that she's going to get into real estate, and buy up the properties abandoned, and give them back to those less fortunate. Luke knows nothing about it, but Kate says that he's her partner now.
This was a decent episode that pushed the story along, and everyone got their chance on center stage. Kate is now coming to the rationalization--as Bruce did many years ago--that having a social life is not going to really happen. The call to protect Gotham carries a greater weight, and that is where Kate's mindset is at the moment. I feel that--in a sad way--she kind of USED Reagan as a way to fill that void where Sophie was, but it was only fleeting. She now realizes that her social life is on hold...if not gone permanently.
I like that Mary was more involved this week. I still feel she's going to be a member of the team once she finds out Kate is Batwoman. She's integral to this story...especially since she's taken over as the sister now that Alice is on the other side of the fence. She was brazen this week, but love her development.
We still continue to see tension between Kate and Sophie. When will her husband find out about the two of them being an item in the past? Eventually, all will be out in the open.
Alice is good at playing her cards---and she has a few against Catherine, and wasn't afraid to play them. Catherine is on the defensive now, because not only does Alice want her toy to wreak havoc upon Gotham, but to teach Daddy Dearest a lesson. We see Catherine's guilt grow, and eventually, she fesses up...which doesn't sit well with Jacob. Jacob now has to come to the realization that Alice IS Beth...and faces quite a dilemma coming down the road.
Magpie is a typical villain, but had a purpose---steal shiny things because it's her obsession. She'll be someone we see again.
Overall, the story is moving at a decent pace, and they're not dragging things out. We're getting some pretty meaty stuff, and I enjoy it. I hope you are too. I feel the show is really beginning to find its legs.
That's it for this week. Please subscribe, pass the good word along, and leave some commnents, willya? Love to hear what YOU think and have to say.
Until next week...The Signal is Off!
Saturday, October 26, 2019
REVIEW: THE FLASH - SEASON 6, EP. 3: "Dead Man Running"
The Fastest Man Alive is certainly brooding a bit with the news of what COULD be his eventual departure from existence, and Iris is right there with him. They have yet to inform the team of his supposed future demise. Meanwhile, Killer Frost is still adjusting to being out in the world more, as Caitlin is taking a back seat, Ralph runs into new trouble, and Ramsey Rosso is looking at the results of his run in with gun runner Romero, whom he THOUGHT he killed last week, only to realize that the dark matter he used on Romero actually REVIVED him.
Barry and Iris are facing a problem this episode: being honest with the team about not only their little visit from the Monitor, who tells them of the impending CRISIS, but of the fact that the Flash will die, thus fulfilling the prophecy of Iris' article that's been a mainstay of the show since the beginning. They do decide to let the team know that there is an eminent threat coming...but doesn't say too much more at first. The entire conversation gets interrupted when Ralph takes a call from Joe--his mother Deb's been arrested.
We see Deb Dibney (what is it with these double lettered names for comic book characters?). She apparently has a rap sheet AND she's been yanking Ralph's string for years in regards to all the men that passed through his life since his father's death. Or so he believes. Cecile is there with him to lend support, He finds out she supposedly robbed a pawn shop next door to this bar, and they need to obtain whatever evidence they can to prove her innocence. So, they head to the bar she was seen in, and they look to obain the security footage, but the owner wants cash money to obtain the footage. Ralph, Ceicle, and Deb have to try and find another way. They come up with a distraction, by having Deb gamble and Cecile using her powers to help, as Ralph sneaks away to the bar owner's office, and manages to obtain the flash drive with the security footage using his powers.
Meanwhile, Barry has Frost tag along for assistance in finding out was behind a string of deaths at a safe house. They find several guards dead, as well as the gang that Romero ran...and more dark matter guns, with the dark matter missing gone. Barry does spot some blood left behind, and Frost has an idea as to where it might've come from. She pays a visit to Ramsey. They go to question him, and he sees that Caitlin is Killer Frost. She wants to interrogate him, but Barry has to reign her in. He finds blood samples in Rosso's lab, as the same at the safe house they investigating. Ramsey says it's just research, but Frost smells a rat. Barry convinces her that maybe they can use his help in resolving the situation, and finding Romero fast before he kills again.
We get to see new Central City Citizen employee Allegra come to Iris about who is behind a recent break in at McCulloch Industries. She manages to get proof that it's Harrison Wells. Iris is quick to jump on the story and keep Allegra out of it, before the secret gets spilled between the connection to Harrison Wells and Team Flash. Allegra is up for wanting the story, but Iris takes over. Allegra isn't happy about it, Iris then grabs Cisco, and they're on the trail. They DO manage to find Wells...from another Earth. But this one is ultra aggressive, taking Cisco down, and threatening him with a red rock, but something in his watch goes off when he gets closer to Iris. Cisco distracts him enough for Iris to taser him, and put him out of commission.
Ralph, Cecile, and Deb see an old flame of Deb's on the security footage. A man named Marv Grant. Turns out, Deb's fibbed to her little Ralphy, saying that the men in her life left, and she said they died to Ralph to protect him. Ralph does NOT take this well, and tells his mom to leave.
Barry and Frost try to use Rosso to help them track down Romero before he powers up with more Dark Matter. They DO get a bead on Romero, and as they confront him, Flash gets struck down, and Frost blasts him out a window, much to Flash's dismay. Thinking Romero was dead, they find out he disappeared. Flash and Frost argue about how the situation was handled. Back at STAR Labs, Rosso sees the samples that Caitlin had been working on, and starts to pocket a couple, but is caught by Barry. Barry lays it out for him: help out or get out. Ramsey reluctantly agrees, and manages to make a discovery, but not before he's faced with Romero again. While Ramsey is occupied, Barry and Frost have a talk, and she admits she's scared to die before she even has a chance to live. Barry tells her to live her life to the fullest and not worry about later. Ramsey faces down Romero, but is surprised to realize that whatever HE does, Romero a mirror image.
Iris and Cisco interrogate the new Wells, and asks him what he's after. He says he's looking for something called Eternium (a SHAZAM reference, perhaps?), and he tracked it to Earth 1. They want more answers, but he pulls a fast one on them, and uses cloud cover from a gas to make his escape.
Ralph and Deb have a heart to heart once she's cleared, and she says she was protecting him because all these men left her, and she didn't want him to suffer for it. He finally sees her point of view, and they make up. She takes off, and amends have been made.
Amends are something Iris has to make when Allegra threatens to quit the Citizen when she finds out that Iris is keeping secrets from her. Iris tells her that while she can't give her the truth at this point in time, to trust her, and she will get it. Allegra seems fine with that.
Flash and Frost manage to discover Romero has made it to STAR Labs, and capture him, and put him in the pipeline...but he escapes! They figure out that the only way to stop him is to give him all the Dark Matter he he'll overdose. The plan works, as Frost freezes him in place long enough for Flash to inject him with all the Dark Matter they have. Romero explodes into a gooey mess, but the threat ends. Barry sends Rosso on his way after he gets checked out. He returns to his lab, where he has more of Romero's blood sample, and starts to experiment with it. He realizes that the coagulation responds to his commands, and that he can absorb it into himself---he needs more Dark Matter.
The theam throws Frost a birthday party, and everyone is having fun, except Barry and Iris, who are still mulling over telling the team the full story about his eventual "death". They decide to be honest with them ,and gathers the team to tell them what's up.
We end the episode with Wells back out on the streets looking for this Eternium. He manages to track his source to a manhole under the streets he goes.
Another episode I enjoyed of the Flash. We got a little more character development from both Ralph AND Caitlin this more of what the hell is going on with Ramsey, as he seems to be shaping up to be the so-called "main" villain of AT LEAST the first half of this season, while the Monitor and CRISIS will trump that. We see Barry get frustrated with Frost as he tries to train her for the upcoming CRISIS, and get her more aware of how things work if she's going to be "out" more. It's not a smooth transistion, but we see how scared Frost is at not only ADAPTING to being on her own, but also balancing being a superhero AND wanting to survive this catastrophic event coming. She's genuinely scared, but I do give props to Barry for being that shoulder of strength when she needed it, in spite of his own fears about his upcoming fate during the CRISIS. We also see Iris having to deal with lying to her own employee to save face for the team, only to have the new girl call her out on the carpet. Iris was her usual strong self---especially in the face of the new Wells. She takes him down, and let's him know it. She also manages to convince Allegra that it's worth sticking around if she trusts her. I know for sure that Allegra is going to get pulled into Team Flash some way or another----it's inevitable.
Ralph's relationship with his mom is rocky. Deb's good at being manipulative, and we understand where Ralph gets a part of her con-job charm. But finding out that she was somehow responsible for all the men in her life leaving...thus leaving HIM, but a damper on their relationship. But even Deb had to have a LITTLE redemption---she's going to be a part of a wedding down the ME on that. As far as the new Harrison Wells goes---interesting version. Strong minded, all attitude, and kind of badass. He's on a mission to find this Eternium, and look forward to getting to know more about THIS Wells...AND the Eternium, down the road. Of course, what his relationship with Cisco will be is going to provide some great humor to help balance out the show with the drama that CRISIS will no doubt bring.
A solid episode that did a nice job of handling the balancing act between the characters and their own stories this week. Consistency is key, and if they can keep this up....the season will pan out to be spectacular.
Again...apologize for the last posting this week, but it was hectic, and not the way I wanted it. But here we are, another blog in the books, and I can't thank you all enough for sticking around. Please continue to do so buy subscribing, and passing the good word along, as I try to keep this blog on some sort of schedule. Also...don't be afraid to leave comments or's what I'm here for!
Until next week....keep on running!
REVIEW: ARROW - SEASON 8, EP.2: "Welcome To Hong Kong"
Welcome back to another edition of our Emerald Archer. Last week, we saw Ollie and Dig chasing after an antimatter weapon, and managed to nab Black Siren as Earth 2 was wiped from the face of existence. This week, The Monitor has another mission for Ollie, as he continues his globetrotting adventures around the world to compelte yet another task for the mysterious being that is plaguing the Arrowverse.
Ollie is dreaming as we start things off, having a conversation with the Monitor, who's admonishing him for interfering in the affairs of Earth 2, and grabbing Black Siren as her Earth perished. He is not to change any events leading up to the CRISIS. He is also charged with another mission: find a man named Dr. Wong, who has managed to create a weapon that they will need for the upcoming CRISIS. When he awakes, we discover that he's in familiar territory yet again: Hong Kong. It's here that he meets up with Dig and Laurel as they try to make their way out of the building Ollie woke up in. As they're chased down by a street gang, but manage to escape into streets of Hong Kong.
Laurel isn't real big on what's happening right now, having lost everything she knew and loved on Earth 2. She wants to get back, but she can't, because there's no more breach to get her there. She's pissed at Ollie, and decides she's going to get home one way or another, and to hell with him and his mission for the Monitor. She has contacts of her own that will get her home.
While Ollie and Dig begin the search for Wong, we've jumped ahead to New Team Arrow, as they argue about the botched mission. Vasquez is safe, but Connor's brother JJ made off with the code to his safe. In it, was a valuable hard drive. They procure that and William begins to decipher it, as Mia leads the team to a meeting with Connor, for which she gives him the riot act that if things go south again, she's killing JJ, no matter what. Connor reluctantly agrees.
Ollie and Dig come upon an ARGUS hideout, and manages to get past with using Lyla's codename "Harbinger" (better hold onto that one, kids, it'll be important later). There, they begin to get information about the location of Dr. Wong. Once they managed to locate him, they're off. Meanwhile, Ollie's feeling guilty about Earth 2, and Diggle has to pull his head out of his backside to focus on the mission. Sadly, they run into the same gang they bumped into earlier...which turns out to be his old foe China White's gang, who's ALSO looking for Dr. Wong. As they fight off her gang, they're met by and old ally: Tatsu Yamashiro - Katana! Turns out, she's just as aware of the Monitor as is Ollie. And when Ollie informs her of what he's after, she's none too pleased about it, but when Ollie tells her WHY--she's on board.
We check back in with Laurel, who's found an old "friend" to help her get back home to Earth 2. She ends up bumping into Lyla, who offers a helping hand. Laurel is forceful once they find the man to help her repair the extrapolator to get her home. He fixes it, but it does her no good when she uses it. There's no breach to take her back home....He tells her that there IS no more Earth 2. Laurel is broken. We see Lyla try to console her later on, to help her get through this, and let her know that she's come so far, and that there's a reason to keep going...for her loved one's sake...and for the people HERE who need her. To not let others suffer the fate as her Earth did.
After trying to get Dr, Wong, we see that Ollie can't seem to get past China White, as she hands him his ass (what is it with him? Can take own Damien Dhark and Ra's al Ghul...but gets the crap beat outta him by CHINA WHITE?!) . Now, they have to regroup and find China White and her gang, and get the weapon before she does. They mange to find out that Dr. Wong was making this weapon for the Chinese Government. Ollie breaks into the fortifed facility to obtain the weapon: Another creation of the Alpha/Omega Virus. He takes it, and brings it back. But he still needs Dr. Wong as well. He then makes a deal with China White---the Virus for the good Doctor. He agrees, much to Tatsu's displeasure. He tells her there's no other way, and she says there is ALWAYS another way. She tells him that he needs to be direct with The Monitor---find out his game.
We jump ahead a few years, where we see Mia, Connor, and Zoe take in a meeting with JJ...but it yields nothing. In fact, JJ is about two steps ahead of the team, as the real reason he took the meeting, was to provide distraction, while they headed to the Bunker, and obtained whatever info William procured from the hard drive. Mia threatens JJ, but he's dismissive of her, as he takes off...leaving the team to get back there quickly to save her brother.
Ollie, Tatsu, and Dig all prepare for the meet with China White. They exchage is about to go down, though China White knows Spartan and Katana are in the area. A fight breaks out, and as Diggle and Ollie handle China White's crew, Katana is hot on her heels. They do battle, and Katana bests her. But China White has a detonator that will set off bombs attatched to Dr. Wong. As she gets distracted enough, China White stabs her, but she doesn't get to set it off because Laurel and Lyla come to the rescue, and save the day. We later see Laurel decide to stick around with Dig and Ollie, as they continue their journey to fulfill the Monitor's demands before the impending CRISIS. has been building up for the last few seasons, meets with The Monitor to let him know that Dr. Wong is in ARGUS custody, and he wishes to talk to him. Just to drop an ever obvious Easter Egg on you all: Lyla Michaels is the woman known as Harbinger from the CRISIS comic. She will play a VERY huge role in this crossover coming up. But the mysterious person she'd been having clandestine meetings with, and secret conversations John wasn't allowed to hear? Guess who was on the other end....uh huh.
Ollie sees Tatsu one more time, and apologizes to her about not looking at alternatives. And he knows she's right---that he NEEDS answers to what the hell the Monitor wants from him. She says there's only so many places you can go to find answers---so, that's why he says he's going to Nanda Parbat.
Once again, another quality episode, that--as Stephen Amell had addressed to the fans of the show---is their way of saying "thank you" for being there these last 8 years. It's the show runner's gift to the last go around with Ollie and the many people that have crossed his path the last 7 years. This week, we got to see an old friend in Tatsu Yamashiro. I have always loved Katana as a character, and enjoyed the short appearances she's had on this show. I KNOW we will see her again when CRISIS begins, but it's still a treat to get at least one more trip down memory lane with her.
The long awaited reveal of the Lyla Michaels/Monitor connection is finally revealed, and it's about damn time. I've known of this for awhile, but for those in the new to the show, and NOT familiar with her character or the CRISIS mini series---the reveal happens at a good time, and helps draw her into her more prominent role once this crossover happens. She is a HUGE key in this story going forward, and more will be revealed as we get closer to the end of this series' run. I will say this---she managed to get through to Laurel, who is still traumatized at losing her entire world. That will in no doubt continue to weigh heavily on her as we inch closer to the end of the series, and her eventual rise in the spinoff show.
Speaking of spinoffs---Future Team Arrow isn't very smart or good at what they're doing in protecting the city. While they DID save Vasquez last week, they still fall two steps behind JJ and his Deathstroke crew. Connor tries to play the parent card, but it never works---JJ's all about destroying the city, ruling with an iron fist, and killing anyone getting in his way. He drew that line in the sand a looong time ago, and Connor tried to appeal to his good side...which there ISN'T any. Mia is still too hot headed, and not thinking like a leader clearly enough. She's still learning the role, as is Connor AND Zoe. These kids need to grow up fast if they've ANY hope of saving the city and upholding the legacies of their parents. Growing pains and continued failures seem to be on the horizon for this ragtag group until they learn to act cohesively and not impulsively.
What will we see next week, as Ollie and crew head to Nanda Parbat? We look forward to finding out! So, thanks for checking out the blog, and please subscribe and leave a comment! Sorry this week's edition is late---was a busy and VERY stressful week. But...back with a new edition next week.
Until then...keep your sights on the bullseye!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
REVIEW: BLACK LIGHTNING - SEASON 3, EP. 3: "“The Book of Occupation: Chapter Three – Agent Odell’s Pipe Dream”
I gotta say----this show is GOOOOOD! We get a bit of twists and turns, and just when you think you've got a handle on the situation---something else drops. The way the show runners handle the characters and give everything a nice balance is wonderful to see. We get drama, we get action, and we get some humor as well. Either way, this season of Black Lightning is off to a DAMN good start.
To start off---Painkiller. Khalil was just a jock when we met him....but he got the metahuman treatment courtesy of Tobias Whale when his back got snapped like a twig. We thought he was gone last season---dying to save Jennifer. But here he is---back in the flesh...and TWICE as nasty. Thanks to the implant by Agent Odell of the ASA...Painkiller has now become the perfect soldier---an unemotional killing machine. As we witnessed last episode, he had no problem killing his mother. We see him learning every style of martial art, perfecting his repertoire...all the while quoting terrorists like Pol Pot (read your history books, kids---the man was responsible for the murder of THOUSANDS of Cambodians), and telling Odell ways to quickly kill a man...much to Odell's delight.
Jennifer is now dealing with being the go-to kid for everything that goes down at Garfield. The new kid gets the Jennifer Pierce grand tour, which includes her filling him in on what happened at the school last year regarding her and Khalil. I think it's safe to say he's got the lowdown now. When she gets home...guess who's there to check in...Odell. I'll say this about the man--he keeps his cards close to the vest, and has an amazing way of manipulating EVERYBODY, despite the fact they don't trust him...but are willing to work WITH him for what THEY believe is the better cause. He asks Jennifer to head out to a meta human data center that the Markovians set up, and lay waste to it.,..which she later does. Unbeknownst to her, however, was that Khalil was sent to their hideout, and finished them off by killing the whole lot. So far, Odell's plans are working in his favor.
Jefferson and Lynn are also getting pulled by the strings...although Lynn puts Odell in his place reminding him that she does not work for him,. There is a virus that's rampant in the detention center, and it's killing metahumans. It had already claimed one casualty---the cop that was arrested by Williams. She asked Inspector Henderson to give some money to her husband that she had pilfered off some criminals. Henderson reluctantly agrees, and she dies. Because of this virus, Odell needs Lynn's help in finding a cure. She deduces that the virus was made by Dr. Jace, who is all to willing to kill in the name of science--and injected into Cyclotronic when he invaded the center last week. She goes to find a cure as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile, Jefferson is offered a watch by Odell...that only works when Jefferson uses his powers. Turns out, it gives him a new Black Lightning suit. Odell requests that Jefferson help him by rescuing ASA agents who're captured by the Markovian Army. He completes the mission, only to realize that the agents WILLINGLY got caught, so that they could eventually get Dr. Jace, but she's long gone by the time the "rescue" occurs.
While the rest of the Pierce family are occupied, Anissa's got her own problems: running from the ASA as they track Blackbird, and looking for her ex girlfriend Grace, who's been shapeshifting and hiding to avoid the ASA and whatever other trouble she's in. Anissa does finally meet with her gal, and offers to help her, letting her know she loves her, and wants her back. Grace accepts, and hopefully we can finally see this relationship blossom. However, Anissa had to tie up a loose end with Jamillah Olsen. She captured Blackbird in action earlier, but when she meets up with Anissa...all is good. It was a one night stand---fun, but no commitment. Anissa returns home at the end of the episode...glad to be with Grace.
I feel for Inspector Henderson in this episode. For a man that wanted to initiate change in Freeland, and have a better police department...he's failed at it. Not really his fault, considering the ASA wields immense power, and he's helpless against it. A woman accosts him in public when she asks if this is what he meant by "better". He said no, and she said that figures---get a black cop in charge, and nothing changes. On top of that, losing his officer to a metahuman virus, find out she stole money from criminals...but he ended up granting her last wish, as he delivered the money she set aside to her husband. A hard time all the way around for him.
Odell also has a finger in one more pie...another puppet on a string...though this one wants to clip his strings: Tobais. Because he's off Green Light, Tobias has regressed to his natural age, and is sick. He refuses the medication, and works through his pain. He knows what Odell wants---the briefcase. But Tobias wants what HE wants---control of Freeland, his youth back, and a pile of cash. Odell offers him another deal, but Tobias tells Odell to blow smoke up his backside. Odell gets downright nasty with him, and opens up the ceiling in his cell, exposing Tobias to intense sunlight. And, as an albino, Tobias' body isn't adept for it, and he starts to blister. But he holds his ground and continues to resist Odell.
After Jefferson completed his mission, him and Lynn are released from the ASA's custody, and head home. The family reunited, the ladies either head upstairs or leave...leaving Jefferson alone to click off the light.
Tobias is the last thing we he's having a nightmare about Black Lightning, mocking him.
This episode was really focused on Odell, and his many manipulations to get what he wants. He's using the Markovian threat to lure Jefferson into his war. But to be honest---we gotta ask ourselves something: aside from what Dr. Jace can and HAS done---how did this war with Markovia get started? How much has Odell pulled strings to initiate this. We know from last week, they have an agenda, and Odell reiterates THIS week that they want all the metahumans, and control of the world. But how much of that is truth, and how much of it is a lie that Odell is using to gain an advantage. And the fact that he killed Issa last week, because he was too powerful to keep around, what with being able to compel people to tell the truth---NOT something Odell wanted, so he had to go.
Odell has gotten to Jefferson in a way...even though Jefferson still doesn't trust him (nor should he). The watch with the new super suit was great, and operates only on Jeff's power---but there's gotta be a catch. With Odell, it's ALWAYS a catch. Who's to say he hasn't put a tracker or rigged the damn thing to disable Jeff should he "go off the reservation" so to speak. Someone brought that up @ Den Of Geeks, and it's an interesting thought. Odell isn't against getting downright dirty to get what he wants---as we saw with Tobias. But he tends to keep an even keel, and an almost unemotional detatchment from these people. They're pawns in his little game. Khalil, whom he's turned into a living Terminator, and even pulling on Jennifer's strings, as we finally see her take flight in HER super suit to destroy the Markovian data center. I wonder what will happen when she eventually finds out Khalil is alive---but NOT what she remembers of him.
The only one who's been able to avoid the ASA radar and manipulations from Odell is Anissa. As Blackbird, she's busted up ASA detention centers, managed to get metas to safety, and work on her own personal life in the process. I like how Jennifer felt like the grown up this episode, as she wanted Anissa to check in. I love the sisterly bond between the two. Anissa finally getting Grace back in her life has an upside---she's got her gal. But what about Grace herself? She still seems skittish, and we'll have to see whether or not their relationship can weather the current storm.
Lynn is a badass. Very take charge, no BS kind of woman. She knows something is up with Odell, and won't let him toy with her. But she's also in disagreement with Jefferson about a couple of issues, and wondering if their re-connection will suffer because of Odell's mind games.
Either way, another awesome episode. What did YOU think? Lemme know by leaving a comment. And HEY! Subscribe and pass it along---let's make the blog GROW, gang!
Until next week...The Power is OUT!
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